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Just trying something new this month and sharing some thoughts on the latest poll results.

Also, interested in hearing the opinions on others.

First thing, the results of the polls. This order doesn't represent the order when they will be released.

Scene 1: Futa on Futa POV, Dominatrix/BDSM style sitting with a Super costume/theme.

Scene 2: Futa on Futa POV, sitting with a Demon costume/Theme

For the second scene the Dominatrix and Sit & Watch Scene Types tied. For the sake of variety and making our job a little easier, I'm going to make it a Sit & Watch as doing 2 new style scene might take too much time. Too much of the same can spoil the specialness of the new style. I think variety is more important.

Scene 3: Not voted on, but I want to let people know that this will be a Female on Male POV scene. Theme and Scene Type are undecided right now but we kinda like to keep the non-voted scenes as a bit of a surprise.

Now for the poll and opinions needed from you, I noticed that for the position category sitting was overwhelmingly popular in both polls. Is this the community telling me that sitting is the optimal position for experiencing these scenes? Should I ditch that category and just assume Sitting will always be voted for? When we started ClubJulze, we focused on that style cause it was the position we felt was most comfortable to experience these style scenes and the concept was based around lap dances. But if we are going to branch out a bit into other types of scene types, would it be best to keep that option open?

My thoughts are that in the future, the category will always see sitting in the future making the option pointless. However, if you don't agree, my thought will be, if both polls win in Sitting, I will choose the next most popular option for one of the two.

If you have your own opinions, please post a comment or send a message. FYI, the messaging system on VAMHub is much better than Patreon. However, feel free to use what best works for you.



Personally like laying down but sitting can be worked with so no big deal


Yeah, I don't mind recording the laying down position. It's not any harder to record mocap for, the challenge is that it might not be as comfortable with a headset on.