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Hey guys, I will no longer be using Tumblr as a platform to advertise my content. Its not a positive place at all in my opinion and I just don't want to be bothered with an atmosphere filled with so much hate and division. I feel that regardless of if some creators choose to use link shorteners, or Patreon to earn and help out with anything in their lives they should be able to have that right without it being such an uproar. I wish that the community would focus on sticking together rather than tearing eachother apart and bashing just because they don't agree.

 I figured that if I returned to Tumblr to advertise my content that this sort of thing would happen and of course it has happened sooner than later, but I want you all to know that I will still be here. I feel it was important to make this post because if you visit my blog on Tumblr it is empty now. I only want to be surrounded by people who truly support me and feel toward me, the same way I feel toward all of you. I hope that you all will continue to stand behind me and for all of you that do, know that I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.  More content is coming this week. Thank you for your support this month and I look forward to seeing what Febuary will bring.

Because I will no longer be using Tumblr as a platform (or Adfly) - and because some people are stealing content from my patreon and posting it online, it seems that there will need to be some mandatory (and security related) changes that will have to take place on this account and the most important of those at the moment is that I will most likely be charging one set price ($5)  for all of you to have access to every single thing I release. I hope to start this probably in March because it would be far too short a notice to make that kind of change now and I am still working out the best way to transition. Personal requests and content will still remain at ($10) for those of you who prefer that. 

  I know I will lose some Patrons for this, but it isn't about the money to me as I have tried to say before.. Yes it makes sense (to me) to earn from the time I spend, but I do this for you guys you know... and because I really enjoy it and its actually .. well when I first started (before all the drama) it was a stress reliever.. I know I will lose some patrons, but $3 patrons have been the ones stealing content because I was making most of it $3 so that it was affordable for most ... I can't quite push it to $10 that would make absolutely no sense, but I am trying to make it a little harder for people to steal from what you guys pay for. I want it to be fair.  

It's 1:02 am here and I have had such a hard day today honestly so I am going to go and get some rest. If any of you ever need anything know that you can always ask I am a normal person living a normal life just like many of you .. I don't know why that seems to be such a hard thing for so many to grasp, but for those of you that do, thanks for being so understanding and patient with me.

If you have any friends that ask or may want to know what happened to me, feel free to let them know :)

 Love you guys; don't forget that! xoxo

(I am staying in touch with Patreon support to see if there is a better way to do this because I really am trying my best to avoid this, but as of now, this seems to be the best way I can come up with since patreon does not have the best security.. and if any of you have some suggestions or ideas I am always open to hear them)



Will you maybe made a wixsite page ? Because I cang live without you page & I‘m not sure how long I can support you 🙈😩


No, I won’t be making Wix I’ve used Wix before and the reports got my site deleted numerous times and Wix’s customer service was the most terrible service I’ve had. Ive moved between Tumblr, Blogger, Squarespace, Wix.. Ive tried everything babe. :(


Oh no :( 😭



Dana Anna

I'm at 3$ right now and I have no problem switching to 5$ come march. Do what you need to do! You work hard on this stuff for us.


Is it possible to switch to a system where people are forced to pay the $3 and up on the first day of every month? I know that's what one patreon did to combat this problem. They have people pay on the first of every month and anyone who hasn't been charged yet has to wait a month before they're able to use the new content. For them, instead of posting the download links, they sent it via messages to the people who have paid for that current month.


So there won't be releases this month?


This post didn't say anything about there not being any releases this month lol. If you are pledging then I am creating. I mean.. it wouldn't make sense to have people pledge for literally nothing. So to answer your question, yes there will be releases this month. I am gearing my patrons to the $5 Tier so some will be $5 exclusives but I do intend to release some $3 as well. However, it wouldn't make sense to release a bunch of $3 content when I plan to switch to a set pledge of $5 starting March 1rst.