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It's official. 

I am signing on as an animator for Subverse!  

StudioFOW was generous enough to offer me the job after what happened a month back, even before the Kickstarter exploded like it did.  They gave me ample room to think it over while the dust settled and I wrapped my head around what I was going to do, and after taking that time, I realized even just the experience was going to be worth it.  I will be starting personal training immediately to better utilize their animation system and better improve myself.

As I am sure a lot of you will have loads of questions, I wanted to make sure to answer them now.  At least the important ones.

  • What does this mean for us here on Patreon!? Will we see less content?

StudioFOW knows that you are all important to me and that I won't abandon you, and thus are signing me on for limited hours.  This means I can still support my patreon, with the goal being that once I get a few more models converted, I can get a new animation or two up every week just like I used to, even with the extra responsibilities.  

It will be much like how I was working on my (now cancelled) Anu'aka movie in the background on some days while spending other days working on more immediate updates.

  • What about your own fantasy setting you were creating? Is that gone?

Oh no, it's very much still happening.  It's definitely more of a long haul project though.  We are deep into the world building and art aspects, and I plan to post art I have commissioned for the setting and hopefully model drafts as they come.  That will still be taking up to 25% of my work day effort, plus I am delegating to a few partners for help.  The extra income will also be almost entirely going into said model commissions.

My goal is to have at least a few base models done this summer so I can start a small comic to better aquant people with the world.  In the future, after my time on Subverse is done, I hope my experiences with animating for a game series will allow me to make my own series of small games based on my setting.  It would be a dream to make that happen.

I wouldn't be at this point if it was not for all of you, so I once again want to say thank you, for everything.  Now to get back to working on some new porn for the week! I got a lot to do!

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!




That's great too hear! Congratulations!


Amazing news!!


I pledged to subverse the moment I saw the trailer, this is amazing news.


Huh. I Kickstarter'd that. You sneaky lil' double dipper! :P

Patrick Shaw

That's awesome! Definitely makes me much more happy I decided to back it!


Congratulations Rexx, I am glad to see all your hard work and dedication to your craft are developing into some additional opportunities for you. Hope you have fun!


I support you and Subverse!


That's awesome! Hope it's a good experience and you're able to learn a lot!


I'm not interested in anything from StudioFOW Comes because the opinion of people under false fact tempt. How to donate and get started. I do not know if it's like this, but when I got to the donor it was not enough to get gan early. you have to spend 20 dollars on a large scale and gnaz under 10 your donation is not worth to donate to StudioFOW as you don't get anything back. was something I saw with Rexx with Joy, He has treated all donors now I'm afraid that will change


Nothing about how I do stuff will change. I need experience and capital to go where I want to go and I lost a lot due to the legal threat from Blizzard. I lost hundreds of patrons. My hope is that doing this I will have more of what I will need to make my own game. Also, I am only on as contract, so I have not officially joined FoW as a company, I am just helping them through animation work while remaining my own entity. I wanted to make that clear.


Sounds good! Just the other day I was thinking the other day that your setting, once finalized, could be an attractive setting for their next game, so the universe works in interesting ways.


Congratulations, mate!


Dude that's amazing! Super excited for you. You deserve it.


Now it will be shown if and what kind of traces it will leave behind


Awesome dude! I couldnt think anyone better for the job :)


Awesome. I wanted to support the KS but I didn't even come across it till a week or so ago. Do you know if they still have any support options open? I haven't been able to find anything in my bit of looking.


Gratz buddy - they did some great things, wow related included. Hope to see Yrel adventures part2 having you onboard


Happy for you, you create some of the best slick, wet effects, and lighting I've seen. Looking forward to your work.