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[The following is a reward for a patron. Thank you so much for your support!

The following story features a patron's OC in an original fantasy universe. It features a giant male fairy beginning at ~hundreds of feet tall, before growing into ~thousands of feet tall and even bigger; includes an equally giant female character. Contains themes of magical compulsion/"hypnotism"; shared senses between two people; feet, legs, ass, hands; sweat/sticking to skin; giant couples/sex; crush/violence/destruction; dick/cum/masturbation; breasts/breast crush; absorption/size stealing; vore/anal vore; god-like powers; watersports.]

The orange-hued sky above the Mage’s Academy was an ocean of clouds, where islands of verdant earth floated marvelously through the air, each levitating mass crowned with some wizarding facility or mystical landmark. One such location sat highest of them all, overlooking the other islands at an altitude where the winds howled continuously; its land was mountainous with rivers cascading off the rocky edges, the water evaporating into mist and joining the cloudy curtain that concealed the area. Prominently atop its peak was a pristine temple, spanning wide and tall with open walls and tall columns, a proud place where the most prestigious magic-users meditated and practiced. From that sacred place, wise mages surveyed the scenes happening below, scrying upon the carnage of a demon’s wrath: a winged man that trampled the primary academy castle, no Councilmage capable of quelling his tremendous attacks. They continued to watch and worry until they could scry no more – the final transmissions saw the demon swelling in size, until he outgrew through the Dome of Protection.

Debate amongst the leading mages broke out, but all arguments fell pale into silence when a rumbling overtook the island, and from the horizon arose five distinct pillars of flesh. The temple shivered and faculty throughout the halls were thrown about as the island itself became grasped from below; the pointed bottom of earth was reshaped into a giant’s palm as it lifted through the clouds, aiming intentionally to take it out of the sky. Dethroned from its peak place, plucked like a fruit off a branch – everything and everyone was reeled lower, the haze and fog dispersing to reveal who captured them. Mages en masse left the temple, only to behold the titanic wall of a face staring them down, with brown eyes so huge that a single blink from both quaked the air, their pupils glistening and growing with interest. They heard the winds swirl into tornados as the giant inhaled eagerly, the vortex sound of a breath rushing into his nostrils, hyping the voice that was about to commence:

“An island – a flying island! Whoa~ I’ve never seen one of these before…! Hah, and there’s quite a few of them up here! I never even noticed you guys til now…”

Canaan’s commentary was deafening, but it was better than hearing the groaning of the island’s edges as the earth crumbled and fissured; having decided these islands were expendable, the fairy curled his fingers closed, carving through the terrain as though it were brittle sandstone. Dust and debris spilled from his clenching fist, cascading down his wrist and then into the open air. The temple itself held together for only so long, plummeting into the cracked ground and collapsing with the rest of the island, its occupants scattering outside only to be swallowed into the greater chaos. The mighty fingers came together, crunching the mountains and structures into a featureless clump of mud and rock. Canaan chuckled at the result before discarding it into the open air, the remains spreading out into a smear of ruins that continued to drift magically amidst the clouds.

Satisfied with that first experiment of strength, Canaan stepped back and marveled at his newly acquired height, happily scanning the land at his feet where he was originally romping through. He had thoroughly outgrown the Mage’s Academy’s primary grounds, standing a mile tall with his feet spread wide enough to encircle most of the campus – at least, what remained of it, so much flattened by his growth and presently stained into his skin. So huge he had become that the vast clouds were swayed by his movements; with a few flicks of his lithe wings, he dispersed the haze away from himself, not only revealing more of the floating islands to his interests, but just as much unveiling his own massiveness to them all. Without so many clouds in the way, his godly image was exposed to the islands that orbited him, his nakedness presented unabashedly like a truly unstoppable force of nature would properly be. Unlike an ordinary tornado or flood, however, was how this threat laughed and smiled, planning out which places to pick-on first – at his latest league of scale, Canaan considered all new possibilities of how to play around.

The demon idly set off on his own accord, differently from how his whims guided him before. Though still a Puppet to the will of Nova Neverwing, the witch was in her own state of awe, struggling to comprehend how incredibly huge her avatar for revenge had become. She had watched over his destruction from high above, outside the Dome of Protection, but when Canaan outgrew that shelter and stood to his full height, her perch on her broom was surpassed. She was blown away by her Puppet’s scale, agasp as she flew upwards steeply and speedily, racing to a comfortable distance – past his knees, past his waist, higher and higher, until Nova was out of stamina and leveled out, somewhere as high as her Puppet’s chest. From that point, she finally looked down at the events happening below; while she had traveled into the sky, her Puppet idly wandered forward, his legs careening past the lower islands while his footsteps bombarded the battered academy on the ground. Nova’s breathing synchronized with that heavy rhythm as she drifted at a lax speed, fingers curling anxiously at the handle of her broom as she reconnected her senses with her giant minion.

Canaan’s curiosity continued uninterrupted by any of the perils breaking out around him. Islands and their populations shivered in suspense as they watched him meander from one corner to the other, edges of his body veering dangerously close to collisions he was blissfully unconcerned with. He eventually found a mid-low island above his knees, where one distracted stride would have struck right through it; he enjoyed hovering high above the land, tilting his head as he scanned the numerous buildings and the roads connecting them. Though not an especially large island, the dots of mage activity earned his interest, and so he was lured low onto his haunches, a crouched height that brought his inspired breaths right before the floating mass. The thousands upon the island were helpless in front of him, vaguely fleeing to the opposite end as though that were a safe enough distance; they were too little to comprehend how easily their island could be claimed in both his hands, but Canaan had a simpler idea, wanting mostly to experiment with the levitating properties. Though it were all too easy for him to punch down and destroy the island, the fairy instead extended a single finger, angling it directly down into one of the island’s airy beaches. It hit the ground with only enough force to cause it to tilt, rotating off its axis and towards an incline that rattled civilization. Mages were suddenly betrayed by gravity as they were pressured in that direction, them and their homes gradually tumbling down that defining slope. It was a tragic avalanche of uncountable injuries, yet Canaan laughed at how it looked like loose sand rolling across an uneven slate. He considered tilting the island back rightwise, as it would have been just as effortless, but his attention happened to snap to something else – another island, floating higher and boasting a more notable spire. The tilted island was instantly forgotten, nearly wiped out when Canaan popped up and stepped right past it.

“Hmm, what’s this thing here? Some sort of tower?” Canaan said to himself, hunching forward as he inspected the waist-high island. With his hands on his hips, he leaned low to one side so he could stare down the spire’s length; it was a magical meteorological tower that studied arcanic weather effects, but its staff and operations were suspended in place by Canaan’s looming presence. “This is the last big thing I can find… and even this isn’t very big, huh. I wonder what’s bigger…?” Trembling with amusement, Canaan positioned himself with a straight posture, aligning his hips to be squared with the island – so that it was leveled closely with his dick, stretched from him at half-mast, bobbing in an arched shape that pointed at the weather tower. That fleshy pole, thick enough to carve valleys into mountains, was lazily lifted and toyed with by two fingers, adjusted so that its length was measured accurately against its rival – though, as Canaan discovered, there was really no contest. “Hah! Even this tall tower is still tinier than my dick~ Can everyone see for themselves? Take a look, it’s true~”

Initially unsure how much attention his cock was receiving, Canaan eventually saw it be recognized as the potential threat it was: from the top of the weather tower, mages channeled together electric energy from nearby clouds, gathering enough to create a bolt of lightning. The thunder clapped loud and the attack lit up the sky in that moment, an arc of electricity leaping from the spire to the tip of the demon’s dick – a direct hit, yet it won only the dull effect of a flinch. Canaan clicked his tongue and glared at the island, disappointed it would cause him any discomfort, and so he decided on an apt retaliation.

His frown spun into a mischievous smile as he stepped forward with a gap in his legs, pinching at his crotch so it was raised slightly higher – high enough so that the island’s tower fit right beneath his testicles, neatly disappearing from Canaan’s gaze as he took an overhead position. The musk of his genitals breezed into the territory, fastly warming the atmosphere and thickening it with a sweaty odor. Mages gathered again for a subsequent attack, but in the midst of channeling that energy anew, the demon unleashed his counterattack – his balls were unpinched, their weight allowed to drop onto the tower and smother it out of existence. It was an ultimate teabag, the sag of skin spilling over the spire until the excess caused it to break down, one story at a time; Canaan sighed pleasantly, noting the sensation of his balls gently sinking into place, nestling into a burrow of debris that continued to rumble with consequences. Beneath that massiveness was the desperation of hundreds of mages, so many having survived in the wreckage only to find themselves pinned under relentless flesh, trapped under the immenseness of a fairy’s testicles that no force of magic could upheave.

“Hhh… That’s kinda nice,” Canaan commented, letting more of his crotch’s weight lay forward onto the island. He distantly examined the resulting shape of the island as it carried the impact of his cock, the earth slowly cracking apart underneath. “These islands make decent pillows,” he chuckled, “but by themselves, they’re too weak… Maybe if I got a bunch together, heh~!

Exploring that potential, Canaan’s hands set out like behemoths of their own will, reaching into the realm of floating islands and each plucking out new islands to twist into his amusement. With less care than any other locations, Canaan’s grasp tore and segmented these two islands, dragging them out of their orbits and down to his crotch; the mages never stood a chance, their protests unheard as the land itself was repurposed, no longer places of study or practice, but to be utilized instead as tissues for a cock several times bigger than the landmasses themselves. Crowds of hundreds could only watch and despair as they saw themselves hurtling towards the others, on track to crash together – to meet right at the gigantic dick. The collision was breathtaking, three different islands thrown together, their different terrains and landscapes crudely melding into one; hills and forests crushed into one another, fissures of earth were filled with the mass of others, the foundation transforming into a graceless shape molded around the fairy’s cock. Trails trickled down his thighs and between his balls, cool and tickling feelings that made their destroyer coo and giggle with delight, encouraging him to find two more islands to stockpile between his legs.

That temptation was empathized from Nova’s perverse thoughts, the magical link to her Puppet reaffirmed after she was stabilized in a comfortable position. She kept at generous distance from her massive minion, somewhere just outside his reach, on the off-chance her overzealousness caused her own self to be smacked out of the air; even there, she swore she felt the quakes of impact happening almost a mile away, twitching as she heard and watched the islands collide. More intensely, however, was the physical feeling she was rewarded with, sharing the sexual excitement of her Puppet crashing the landmasses into his crotch. By closing her eyes, Nova imagined the exact details of the destruction: the facilities that were surely shattered around the demon’s dick, the mages that tumbled down his balls, the environments that were wedged in fleshy crevices. It was devilishly empowering, which in turn transferred different signals to her Puppet, tempting him to tunnel his hands around the clumps of earth and use them to stroke himself off. Though initially itched by the rugged texture, the experience soon smoothed itself out, each pump churning the rocky worlds into finer and finer dust – a slow, intentionally restrained start for what was the final act of Nova’s revolution.

While Canaan was enamored with the crumbling of the islands, Nova cast her attention off to the distance the fairy had already crossed, treating herself to see the cataclysmic scenes left behind in his wake. She had hoped to electrify her arousal by seeing the remains of ruined islands – the plumes of smoke, the drifting debris – but after a blink, she noticed much less devastation than she expected. Though drawn towards her own arousal, she was stirred out of it, confused by what she concluded: one of the islands had returned – restored to its former glory, the temple island that Canaan had clenched in his hand floated in the sky, seemingly unaffected by any giant-sized romping around.

Then, Nova noticed another anomaly, catching the magic as it happened. She rose up from her broom in surprise, witnessing the tilted island from afar be realigned to its proper orbit, despite no visible force acting upon it. Glaring more closely, it could be seen how the damages were actively being undone; as though reversed in time, the landscape that had tumbled down that incline rolled back to where it belonged, including the fingerprint crater from where Canaan had prodded initially. Buildings were re-erected and, most miraculously, the lives of those affected on the island were put back into place – appearing where they had been before the attack, surrounded by a mist of relieving light. Within moments, the island was fully recovered, radiating with the holy magic responsible for such dramatic change.

That brightness was annoyingly familiar to Nova, directing her to a dire conclusion: having arrived to intervene was Head Councilmage of the Mage’s Academy, Eternis. The mistress most in-charge of the school and its orbiting facilities, a mage known not just for her incredible powers, but her wisdom and wit, her purity and her empathy; beyond just a teacher and leader, she was a vessel for holy magic, bestowed such responsibility over hundreds of years of rituals and training. As such, her body was kept healthy and strong, benefited with bountiful features that truly made her an icon of magnificence, including braids of white hair as long as her height and highlighted with sunrise-blues and -pinks. All along her dark skin were complex tattoos that weaved together like writing, her back in particular – which every immaculate dress she wore displayed in a long, open window – painted like a mural, a devotion to the gods that granted her powers over life and creation.

Indeed, Eternis’s mastery of magic was that of restoration, and with her mighty spells, she could swiftly return order to her school and revive those that had been lost – at least, any that were not outright devoured or consumed. Those revived in such a way would extend their gratitude towards the glowing bubble up above them, the halo of light that surrounded Eternis and kept her afloat in the air without a broom or platform. An inspiring smile was shed from her, the only gesture she could afford to offer before having to fly elsewhere, bounding through the sky as a streak of light in the direction of the demon.

Nova twitched with anger and unadmitted anxiety. Though she expected her to appear at some point to protect her academy, she was unsure what exactly to expect, having only heard the legends of Eternis’s spellcasting and beheld the aftermath of her miracles. Witnessing the magic firsthand left her in awe, but it also hardened her heart, pushing her to act decisively – lest Eternis be allowed to undo everything, including the dismissal of her demon. There would be no sympathy for Nova if she was captured, and so she swore to offer no sympathy either; she planned for Eternis’s defeat to be the most humiliating of all the Councilmages.

“Three… Two… One!” Canaan spilled into laughter, invested in his games without knowing about the challenge rocketing towards him. To that countdown, he clapped his thighs closed, only after arranging the ruined islands in a stack between them. The coolness of earth ran down his legs, providing the pleasant tingle he had been looking for, making him shiver with success as he imagined the disaster and distress squished between mountains of his skin. He pressed his thighs tighter, relishing the pop of structures and landmarks, each tragedy given its own giggle. Out of curiosity, Canaan’s fingers combed through the floating wreckage, peeling off the parts that were stained to his legs; pinched in his fingers was a layer of land, and rustling atop it were mite-like mages, struggling to understand their own whereabouts, let alone the entity that held them. “Hmm… Pretty resilient,” he scoffed, before vanquishing those survivors between his fingertips, grinding them out of existence like crumbs caked to the pads. He stepped aside from the cloud of destruction, already becoming bored of that event and wanting to play with something else – until a mental ping pulled his focus over his shoulder, back to that explosive scene, where a golden light was headed.

Illumination expanded from Eternis’s point after diving into the center of the catastrophe. The mutilated islands that were scattered in the sky were enveloped in that light, grasped by magic and pulled back together. Every speck and shard was selected, gradually returning to where it had been, one island at a time. Soon enough, the first location was restored, the weather spire brought back afloat, and then afterwards was joined by its revived inhabitants. With the guidance of her hand, Eternis persuaded the mass to levitate back where it belonged, and once put into place, she turned back to the other islands, concentrating her efforts on those repairs next. All the while, her performance was unflinching, regardless of what destruction she surveyed or how humiliating the results; proud and pristine, she seemed immune to the shame that overpowered her fellow Councilmages, indifferent to the perverse methods that crumbled her academy.

Canaan felt Nova’s disapproval as the restoration happened under his glare. Though the magic was definitely astounding to watch work, he took issue with his mayhem being undone, especially by something so little – if Eternis did not radiate with holy light, she would have been just a speck of dust zooming through the air, impossible to pinpoint. Even now, she proved too quick and small to simply catch outright in his hand; Nova persuaded him to a different approach, turning his attention to the weather spire that had been restored. While Eternis circled around the other islands wrecked from his legs, Canaan thundered back to where he once was, casting his shadow anew over the tower and its awestruck inhabitants.

“Back for more?” Canaan chuckled, coyly hiding his smile with one hand while the other was perched on his hip – an intimidating pose for the waist-high island. So shortly after being revived, the mages there were flung back into pandemonium, facing their destroyer once again. “I guess you guys had too much fun the first time~ Let’s play again!”

He had already decided how the island would be re-devastated. His thumbs took the borders of the island and pulled the mass down in altitude, lowered to be level with his crotch. Having learned their lesson from before, no amount of mages even tried to resist, choosing to flee and seek shelter rather than conjure a spell in vain. Their enemy was once again Canaan’s cock, the erection taking aim; it was as long as the island itself, a detail the fairy noted with a chuckle before reeling back, and then thrusting forward. With the power of ten-thousand battering rams, his dick pierced through the center of the island, plowing and ripping the earth apart. The head was an unbeatable shovel that diverted the landscape up and over itself, including the weather spire, dislodged from its foundation and toppled across the penis’s length. Two hands grasped the far edges of the location, holding the floating island in place while Canaan pumped into it; after pulling back with a tingled moan, he smiled at his art, a ravine that split the island in two with strings of precum swamped throughout. In that moment of rest and watchfulness, the mages had time to dig themselves free from the debris, struck with terror as they saw their facility vanished and the earth divided.

Canaan pulled away and allowed the island to drift, its chasms widening and branching in patterns that entertained the overlooking giant. But just as he stroked off his dick of rocky dust and debris, he saw his handiwork be undone before his eyes. That zip of light had dived into the crumbling landmass, delving into the ravine with extreme speed and precision. Canaan watched in a stupor as physics reversed; cascading cliffsides lifted back into position, bridges and architecture reformed brick by brick, and the divide itself was gradually sealed back together. As well as repairing the island and its weather spire, the lives lost were restored, witnessed as balls of light that took the shape of confused students and staff. Eternis’s radiance performed its wonders around her wherever she flew, weaving around the ruins even as they continued to collapse; edging into a tantrum, Canaan’s fists coiled tight as he thought of how to stop the Councilmage.

“Again! Again!!” It was Nova’s impulses that directed Canaan’s anger, echoing commands that convinced him to approach the island once more. “Do not fear her – put her in her place! Destroy that island, and her with it…!”

And so he loomed above the weather spire as it was magically rebuilt, the enthusiasm in his eyes replaced with an unamused flatness; guilt seemingly fell onto the civilians at his crotch, as though they were responsible for being revived. These mages scattered again, still with nowhere to go, as the mountain-sized dick and balls rose into view like celestial objects – immensely heavy, they were yet so effortlessly lifted by a net of fingers, hoisted so that the whole package could be hovered into place, somewhere over the island’s center.

As if spilling out from his hand, the gigantic genitals were released. Canaan felt the dull smack of his testicles hitting the ground, shivered by the coolness of placing them there; he was coaxed into a small hiss, but the impact was far greater to those little lives. It was an explosive, single-strike bombardment of a ballsack, powerful enough to launch land into the air, a plume of smoke surrounding the site until the winds cleared it away. Only a minute after the cock was at rest, lazily settling into the forests and fields around the weather spire, the mighty thing was dragged back, revealing a disgusting streak of destruction – a landscape plowed flat by his balls, a dry river that was cursed with a sweaty, stinging aroma.

Like a dragon taking flight, the monstrous cock was lifted again into the demon’s hands. He wiped the underside clean of the debris layered onto his skin, casting that crumby mess down onto the earth at his feet. It had been a fun experience dragging his balls across the floating island, but there was something missing from the moment – a lack of devastation, a dwindling audience that was victim to his playfulness. With no remorse to how else it shambled the island, Canaan grabbed the sides and leaned close, looking over the location as if it were a gameboard on a table, his eyes bent in a glare as he bothered to find the problem. He witnessed it happening, noticed as tiny flickers of light, like sparks from a candle – the magic of Eternis teleporting the population to somewhere safer, rescuing them from a repeated demise.

Though annoying as it were, more important was that Eternis was there in front of Canaan, dashing from one danger to the next, ensuring the people were protected. Preoccupied with that endeavor, Canaan was able to step around the island and prepare for a different attack, growing giddy as he tried to keep his eyes on that ribbon of light. Though apparently powerful and majestic, Eternis was still just another grain of sand to him, and so he grinned wide as his hands readied to spring; Nova pushed for her Puppet to grab her in a fist and outright snuff her from existence, defeating the last hurdle of her revenge.

But as Canaan held himself there, the moments passed, and Eternis’s speed never faltered. “Ergh… Come on…” Canaan sighed, blinking wearily. Desperately, he made a swing for Eternis, clapping at the island – but he missed, his hand cratering into the landscape and gripping only at forests. Both hands then jumped at the golden dot from two different angles, yet Eternis still got away, shooting straight up into the air and looping around the island. Canaan growled, “Quit moving…! I can… hardly…” He blinked again and his head nodded; his impatience slowly turned into fatigue without him realizing, and a yawn interrupted his thought. “Ehh… What’s happening…? Mmm…”

Nova, too, found herself afflicted with exhaustion – when it made no sense, at the peak of her ploys, so close to climax. Looking through Canaan’s eyes, she saw for herself how tiring it was keeping up with that speeding line of life. Her Puppet became increasingly sluggish, another attempt at catching Eternis resulting in nothing. Nova wondered the same thing as he did, except she arrived at a dire conclusion: Eternis was casting a spell of lethargy, doing so even as she restored the island. Her speedy, erratic movements had been deliberate that entire time, amplifying the effect of her magic and thus sooner spinning the titan into a daze. Likewise was Nova affected where she was in the clouds, sapped of stamina and subsequently slipping from her height in the sky; she had to concentrate just to stay afloat, and so her connection to Canaan weakened, leading him to stagger backwards without her influence.

He closed his eyes and massaged his temples, but the dizzying symbols were burned into his mind, blurring his senses and coaxing him into laziness. Canaan groaned, but that transformed into a yawn, a noise that bellowed far – a prelude to the quake that was to come. No longer interested in making waves of destruction, at least not intentionally, he wandered to where he could make himself comfortable, deciding on a nook scaled to his size: the great base of the Tree of Mana, the natural monument that stretched fantastically tall, up into the heavens. To him, the mighty tree was not at all huge, and so he slumped into a seat at its trunk, dropping his immenseness into that spot. The earth roared where he sat, a crash that fissured the ground around him, which would continue to crack and break as he shuddered into some semblance of comfort with his back against the wood.

“Ghh… I-I just need a… minute…” Canaan claimed, holding his swaying head steady. He had no remark for the land and life he seated himself upon, his fading focus aimed up at the island and Eternis revolving around it. He knew better than to sleep suddenly, but the temptation was taking over; in attempting to resist it, Canaan’s mind swirled, “Haah… What a fun day it’s been…~ Hehe…”

Nova, however, was in no such elated mood. Afflicted with tiredness, she strained herself to keep her broom in the air, all while she dismally watched her Puppet shamble to the ground. “No… No!” she groaned, sensing the world rumble from afar after Canaan sat down. “I-I need you! We’re so close…!”

“This ends here, Nova Neverwing.” A disciplined tone grabbed Nova by the neck, struck with chills by the stern depth of the Head Councilmage’s voice. Nova spun on her broom until she saw the sparkle of Eternis rising from below to meet her, a figure that ascended through the sky by the power of her own will – no broom or platform required, her whole body floating on the wind. She surpassed Nova’s height, a position that looked down at the witch with sour disappointment; “Surrender now, and dismiss your demon.”

Nova gasped against the demand and decided otherwise. She turned sharply and took off into flight – she tried to, but before getting far at all, she smacked into a spontaneous barrier shaped around her. It was a bubble-like dome, designed to entrap her; cast by Eternis without so much as a gesture, the witch was thoroughly caught, restrained to a meager radius of room. Nova waved her hand and unleashed fire magic against the cage, but it proved futile – when the flames cleared, Eternis was there, waiting for the expelled student to forfeit herself.

“It’s no use,” Eternis said, calm but confident. “Even dark magic has its limitations. If you have any wish for a merciful judgment of your misdeeds, then I strongly recommend listening to my order: dismiss your demon, Nova Neverwing. I will not repeat myself again.”

“I-I won’t…!” Nova shakily spat back, reeling as far back into her imprisonment as she could, away from the Head Councilmage. She nervously glanced outside the bubble, down where her giant lay in near-slumber; she urged him to stand and rampage, but the most she could muster from her Puppet were lazy stretches. “Y-You can’t make me! You underestimate the power that obeys my whims! L-Like the Councilmages before you, y-you too shall be humiliated underneath my demon…!”

Behind her blinding glow, Eternis smiled slightly. “Your demon, Neverwing, is in fact a mere fairy – a petite creature misplaced between realms, imbued with magical arts forbidden across all worlds.” She looked to Canaan, as did Nova look behind herself at her Puppet. “He is surely lost and confused,” Eternis continued, “and should be returned to his home immediately. This is no world for him.”

Nova burned red with frustration and embarrassment – all that time, her glorious demon was an overgrown fairy. Be that as it were, her Puppet was her only leverage, her only tool. To dismiss it would be to forfeit everything she had worked for, to allow her destruction to be undone and for her revenge to die in a whimper. Her answer to Eternis was a stubborn glare, a refusal to follow any and all orders from a Councilmage, least of all their leader.

The witch had hoped her inaction would force a stalemate – only she could dismiss what she summoned, at least so Nova assumed. Eternis, however, had been generous in offering that final chance at redemption, and her unflinching reaction told Nova such was the case. Of course, the Head Councilmage had access to incredible magics, and where a summoner could refuse to yield a Puppet of their control, Eternis had means to make it so. Nova was the first to feel it, a sensation that eventually swept all spellcasters within miles – a vibe of energy concentrating into one vessel, called upon by ancient powers.

Eternis closed her eyes, lifted her head, and spread her arms; she accepted these invisible energies, pulling strength from the world itself. Her glow, an aura that was already smooth and shining, became a more refined outline of her shape. Her plentiful hair flowed in the air like a large web, and her intricately designed tattoos began to glow a lively, electric blue. Down below, surviving students and staff of the Academy heralded the sparkle within the clouds that she was; much closer to her, Nova shielded herself against the light, hissing as though it melted her to witness a display so holy. Then, there was a flash of a sigil, a circular symbol that highlighted Eternis before condensing into her core – a final inhale of magic that first filled her chest with life, then continued to expand further as her beautiful body began to grow.

“Gah! Stop, stop…!” Nova whined, shaking her head in useless denial. She peeked past her arm and into the harsh light, that which coated Eternis’s skin in a shimmering brightness, and was agasp at how the Head Councilmage was growing into her gigantic proportions. Before long, Eternis was huge enough to cast a shadow onto Nova, and subsequently the ruins of the Academy; she breached the clouds and breathed them away from her, soon becoming big enough that her feet neared landfall. Yet her transformation was so softly angelic, that when she did have to stand upon the earth, there was no crash or devastation – rather the opposite, as her presence itself restored order and pieced together the crumbled remains into the original shape of the Mage’s Academy. Indeed, everything Canaan had trampled was slowly revived, including many of the lives lost under his playfulness. When Eternis opened her eyes upon the ruins, she unleashed a blossom of restoration that brought even wider spans of land back to how they were, including the floating islands and their facilities, plotted back in the sky where they belonged. Nova panicked in her bubble while her destruction was undone, for she then understood the magnitude of power she was beholden to – the power of a Divine State, achieved only through decades of intense training and dutiful rituals.

Yet the last to acknowledge that holy transformation was he who warranted such retribution. In his lethargic condition, Canaan blissfully snored and giggled, nestled heavily within the roots of the tremendous Tree of Mana. When he sensed the turn in the atmosphere, he was gently drawn from his slumber, as though he smelled something delicious wafting in the air. He lifted his nose and blinked awake, quickly then realizing the beacon before him – the hugeness of Eternis, a towering woman whose height even belittled his own gigantic scale. But it was not her immenseness that had Canaan in awe; “Oooo… Th-That’s a lot of mana…!”

Nova, however, was much more enraged than she was amazed. As Eternis loomed high enough to eclipse the setting sun, the witch gazed upon her furiously. The irony was not beyond her: her Puppet, whose massiveness had torn apart the Academy and humiliated the Councilmages, was then matched with an equally massive Head Councilmage. It was the most obnoxious image Nova could have imagined, yet so much worse to face in reality, moreso while trapped in a bubble and unable to flee. She willed for her demon to rise and fight for her, but she found him still weighted with sleepiness. Sooner did Eternis’s eyes lock onto Nova and she chose to claim her – pinching the bead-sized bubble, her fingers proved powerful enough to crack the barrier, only for her restorative presence to reinforce it instead. Nova was helpless as she was moved through the sky, a long arm elegantly reeling her towards the awesome face of Eternis, as though her judgment would be decided by the expression of an immaculate mountain.

A breath of disappointment roared over Nova’s cage; Eternis sighed through her nose, quietly turning her attention away from the witch and to that which she summoned. She enclosed Nova and walked with her like an item, stepping closer to where Canaan was still laid on his back. At her feet, the audience of mages applauded her gloriousness, unafraid of where her sole would crash – for her existence only sparked life and creation, each footfall phased through the rebuilt structures of the Academy, and where they smashed into the earth was not a crater, but a burst of vegetation that blossomed miraculously between graceful strides. The world yet rumbled as her great size traveled from one half of the Academy to the other, a suspenseful sound that signaled an end nearing for the faint fairy.

The Head Councilmage’s approach ran a shudder in Canaan’s comfort. His eyes grew wider with every step, too curious to be blinded by her shining light. She was scaled similarly to himself, but proved bigger – more grown than him, taller by at least two heads, her body was otherwise more healthy and plush than his plain physique. Compared to Eternis, Canaan seemed stout and skinny; he slid his back up the Tree of Mana, wanting to compose himself, but too stunned to take a stand. Indeed, despite his impressive size and chaotic whims, Canaan appeared pitifully feeble in her shadow, as though he were a student of her’s fearing disciplinary action.

And then, she spoke – her volume rippled the field of clouds, but her tone was ever tranquil and balanced. “I apologize, little fairy, for what my arrogant pupil has done to you.” Eternis lifted a palm to Canaan, channeling a magical power. She knelt beside him, crouched above the ritual grounds and temples established at the Tree of Mana’s base. “You were manipulated against your will, released into a world not of your own. It is time you returned to whence you came – I wish you the safest journey between realms.”

Canaan cowered beneath the glow of Eternis’s hand, but when he sensed the pure magic radiating from it, he lifted towards the warm energy. His fears were shed layer by layer as he felt only a deep, instinctive intrigue towards Eternis’s magic; his fingers trembled with desire to take her hand and absorb some of that power. It was perhaps his final minutes of acting the role of a rampaging demon, but as the dismissal spell was closer to completion, Canaan only grew more enraptured. As habit of his excitement, his wings fluttered anxiously behind him, rousing the winds around him into breezes that blew upwards into the Head Councilmage.

“Farewell, little fairy…” Eternis announced as much – the spell was at her fingertips, waiting to be cast – but when she inhaled, a special aroma filled her nostrils. It stung at first, then brought heat to her senses; she breathed again, distinguishing the scent as the fairy’s. In her Divine State, she was meant to be immune to distractions, but she caught herself captivated by Canaan. Her resolved expression twitched with thoughts, her eyes scanning the form in front of her – a nude body, sweaty and dirtied with debris, quivering beneath her aura. Her lips parted when her gaze locked low, where the fairy’s erection endured, throbbing impatiently at an angle aimed at her bountiful chest. A creak of voice escaped her, “Mrm… What have we here…?”

Canaan babbled back at her, stuttering too much to speak, even if he did have an answer. Following her stare led his own curiosity to his boner as well, a glance that then bounced back to Eternis, honed onto her curvaceous features. Freed from his lethargy, Canaan rustled restlessly where he sat, his legs shifting and fixing – making a cobbled mess of the shrines built around the Mana Tree’s base. He felt no itch of those lives, the many attendants and visitors within those temples; they were far too small, and especially irrelevant when there was something much more enticing hanging in front of Canaan. Once having traced Eternis’s wide and feminine outline, his eyes went nowhere else, swirling solely on her impressive assets as she knelt even nearer.

“This… burden,” Eternis spoke, her nose pointing to what stuck up from Canaan’s lap, no matter how he wriggled under her gaze. She squinted; “Does that… frustrate you? Mm… I can sense such t-tension…” Her breathing stuttered for a second, as she caught herself luring her head lower, only so far from the erection’s tip – her exhales were nearly upon it, close enough that Canaan shuddered in suspense. Then, she lifted a hand hovering towards it; “A-As a healer, i-it would be undue of me to… not relieve you, b-before your dismissal from this realm…”

“...Huh?” Canaan blinked, unsure if he heard Eternis’s murmuring correctly. Similarly did the many mages below and around her find themselves just as confused, if they happened to understand that divine mumbling; Nova was among those struck by Eternis’s words, hearing her well even within the grasp of a fist. Her state of mind had no direction for Canaan, and so he froze where he was, motionless until Eternis’s palm rested gently over the head of his cock; “Nnh… Th-That’s…!”

“Ah, so… warm…” Eternis’s comment melted from her mouth as it opened in awe, parting wider as her fingers formed around the hard shape. Soft touches appreciated the flexible skin and smooth tip, small motions that spun tickled jitters from her subject; she grew curious how he might react to a slow stroke, followed by a thumb-pressed squeeze, which resulted in the fairy gasping and shying his face. Eternis was enthused, but her serious expression changed minimally; she shifted forward with her knees on the ground, crawling into Canaan’s space, “Y-You’re just a simple fairy… How cute…”

Beneath the two titans was an audience appalled with what played out arched in the sky. Within range of the sexual encounter were tens of thousands of perspectives, many still surviving through earlier ordeals as they witnessed their Head Councilmage folding into the invading fairy’s reach, as though she had fallen under his spell of weakness. They had unglamorous angles from which they observed, whether it was underneath the tremendous characters, or floating on an island nearby, much of what they could make-out were the motions of Eternis’s ass wavering in the air, or the fairy’s nervous trembling as he dug deeper in his seat.

Yet no reaction from anyone was as volatile as Nova’s, held closer to the rising action than any stormswept mage, with a clearer sense of what was unraveling. More than just witnessing the scenario – the lewd approach of a maternal Councilmage crouching onto a feeble fairy – Nova was deeply included because of her bond with her Puppet. When Eternis’s hand stroked Canaan’s cock, she shared in the arousal, her insides twisted against her will as she, too, felt the intimate touch and the intent behind it. A sexual fire was lit inside Nova, casting her into spasms; she slipped off her broom and clanged against her glass enclosure, that which remained pinched between fingers huge enough to hold a building. Though she raged with emotion, wishing she could be disconnected, her plights went unnoticed, acknowledged only as much as Eternis fidgeted with the marble, absentmindedly spinning it in her fingers as she sunk into untapped lust.

In the pull up from another stroke, Eternis gently lifted the fairy’s balls from the earth, exposing the craters formed by their placement; debris of shrines was firmly glued to the underside, stuck there by sweat and slowly coming apart, and amidst that mess were mage attendants, many of which Eternis taught personally. Their limp bodies scattered in the wreckage were then enchanted by a gold glow – they were rejuvenated and revived by the Councilmage’s whim, though where they came alive was still densely dank, there in the swampy barrens of where Canaan’s testicles once resided. Yet after being restored, they were lost again, crushed under his balls as they slumped back into place. Eternis gasped, but not out of worry for her students and staff – from a chill of excitement like she had never experienced before.

A smile crossed Eternis’s lips like a slash. “You’ve been a naughty one, little fairy~” she huffed amusedly, a breath she shared with Canaan almost nose-to-nose. “Trampling my school and humiliating my students… I can’t possibly let you go w-without being punished… could I?” Her tongue licked at excess saliva, but enough desire drooled from her that a droplet fell astray onto Canaan’s lap. As if pulled in that direction, her head bowed down, and so too did her bosom sink and surround the fairy’s rod with its plumpness; her reddened face nuzzled into Canaan’s shoulder and chest, where a giggle went muffled into his skin. Her hand traveled his back so that she might steal some of his shivering – his twinges of reaction to her boobs enwrapping his dick with their weight alone. “Was all this destruction fun for you? Admit it~” Eternis cooed, “You are very guilty~ So many had to suffer, b-because you couldn’t control yourself…! Sh-Shouldn’t you be ashamed? Mm, it doesn’t look like you are at all…~”

Chills spilled down Canaan’s neck, an electric response that ran to his groin and pushed his arousal forward, deeper into the cleavage forced upon him. It was a natural instinct that his hands, after hesitations, palmed the globes, fitting as much of the flesh between his fingers as he could – a meager fraction, an amount that drew a smug laugh from Eternis. Though Canaan’s touch explored and experimented with the bouncy weights, there was so much more to yearn for just beyond his shorter reach; so Eternis laid lower, leveling her face with his, and pressing her chest more firmly onto his crotch. Canaan flinched from the pressure, just as Eternis winked against a wet development – precum from the fairy, the beginning of a bigger burst.

“Ah– Even now as I scold you,” Eternis giggled, “you still manage to enjoy yourself… Don’t you realize what it looks like to everyone…?” Licking her lips again, the Councilmage’s eyes went searching for something nearby – a floating island with a flat surface, speckled with tiny observers. They were astonished by Eternis’s hand cutting across the sky, extending under them so that the whole island was reeled inward. It filled her grasp like a handful of sand, brought close to where her breasts pooled around Canaan’s cock so that they had a lowly, intimate view; near enough they could hear the friction of skin between whirlwinds of heavy breaths, as though witnessing some other mountainous islands clash into one another. “Think of how they must feel,” Eternis said, “watching this g-giant monster… become seduced by a Councilmage’s breasts… like some mannerless student…!”

Canaan’s whimpering developed into quick moans; his hands swirled the globes with wider, faster circles. He glanced at the island and its tiny inhabitants, as he was essentially commanded to by Eternis, told to think of their perspectives. Of course, his thoughts could only race with ideas of how miserably little they were, wondering how wild it must be to see two giants melt into sex. It was as Eternis desired, that his arousal be pulsed by those details, resulting in his engagement – a humping rhythm, attempts at stroking himself off with the two boobs. His energy was weak, but the effects were no less huge, as every motion hammered the landscape under his ass; tremor after tremor, Canaan’s low-willed involvement leveled the outer radius of shrines and temples, forcing mages out from their shelters and into the humidity of sex. It was worst between his legs, where a prized sanctuary was lost in the shadows of tits and cock, rumbled under a roof of flesh – until Canaan slid forward, and in doing so, bulldozed the sanctuary into bits beneath his balls. The mages resisted the overwhelming flood of testicles and ass, but no magic nor might was enough to prevent the sanctuary from becoming a cool sensation underneath a fairy’s sack.

It was perhaps that exact stain of ruin that urged Canaan’s load through his limits, for a second afterwards, his voice rose into a shaky howl that ended with a stutter. His result was obscured to most, but that island in Eternis’s possession saw the eruption clearly – a geyser of bubbling white, a thick splash that launched into the air, then crashed into a valley of cleavage. Every feature involved was some body part bigger than that island, substantially more significant than their little collection of lives, and neither of the two giants overlooked that fact about themselves, that his orgasm between her boobs was momentous and breathtaking, enhancing the pleasure that shot through their veins. The island of people despaired as the distinct scent of semen drifted into their airspace, but their inclusion had only just begun.

The hot fluid had Eternis wince as it dripped down her skin; she lifted her chest up from Canaan’s lap then, revealing the stretch of stickiness that had been made. She scoffed, “Inexcusable… Yet another mess you’ve made that I will have to clean…” As that was said, Eternis retrieved the tool she would use: the island she had claimed before, grabbed again with even less respect for its inhabitants. Like tissue paper, she draped the landmass over the sticky spread, surface-first, to remove the material from her cleavage. The floating earth caked into the ooze, soaking it up like a sponge; the process was more graphically disastrous for the tiny population, their world overwhelmed by the white fluid as it was tilted and scrubbed across Eternis’s generous globes, the ruins of civilization held in a disgusting stand-still trapped inside the fairy’s cum. Truly, the island would have crumbled immediately and failed to clean anything, but restoration magic reinforced the land, only to the point that it would withstand its purpose as a disposable cloth. The people were not so enduring, surviving only so long with protection magic, before some swirl of cleanliness smothered them too deeply into the Councilmage’s tit.

Nearly forgotten by the principal spellcaster, Nova was nonetheless as involved in the titanic romp as her shared-senses included her, blinking back and forth between her pitiful perspective in Eternis’s fingers, and that of her Puppet’s seated in front of her. His vision had become foggy and narrow, but Nova could see well enough through it to sympathize too well – instilled with shame and embarrassment, that she had been overtaken by the arousal of her old headmistress. She would have raged over how opposite the situation was to how she intended to humiliate her, but it was too absurd, too erotic, especially so for her demon, strung along by Eternis’s motherly guidance. Nova lay puddled in the dome that encased her, having embarrassingly orgasmed as well, but what kept her achingly hot was the awareness that she was still tensely turned on – thus, so too was her Puppet, hard and eager even after that dramatic climax.

Eternis soon observed the phenomenon herself, after discarding the tissue-island into levitating debris – something she made a mental note of to restore later. Her intrigue fell squarely on the sternness of Canaan’s cock, his stamina equally seeming to persist. Her smile curved wider as her eyes followed his, how his staring spiraled over her plump features with a craving lean. Washed over by that gazing as though it were worship, Eternis was compelled to present herself as invitingly as possible; she stretched into the air, expressing her full features to the fairy, before rolling onto her back, relaxing wide across the earth. A corner of her campus found itself crushed under her shoulder as she laid too closely – another place and people she would have to restore – where the rest of the academy survived in the shape of her armpit, spared of destruction but instead burdened by its radiant humidity, the walls and facilities threatened by sweat charged by sexuality.

Yet those thousands she affected with her presence was a blip on her mind, as she giggled in anticipation of her fellow giant. She shifted her legs in dance-like maneuvers, hypnotizing Canaan to crawl closer; she beckoned to him, “Are you still… in need? What a stubborn creature~ so pent up~” Her thighs spread apart, revealing a wetness that clung to both, an opening that tempted Canaan to fill with himself. On his knees, he shuddered nearer, cautiously touching the plush flesh – wondering how allowed he was, gradually discovering how Eternis yearned for him. Where he once scanned her entire form, he was drawn specifically to her cunt, enamored with its hugeness compared to the forests and roads that it drooled upon. Eternis’s tongue clicked with impatience, “Please, do get that energy out of the way~ I cannot very well send back a little creature under so much distress.”

Shivered out of his suspense, Canaan curled over the luscious body, his height perfectly suited for his head to rest on her chest while his hips pressed into her crevice. He situated himself in that welcoming softness, inhaling Eternis’s aroma – a pleasantly strong, intimate scent that combined with the bitter smell of earthy destruction. Canaan gasped at how wonderful it felt to lay into the Councilmage, sparked instantly into the motions of sex, beginning with short-pulse thrusts. Yet as weak as that beginning was, each rotation pounded the world around them, generating continuous tremors that threatened a radius around them. The campus was victim to whichever ways the gigantic bodies jostled, but evacuations to get away from their sex were slow and meager; before long, Eternis was buzzing with breathy moans, her twists of delight extending the havoc at her sides where crowds were overtaken. The floating islands nearby did not hover unscathed, afflicted by the turbulence of their tremendous motions, drawn dangerously close to Canaan’s wavy backside as he delved in and out of the Councilmage.

But the fairy had a taste for more than just Eternis’s sex, attracted to not only her mature charm and plentiful features, but to that radiance around and within her. While she was laid back in ecstasy, her mana carelessly resonated from her presence – syrupy, oozing magic that tickled Canaan’s senses. It was unlike most mana he absorbed, a flavor made rich by its holiness, offered in excess from her avatar body; unable to resist yet another temptation, Canaan licked the invisible essence of mana from Eternis’s skin, lapping beneath her breasts where it pooled as much as her sweat. He licked as diligently as he plowed into her, kneading her flesh with thin fingers that sunk into her softness so that the flavor would be massaged out from her ritual tattoos, the designs where her holy energy was most prominent. Eternis welcomed his curious mouth as much as she had invited him for sex, laughing as she understood his affection as visceral and obsessive – unaware that the fairy was consuming her mana, sapping her power slowly but steadily.

“Mhm~ Are these gestures of gratitude?” Eternis rumbled warmly to Canaan’s licking. She stroked his hair, gently guiding his head so that his mouth took her nipple – a more electric place for him to lick, and by chance, where mages from the islands had been stranded, struggling to survive the oppressive perils of the titans’ sex. All that they strained through was in vain when a soaking behemoth crashed over their positions, bombarded by Canaan’s tongue in a swirl of a kiss. Eternis hissed from pleasure, “Y-Yes…! Keep kissing~ Leave a kiss everywhere you can reach~ I-I suppose I should help you, hah…”

The world fissured and groaned as the gigantic Councilmage rose and repositioned, acting impatiently with the desire to be loved and worshiped. She took a prone pose supported on her arms and knees; noticing the swampy wastelands that her sweat and skin had made of the area, she off-handedly waved restoration magic to repair the damages, bringing life back where it had been – so that they could relive the experience, brought back to awe at her tremendous self. A sultry stare urged Canaan to return to as he had without a word, compelling him to approach from the rear, beckoned to her wobbling ass raised high for his use. A smaller isle floating in the clouds found itself between the two entities as they reengaged, its inhabitants ambushed by a tsunami of testicles that cracked their land into the mountainous curves of ass, annihilated in that first thrust of action. A similar situation unfolded in front of Eternis, for when Canaan rammed inside her from behind, a ripple ran through her body, resulting in her breasts bobbing forward – hanging as they were above the ground, they swayed back and forth, building momentum according to Canaan’s dizzying rhythm, until the enormous tits were lobbed in all directions, their roundness colliding with the campus towers below. Suddenly, their suspended weight dropped down all at once, an explosive splash of flesh as her boobs pressed into the earth, bending the terrain to their outrageous shape, her countless pupils smothered as she sighed steamily.

It was a scene that repeated itself, every incredible detail replayed onto the campus and its population, which was continually resurrected and put back into place – revived so that they can be played with again. Over and over, students and professors were carried by sweat, entangled in hairs, and squished between skin; after a sweep of devastation and a brightly orgasm, Eternis would laugh and restore the bed-like world, only to have it destroyed within seconds when she would initiate with Canaan. He was always happy to serve her, a role he was accustomed to playing, but of course, with every romp and reposition, he had new opportunities to steal her mana, licking up the delicious essence and adding it to his own. While lifting her long leg up-right against his height and pounding into her, Canaan cleaned her heel with his tongue, soothing her into ecstasy without her realizing her power was leaking away; he explored her large figure wherever he was instructed, plucking stragglers off her body while also enjoying more tastes of mana. He could never restrain himself, and saw no reason to – nor did Eternis have any reason to command him to cease, indeed encouraging him onward with new poses and different angles as the sun reached the horizon.

For every erotic second the two titans played, they dragged Nova along with their enjoyment – though it was anything but from her perspective. Eternis’s magical confinement never so much as faded while she was carried away on her lustful whims, and even if it had weakened at any point, the witch inside would doubtfully have the mind to take up on the chance. Her senses remained shared with Canaan, imbuing her with everything he felt; her hands were filled with flesh, her tongue was dry from kissing, but her sex was most radically charged, stimulated with explosive sensations that went beyond her body’s capabilities. In bouts of peace, while the gigantic entities swapped positions and rolled along the earth, Nova had only just enough of her own mind to rage at her predicament, panting and gasping as though she were just as involved – that act, critically, was something she detested, to be engaged so intimately with her old principal, the enemy she came to embarrass. If she ever looked away from what she saw, she would ironically close her eyes and immerse herself in Canaan’s place, seeing through him a yet closer image of Eternis, whose expression beamed wildly victorious. Indeed, it was marginally easier to face the bombastic reality forwardly herself, to look out the glass from wherever she was left to hover, often lingering above and beside the two bumbling mountains – or worse, overshadowed by their forms, pinned between the massive movements of the sex she herself was having.

Nova was on the verge of a visceral scream, throbbing intensely after Canaan came again – ejaculating onto Eternis’s breasts, where his fluid seeped into a valley of crunched islands. In a glazed state of mind, she weakly watched the event unfold, a thick tsunami of white spewing across a mile of broken landscape, drowning any life that had been struggling to exist between giant tits; it was stinging then to hear Eternis’s laughter, a tone that remained energetic and adventurous, surely still ready for another round. The thought would have spiraled Nova’s fury, but as she pointed that frustration onto the Head Councilmage, the rage in her eyes flickered into wonder. She blinked upon realizing a dramatic development that had seemingly gone unnoticed by either giant, that being Eternis’s scale – a downshift from height she once heralded, notably shorter even if she were still tremendously sized. It was most obvious comparing her to Canaan, a figure she once stood taller than, but had since become almost equalized. Eternis’s power was weakening – siphoned from her and into Canaan.

Yet enthralled with the arousal she unleashed, Eternis was none the wiser of any shrinking on her part, so numbed by orgasmic joy that she never thought about the fairy growing bigger on her. As long as he was horny – and he impeccably always was – she would continue to lay out in new positions or command the creature into some other favor, grabbing at islands to be used as replaceable toys. She was in that very position, allowing her breasts to spread and the mess between them to cascade naturally; while picking out some floating landmasses to next include, Canaan stood above her with his hands on his hips, recovering his stamina and relaxing his muscles, all so he could dive into sex again. He had just licked his lips, hungry to proceed, when he felt a pang in his mind, a temptation affecting his judgment.

Take it all! Nova’s will rushed through Canaan, a jolt that dashed up his spine. Claim her magic – make it yours…! It’s all for you~ Take it, and overpower her…!

Of course, as Nova’s Puppet, Canaan made sense of these thoughts, convinced they were his own. Without question, he happily approached Eternis as he had before, calling no special attention to his change in intent. Eternis was smiling and relishing her bliss when he knelt beside her, believing he came to worship her – instead, her wrists were taken, gently at first, then tightly restrained against the campus grounds. He bridged over her with a dominant shade that betrayed his cute exterior, an angle that drastically warped Eternis’s perspective – only then did she understand the changes that were happening, that her reservoirs of magic were depleted. It snatched her breath to learn too late that control was slipping from her, and that it would only more hastily fall from her reach, as a wide tongue smacked her cheek and licked up her face, a physical taste that took a magnitude of mana with it.

C-Cease this at once! I-I order you to– eugh…! No…!” Eternis’s mighty volume became a whimper that quickly against the force of Canaan’s draining kisses. More rapidly did she lose the strength to resist, try as she might to wrestle free, her size too reduced to overpower the fairy and his cravings. Her naked body was his to taste and sample, its diminishing shape making it more convenient to take yet more mana from her; he licked between kicking legs and sucked on her boobs, drawn to any parts that were oozing with delicious power, until eventually, her squirming body could be slathered entirely in singular licks. By that point, Eternis had been flattened with exhaustion, her throat dry with disapproval as she lay limp within the rubble of the school – still very much a giant to her students, she was nonetheless transformed to pygmy size compared to the fairy, a handful of hot, soft flesh that he effortlessly scooped up from the campus ruins. She protested in shivers, “R-Release me, you b-beast…! R-Return my magic to–!”

Canaan’s cackle broke her sentence there, a distinct noise of amusement that boded ominously for the disempowered Councilmage. Melted in the palm of his hand, she appeared like a gift to his whims; his fingers played with her bountiful features, prodding and stroking her flesh remorselessly. It was according to the dark desires of his manipulator, and he expressed the same relief as her, even if nothing he went through was particularly unfun – Nova, however, was prime to attain her revenge, ecstatic to reclaim control of her Puppet and turn the tables of her foe. She had her demon locate her bubbled location from the sky, found as a mere twinkle among the clouds; she used his fingers to effectively claim herself as her own object, exerting an iota of his strength from those tips to crack the shell that imprisoned her. She was freed at last, flying on her broom and laughing maniacally, swelled with an excitement that was bound to fever within Canaan just as much. Indeed, both pairs of eyes inevitably turned to Eternis, their malicious ideas shared like a brainstorm of torturous creativity.

Eternis was staggered in trying to speak sense to her captors; “N-Nova… Miss Nova…! D-Do you not see h-how this dark magic has corrupted you…?” She wriggled in Canaan’s hand, which immediately punished her with a squeeze around her plush and steamy body. “Grk– Mercy, pl-please…! I-I can restore you as a student– I can reward you!! Th-Think carefully, Nova, or else–”

“An excellent thought! How befitting of someone so lowly…!” Nova chuckled to herself, sparked with inspiration of how to rightfully demean the Head Councilmage. Canaan had come up with the urge himself, but it was with Nova’s influence that he would act upon, changing how he sat among the chaotic sprawl of the campus so that his crotch was pressed on the fissured ground. The proportions of his package were outrageous to the little people – a testicle alone was bigger than how the demon began his rampage – but both he and Nova thought more pointedly about its scale to Eternis, taking her there to his cock where she was forcefully massaged against it. “He’s worshiped you more than enough,” Nova said, “it’s time you be put in your proper place!

Like a miserable toy, Eternis was dragged up, down, and around the genitals of the giant that had overtaken her. Attempts to pull away were countered plainly by Canaan’s grip, which always ushered back firmly against his cock; all her spasming did was incite tickled reactions that boomed over the land, moans and giggles that certainly spread disaster to her pupils and staff. It became apparent her hope was to please the enormous fairy and tend to his dick as demanded, obediently stroking and rubbing against it with her whole body, an effort that was immediately exhausting and even more humiliating. His boner prodded her body, longer than she was tall, as stern as a pillar that she pitifully tried to appease; the sack of his balls washed over her like a blanket of musky heat, a surprising amount of weight that would erratically bounce into her and undo her balance. She performed as dutifully as her pride would allow, but she was also tragically aware that her shameful display was for all to bear witness – a supershow that every surviving student and faculty member could see, if they were not made a part of the moment itself.

That very well became the most pressing threat to the mote-like population that surrounded Canaan as the suspense within his erection boiled over into precum. As the liquid spilled down his stiffness – and slopped over his plaything Councilmage – temptation took over and he decided to include more little lives into his sex. He lazily plucked nearby islands out from the clouds, regardless of what was built upon them, dislodging them from their orbits and rushing them down to his lap. Though he handled the islands roughly, he kept them structured – he wanted them destroyed by Eternis, an intent made clear by a few fingered gestures. Eternis was appalled, but knew she had no choice; she maneuvered the landmasses, some as big as she was, and collided them into the superior cock, breaking the stone and earth into dust no coarser than sand. Canaan’s precum perfectly caught every detail into its viscous grasp, entire lots of architecture held in place and oozing down his boner’s length. Droplets took away entire crowds from the island’s plains along with buildings and trees, plummeting to the grounded campus below as a bombardment of disgust – a sight Eternis beheld, but that her restoration magic could not fix, not after her mana had been stolen.

On the verge of release, Canaan carefully handled his tension, reclining backwards for a more relaxed position, as well as an angle that would be most devastating to the academy. His back carved a streak of flatness as it unrolled across the earth, proof of his greatest size yet – countless facilities, shrines, and fields were swamped by his sweaty side, crushed in a world of musk and shadow. The ground would continue to groan as he shifted into comfort, his hips lifting up and slamming back down with seismic effects, none of which were worthy of his attention. Indeed, Canaan’s priority was a hunger between his legs, a desire planted by Nova’s twisted vengeance: tilting his asshole upward, he made a small opening inside himself, an entrance that was a wide and terrifying portal to a place of raw flesh. The population below him feared that the hole opened to consume them, but its lively twitches called to the giant Councilmage standing among them, a glowing, shivering icon that was perfectly scaled for Canaan’s interests.

Eternis, realizing the fate that was exposed to her, was sluggish to turn away and flee – perhaps knowing too well that she was too small to escape. She bounded across the school ruins, trampling over camps of survivors that would soon be caught in the storm, but she could only move so quickly, drenched with cum and dizzied from being abused. A lazy reach was able to catch up to her, a slow net of fingers that were too strong to deny, gripping around her nude body and abducting her from the campus. The tightness around her torso pressed a squeal from her throat, a pathetic sound that made both Canaan and Nova laugh – a fair response from one about to become a dildo to a fairy’s asshole.

Eternis’s noises became muffled, but no less frantic, as her face was crudely shoved into the anus in front of her. She was wedged inside, regardless of how she flailed her legs or struggled to break out of the grasp, her head and shoulders used to widen the passage and push her deeper within. Grunting turned to gagging as her senses were overwhelmed by the dominating odor; pulses driving her back and forth exhausted her will to fight, making her limp and more malleable. Her entirety was occasionally swallowed into Canaan’s ass, barely held by an unforgiving pinch on her ankle, as though she were a toy on a string, designed to be forced inside another person. The gruesome visual was on display for all of her students and staff to witness, every single detail amplified to catastrophic measures, that even a drop of sweat from the fairy’s ballsack threatened to crash into courtyards, or how a crevice of skin could close and crush structures. The landscape was reshaped like the wrinkles of a bedsheet, contorting to the heaving massiveness of a giant’s anal masturbation if it did not become stained to his steamy body. Yet out of all the absurdity, no position was more humiliating than Eternis’s, the very tool that was rapidly being used to stress Canaan’s erection to its tipping point.

That immense arousal had its effects on Nova as well, her smaller form driven wild by her Puppet’s gigantic energy and the squirming sensation that seeped up her own ass. Despite hovering at a distance, the sheer size of the apocalypse had even her entrenched in the thick aroma of sex and its efforts, but she was at least safe from its most dangerous thralls. No longer an accessory to the Head Councilmage, Nova was free to fly and do as she pleased, yet she hardly had to travel to enjoy the chaos she created; never did she expect her Puppet to become so powerful, having grown bigger with all the mana he sucked from Eternis, reaching a height that was only comprehensible with the floating islands and miles of forest making scale for his sprawling size. When a moan snarled from her lips, the same happened from Canaan, but instead bellowed as a bassy noise, a vibration that phased through her as much as it did the thousands at his perimeter – she was a spectator to her own sexual viscousness, exponentially aroused by the compounding effect of lust provoking lust.

Nova guided her broom with one hand to be flown into a superior position, an angle from above her Puppet’s crotch from which to see her Head Councilmage disappear. The hugeness of her minion was so grand that it took obnoxiously long to travel around him, even the girth of his dick was so round that it took a minute to spiral once around it, down towards its base. The giant body rocked and shivered, the expanse of skin seeming like an ocean with rolling waves – a wet, sloppy noise made the appearance more convincing, the foul sounds of Eternis being slipped in and out of Canaan’s asshole, louder than the earth cracking or the campus crumbling. Nova then hovered lower, near enough that she could have landed on the fairy’s ballsack as if it were a precipice; peering over its fleshy edge, she savored the sight of Eternis, bound by greedy fingers and rhythmically thrusted through a ring of burning pink. All pride and dignity had been drained from her, a mess of a woman that was stripped of almost everything that classified her as a master spellcaster – even her own size, depleted from divine proportions to be no bigger than how the demon first arrived at the Mage’s Academy, a far cry from how large the fairy had since evolved. She must have seen Nova smugly looking down at her, for her voice returned in miserable squeaks, calling out to the witch in the gasps of air she was allowed – yet as much as it pleased Nova to hear her beg, she willed for Canaan to lodge her deep inside himself and to leave her there to dwell, a darkly satisfying way to silence her resistance and truly make her presence vanish.

With no toy to hold or manipulate, Canaan’s palms drifted to the terrain at his sides, where his weight made canyons in the land that pooled with his sweat. His quivering knees rose like mountain peaks in anticipation, an angle that aimed his boner higher and more forward; all the stimulation he required was let loose inside him, a stress in his rectum that gradually faded smaller and smaller, yet for every bit that was reduced, his climax came that much closer. To feel Eternis disappear as though she were being flattened out of existence was what propelled Canaan into a writhing fit, an itchiness that the whole campus endured in the build-up towards a volcanic conclusion. The temperature swelled in the moments leading to that release – paranoia reached its worst, mobs of mages hurrying over debris and across chasms, casting whatever spells they knew to defend themselves against the wave they expected.

Canaan’s expression, though unseen by the masses, flickered between stress and euphoria– “Hhg… Hah, hah, a-ahh…! Please…!” Then, at the tail-end of his whimper– Gr-gooooouuush! From his cock erupted a plume of white, a cloud of fluid so thick that it cast its own shadow over a mile length of victims. It launched high into the air, a jetstream of cum with enough force to pierce through a poorly-positioned floating island. Glops of semen left other islands drenched under a boiling-warm avalanche, but it crashed most intensely onto the earth, splattering on the ground with enough weight to make craters, spreading far and fast in an ooze of destruction. If bomb-like droplets and strings did not wipe out the towers of the academy, then the flooding that followed surely would, toppled by the crashing waves and drowned with the rest of the architecture. Completely hidden under the blanket of cum were the thousands of mages that were unable to escape in time, squashed under a lake of Canaan’s creation. Survivors delayed their demise by clinging to rooftops or flying to the sky, but more continued to pour like a storm, the orgasm lasting longest of them all, spewing plentifully like a fountain for an agonizing length of time.

Following that fullness of release were the final bursts, launched from the dick in shivers and twitches, quickly crashing into the land below. The same rhythm was heard in Canaan’s gasps, his voice trembling in a steep contrast to his mighty power, remaining splayed out as he was while helping pump out the last few shots with his hands. The very end was announced with a heavy moan– “Uhhhnn…! Hoo…” Canaan’s muscles relaxed and his limbs slumped; exhaustion finally caught up with him, only once the academy grounds had become a site of desolation, a wide field of rubble and chasms painted over with semen. The fairy peeked over himself at such dismal scenes, but the details awoke only a chuckle from his chest, amused as he looked back on his journey through scale.

Similarly was his master in an exasperated state, panting and moaning, having enjoyed the same intensity of orgasm as her Puppet. Nova teetered in the sky, swaying with less and less balance atop her broom, from where she idly gazed down at the devastated landscape – the college setting she was once familiar with, those everyday routines now drenched in cum or flattened into footprints. Red-faced and blurry-eyed, the witch had no grace with which to compose herself, yet she felt the same pride as a proper Mage’s Academy graduate, as though she were finally beyond that ring of her life. The school that had failed to live up to her expectations of power was in ruins, and the council responsible for expelling her had been defeated in humiliating fashions; remembering those four brought warm pings around her body, in the very places she had her Puppet consume them, as if they were still wriggling inside him. Nova grinned messily, content with the conclusion of the Councilmages, but still anxious over what to do with the rest of the Academy – and its hundreds of scattered survivors, some making themselves visible as they magically bubbled up and through the lakes of cum.

Inspiration was wordlessly shared between the two as Canaan rose from the earth, his bare back and ass dusted with debris and dirt that he left stained on his skin. The sunset behind him stretched his shadow ahead, a silhouette of the confident stance he took, each foot planted firmly apart. The graveled academy lay centered to his hips, his eyes looking over the location one last time, giggling again at how his cum oozed over the architecture and made everything fluidly flat. There was almost a sense of grotesque peace at the level of the mages, which Canaan hoped to gloriously interrupt as he gently aimed his dick with his fingers.

In his most direct offensive yet, Canaan unleashed his piss upon the remaining people. The torrent sped across the sky towards the earth– Psssshhhhh!! The impact was terrifying, striking the ground into a geyser of destruction, an orbital beam of liquid that carved fissures where it traveled. Urine flooded every valley of toppled structures, a new storm that arrived with a stench as overpowering as the force itself; rivers ran rapidly from where his piss crashed, washing over the beaches of ruins where mages had taken refuge. Some tried to outrun the beam by flying fast on their brooms, but the sheer volume of the assault was inescapable, every pellet of piss another missile in the bombardment, smacking unfortunate mages right out of the air. Canaan made sure to direct his stream to all corners of the campus, pleasantly sighing while the terrain was turned into a toxic swamp, eternally desecrating the area as an uninhabitable stain on the world.

Nova watched with a mystified expression, drifting just under the clouds so that she could see the land become waste. As it was her own compulsion originally, she too relieved herself – urinating where she was afloat in the air, the fluid trickling down her broom between her legs. After that series of orgasms, pissing freely was the greatest comfort she could celebrate with, releasing her tension all at once in a disgraceful display. Nova moaned while enjoying the liquid sound of her Puppet’s beam annihilating the Academy, devilishly pleased to know that the campus could never recover to its former pride; washed away in piss, the only remaining landmark of the school was its surrounding wall, a grim border that contained the worst of the witch’s revenge.

“Ah… That feels nice…~” Canaan quietly exhaled, crooking his knees as his stream neared an end. The pressure of his piss waned until it was just a dribble from his dick – yet each droplet was no less dangerous, splashing down like a detonated bomb. Once completed, Canaan huffed and let his arms drop to his sides; he raised his nose up and away from the tarnished Academy, unenthused with the pools of cum and piss that dominated the territory. He weakly kicked at structures that survived the downpour, crushing them under his toes with a small smile. “I guess that means I’m done here~” he giggled, lifting his fists up to his hips. “Now, where to from here? Anywhere else I can pla– eh…? What’s happening?”

It surprised Canaan to only then notice that one of his hands was almost gone – depleted into strings of light particles, carried away by the wind. All over his body, he found spots disappearing, similarly turning into motes that drifted away. Though a stunning visual, the effect itself was painless, and Canaan had an instinct that it was inevitable, innately aware that some magic was running dry. Indeed, it was the summoning spell that had bound him to Nova’s realm that was fading away, dismissed since his mission was successful. Though regretful that he had to leave so suddenly, he was happy to have one last look around at the landscape, how it had become reshaped under his playfulness – the slopes and craters and fissures would last as evidence of his being there, that he arrived spontaneously to destroy, eat, and have sex, growing bigger to fulfill his desires. In his last seconds of being a demon of destruction, he waved wide and high, saying goodbye to the world he had ruined before finally vanishing into light.

Nova blinked at the absence of her Puppet, staring at where he stood before turning her gaze to all that they had accomplished. Down below, the Academy she despised was eradicated and utterly humiliated, almost completely disintegrated except for the largest mounds of rubble. In the sky around her, she watched as the floating islands hovered in disarray, some tilted to one side and pouring over with land that levitated in midair, others blown to unrecognizable pieces that spread scattered apart. Most crucial of all the results, however, was what she could no longer perceive: the Councilmages were gone, banished when her demon departed, their influence gone from the world. Even the masterful Eternis and her supreme abilities were overwhelmed by her dark magic, defeating her even when she had the upper-hand.

Everything Nova had wished for had come true. Beyond the destruction of the school that had wronged her, she had proven the sheer power of dark magic. The path ahead of her was for herself to forge, and in the stillness of the devastated atmosphere, she was already dreaming ahead of what demon she might try to summon next, and which enemy she would thrust it upon.

There was a flicker of light in the grass, so small and so quick that it went unnoticed by the sprawling nature. A fairy had magically appeared – Canaan had returned to his own world, teleported to the pond he had been swimming in before being called away to another realm. His first steps back were staggered as he oriented himself to his familiar surroundings, dazed after having been taken from another land; no longer did he tower above a civilization, brought back to where he was a tiny creature in a big world.

“Hmm… That’s it, huh?” Canaan asked aloud, looking behind him as if the Academy would still be there. He even looked under his feet, checking to see if there were any signs of life stuck to his sole. He sighed, “Over as suddenly as it began~ How strange!” Tickled with memories, Canaan fluttered his wings and took flight from the grass, hurrying back home – lest his mistress be upset with him for leaving for so long, a list of chores still left to be done.

As the fairy zipped past branches and bushes, he often had to scratch an itch that was around his balls and ass, a persistent irritation that he paid little mind to. What Canaan mistook as dirt caught between his legs was in fact nests of mages, students and faculty that were incidentally warped with him to a different magical world. Those survivors taking refuge in bits of buildings squished against his balls would eventually reckon with their lowly placement – specks of dust clinging to a fairy’s cock.


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