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So as I already mentioned in some of my posts and on tumblr, I've been sick for the past few days and still are. Hopefully I'll feel better soon and I'm still working on everything remaining for this month! Just not as fast as I wish I could. But I got pretty much everything almost done for this month so don't worry there won't be any delays ^.^   (at least I hope so).

That's pretty much all I wanted to say in case somebody didn't get the info yet , I'll still do my best to finish my stuff! :3

I'm wishing you all a great weekend and thank you all so much for your support <3



Sorry to hear about being sick it sucks im just getting over the flue myself hope we both get better soon lol


Get well soon Evo! ;3


Thank you ;v; I'm still sick but after I visited the doctor today and got some antibiotics I'll hopefully finally feel better soon