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We are SO fucking back y'all

Edit: okay as it turned out Patreon did in fact for some reason NOT save the text I typed here with the post except that first sentence which is honest to god so fucking funny and I just saw it 😂

And while it makes me wheezelaugh like hell I still should add some words that were supposed to be here all along 😂

SO! WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK Y'ALL, not only am I back with another new Kiran alt (no Grima this time because he technically already is there, as I mentioned in the WIP post this is a design to go along with the Butler Grima that I received as a gift 🖤) and not only that I'm also actually feeling my rendering again since a while and having a blast with the stuff I'm drawing 😤 I will most likely add a Flatcolor version of this soon too since it's supposed to be a reference, I just got kinda carried away with rendering it because I genuinely had a good time working on it. Also I'm really toying with the idea to make little references like this and the summer & Gala alts prior, they're really fun to do also useful and great practise for fullbody pictures. The design is mostly based off the Three houses maid outfit as a base and then some unique Askr & summoner outfit inspired elements along with a few personal choices like the tights and skirt length that fit Kiran's personality well c: Since I went with giving her baked goods as a weapon (the fabulous placeholder muffins here that I didn't end up replacing with a bigger cake as I originally wanted 🙈), I also tried to make the outfit patisserie inspired to a degree so it feels like a mix of that and a maid.

One of Kiran's favorite hobbies has always been baking so I'm glad I actually got around to give her an alt that showcases that a little more <3 I already added it in a prior alt but it's less obvious unless you really know about it and why, her Christmas alt's weapon of choice are self-baked Christmas cookies! I've commissioned some art and also drawn some where she throws them around haha. The maid alt is a more direct reference to that c: one of the hardest bits about designing this alt was actually to keep it simple, I've been wanting to add a bunch more details and had to actively wrestle myself not to so she fits aesthetically into the teatime banner 😂

I hope you guys like it!! 💖

I'm also sending you guys some virtual muffins made by Kiran.

I had a very busy day today with a bunch of IRL things & health related stuff to take care of (as I also mentioned on discord, past few days have been a bit turbulent with lots of appointments etc.) so I haven't gotten around to do alot today yet, but will becatching up with that soon 🙏

Edit2: flatcolor version has been added 🙌



jacob obara

Great now I have a hankering for chocolate chip muffins, but they don't sell them anywhere in my city! Why do you do this to me Evo!? WHY!?