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Over the past week, YouTube has been nuking MMD channels that focused mainly on NSFW (but not explicit) content, W&S and RatzyMMD being among them.

Now there is the possibility that my channel will be left untouched, but considering YouTube's constant crackdown on what they consider "adult content",  and their recent changes in management and policies, I don't have high hopes.

I haven't found a good alternative to YouTube at the moment, at least one that I trust to have long-time support and also allow me to post non-explicit NSFW content.

For now, I'm simply going to start posting the non-explicit versions on Iwara alongside the explicit versions I normally post there.

Due to that site's file limitations, I'm forced to downgrade the resolution and quality of a video in order to post it. To make up for this, I'm going to start offering the HQ versions of the non-explicit videos as another reward available to those who pledge to the Maker tier on my Patreon.

In the end I can only wait and hope YouTube doesn't does strike down my channel. In the meantime though, I'll be taking measures to make my older content available through other means so they aren't lost to the void and keep a look out for other alternative sites that might crop up.



There are three sites besides Patreon I've subscribed to at one time or another to support adult content: Pixiv Fanbox - Like Patreon it has an issue with arbitrary bans and shifting guidelines, but I think it is popular and might be a good option. Fantia - A site I know is used by some other Iwara content creators. A major downside being that it lacks a good English interface. SubscribeStar - A site that is lacking in features and less popular compared to Patreon, but is much more permissive of adult content. Having never been a content creator on any of these sites, I can't say for sure if any of them would meet your needs or not.

DatMMD Guy

Thanks for the suggestions! I haven't really had any issues with Patreon so far, it's just that YT was a way for me to share my videos, and now I'm worried they might take it all down without any warning.