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heya everyone!

December is finally here and christmas will be coming soon, I hope you all will have a wonderful month and holidays!♥  Also I wanted to apologize for being a bit late with this post, usually I make them before a new month starts but as some of you already know due to discord, my health status has gradually gotten worse.

Before anyone complains again about me catching some sickness again, it's not some sort of sickness you can get rid off with medication, it's something that can only get solved with surgery, a coloscopy and some other check-ups and preparations (which I'm already getting, my final surgery is set for January 15th) plus I've been dealing with it for several months now, it has been affecting my whole body and leaving my whole immune system kinda weak. I'm having a kinda hard time due to that and have to take breaks if necessary, still I'm trying to do my best as usual :) I'll get the results of my blood testing tomorrow so hopefully I might get some medication then that might help me with my constant exhaustion.

anyways, back to the work related things!
For the sketch people, please send me what you want as your sketch until the 12th of December! Feel free to also ask me for plus sketches but keep in mind that I might decline/not do them, possibly not doing any at all depending on my health status since I can't tell yet if it will improve or not. I hope you understand! >.<

also as you might've seen by the small teaser that I posted , I finally got the sketches from Stepandy! So starting with this month I'll officially work on the comic collab so there won't be any fanart votings for a while since I'm working on the comic pages instead! (As I've already told months ago, for all the new people who might not have seen that). I'm super excited for the comic and hope you all will like it as much as I do since I'm loving the story and sketches! ♥ It'll be patreon exclusive for a good while so I'd ask you all not to share the pages or WIPs until me and Stepandy post them outside of Patreon, please respect our wishes!

That's all for now, a big welcome to the new people here, thank you so much for your support and I wish you all a great month! :D 


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