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Hello guys. 

As Caparezza says "The second album is increasingly difficult", he is an italian singer, and I'm perfectly agree with him, indeed this second chapter is giving me more problems than a grandma struggling with whatsapp for the first time.

Yeah, because I'm doing a course in 3D modeling and animation (Maybe I've already talked about it, but I'm so fused that I don't remember it).

And joining, patreon, a school activity, social life and girl is not very easy for me.

Let's say that from my ears smoke is coming out like like Majin Boo.

I do this and more for my personal improve, but now, after the end of the last animation, I'm feel in relax.

After all, the traduction is done (Publicy thanks to ReallyBig! <3). 

So, this october I'll help my developer to realize the second chapter as I imagine it.

I'm loving Unity, but you know that for realize a character respiration he need of 80 pnj images?! O_O


But it's, ok, it's ok, the first chapter is result very well, so I'm not complaining.

Have a nice day.

With love, Alek.



We're getting close everyone! I can't wait to see it fully realized and playable. I hope everyone likes the editing/translating!


Good luck with the project and your other stuff going on! I'll be looking forward to it. :D


Love your work and the dbz reference. Good luck with the project and hope you don't stress yourself out too much I can't speak for everyone but I'm sure most of us can wait :-P