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Art commissioned by RKD!

Though her elven body was corrupted long ago, and she is driven by the same hunger that effects all tainted, her heart remained pure and her idealism unshaken.  She uses her knowledge and abilities to defeat other tainted whenever and where-ever they may appear, at much great risk to herself should her existence be discovered by the Hunters.

My first real concept art! As I said, some of my character were going to have to be redesigned, and Lakuu was one of the largest, as I have to distance myself from the draenei in a lot of key areas.  She is a mixture of all versions I developed over the years.  

For those that are worried about her purple and blonde version, don't worry, she has that too, but that is a story for another day. Oh, and she has regular feet, but her boots have a hoof like quality as a throwback to her past.  Hope you guys enjoy the image!  I am putting up the high resolution version for you all. 




that is crazy cool, im so hype for what you come op with next =)


Crisis On Infinite Rexxes


Wow, Good Job !


Not bad, but I hope Anu will come back too :(


Looks good, but I personally never liked the red version with the horns. the subtle tail I found that time better oh forget it looks good


I like it, although I'd imagine a tail that large would be a pain attached to a model you were trying to animate.

Señor Smoke

I think she's perfect :D my hype increases!