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Is it me, or has Patreon gotten worse with its site navigation? Something about this place seems to be bothering me and I can't quite put my finger on what it is. What I can say it that it's a freaking pain that the ONLY notice I get from this place is when I get a new patron. So if I get sent messages or comments, I don't know about them! The problem is that my mind is so shot that I forget to check on here so I can respond and post for you guys. Heck, even google is doing the same with my accounts and changing my default on so that I miss out on messages. 

You might've also noticed that I've blurred out lewdness on my works uploaded here. This is mainly because I am finding out that nsfw artists are getting hit hard and are having to move to other places. I don't really fancy moving to another place, but I might have to keep that option open (just in case). 

Sorry about that, I just needed to rant. 


Tony V

Patreon's got two issues when it comes to NSFW artists. 1: Since they're the biggest patron site, they have an "image" to uphold, so the kind of artists who were fine years ago are seen as a blemish, and 2: they have to accept Paypals demands in order for the service to stay with this site. Nowadays, it's probably better for artists, especially ones getting suppressed by Patreon, to hop over to SubscribeStar, which is a much lenient patron service (to the point that they were denied Paypal service since they wouldn't comply with the TOS of the service).


SubscribeStar have come up a few times before. I will have to look into that as an option.


Do what you gotta do, boss.