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I COOKED, actually managed to finish all of this today, which I'm really proud of !😤💪

Now this commission was alot of fun to work on, it's Bernadetta but as an Alraune, basically a carnivorous plant monster girl which is genuinely such a big brain concept, also I love monstergirls so how could I not enjoy working on this -

 Can't believe I've never drawn Bernie until now.

The outfit design is entirely made by me for this based on aesthetic references and some design element wishes that were provided, I think I did pretty well 🙌

I hope you like it and thank you so much for commissioning me!! 💕




10/10 Would cuddle with


Loved Alraunes ever since the first Castlevania game I played. But Bernadetta looks suspiciously friendly. Dare I approach? ...Come to think of it, she might like being an Alraune. She can just hide in the plant parts whenever people approach.