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Plunder Row.  It was not the most graceful of names, but it encompassed much of the energy of Dawnbreak's southern district.  A popular hang out for scoundrels and pirates, it was also the place many of the merchants gathered to fence goods and deal in black market materials.  Though the Central Delegation hated this mockery of law, the Preservers were too short staffed to enforce order.

This turned out to be a very good thing for any and all that Hunt.

"How far now?" came a accented voice, one of two hooded figures heading to the main square of the district, her nose scrunched and her brow furrowed, "We are going to be late!  They are already at the docks!"

The other figure laughed, shaking his head lightly, "Relax, nestling.  I am sure the others can handle any problems."

With a sigh, she fell into line beside him, the two weaving between many traders and citizens as they pushed past the plaza and into a shadowed alleyway.  Though no one was around them now, both were quick to move their hands close to their hilts, just in case someone exceptionally brave decided to try making a quick coin purse.

"There she is." the man whispered, pointing out the entrance way just before them.  It was a modest shop, it's stone walls worn by the ages but still holding strong.  Above the path a simple wooden sign was hanging, "The Red Devil" it read in the standard tongue, a small translation below written in elven script.

As the two approached the doorway, a howling voice came from inside the shop, "This is outrageous!" they bellowed.  The two entered quickly, the shop looking more like a junk heap light on materials and mostly covered in various scrap metals and aether powders.  They looked farther in, finding a rather scarred man standing along the counter, an assortment of junk laying before him.

"This stuff is shit.  I be lucky to have a paperweight made with this crap.  Take my offer or leave it." came the agitated voice from the woman behind the counter, her fair skin barely shining through the candle light.  The man scoffed, scooping up all the materials into a large bag and slinging it over his shoulder, "Go fuck yourself." he whispered as he turned to meet the hooded man now standing before him.

"Apologize." the hooded man demanded.

"Fuck you too," he answered in turn.

"Grok! Stop!" came a plea from the woman behind the counter, her eyes looking on with concern, "It's fine.  Let him go."

Grokal narrowed his gaze at the man, his anger boiling just below the surface, but he conceded to her request.  As he moved aside, the scarred man walked out with a confident stride, slamming the door behind him as he left.

"You know I could have taken him, Lakuu." he smiled as he leaned down on the counter.  He stared into her eyes, bright and vibrant, with ears long and delicate.  Grokal always did admire the beauty of elves.  He removed his hood to expose his light skin and raven black hair, piercing blue eyes that shined like the oceans.

Lakuu smiled in turn, "I know, but you would have left an awful mess.  You never clean up after you leave." she said with a coy look.

"Oh, don't tell me you two..." came an exasperated prattle from Grokal's companion, still standing much to the rear.  She too removed her hood, showing a worn blue tint to her skin and large, dull teeth.  She had her hair braided much like the elves in the jungles often do, but she was obviously not descended from them.

"Another ashen one? Is she new?" Lakuu questioned, looking at her new guest inquisitively.

"My name, is Ku'va" she said with a bitter edge.

Grokal leaned over and held the bridge of his nose, "Yes, signed up a week ago, I have been training her.  I felt it was time to show her the good stock."

Lakuu nodded silently, reaching down and pulling a lever located under her counter.  With a whir, the counter twisted and flipped, showing an assortment of retrofitted spiretech.  Various pistols, net launchers, and even some potent alchemy materials.  With a gasp, Ku'va's jaw dropped.

"What!? But such technology is illegal outside of Centaris!" Ku'va questioned as she picked up a small grappling device, "If the Central Delegation finds out..."

Ku'va paused as she looked into her mentors eyes, his gaze piercing and confident, "Lakuu makes the best demon slaying materials in the city, I don't give a shit what those holy fucks want. Got it?"

Ku'va nodded.

Grokal turned back to Lakuu, taking out a large purse of coin and setting it on the desk, "I believe this will get me half of it?" he smiled.  Lakuu outreached a hand and put it gently on her friends cheek, "For you, nothing, but for her... I might need double..." she peered over, giving Ku'va a mischievous wink.  Grokal packed up what he could and nodded as he motioned for Ku'va to follow him out, "Thank you, Lakuu." he said warmly as they exited the shop,  

Lakuu reached down, pulling the lever to twist her counter back into place, but something was different.  Her hand was shaking, and her blood felt hot like it was boiling, "No, not now..." she whispered as she felt her knees collapse, the pain taking hold.  She grit her teeth as her eyes flared, "Damn it..."

Back outside, far from the shop, the scarred man continued attempting to fence his salvaged trash.  Though a few objects were successfully sold, he seemed to have issues getting rid of the vast bulk of material.  "Damn stingy wankers.  The captain-queen will not be happy if I don't bring home a good haul..."

"Don't worry, human, you won't get into trouble if you never make it home."

The scarred man turned quick to the voice, taking his rapier into his hands, "Who the fuck... oh, it's you..." he sneered, as Lakuu peered out from the shadows, "You think a little city elf like you scares me? I will chew you up and..." he tried to goad, but what he saw next filled him with unimaginable fear, "...no, your not...!"

Lakuu stepped from the shadows, but now her skin was a blistering red, horns adorning her skull and a tail whipping behind her.  Before the man could scream she was upon him, wrapping her tail tight around his body and around his mouth.  His muffled protests nothing but the lightest of whispers now.  Her strength was unimaginable, and she looked up as he struggled and kicked, bringing him close, and licking his cheek gently.

"Oh, I won't actually kill you... but a girl has needs, and I apologize, you might at one point wish you were dead..."

And like a flash, they were gone.


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