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Hey guys , so. I’ve finished the available space on MEGA , before to spent 10 $ each month there , i would like to know if you guys know any alternative to it that is better , it doesn’t matter the price , but i want to give you a better experience , so idk if there is any hosting service who can display a preview in the post or has a better organization or better streaming speed I’m here to listen to your advice !! Feel free to comment or text me in DM!!!

PS : if you know also some platform that would allows me to post there my previews and repost them here as streaming videos would be amazing!!! (Already tried rule34video and link here, but patreon basically suspended me last time because of “bestiality” that was present on that site , not on my links )


James Montgomery

I see other 3Dx Patreon folk using Google Drive, Mediafire, and Dropbox pretty regularly. Catbox is semi popular as is Gofile.io. End user experience I definitely prefer Google Drive and Dropbox, they have the bandwidth to actually stream or preview files where as Mega and the others spend a lot of time buffering/pausing. For what it is worth.

Jamila Breeze

Thank you so much!!! I would check if there are differences between Gdrive and Dropbox and than probably chose one of them 👌