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Please bear with me, due to alot of unexpected and turbulent events in the past ~7 days I'm slightly changing my schedule a bit, I've been mentioning why in some previous post and on discord too, I've been rather unplanned scheduled for an important blood testing after a check up during a doctor's appointment last week on top of a bunch of other IRL things I'm taking care of this week and been waiting for the testing results for the past few days now, they did arrive this afternoon so I have an appointment to discuss them with my doctor tomorrow and I've been lowkey very stressed about the whole situation in the past few days, hence I've been slow with alot of things and haven't posted alot of finished up stuff despite a whopping three almost finished WIPs sitting in my folder. I've decided to postpone them a little bit until I have the results and finally gotten some good sleep again so I can enjoy working on them to the fullest again (it's all personal art pieces and I want to have fun working on them! 🙏💕) .

So until at least tomorrow I'll be working on stuff that was planned for later this month (Point trade ins and the raffle winner picture) first, so you guys don't get confused why there's suddenly other things showing up despite the pretty much finished WIPs I've been showing 🙏

It's also why I haven't dropped the update post for the month yet, been wanting to do it every single day of the week so far but as I said in discord, every day so far was "the test results are supposed to be there but weren't there yet", which made it a bit hard to actually settle with a schedule for the month 🫠 HOPEFULLY tomorrow will be the day though where I can then finally plan appropriately.

Until then take this BIG TIDDY point trade in WIP I'm currently working on 🫶




Good luck with all that Evo!! I hope it all goes well (and thank you for the food)