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The planning and setup for Orcslayers has revitalized a lot of creative energy in me that I felt I lost years ago.  It helped me finally realize how aimless I have been.  Ahsoka, Poppy, and Uriel were the only characters that were bringing me a lot of joy, and I narrowed it down to the fact I just love stylized animation more then anything.  

It was why I loved WarCraft, why I animated it for so long.  My energy finally found a focus, and it's been hard to stop working on it.  Not only did I make my new character, Sivana.

But I even recreated some old ones too, like Lakuu (with Classic Skin) and Robyn.

It allows me some customization options.

Or new interesting body shape options and races.

Yet there was one thing I was still unsure on.  Rule34.  I knew I didn't want to give it up, but I also knew that it was going to be hard going back to it after Orcslayers was finalized because Orcslayers could be remixed, but Rule34 wouldn't be.

Then, while watching a friend play Fortnite, it hit me like a sack of bricks.  Why am I trying so hard to make each character fit the original styling, when I just really wanted to do my own?  It worked for Epic with all their Fortnite skins, why couldn't I do it too?  It was like someone unplugged a clog in my head.  Since then, I have made preliminary conversions to test the waters, in what I have dubbed "Phase 2" of my ReXXVerse.

(Disclaimer, these are all early conversions and some don't have shaping or only early shaping.  They will be improved as I keep moving forward.)

Better yet, all of these character will be REMIXABLE with any animation I do with the medium rig, like with Sivana, Lakuu, or Robyn.  That's right, REMIX 3.0 has finally come and will be more varied then ever.  I hope to make it exclusive for all your guys, including drop in requests for new characters.

Thank you for sticking with me through the troubles, and all my early failures to find myself.  It feels good to finally just be myself again without that doubt clogging my soul.



Rexx, I am very happy for you and look forward to the fruits of your reignited passion.

Emanuele Martis

Brace yourself, guys: our boss is finally back. Told'ya he was going back :')


That's a massive dub, Bossman


Good to hear brother. Toue work is always top notch


That tifa variant looks so damn delicious


I'm happy for you, man! And really, it does make sense. I actually think you should just carry over all of your former WoW OC's into this new 'verse of yours. With a few tweaks to their backstory, they could easily slot in. And why shouldn't you? They are your characters, after all.