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Ko-fi commission for this month to cover up some extra costs after my trusty oven ended up breaking last sunday and I ended up being confronted with having to buy a new one which was unfortunately not cheap but considering the oven was pretty old, repairing would've been almost as expensive as getting a new one so I decided to do an extra ko-fi comm to get some extra funds to get an actually good one this time since I bake and cook alot 🙏

for those who don't keep up to date on discord, where I did speak about this, the Oven issue along with some health related things I had to take care of (managed to stub one of my toes so badly on my exercycle, I had to get an doctor's ordered xray to make sure it wasn't broken, thankfully it turned out it was only partial and will most likely heal on its own without further issues, it still hurts a little but not as badly anymore. Considering I managed to go through life without breaking a single bone so far, this would've been the absolutely dumbest way for that to happen ngl 😂 ) , these things are why I have been fairly silence here this week so far, aside from the severe brainrot that has been consuming me 🫣

ANYWAYS before I ramble some more about unrelated things to the commission, the person who got the ko-fi slot asked for Echidna fire emblem and I will never pass an opportunity to draw more buff ladies 🫡




AHHHHH BUFF WOMEN SAVE ME.... Hope you heal up soon Evo!! Thank you for the gorgeous artwork and take care 🥺🙏


*looks to his Echidna in FEH and wonders if it's time to give her some new skills*