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As I mentioned on discord already, I've been going through it ™️ pretty badly in terms of health due to my body deciding to hit me with a bunch of stress-related things much earlier than it was supposed to with me also not allowed to take painkillers for it due to a very recent tooth inflammation I was dealing with where I reached the max of uninterrupted dosage days for them so in the past two days I was pretty much dead 💀 Like straight up zombie-mode-stay-indoors-and-constantly-fall-asleep-dead-exhausted-and-in-pain-dead so the sketches got delayed for bit, been wanting to tackling them sooner but I really was just dead.

 Thankfully feeling alot better today and hope it stays like that so I can get some good work on the sketches done today, wish me luck for it!! 🙏 To test out how well I fare I wanted to doodle a quick Summer Alear as warmup since I predicted her showing up in the summer banners this year a few weeks ago, also in the spirit of the theme of the month with the beach artworks 🫶

So now without further ado, I will work on the reward sketches! 💪



jacob obara

All shall despair before the awesome power of the blowup Sommie!!!