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Hello everyone! :D

Since the best month isn't too far away now, it's time for another update post!
First of all my  wrist status: After listening to what my doctor said and not overdoing it plus wearing my brace, my wrist has gotten much better and I got rid of the pain almost completely! I'm really happy about that since not being able to draw would've been kind of a nightmare to me ;v;

next point would be regarding the voting. Since it's the last month before I'll be working on the comic collab with Stepandy, I was thinking about maybe doing something special? I don't have anything specific in mind yet but I'm open for suggestions as I really don't have any characters in mind for this month! I personally would just love to spend the month working on spooky halloween themed pictures or practise some things I've been wanting to practise for a while, like doing more animations, studies. etc. I don't know if this would be okay with you guys though, but I'll probably put it as a voting option.

Also another rather minor but still somewhat important thing : My birthday is on October 29 and I'll be celebrating it with a bunch of friends for at least a full weekend plus I'll also celebrate Halloween which means on these dates I won't be able to draw at all! So please keep that in mind.

For the people with the sketches, please send me what you want as your sketch via pm (prefered on discord) until the 8th of October ♥

Before I'll end this post, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all so much for your support again!! Not a single day goes by without me being incredibly thankful that you all exist and that you make it possible for me to live my dream as a full time artist .I'm sorry, I'm really bad at putting this into words but I'm just super thankful that you all love my art so much!! It means so much to me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much! ♥

That's all for now, I hope you all have a great remaining weekend, I'm looking forward to your comments and wish you a great spoopy October! ^u^



Danke evo, du bist ne gute Künstlerin, und die supportet man sehr gerne^^, und für das voting würde ich eventuell vorschlagen ne spooky evo animation^^, und danke für all deine wunderbare Kunst, mach weiter so^^


Your the best evo! We love you!