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Hello everyone, first of all I want to thank all of you for your support, all the content made here is only posible with your help!

As you may know this Patreon page objective is mainly comics, however is not restricted to it and this may change in the future.

I've been checking and measuring things along the month, checking what works and what not. I've noticed the comic pages feels slower than usual, mostly due the detail increase and cost increase at the Funding Shop, specially sis's gamble and Depths of magic. So usually is 2 pages per month. So to prevent the speed of releasing pages to drop I came up with 2 things.

- Adding comic pages to Rotating content, so patrons who are mainly interested in them can ask for more.

- Adding milestones to get 1 page extra per month, I'm thinking in adding this milestone to 800-900. My income depends in Patreon and commissions, but with 800-900 I may be able to focus even further on Patreon content, this doesn't mean stop completely doing commissions, so no worries for those who are interested-

If the milestone is achieved and comic pages are voted as Rotating Content, the total pages per month could potentially increase to a max of 4-5, doubling the speed of which pages are released.

December will be a month of adjustments in my Patreon overall, so next year we can start fresh. I don't have plans to change tier rewards, so no one will need to adjust anything in that regard.

If you have any feedback, suggestions or anything, feel free to comment.




Sounds good to me


You should all always do what feels most important :). Personally, I don't like it when artists completely stop taking comissions. It's always sad, since half the time the images I like best are the ones that someone comissioned. It adds another avenue of creativity, some good, some bad. Just keep it at a level you're comfortable with :). (And increase comission prices as needed.)


Yeah you are right, I wasn't planning to stop doing commissions, so maybe I worded that wrong, I'll fix that part now, so no worries about that, Just thought the comics are a bit slow and needs somer sort of boost.