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Several people have come to me to tell me that there are people asking for my CC outside of patreon. Of course, I’m aware that some people are sharing the content that they are paying for, with their friends and I wasn’t going to say anything, but I would kindly ask that you please refrain from doing this because it’s making it extremely hard to continue publishing my works especially when my country is dealing with a terrible hurricane right now and every post I’ve been making I have to go to a cafe every morning to use their internet because the residential power is off. It’s very bad. I don’t have thousands of patreons like some people, but I still do the best I can with what I have and I’m very grateful for all of your support I only ask this one thing. Please, because its really hurting me in more ways than one. Love you guys & thank you for understanding! ❣️



many blessings to you I hope all is well!


Thank you!!!! It’s really difficult, but I will hang on. ❤️❤️❤️


Trust me I know the feeling, my state (Louisiana) has been hit by 2 major hurricanes with less than a month time frame


This is absolutely discouraging, but something that I've noticed as the norm here more recently. The saddest part about this, is at a time like this that we ALL are experiencing all over the world, we should be supporting and respecting the hard work of creators that bring some glimpse of joy to our grim circumstances. However, we still have people who are selfish which in my opinion, have helped place our once somewhat pleasant world in the condition its in today.


Well, I’m definitely praying for you & everyone else trust me. This is really insane. This has been quite a year! Please stay safe.❤️🙏🏽