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This post isn't just for you guys, honestly I am writing it more for myself then anyone.  Won't get into too many specifics of what I learned over the last week, but I have some mental challenges that I need to find solutions for.  (Turns out adult ADHD with anxiety is a bitch)

To better get back to the place I want to be, I have developed what I am calling "The Rules."  These are rules I am going to demand of myself, or in some cases, forgive myself, so that I can get back to creating the amount I want to create.  I may have alluded to these things before, but I never actually focused on them as I am going to focus now.

  • Rule #1
I ain't perfect.  I need to stop fretting that I need to be.  Let's just say I ain't getting any younger, and the field of creators has grown drastically since I started.  I don't consider other creators competition, but the quality of work people put out has been really putting mine to shame.  That's okay. I always tell others to focus on your own work and not compare to others, but sometimes I can't seem to take my own advice.  My work will have mistakes.  It does not mean I can't try to improve, but I can't let the fear of those errors stop me either.  If you looking for utter animated perfection, there are lot of other creators to follow out there, just check out my retweets over on twitter.
  • Rule #2
It does not matter what is created.  Just create.  One can get hung up on various mental blocks.  Did I use that character too much? When is the last time I used character B? Pose G?  What about character C? D? Will people start leaving when I don't use character E but because I don't have an idea for them other then the same pose I used last week?  I really want to use character A again with a similar pose as two weeks ago but.... Holy shit it's Friday? Wat?  I am done with that voice.  It's getting grounded.
  • Rule #3
Not everything needs to be animated.  I know I am mostly known for my animations, but sometimes I feel like busting out a static image can be fun too.  It's a hot button in my head, because I know most of you prefer animated works.  I am slapping that worry out of my head to better align with Rule #2.
  • Rule #4
It's okay to tease.  It does not always have to be in your face. I have a habit of wanting to do more explicit works where the action is more in your face.  This isn't a bad thing, but I find myself passing on ideas I really want to do because I would have to be more coy with the penetration or action.  It's okay to imply, rather then show.  Some of my best works barely show anything.
  • Rule #5
Not everything needs to be NSFW.  While I will always predominantly be NSFW, making things that are SFW might be fun too.  Even simple things, like a little pinup, or just a light teasing pose.  There is nothing wrong with that.

So you probably asking, what does this have to do with us? It has a lot to do actually.  Here is the rundown of a few things I am changing to better keep myself under control with these rules.

Creating will happen more often, but it's gonna be entirely off my gut.  This means you may see me using the same character over and over, even in similar poses, just because it's the thing that infects my brain for that week or month.  Just gonna let it roll.  Fighting that gut intuition is only making me stagnant.  It was easier to get that drive with WoW, since that was my "hyper-fixation" for decades, but I don't have that anymore.  I have to adapt.
To give you guys more, and also to not give myself any more logistical work, any static works I make will be patron exclusive, uploaded here under their own tag.  I may still post a "preview" on my twitter for interest, but the rest will be exclusive.  Animations will always be mostly free with any extra variants to angles or sound being exclusive for you guys.  Of course fanatics and up also get larger sized variants for both static and animated.
The comic is a sore spot for me, because I want to keep going, but I sometimes get blocked on how to format it and it just kills my enthusiasm for weeks.  As a work around, I am going to let myself use single frame panels sometimes, or even panels with no text (or write the text in a box rather then wrestling speech bubbles for hours.)  No more logistics killing my creative flow.  However, due to some specific rules, the comic will only be on my website.
Posts here are also going to be a bit more streamlined.  Image, Site Link, Info, Tags.  That will be the general format.  I want most of the collection of assets to be done through my site, as it's way easier to focus on it and I feel I have more control over it.

I apologize for the large amount of text, but I felt this post needed to be here for myself more then anything.  Thank you all for supporting me.  Now to get back to work and see how this goes.



We're behind you Boss Man


Oooooh I'm excited to see what this brings. Cheers!


Hope all goes well. A line that's helped me for quite some time is "The perfect is the enemy of the good." It's quick, easy, and is great at helping me see when something needs to be recognized as complete so I can move on to something new.

Just Like a Metaphor

Quality is one thing, but I've always thought your work has personality that a lot of animated porn loops lack. The expressions, motions that aren't just sexual and add character, small touches to the environment and clothing. So, to #1, sure, there's a lot of technically impressive stuff out there, but you should also try to appreciate your creative fingerprint.