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The 2 animations have already been adapted to the scheme.

These last 2 weeks have also been useful to me from a writing perspective.

-Kim's survey:

The latest survey I subjected you to showed a very clear divide.

However even if by a few percentage points Kim will remain a female during the animations in which she is submissive, and she will only be able to have access to her cock if dominant.

-Central Plot:

For the rest, every self-respecting game has a central plot and I admit that with this whole code thing I put it aside a bit.

So I took advantage of my free time to resolve some important questions about writing:

1) :

Roy/Kim are from an earth-like world, so I wrote the political and cultural history of this planet.

2) :

The very first current chapter just features Roy/Kim masturbating in his/her room and posting a photo on social media.

I'd say it's a little short to create empathy with the character.

Therefore, if Roy/Kim's urgency is to return home to his/her stepmother, it is necessary to write a first episode that presents these characters and their relationship in detail. And I did.

So all lovers of Roy/Kim's stepmother will be happy because it will be possible to meet her and see her in action.

3) :

The religious and cultural foundations of the fantasy realm are already there but a particularly important event was needed to move the plot forward. Done.

All this is to tell you that the next releases will allow the player to move more freely in the fantasy realm for plot needs.

Maybe Roy / Kim will need to go to the city of the ogres, or maybe talk to the queen of the elves because he is forced by the writing.

I hope this helps give the player a greater diversity of creatures to encounter throughout the plot.

There will no longer be a need to focus on just one place like the Centaurs Outpost before encountering new races.

Have a nice day.




MUXIBA azarado

Any idea of how long till official release? couple of months?


Two weeks ago I made a list of the missing things before publication. I prefer not to do calculations because the resulting expectation would make me nervous.