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Some new OCs I've been working on this past month or so.

Caia (Girl in Red) - The Vermillion Bird

Sara (Girl in Blue) - The Azure Dragon

Ciara (Girl in White) - The White Tiger

Sagara (Girl in Dark Grey) - The Black Tortoise

Aurelia (Girl in Yellow) - The Yellow Dragon

Eliora (The Angel) - The Goddess

Caia is the main character. She's brash, bold and flirtatious. While not an actual bird person she does have the blood of a phoenix coursing through her body, effectively making her immortal. She has the powers of fire and can cover herself in flames, throw fireballs, and even create wings made of flames to take flight. Her biggest goal in life is to obtain a harem of 99 women and 1 femboy. Sara is her rival and they tend to butt heads once in a while but this doesn't stop her from trying to recruit Sara, and the others, into her harem. She has a lot of growing up to do to become a better person. She's the friendliest towards Eliora, often calling her Elly for short, and even develops feelings for her.

Sara is the rival to Caia. Despite looking human she is part dragon. More specifically she is from the blue dragon species. Usually the most docile dragons in this world but Sara's rich upbringing has made her into a pompous bully. She does have a dragon form with wings, horns and a tail but still very much human looking. Her ancestors looked more like anthropomorphic dragons. They've eventually evolved into looking even more human through relationships with them. She is however unique in that she has power over wood. She can summon wood, roots, and even trees to grow from the ground. She can also form wooden weapons to use in combat. Despite being a bully she does have a caring side but shows it through tough love. This is especially shown towards Ciara whom she has taken as her underling. Often criticizing or bossing her around to bring out Ciara's full potential as a fighter. She shows the most respect towards Eliora given she's a Goddess. She'll often scold the others, especially Caia and Aurelia, when they overstep their boundaries towards Eliora.

Ciara is a timid person which makes her a bit of a pushover. She's kind and soft spoken and because of her sweet nature she is often ordered around by Sara, becoming her lackey. She doesn't like causing doing dirty work for Sara but is too afraid to go against her command. Despite this she knows full well that Sara is not all that bad of a person and understands when Sara is secretly giving her wisdom to learn. Being part tiger, Ciara is is the fastest runner in the bunch. She may not be as physically power as the others but she makes up for it with her quick strikes and take downs. Ciara wants to overcome her timid nature to become a brave warrior to help others and protect the Goddess.

Sagara is the Black Tortoise and Snake. Similar to Sara, Sagara is actually part tortoise despite looking human. They are born with the tortoise shells but they eventually grow out of them. Sagara turned her shell into a backpack. It can also be used as a shield. Sagara's family is unique in that she has snake in her ancestry as well from her father's side of the family. Sagara is snarky and quick-witted. Despite this she is actually unsure of herself and doesn't believe she is a strong fighter.  Because of this she's more of a defensive fighter. She has the power to control and create water so she often deploy water shields to protect herself or slow down enemies. She can even heal with her water magic. Even though she doesn't believe she's strong she can effectively be one of the most powerful in the group with her water abilities.

Aurelia, the Yellow Dragon, is also a brash character. Often rude and thinks highly of herself. She's physically the strongest in the group and she has the power to move the ground. Often causing it to shake to disorient people or raise it up for offensive or defensive purposes. Her original goal was to take control of her school, largely to avoid doing work. She also threatened to eat the other girls to absorb their powers. Despite being stronger than the others they get the upper hand to defeat her when they all begin to work as a team. Failing to take over the school she reluctantly joins up with them when the Goddess recruits them as her guardians. She's the most disrespectful towards Eliora, criticizing her godly position. Despite her nasty attitude she will still protect the planet since her dragon species is most attuned to it.

Eliora is the newly reformed God of the planet. In her previous life she grew old, died, and her holy magic separated and chosen 7 witches to continue keeping the planet alive. Now that Eliora has reincarnated into a new god she seeks to get her holy powers back to become an all powerful being once again. However the 7 witches refuse to return the holy magic, believing having 7 different opinions to rule over the planet is better than one person controlling everything. The lead witch has given Eliora an opportunity to win back her powers by recruiting a team of fighters to participate in a tournament. If the witches win they will keep the powers, but if Eliora's team wins she will regain her powers back. Eliora seeks the help of  Caia and the girls to fight for her. Eliora is a sweetheart but not fully aware of what it's like to be human. Through her struggles to get her powers back she'll need to also understand human nature now that she walks among them. She'll need to question if being all powerful and controlling is the right path to taking care of the planet and every living creature. She will need to learn more about the living inhabitants of her world with the help of Caia and the other girls.

The world they live on is called Terra. It is the same world Canime and Cross live on. This story takes place hundreds of years after Canime but around the same time as Cross. More specifically it takes place after the adventures Cross goes through from her story. By the time this story with Caia and the others take place Cross would already be friends with one of the witches, Lilith; daughter of the lead witch.



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