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Winner of last month's poll is complete! Time for this month's winner(s), and Kaguya 5, which is about half done already now. I have seen that desudesu has released volume 6 already, but I haven't had a chance to read through it yet to decide if I'll do my own version or not... though as a general rule, as long as a book is readable and not a rewrite, I won't rework another translator's book. And desudesu is usually pretty decent, so I'll probably just be waiting for volume 7.

I'll try to have another poll up tomorrow, but I need to find a couple books to add in now that I'm taking two off. I could also do another all Crimson poll I guess... but then I'll still be jumping on Kaguya 7 as soon as I see it out... We'll see what I can dig out of my giant doujin folder.


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