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Hey there! Um...the 0.12v is finally out haha

I've been concentrating quite a lot in the story, gameplays. But, don't worry.

I know ya'll aren't here for only gameplay, I've put in some H-scenes as well.

Emily's blowjob scene, and Elasha/Lyra/Taze's Peek scene.

the 3 members ones are not a long scene. I need to develop more story line

to be in that scene deeply....

I'm quite excited for the added contents next month, and I'm planning on doing a poll of

which characters I should develop first for the side story.

So stay tuned and enjoy the game!

-I strongly recommend you to play from the beginning. Since the prologue starts from day1.

Windows: bit.ly/3YVPT2h

Mac: bit.ly/3qOsvqQ

Android: bit.ly/45o1oSy

ps: I was so busy but I wanted to upload today, but there's not much time for re-check today, so...I'll be doing it tomorrow. If there's error, I'm sorry, it'll be updated tomorrow....

android users, wait a bit more please..




During the night I noticed 2 characters one of which had a axe and when I tried clicking them it said locked, is this a glitch?


https://imgur.com/a/dCS89cu It won't show their names and I already tried to click on them before and it won't work