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I know everyone waiting for the next build but after speaking with some supporters and friends I decided to retrofit the system a bit which took more time. Don't have a lot of time to go over it, but there are two big changes.

Clearer Keyboard Controls.  Viewer / Pawn controls have moved to the NUM PAD.  It took a bit to get a mapping that felt nice, but now to toggle details you use the num pad keys like 0 will toggle animations and + and - will change animation speed.  Still hope to add a true UI at some point but it's low on my desire list.

More Modular.  After much talks with supporters and friends I decided to revamp how I loaded skeletal mesh data.  Before I kept every mush as solid as possible because I heard it was less render intensive.  After researching into it, I realized that with the scope of my game I could go more modular.  As such I am starting the process of recoupling the hair and outfit assets from the body mesh.  This means a single body mesh will be used with the extras laid over it.  As a plus, this means I can mix and match outfits and hairs between characters to a limited degree.  Num pad controls will be by row, for example female toggles are 1 for character, 2 for hair, and 3 for outfit.

The build I am still happening to have by this weekend once I get these changes done.



Looking forward to it. Delayed gratification


I have beer in the fridge, I can wait a little longer.