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Hello everyone, after checking some stuff (personal stuff, university finals and other amounts of work), I decided to make a modification in the next voting.

Votations in general will be a bit different. But let's talk about the Minor votes this time. Minor votation so far were only sketches, I've been asked several times to color them, and I kinda want it, so the modification will be, instead of 2 sketches per month, I'll do 1 full colored pic per month, the amount of detail will be based on my Milestones.

So, the next sketch votation won't happen, instead, a new votation will be uploaded soon after this post. The new votation consist on people voting for 1 new colored picture or coloring one of the past sketches.

If New colored pic wins: A new votation starts with the previous format, around 12 options and you will use your minor votes just like before.

If Past sketch getting colored wins: A new votation starts, however people will use the minor votes to vote between 4 past sketches

This kind of votations will be done until all sketches are colored or depending on the interest they receive.

There are more changes which will be explained on December, I'm just waiting until I start my school vacations so I can focus on this stuff better.




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