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I know I said back to hornyposting BUT it's sunday so weekend so I get to draw what I want and for today I decided to finish up this doodle of a concept that's been in my mind for a while now.

Grima is fundamentally immortal (until he quite literally ends his life on his own, or his vessel does) , he can always just get a new body even if the one he currently inhabits might fall apart or die... Kiran isn't, even if he could enhance her lifespan magically, there is no guarantee she'd life forever which is probably something Grima has to come to terms with at some point and won't be happy about. I mean technically he could bring her back from death, either normally or as a risen, but for the regular revival like he does with Validar, would there be limits? Would she still age? If she gets revived as a risen, would she still be herself? And neither of these options would probably actually make her immortal.

So I picture this as one of the few kinda scenarios where Grima would be genuinely sad and honestly, I kinda wanted to draw that, it's the kinda thing you don't see on him alot and I just wanted to draw him really sad and haunted for once. I felt like it would be more appropriate for the Fallen Timeline, considering he's a little more... don't have the right word for it , but believe me it makes sense and it's why he has the six eyes and scales and the skull-thing also feels a little more appropriate

It's not just any skull he's holding here, it's actually Kiran's skull, which technically makes this a couple picture I guess 💀 But I like to imagine that Grima would carry around her skull after she has passed on because he has a hard time letting go and he wouldn't trust anyone else with her body either or leave her on her own.

Either way that's it folks, I've filled my angst art quota for a lifetime, gonna stop writing more before it gets too depressing 😅 This was great practise for facial expressions and generally just drawing and exploring the sort of scenario I don't usually do, call it practise with a purpose 🙈

I think mentioned it in the past but it's really not something I've ever enjoyed drawing much, I was never the vent kinda artist haha. I'm very rarely making exceptions and then it's usually only for concepts that I want to draw out, sad art usually isn't hyper carthatic to me like it is to alot of artists, it just makes me sad, my usual vent art to destress is either horny or shitposts 😂

Happy sunday y'all! 🙏💕



jacob obara

She comes back as a spooky ghost as it has been established that ghosts do exist in fire emblem.... but then again Hel did say in F!Dimitri's FB that "the dead do not want or care for anything" so now I'm left wondering if Grima did just summon her as a spooky ghost would she still be just as lifeless as her Already dead body? Nah! I choose to believe that spooky ghost chibi Kiran keeps misplacing Grima's coffee mug for the lols.