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While I have been writing my personal setting on the codename AUREX, I don't really have a true name for it.  I have looked into possible names, mostly because I will likely need to trademark it at some point, but I am still unsure.  Here are some of the options and I figured I would let you guys help me decide.

Also, yes, none of them are like "BattleArt" or something similar, because I don't need any more troubled gazes. *nervous laughter*

Remember, pick the ones you like and leave out the ones you don't.  I will consider the poll in the future when I make my final choice on it.

I am also open to write in suggestions.



No idea what's going on, Sol the name for your future project or something else. Kleien note word jokes are beautiful they just do not work on when the other sparache speak He He Hey so I have no idea if there are others


Aurex is a pharmaceutical company, so that'll be tricky to trademark :P Should go for anything else.


Technically you can trademark similar names as long as you don't do the same thing, but yes you might be right on just going with a safer option.


I remember seeing Aetheria used in a fantasy setting, however it was in homebrew world for RP, aka not trademarked or anything of the sort.