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My original idea isn't going to work how I wanted.  The map I got is fine but I am having issues getting the turrets and other objects to populate it, so I am unable to make it look at authentic as I want just this yet.   May save the idea for another time this year when I need an opening.

Instead I am going to do the usually animation though a bit more quickly using one of the LoL Wild Rift models, as I still want it to be League Week.  To see the models, you can watch this video, though sadly they don't show the names so you have to know at least a little about LoL already.  This article has a champ list you can also reference. 

Vote! This one is going to last only around half a day!



Whew, to many of my favs to pick from.


Unfortunate that Wild Rift doesn't have everyone Id like but this is still a decent selection


I like Miss Fortune well enough, but I'm a huge fan of Lux in racy scenes for some reason!


Fiora, Vayne, Jinx. They are all standing pretty low unfortunately. :|

Stubie Doo

Who are you referring to with “Sho?” Is that a typo?


Shit, that was supposed to be Soraka but I guess I got distracted while typing it out. My bad Soraka fans! I will add her the next time I have a more diverse poll.

xullux (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-24 05:08:46 What about Sona??? DJ Sona > all. Can't beat that booty
2020-08-03 15:47:58 What about Sona??? DJ Sona > all. Can't beat that booty

What about Sona??? DJ Sona > all. Can't beat that booty

Stubie Doo

Ah! Gotcha, that’s kind of what I thought but figured I’d clarify anyway, thanks!

Stubie Doo

900% of my agreement here. Can’t beat a skin-tight body-suit on a well-endowed set of curves

Stubie Doo

Is it launching with only a partial roster? It makes sense I guess if you have to port it all from Pc to mobile, I imagine the whole current list of champs would be way too much work, but hopefully they add everyone soon.