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Today has been pretty scary. My grandmother fell down the bottom of the steps and bumped her head pretty badly. She had to be taken to the hospital because she was in a lot of pain. I got word that she is feeling better and they're doing to tests on her just in case. I don't know if she's coming back home tonight because of how late it is but hopefully she'll be fine by tomorrow.

As for Patreon I had removed the two other Patreon goals about doing comics. By the way things have been going with backlogs of work and just life in general I wouldn't be able to work on comics. I will however open up to comic commissions when the new year comes. I already have prices set for them and I'll put them into effect when I can open up for commissions again during the new year. I will also be upping my commission prices. I made mention of this months back but the new price changes won't take effect until the new year. They won't be too high, just a couple of extra bucks more in some areas.

As for the Patreon rewards I apologize for taking so long with them. Life hasn't been easy here and it's making me think of limiting the rewards just to make things a little easier on me to catch up. I've been uncertain in doing that though. I have been thinking of getting rid of the $5 tier and make the $1 tier more of a tip jar. Maybe make the content here free to everyone to view. I've been uncertain about that too because I don't know how well that'll effect me. Lots of more well known artists can get by like that but others can't. I do want to make that a future goal of mine. I would love for everyone to view my art if possible.

Anyways I hope the month of December has been treating you guys well. If not then I hope things will get better for you. For all of us. Hugs for you all.


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