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So my busy week + birthday party weekend are over now, I'm really sorry for the delay it caused but I can't work with a big amouth of guests at my house (and I also honestly don't want to since they came to visit me and ignoring them to draw would be plain rude and I see some of them only once a year in person). I wanted to make this clear again since I got two messages from people that were disappointed in me for this and I'm really sorry if you feel like that but my birthday is important to me and so are my friends.

Anyways, for the sketch people, please send me what you want until the 11th of November! Prefered via discord since I can just pin the messages there and easily look them up ^^ also if you're interested in a Sketch +, please tell me in advance and keep in mind that depending on how many people are asking me I might decline. I still appreciate it though!

As for the biggest news for this month, I should be finally able to start working on the comic collab! I'm currently still waiting for Stepandy to reply to my message, but we had it set for this month so it should be just a matter of time! I'm super excited for it to be honest since I haven't seen the sketches myself yet, but I'm really looking forward to it! I'll keep you updated as soon as I got any news! <3

If you haven't caught the information in the past months yet, during my work on the collab comic I won't do any fanart votings or additional fanart pictures since I simply don't have the time to do so. I'll just work on some commissions in the meantime but that's because I literally need the money to live. I hope you understand.

That's all for now, thank you so much for your support and I wish you a great month! ♥



We all understand everybody needs time off and you’re no different I hope the birthday was awesome