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I posted this on twitter earlier, but I am stepping back from a few responsibilities for a short time. Basically, don't expect common animation updates out of me for now.

All the times I said I was going to step away for a break, I honestly never did.  It felt too much like doing so was signing my death warrant here on patreon, and maybe it is, but the more I pushed it the more I just kept falling behind on every single one of my goals anyways.  The poppy video, the webcomic, the weekly updates with sound, my attempts at my own universe, it combined with the struggles of my COVID home life teaching my kids and my supplemental work threw me in a weekly spiral of panic attacks.  When you get that low you find just getting simple things done, like converting something, turn into day long adventures in struggling.

It's a new year, and I am tired of feeling like a failure.

My idea right now is to focus on clearing out some things, remove the weight, and get back to a point I can focus again.  To not let this place fall too silent I will post up anything I decide to mess with on my personal time, even if it's just a draft or idea.

Anyways, here is the ARR Y'shtola animation I have been working on, untouched.  When I get myself under control I will edit it with sound and should have some remix variations that I am going to only render for patrons.  Here is another pose I am also testing out, and old favorite.

I am also looking into maybe using octane instead, but I have to get some artifacts to go away.  You can't notice them much at this range but close up it's an utter mess.

2021 is a new year, now I just hope I and my family can get back to some normalcy after all the virus scares and social unrest.  Cheers, yall.



You need to take care of yourself first, Rexx


Take whatever time you need to get yourself in a good place, Rexx. I've been supporting you for these past 3-4 years honestly because I support you the creator and not just the content. As much as I would wish to see you rise up to be the smut god I know you can be, all I want is for you to be happy. Take some time for yourself and your family. The R&R will do wonders for your creative side and mental health, I speak from experience as a writer and DM. The more you try to force yourself to work, the harder it will get. Your fans & friends are always going to support you. Besides how are we going to experience all your great content if you continue to burn yourself out.

Emanuele Martis

Boss,you're not a failure. I ever support you ,no matter what you decide to do. Take your time,rest your mind,and when you'll have a new path to follow,a new clear way,return and show to this freackin' world who is the best creator he had ever seen.

Nicholas Villahermosa

Hey, I know it's not quite the same but I've been there with stuff like running my weekly game. Take your time for yourself. We've all been through a Hell of a year. Emotional fatigue from the state of the world is real. Burnout is real. Thanks for what you do, but first and foremost look after yourself.


Take your time solider! You'll get through this, one day at a time. Your life and your kids are important. Your not a failure, far far from it man. ☺️