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Part 1 to the Exhibition Update it Out! Just talk to Yui and ask her to go out!

I think you can access the menu from anywhere right now, But there all park themed.

Raise Yui's braveness to unlock all the options! Change outfits will also change dialogue (mostly). Have fun for now, I will be putting a cap on how many events can be done in a day/night cycle just not right now! 

Will polish up these events in the upcoming week or so as well

Let me know if any bugs pop up!

P.S I will fix the music this week to as well!




Bug report, the third option to unlock sex doesn't appear after talking to Bob and Yui.


Did you go through the NTS route and then talk to Bob at work?


Yes, I did. I even restarted the game to just make sure and it didn't work again. Edit: I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it. That seems to have fixed it.


I played the game, and I think I can give you some suggestions on it. There is a lot that needs and can be improved, starting with the gameplay loop, story, events, and dialogues. I will not mention them since I believe they are quite obvious at this point, and you are pursuing them. I will give you some suggestions for some events or scenes that I would like to see. One is for Yui to have sex in secret and then send pictures or videos to the player at random points in time, another is for Yui to have sex with Bob at the store while Jimmy is working there and send pictures to the MC while he is working to tease him. These are more on the NTS route. For the NTR one, you can explore the QOS and blacked kink more, or alternatively, you can have Yui actively start to search for sex with other characters and have hidden sex, which the player can see while exploring the town or watch on the web. A good story line for the NTR route is to be able to see or guide Yui on a path of moral degradation and debauchery while the MC gets absorbed in the NTR kink. Now on the game itself. At this point in time, the game feels more like a learning experience for you, which is not bad; it's just that I believe you can get more feedback on the game and suggestions on it if you were to make it available on some forum sites like F95. I do not know how important the Patreon support is for you; however, by doing it this way, you can reach a broader audience to play the game and have a more solid base from which to start the development of the next game. As it stands, I do not see the current game taking off or going beyond serving as a learning experience. There is definitely an audience for NTR, NTS, QOS content and I believe you can find a place there. Besides all of the above, I would like for you to consider an update to the Patreon tiers based on what I said above. Currently, the $5.50 tier is quite limited in content; the comics, while enjoyable, are too short and limited in scope to justify staying subbed at this tier. As for the game, it is too early for it to generate any significant traction, and it lacks too much quality to keep it competitive with other games. What I suggest is to move the comics and the current game to a $3 tier; by doing this, people will be more likely to sub and see your work. I hope you find my suggestions helpful in any way.


Ahh thank you so much for all the advice and suggestions! Yes this is very much a learning experience for me 😅. I was thinking about posting the game on F95, I think im gonna get a good base line of a game first. Maybe I'll make a $3 discount price just for the game so people can see whats going on.