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[The following story is a reward for a patron. Thank you so much for your support!

The following is an original story set in a three-sized world of smalls, mediums, and giants, focused on a giant-small lesbian relationship. The story features multiple sizes; feet/footwear; gentle/romantic interactions; handheld; crush/destruction/rampage; stomping/sitting; masturbation.]

The act of larger humans entering medium- and small-scale territories was indeed illegal when committed unplanned and unannounced. There were lists of proper procedures for when the need arose of a giant to travel to differently-sized places, but there were also minimal barriers to prevent someone from simply hiking over the borders – bright-yellow warning signs with the promise of penalties and a few waist-high path blockers were all that stood between medium-sized civilization and the purpose of any curious giant. Yet even less existed to stop a giant from encroaching small-sized areas, defended and designated by fences that were only tall to the mediums surrounding them; merely ankle-high to a giant, as effortless to pass over by accident as it were deliberately. Even if Georgia were to be punished, the fine could be paid off, and so no deterrent was enough to change her mind before she stepped into the boundaries of tinier proportions.

A designated path existed specifically for giants that visited, essentially a highway for their express use, so much like a road that it curved close to the actual routes of traffic. Georgia followed that trail as intended, quietly navigating her way around the edge of a medium-sized city, which populated the area outside Capital Terminal. She was not the only giant on the path, but certainly alone in how blatantly interested she was with the scale of everything she passed. Her smile was tickled wide by a range of details that her eyes dashed to: circles of knee-high neighborhoods, distant buildings no taller than her, billboards she could pick up and carry – a very real temptation, a feeling extended towards most features that were within arms reach of her. She restrained herself, but was compelled to crouch low when she saw strings of cars zipping in and out of tunnels that wove under and through the giant walkway; knelt on her haunches, she positioned herself right where the traffic disappeared, giggling aloud as she imagined the toy-like vehicles that were directly beneath her feet.

Georgia’s enthusiasm, however, made Maxine’s ride more disorienting, her balance in the bottle cap constantly turning around as her date slowed, stopped, and twisted unexpectedly. The small-sized woman was also curious about the world at middle height, most interested in how a giant like Georgia compared to the setting – a setting that was, to Maxine, no less dizzyingly huge than anything she saw of a giant’s. Those tall buildings and wide roads were surely daunting to her, but traveling with Georgia made all those features a passing blur, only just a prelude to how big she would be compared to Maxine’s home. She beckoned for Georgia when she stalled above the tunnels, “Sh-Should we keep going? We might make it by sunset–”

“Oh, of course! That sounds awesome!” Georgia bounded down the designated path, staggering Maxine anew with her burst of energy. As fast as she could in new heels, she hurried around the medium landscape, increasingly eager to turn the next corner that would reveal a more shrunken world.

Hanging at the edge of the bottle cap, Maxine fought over her motion sickness to look up at the city landmarks up ahead – the familiar silhouettes of skyscrapers and lowrises, with their variety of lights beginning to glow as the night breezed in. She saw her home from an unusual angle, but pointed ahead as soon as she made some sense of direction; “Here– this is it! Wow…”

“Whoa! Ohhh, my god…!” A chill ran up Georgia’s body, a very real ripple of energy that Maxine felt shiver through her fingertips. She looked back and forth between the two worlds, which were divided by a thin span of terrain, plus the width of the giant trail. On one side were rows of buildings high enough to act like walls and corridors to Georgia, but on the other side, all proportions shrunk down another magnitude. The tallest small-scale skyscraper, most notable out of the urban grid, was knee-high and as thin as a leg – both of her’s trembled with a new degree of caution, wary of how much more impact every step certainly had. Georgia hesitated to continue, afraid everything she saw could fold like a house of cards. “This is so pretty! Hold on, oh my god…”

Maxine endured the rumblings of Georgia shuffling through her purse and retrieving her phone. From where she was held, she could see the gigantic phone screen light up for the camera, which swiftly snapped a photo of the cityscape. The angle of her picture was not so flattering, however, pointed down into what felt like a floor rather than ground; Maxine noticed as much when the image was shared to her phone, stirring a sensation of vulnerability as she thought of how little her home appeared to Georgia. From another mindset, it was even more chilling to ponder instead how huge Georgia was, a presence that stood significant even from afar.

But Georgia was rapidly getting closer, loosening her cautiousness with faster footsteps up the road. As much as she buzzed with alertness, so too were the small-size citizens becoming aware of a visitor just outside their borders. All walks of life on the streets slowed to a crawl so that they could cast a distant gaze towards the wandering giant; rush-hour traffic became more tightly congested as the stress of Georgia’s nearness created slowdowns and disturbances. People pointed and took photos if they were close enough to have a good angle, with rumors quickly spreading of what her intention might be – a dense suspicion that she might not be permitted in their territory, and that she could stumble into mischief at any moment. No one knew that she was on the tail-end of a date night, and that in her fingertips was one of their own – in fact, she was their own city planner, an apt person for the perspective she had, overlooking the very community she had some influence in shaping.

All of that work paled to the strides Georgia made, circling around a city district as she stayed on the trail for giants. She had so much to say about every feature she could distinguish, squinting at specific places and cooing about their cuteness. “Like little replicas…! Ooooh…!” she giggled, kneeling low to look down at a streak of warehouses and facilities – not the prettiest selection of the city, nevertheless appealing to Georgia because of its smallness. Maxine suspected more than once that Georgia panged to take something right out of the ground, a feat she could very well perform if allowed to, but she had nothing to say at all during their stroll, caught up in reflections she saw from the city lights below.

But when Georgia took a wide step outward, stretched outside the designated pathway for giants, Maxine snapped in: “B-Be careful! Y-You’ll crush that…!” It was a flinch response, spoken with too much of a stutter to be heard in time – krrrnshhh! Maxine recoiled behind the bottle cap’s edge, retreating from the vicious sound of concrete and metal breaking underfoot. She was spared the visual details of what crater Georgia had created, a pit of a sunken intersection where streetlights and vehicles were crunched together – destruction that the giant thought of as a messy misstep, but nothing more. She continued as she planned, blissfully deciding on a detour right through the city, embarking into a landscape unfit for her hugeness. Maxine gasped as another step flew into place, soaring above a square of lowrises; “Oh my god, look out…!”

“What? Huh?” Georgia was laughing in her best attempt of balancing carefully over a city block. She heard Maxine’s warning and so suspended her foot midstep, hanging above a highway of panicked drivers. Their horns blasted in a chorus of surprise, reacting to the looming mass that had rushed towards them, and stopped just as suddenly; they gawked into a ceiling of Georgia’s soles, so freshly worn that they had yet to develop any scuffs or stains, a polished slate that would have callously flattened anything under it. Because Georgia had been paused, the traffic below had a window to escape – but only so much of a window, determined by an impatient attitude. “Oh, it’s fine! I’m just walking!” Georgia explained as her foot continued as it had – krrrraaacksshh! Another powerful step made the pavement into sand, and a series of storefronts along the highway crumbled from the quakes. Even Georgia could not shrug off the consequences, peering down at her foot with an apologetic expression. “Whoops. That was close, but…”

Sirens sprung up around Georgie’s legs, her impact having triggered a variety of alarms that made for a chaotic song she could hum to. The depth of her destruction did not seem to phase her as she continued onward, hiking her leg up and over another stretch of architecture, but Maxine was keenly conscious of every disaster her date was causing. She was jaw-dropped by the scenes below, which occurred explosively in one moment, then faded in the distance after just another couple steps. Each boom became more critical to Maxine as the environments grew more familiar to her – places she had been to, businesses she engaged with, homes she had visited – no less devastated by Georgia’s footfalls than any other corner of the city. She especially recognized the key places she had a hand in developing: shopping plazas, office parks, and residential areas were all prone to falling apart at the feet of her massive date, and she thus shared a unique intimacy with those locations, sensitive to how they were affected by Georgia’s debut.

Maxine blinked out of a trance when she saw the most familiar sight of all: her own apartment building, a tower complex with multiple rooftops, a standout structure in the inner-city residentials. “Whoa, stop! Stop!” she suddenly barked at Georgia, fearing a feeling of unstoppable momentum. She flinched, but Georgia did stop as asked, her massiveness suddenly at a standstill – Maxine panted, “Th-That’s my place! Right there… Hah, i-it looks so different from up here…”

“This is it? This one right here?” Georgia specified, lighting up brighter with every second. Though her thundering feet stopped while crossing over a highway, they just as suddenly bounced back into an even faster rhythm, shooting up and down in a dance of excitement up towards the apartments. She gushed with comments over every detail, peering all around the walls of what felt like a tall cardboard box – seemingly almost as fragile, as the tower shuddered each time Georgia turned a corner. “This is crazy! Which one is yours? There’s sooo many! Oh my god– hiii!” She waved rapidly towards a couple huddled on their balcony, gawking up at the giant’s immense motions, but she soon peered around elsewhere, searching up and down the multiple floors like shelves of a cabinet.

“Th-The eleventh floor,” Maxine said, having to speak in between Georgia’s giggling. “It’s the corner apartment– that one! Y-Yeah…”

Georgia immediately sat on her haunches for a better angle to look into the apartment. As her eye drifted around the long windows for various views, her smile shivered and widened, a picture that haunted the neighbors below – residents that were startled by the giant’s odd interest in their home, curious and afraid as to what her intention was. Some began to evacuate to lower floors, while others pressed to gander outside at the woman’s magnificent size, many having never seen a giant-scale human before then. She was so enthused with the apartments that nothing else earned her attention, even the drivers scrambling around her gigantic heels which supported the heft of her ass; Georgia neared closer until her face was against the wall, staring intently into the windows with a single wide-open eye.

“I love your plants! I didn’t even know plants came in small-size~ Am I dumb?” Georgia laughed, oblivious to how her voice rumbled through every flat, every comment announced for everyone to hear. “Oooh, you left some laundry out~ I didn’t think you’d be so messy! Hehe, is that a bra I see…?”

“G-Georgia, hush…!” Maxine gasped with both amusement and embarrassment, but it was dawning on her how late it was to care about manners and presentation – not when there was destruction and mayhem afoot, far larger consequences for having invited Georgia to her city. “I-I wasn’t expecting to bring anyone back… Er, are you done looking yet? Y-You might need to leave soon…”

“Hold on, just let me look at the other side! I think I found your bedroom~ Any secrets there? Hehe~” Georgia insisted and began twisting around the structure, shifting her feet while remaining knelt down, but just as she leaned low to look through, there was a crunch of a noise, and a cool feeling spilling between her toes. She almost jumped after finding her foot had slid and bulldozed into the lower corner of the apartments – a blow to the building that caused its shortest tower to bend, then crumble. Debris fell like sand and pebbles, sifting through the open-toed portion of her heels; furniture and infrastructure broke between the wriggling toes, but there were residents involved as well, scrambling up from the dust and reacting to their sudden displacement, slow to comprehend the giant digits that lifted and sank. Georgia thought right away to dash her foot aside, but she completely froze up, biting her tongue and saying nothing – as though it might be undone if she kept still and quiet long enough.

But Maxine had heard the commotion and looked down in that direction, a steep angle that still said enough about what had happened. The sight of smoke pluming into the air sent a shock through her spine; “Georgia! Wh-What did you do…?!” The results explained themselves, however, and Maxine was left grasping the truth in front of her – her giant-sized date had kicked down an entire building to her apartments, made into ruins that fell over her foot like dirt. By accident, no less, and she could keenly sense the guilt swelling up in Georgia, seeing the emotion in her eyes – but only so much concern, before Georgia drifted her foot from the collapse and used the point of her shoe to scrub and spread the scene of damages. “C-C-Careful, Georgia!” Maxine panted, her waist pushed into the border of the bottle cap. “Y-You could make the rest… fall…!”

Saying that aloud, a very real and dangerous concept as it was, made Maxine’s voice weaken into a whimper. The idea turned her whole world red, alive with a newly discovered passion that was impossible to explain, though her lips fumbled with words to elaborate. It was a tug-of-war in her mind, that she both wanted to spare her fellow residents any undue dismay, and also to see the demolition continue, captivated by the wild image of her neighbors squirming amidst Georgia’s gorgeous toes.

“Ugh… dammit,” Georgia whined, “these were new shoes, too…”

Maxine shuddered intensely after hearing the exact words her fantasies needed. The tone was ideal, the timing perfect – that slight snob of attitude that Maxine was allured to most about Georgia. Listening to her complain not about the devastation of a misstep, but firstly the condition of her designer heels, had locked Maxine’s mind into a track of arousal with no brakes. She slipped along the bottle cap’s edge, her legs tripping in and out; she had one hand to balance herself with, as the other was purposed between her legs, digging against the fabric for a desperate masturbation. She felt a twinge of regret for treating her dress so gracelessly, but the rising feeling was uncontrollable otherwise, resulting in her body glowing bright and warm.

Awkwardly peeling away from the apartment complex, Georgia glanced back at her date, a minute late to realize how busy Maxine had been. She blinked, taking seconds longer to comprehend her hunched-over state; “E-Everything okay, Maxi?”

Yeah!” Maxine squeaked, louder than she meant to. She swallowed dryly, “G-Georgia, just… just cr-crush it all, okay? Th-The whole thing…!”

Georgia chuckled, “What? The apartments?” She thought it was a joke; “I’m super sorry, okay? I-I promise I–”

“No, j-just do it! R-Really!” Maxine ordered, leaned over the ledge of her platform as far as she could – hyper interested in her own request. “Step on it! G-Go ahead…I h-have to see what happens…!”

Georgia still did not fully understand, and almost thought she was in a dream or a test, but she could clearly see how energetic Maxine was acting over the request. Despite it not making sense, and ignoring the trouble she could get in, Georgia rose up from her haunched seat and took a confident stance in front of the apartments. Her foot elevated from the streets up to the highest rooftop it could reach; an uproar broke out as residents had no doubt of Georgia’s intentions, sensing the tremor ride through their homes from her sole being placed up above them. Last minute evacuations flushed down stairwells, but there were only seconds of suspense before the giant put her weight forward and unleashed a drilling stomp–

Brr-thoooooosshk! Floor by floor, the tower crumpled under the pink-colored sole of designer shoes. Georgia’s foot tore down the middle, breaking through each level like glass, but pleasantly tickled by any material that her ankle sank into. Without a center in the structure, the remaining sides of the complex leaned and crumbled on their own, splashing down over Georgia’s open-toed heels and under its arches, leaving a skeleton of architecture stripped of its features. Her leg, finely shaped and smooth, had fully replaced the building as a new landmark, shifting and twisting as Georgia stamped the ruins into a flatter, less-decipherable mound.

Both she and Maxine were eager to inspect the results, leaning forward and staring straight down. There was almost a footprint-shape to be made-out from the wreckage, but more rubble poured over and made the distinction more vague; no less were both women awestruck, washed over with the reality of what had been done. Georgia swallowed, starting to feel nervous, which manifested in staggered giggles, whereas Maxine was stiff with pressure – then, relief, as she peaked in a burst, sooner than she would have expected. She melted into the bottle cap floor, while Georgia stayed fixated on the destruction and its rippling effects through the area.

“Baha-ha… pft… I-It’s really, just, gone.” Georgia said it plainly, watching the last few walls of the apartments crumble. “Uh, so, y-you’ll cover that, Maxine? Right?”

Georgia’s huge eyes laid upon Maxine, only to discover her in the afterglow of getting off. She seemed phased into another world, dizzy with a euphoria that should have remained in fantasy and never acted out in real life. It was too late to change course, and she was beyond the point of feeling regretful – on a high of ecstasy, she rebounded to her feet and gazed over the city skyline, deciding then that it was worth it to go as far as the moment could go. She pinpointed the most identifiable landmarks, remembering her years of managing the city’s layout, all the details and decisions that went into literally shaping her society – maps and charts she had memorized for her profession, then being utilized to determine where else she wanted to see her giant girlfriend rampage through.

“Uhm, honey? Should we be going?” Georgia stuttered, drawing Maxine out of her trance. Her confidence from stomping through the apartment complex had faded fast into shyness, meekened by the sound of approaching sirens. Of course, her reckless act had not gone unnoticed by the city, though she and her date were only then making themselves aware of the wider world; the noise of crowds and traffic scrambling around Georgia’s heels dawned upon their senses, washing them both with nervous chills. Before long, the people had dispersed a distance from where she stood still, revealing a barrier of police cars and barricades where officers and agents got a read of the scene. Georgia began to sway with faintness as the authorities formed within the streets; “Sh-Should we… talk to them? Or…?”

Maxine took a long breath, inhaling the high-altitude air of the evening – exhaling her better conscience, ignoring civility. “There’s a radio tower around the corner– see it?” she said, pointing out the structure. It was within line of sight of the apartments, the very reason it was made Maxine’s target. “It’s been an eyesore ever for years… I want to see you crush that, too.”

“Heh? Wh-What…?” Georgia blinked, uncertain she heard her right – but Maxine was pointing firmly at the radio tower up the block, commenting nothing on the police or the consequences. She hesitated to head that way, looking back down at the ground-level scenes, but her worried expression changed soon enough. “I-I guess I can just, walk right over them.” And so she did, as simply as she stated it; one leg arched over a corner of ruins, and another step went over the heads of police. Georgia watched them carefully, aiming to not crush anyone – if she could help it – and saw them ducking their heads or dashing aside, cowering from her stride. Her stare lingered for several more booming steps, tickled into a playful wink farewell at those she left behind; Georgia then looked forward, increasingly giddy as she neared her next task.

Maxine gripped the edge of the lid as she studied the moment intently. Rather than masturbate herself into fogginess, she insisted on watching from beginning to end, to savor every second of destruction. It was a thrill just to travel so quickly around her city – memories of rush-hour traffic were relieved by each car crunched under Georgia’s feet – but nothing matched the sheer impressiveness of a structure being felled by her giant date. Georgia giggled into position beside the radio tower, never knowing that the site was protected by barbed wire fences that broke under her arrival; after sizing it up as leaner and taller than herself, she needed no direction, willfully raising a foot against one of its gridded angles and immediately sensing its weakness. The metal whined under a pressure that popped screws and bolts, but in a laugh of energy, there was a startling snap – the radio tower was knelt by Georgia’s kick, timbering over itself in a slow, mighty descent. It leaned and fell in her direction, collapsing into her arm; she marveled its peak for a moment, then mischievously allowed it to drop into a streak of ruins in front of her feet. That pause was scarier from Maxine’s perspective, where the radio tower appeared to be falling onto her, until Georgia effortlessly redirected the structure with one hand.

“...Down she goes,” Georgia mocked, using the toes of her new shoes to dig around the crumpled metal and that which it fell onto. By asserting her foot’s weight, she crushed the height in half, sliding her foot in a streak backwards that exposed the flattened remnants. So enthralled she was that she had to remember it was Maxine’s request, not her own whim. “How was that? Did you like?” she wondered cutesily, eager to hear from her partner’s point of view. “No more eyesore, right? Hehe~”

Maxine nodded, too choked to otherwise reply. Her head never angled away from the destruction down low, barely blinking until the radio tower was settled and dead. It was crossed over multiple streets, having struck down power lines and trees, narrowly crashed between two buildings; small fires rose up, illuminating the stunned drivers that were nearly caught in the catastrophe, but close enough to soon be involved. Maxine’s keen attention took notice of a few exasperated faces, seemingly more frightened by enormous footwear and the round toes that teased them than they were of the growing flames.

But the issue of the fire was abruptly ended, when Georgia nonchalantly snuffed them under her sole. Maxine felt the giant then jump with regret– “Oooh, wait– these are brand new!” Georgia whined, quickly withdrawing her heel – hurdling shards of debris behind her with such speed. “I’m so dumb, pfft-hah~! Aw, sorry, Maxine~ I feel like such a mess!”

“N-No, no! Y-You are perfect,” Maxine stammered, flipping to face her giant girlfriend – as though reintroduced to her height, after her size had been applied so much more savagely than otherwise during their date. “I-I’m sorry, but, w-we should keep going– look at that hotel! Th-That really blocky-looking one…!” Maxine bit her lip, knowing she should at least try to restrain herself, but when that hotel’s burdensome design came to mind, she could not let the opportunity pass. Her description aimed Georgia right to it; “Yeah… That one, too. Please…”

Maxine chuckled and saluted playfully. “Whatever you say~”

Citizens struggled to adapt to the shift in the storm – the new direction the giant was strolling to, deeper into their city. The streets were shaped less generously for someone her size, resulting in walls and billboards becoming bent and broken to make way for her hips, which rolled side to side according to the balance of her heels. Onlookers from upper floors and rooftops were ambushed when her waist was upon them, barreling into their lookout points as she went by without a word. After enduring her presence, they all looked back at where she came from, following the distinguished trail of craters and the places that smoldered in her wake.

The air was then abuzz with helicopters giving chase after the giant woman, cutting through the sky behind her. They beamed strong lights onto her figure, highlighting her position against the darkness of night; Georgia felt tickled where they pointed onto her, bathing in the attention that was clearly focused on her every action. That was as much as the helicopters distracted her before she was upon her mark, almost tripping over the building: the business hotel that Maxine had groaned about, a squat block of concrete compared to Georgia. While she idled at its perimeter, hotel guests reacted to her looming legs that waited outside, whipped up into hysteria as many learned only then what had been the cause of all the quakes. Their destruction was delayed while Georgia decided exactly how to entertain Maxine’s request, inspired by the thought of the helicopters around her and the different perspectives they surely had.

“How about I put you… here?” Georgia hummed, turning to an office complex opposite of the hotel. She delicately lowered the bottle cap to the tallest rooftop, right along the ledge, where she imagined Maxine would have the best view. A laugh escaped her as she backed away, realizing again how tiny her girlfriend actually was; “Okay– ready? Feel free to take some pics~”

Maxine was afraid to be left alone and out of Georgia’s reach, but it was a fear that electrified her fantasy, that she was truly unable to control her giant date and was just as much a pawn as any other small-scale person. She swallowed that fact hard with bated breath, shakily leaning on the edge of the lid as far as she could; she felt the foundation of the offices rumble as Georgia waddled backwards into place, a disastrous symptom of the young woman’s clumsiness, but another shocking appeal for Maxine’s interest. As assumed, that shivering sensation would only worsen in the next seconds, an inevitability all nearby citizens prepared for – whether they made distance away from the hotel, or if they resided inside, rushing down the halls and stairways to exit out.

It was soon evident that Georgia would not be using her feet to crush the structure like the others before. Instead, she pushed and angled her rear-end outward, far enough to feel her shorts curl up her skin as she took aim for the flat roof and its blocky utilities. Her knees buckled together before letting her ass be planted on the surface – krrrrshhhkk! A thud and crack of noise emphasized her weight hitting the hotel, an initial drum of impact that immediately shortened the whole building. A thunder of tremors rippled down every floor, rattling guests and staff alike off their feet; windows shattered and ceilings shivered, the infrastructure strained to support the immenseness on top of it. While that turmoil trickled down the multiple levels, Georgia settled her ass into a cozy spot, moaning and giggling, gradually getting a sense of balance, but never quite secure enough to be still – which was fine for her, having enough fun with what felt like a silly challenge. What mattered most was that Maxine was amused; Georgia glanced at her regularly as she took her seat, pleased to see her little body always turned to her, observing every moment.

“There we go…~ I think that’s good!” Georgia sighed after finally coming to rest on the rooftop, her hands curled around the walls for extra support. Her legs adjusted hesitantly according to this balancing act, her heels clacking with unsteadiness against the driveway of the hotel’s front. Evacuees flowed all around her feet, crowds of faces that sprinted past the debris-stained designer footwear, then turned at least once to gawk at what they had escaped. Yet many others were still inside, the slowest among them caught desperately dragging loads of luggage, despite how costly the delay could be. There was never a point that the hotel seemed stable, but Georgia was convinced otherwise, believing the building could withstand being her throne well enough to move more freely. “Heh~ Are you taking photos?” she asked Maxine, carefully unbending one leg outward. “Alright, get a shot of this~”

In a hasty motion, Georgia’s leg then sprung up into the air, lifted over cars and street lights and stretched across the highway. It was meant to lay smoothly on top of a stool-height lowriser, but the transition was not so elegant; the stiletto stabbed into an upper-level apartment on the first attempt, becoming stuck inside the wall. The family inside scrambled away from the bomb-like blast into their living room, helpless as they watched their home be blindly attacked by a pink battering ram. Georgia eventually pulled the heel free, only by ripping it through more of the apartment – but she eventually had it settled where she desired, letting her foot rest atop the roof as though that were the building’s purpose.

The pose she struck was like lightning to Maxine and her perfect placement nearby. Her view was impeccable, given the sightline of Georgia’s long, healthy leg as it was bridged between buildings; she watched the huge foot bob and sway once it was situated, the toes stretching apart in that chance to relax. Maxine was close enough on her rooftop to share in the rumblings of the neighboring lowriser, hearing the concrete snap and turn to gravel just as much as she felt the air tremble. Staring into the shoes lulled her into a trance – a memory of how those high-heels appeared so pristinely in the showcase window, now dirtied with urban destruction. Through that stiffness, Maxine yet managed to raise her phone’s camera and save a few shaky pictures, precious treasures to be appreciated later.

Authorities arrived and the helicopters hovered nearer, yet their presence only instilled more boldness into Georgia, swelled with confidence like never before in her life. Her smile had sharpened devilishly, amused that she not only enamored her girlfriend, but had captivated a whole audience of spectators, panicked as they may have been. Her eyes glazed over the pools of crowds that urged away from her, but never totally fled; she had their attention hooked onto her, a factor she wanted to play with as she smugly spun into new poses. Her legs lifted and crossed in playful patterns, making a show that put focus on her new heels – footwear she coveted with sensual strokes, visually bragging about the elite fashion. A wall of apartments was given a special viewing as she cast her foot past balconies and windows, purposefully pointing out the studded gem, a boulder as big as any resident; it was especially shown off to Maxine, but she was far more fascinated by the hugging toes, awing their shape and smoothness at a closeness she had yet to enjoy before.

But Maxine’s private showing was interrupted by chopping winds bearing down on her – followed by a flash of light that beamed from above. A helicopter had flown in overhead, taking an aggressive position over the office complex. Indeed, Maxine realized she was its target; from its floodlight were silhouettes of agents calling down to her through speakers, announcing orders of surrender. Maxine’s heart jumped into her throat, flinching and shielding herself from the helicopter, trapped in the bottle cap with nowhere to run. She doubted she even would if she could, paralyzed with the fear of repercussions for that which she encouraged to happen.

Hey! What’s the big idea?” Georgia’s voice boomed suddenly, a tone that was uncharacteristically assertive. Her words cut through the air and through the helicopter, as though the aircraft had gasped; its passengers looked nowhere else but to the giant’s face, which grimaced at their proximity over Maxine. “Leave her alone! Go on, shoo~ Get out!” Her anger was eased with an arrogant giggle, but her reaction was no less violent – to ward off the helicopter, she approached it with the tip of her foot, her high-heel becoming a weapon of engagement that lobbed at the vehicle The helicopter reared away, blown by the fanning effect of the foot, but Georgia wanted it gone, and so she steadied herself with her leg reeled in. She licked her lips as she took aim and giggled, “I said, shoo!

Launched like a missile, Georgia’s high-heel shot into the sky. Her half-hearted kick, meant more as a game, was an assault on the helicopter; its pilot swerved dramatically, but the attack proved too huge to avoid. The aircraft was swept into the canal of the shoe’s arch, where its blades collided with the sole – breaking instantly, as did the rest of the helicopter crunch and grind, lodged into the leather crevice. It was caught like a moth to a snake, grabbed mid-flight and forced along with wherever Georgia’s foot traveled and swayed.

Yet that successful strike was not without applying pressure to where the giant was perched. Sat atop the unstable hotel, Georgia’s ticklish kick proved crippling to the infrastructure, her shift of weight too much to handle. The roof broke under her ass, giving way to its roundness unto the highest floor– then the next, and the next. Georgia gasped and tried to catch herself, but it was already too late, every level of the hotel collapsing one at a time until her butt was drilling through the building fast to the bottom. Each subsequent floor was denser than the last with late evacuees, given only a second’s notice before the ceilings overhead disappeared – replaced with a meteor dressed in denim shorts that relentlessly rushed through every room, office, and amenity. She carved the hotel down to its ground lobby, where her landing fissured the driveways and parking lots, unleashing a tremor that rumbled hard under the runaway crowds and spun them back into awe towards the billowing destruction.

As the aftershocks rang around the district, Georgia’s movements groaned through debris with gravely noise; with her kicked-out leg, she tried to rock herself up and forward from the ruined hotel, but her seat was sunken into debris, her knees hooked over a wall and her arms flopped along the side. “Oops! Erk…! Oh my god, th-this is so embarrassing…” Her complaint was sincere, a higher concern than anything else – prioritized above the scrambled people dotting her clothes and body, more important than the crumbling hallways or the victims trapped under her ass. Anything on her body, person or otherwise, was brushed off like dust; she expected most of it to sift of her body as she eventually began standing up inside the disaster site, but the most spirited of the small-scale people clung to her clothes or skin, more persistent than the rubble they were risen from. Georgia chuckled, “Nope. No tagalongs. Sorry~” Her manicured fingertips snatched them away one at a time, plucking them off from her stomach, arms, thighs – she jittered knowing all the crevices along her body they could end up hidden within, itching at her as she slunk away from what used to be a hotel.

Maxine exhaled – her breath had been held for what felt like minutes, not even a gasp having left her as she was so suspended by that sequence of events. Her stance was like stone inside the bottle cap while the helicopter overhead had been kicked down, an explosive moment immediately outmatched by Georgia’s descent down the hotel. Maxine had witnessed plenty of demolitions in her career, but never so spontaneous and wild; no barriers of control or precision-based explosives, instead the raw power of a gigantic ass pounding down each floor. Clouds of smoke had to fade before Maxine could observe the final result at Georgia’s new heels: the concrete box of a hotel had been flattened, a stamp of its former self, barely identifiable as having once been a bustling building. Remnants of the hotel were insulting stained to the giant’s denim shorts, as revealed when she stepped out and turned around, her pronounced rear bent towards Maxine’s rooftop; she marveled at its might, as though it were a muscle being flexed, genuinely intimidated by its plump superiority as much as she was squirming with arousal.

“H-Hey… Georgia…! Hey!” Maxine had to reclaim her voice from the depths of her throat to call out to her giant date. She adjusted her earpiece to be heard; “Georgia, th-that was… amazing.” She spilled into a laugh, glancing at the last photo she snapped of her date – a picture taken a second before the collapse.

Georgia was still dusting herself off, patting her backside down of the debris imprinted into her. “More like humiliating,” she scoffed, combing her legs one last time for stragglers. “Dumb hotel – it looked a lot sturdier, I promise.” Once finished cleaning herself, Georgia was then pestered by the lingering helicopters, hovering around her like flies. Appropriately, she swatted at them with open fingers, breezing them in different directions if not clipping the aircrafts and spinning them out of control. The more annoyed she was made, the less patient she became; she groaned and hunched away from the helicopters, leaning low to retrieve Maxine. “So, where to now?”

Maxine stuttered and swallowed several words as she was lifted back into the air, returned to the grasp of a giant, that which she had witnessed and even encouraged to terrorize the city and its population. Even after destroying multiple structures, Georgia was happy and willing to continue – eager to express her hugeness to her tiny partner, tasks so effortless to her that yet meant magnitudes to Maxine. She thought of where to guide Georgia next, but went warm with a broader idea: “Anywhere,” she answered, “anything. Destroy it all. Destroy this damn city…!”

“Oh man,” Georgia giggled, “if you say so~ But, first…” Though Maxine had been peering over the bottle cap’s edge with interest of where they would go next, she was instead elevated higher, held level with Georgia’s face. She was specifically aimed and brought close to her lips, the pillowy chasm from which her heated breaths ventilated in and out; they spread into a grin, revealing white teeth when she was so enamored with the tiny woman’s nearness to her mouth. “Can I get a kiss…?” she asked, gently for her size. “I think I’ve earned one, right?”

Maxine was colored red in front of those lips, close enough she could reach out and hug them. She heard the request and hesitated, wondering how she would even attempt such a challenge, imagining her speck-like size pressed into Georgia’s giant kiss. “U-Uh, of course,” she replied, “err… I-I don’t know if– guh!” Her decision was made for her when the bottle cap was tilted forward, tripping her in that direction – stumbled into the lips, which she discovered were as plush and warm as she expected, a mattress of inviting softness. Though she panicked at first, flinching around to find balance, she was soon coaxed into trusting Georgia, letting her body lay on the puckered lips; in a surge of romance, Maxine caressed her entire head into that tight parting, returning the huge affection with a rapidfire series of kisses and licks meant to equal the love she received. Indeed, she was desperate to have her emotions understood, even if it meant straining herself into a messy image for the sake of tending Georgia with the kiss she deserved.

The rest of the small-scale world faded from their focus – Maxine, in particular, was drowned under Georgia’s moaning, revealed to be especially audible in her romantic gestures. The couple was swept into their own affections, regardless of the wailing sirens and crying crowds. Georgia was empowered beyond any other point, and so she chose to dispose of the bottle cap – the platform she had kept Maxine on – letting it fall like litter into the ashy ruins of the hotel. Maxine would soon realize its absence when her feet kicked for a surface to return to; stamped into Georgia’s lips, she remained laid out against them while a hand rose to her, offering to carry her personally. She eventually trembled into the palm, tumbling into the pit provided for her; she was looked over under loving eyes, appreciated despite her disheveled and winded appearance.

Smiling brightly, Georgia unhunched to her full height, standing taller than ever over the small-scale city. “Let’s get to it~” she announced with a raised foot, deciding on a stretch of road with which to bombard her first step into. The quakes restarted, spreading paranoia to the people in waves as she began her trek to somewhere else, every stride purposefully spaced to leave a trail of chaos behind her.

The city never stood a chance against Georgia’s massiveness and Maxine’s directions. The giant casually strolled from one area to the next, striking terror with every step along the way, until she could showcase her true power with an exact building pinpointed to her. No structure could withstand one of her stomps, let alone anything worse: Maxine encouraged her date to be creatively destructive with the city she knew well, telling her to reach through rooftops or sit on top of apartments, occasionally picking out civilians and traffic as targets to toy with. The games Georgia played were overwhelming, and so the city was denounced as a lost cause – every rank of citizen told to escape if they could, to abandon their homes and businesses to the playfulness of a rampant woman. While the couple took time to crush and crumble in unique ways, the society they stormed upon swiftly evacuated, surrendering everything they knew to their whims.

Once it was known how emptied the city had become, a sense of intimate privacy washed over the two. Georgia was first to notice that there were less lights beaming at her, less volume from panicking people – Maxine realized it as well when she saw the nightlife streets vacant and powered down, lifeless like she never knew them to be. That did not discourage their destructive lust, however, as Georgia in fact saw an opportunity to be alone and unwatched. She seized the moment by turning an entire district into a bed, forcing aside lowrise buildings to widen a space for herself to lay; the ground was textured with rubble and fissures, but her sprawling size swamped those details under her, disappearing as she laid out on her side with Maxine in-hand. As though she were atop the mattress of her date, Georgia fantasized openly of their peace, cradling side to side and crumbling the cityscape further into ruin, gushing over Maxine until the love was overfilling. Under the night sky, the lovers explored each others’ arousal; from a mile away, the small-scale citizens watched and heard the romance unfold into sexuality, weakly observing the cityscape become the backdrop for a giant’s masturbation.

The streets and highways were desolate, scribbled over with craterous streaks and pools of debris. Without much of a population left in their wake, the air fell silent – except for the moaning and breathing, resonating from where Georgia lay on her back, her pants half-pulled down and her shirt moistened with sweat. The eventful evening had left her exhausted, almost as much as it had worn out her tiny date, and so both recovered from their melted states there within the city. While Georgia was stretched in a valley of toppled buildings, Maxine was flat on her stomach, resting on the wide plain of a much bigger belly, satisfied with the view she was granted – that of her devastated city, but more so towards Georgia’s features that lifted and sank with her breaths.

The couple relished in their afterglow not unlike equal-sized partners, relaxed from their experience and drawn adrift into their screens in a moment of peace. Georgia rumbled with activity, the whole district shaken by the way she typed into her phone; she texted her sister, quick to brag about her successful date with a small-scale woman – a person even tinier than the woman her sister dated. She shared a “bedside” photo of the aftermath, including her long legs and the ravaged background of the city, attached to the text, Date night with a small. Oops! The sweating emojis at the end made light of the grim and barren scenery – Georgia was sure her sister would get a kick out of it.

Meanwhile, Maxine was deep into her phone, exploring social media. She scrolled madly through the history of updates and announcements from the local area, a timeline that replayed Georgia’s events from lowly perspectives. So many small-scale citizens had flushed to social media regarding every effect the giant had, effectively recreating the tragedy for Maxine to enjoy over and over; her face was suspended in excitement as she read comments of earthquakes and saw candid photos of Georgia acting out – captured in vague snippets, only ever just a leg or a hand or a glimpse of her face. No media was better than the shaky videos of evacuees sprinting to exits, or clips of a foot cratering in front of traffic. Georgia appeared like an untamed beast, but Maxine knew her involvement, pointing the giant where to go and what to destroy – she was responsible, too, a fact that only inspired more passion and attachment to those memories.

Georgia’s head lifted up from a wrecked intersection, curling to see beyond her bust where her date was settled. She singled out a finger to pet Maxine with, a light touch that attempted to sweep back her messy hair. “Heh… Anything else, babe?” she sighed happily, her legs shifting in anticipation – rolling through ruins like they were bedsheets. She laughed, “I’d suggest going to your place, but… yeah.”

“Y-Yeah…” Maxine repeated, clinging well to Georgia’s stomach as it rose and tilted. “Uh… maybe I should go with you, a-and spend the night…”

“I’m so down for that! But, uh…” Georgia scanned her surroundings, some parts of which were still smoldering or sounding off with dying sirens. “...Are we gonna get in trouble or something?”

“...Probably a fine,” Maxine gulped, “and a probation.” Casting her own gaze over the decimated city, she waved her arm dismissively, “D-Don’t worry, darling, I-I’ll cover it. This night was worth… any price…”

“Awww, you’re the sweetest, Maxi~” Georgia sat forward with her hand shielding her date, taking her into her possession as she slowly stood up. She shimmied into her shorts and brushed off the pebbles of debris, eventually figuring out which direction was home and heading that way. Her high-heels made one final march of terror through the city, the pink monsters treading over abandoned vehicles and streets without feeling – only given a thought when Georgia admired the designer footwear, the keystone fashion that set off the most romantic evening of her life. On her way to the city limits, she joked once more with Maxine; “Sorry for being such an expensive date~”


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