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This started as a warmup doodle after I saw a bunch of really creative and funny redraws & edits of this twitter meme and laughing about them with the friend I'm currently visiting and I had the idea I could make a Kiran & Grima version of it since it fits my state of mind perfectly, but as things are when I really have a good time, what originally was "I will just flatcolor this" turns into " I will render this" 😂

Kiran's face is so fucking funny I've been giggling the whole time while working on it 🤣

I'm still possessed, ascended earlier today when seeing Resplendent Grima's HD artworks and heard the voicelines so I had to cope with a funny shitpost before moving to my other WIPs again 😏

I'll be dropping you guys the update post hopefully today, been meaning to do it yesterday but as I already mentioned in discord earlier, since I'm going to a convention this week that's a bit farther away from my home and I'm currently staying with friends that I'll attend the con with, I was pretty much stuck on a +6 hour long train ride yesterday and plain exhausted after that so I my brain was mush by the time I arrived 🙏 So I haven't really gotten anything done yesterday but will hopefully change that today, in case I wont, it's gonna be the first thing I'll do tomorrow 🙌



jacob obara

Well, there goes Grima's social life. heaven forbid he ever even tries speaking to another summoner.
