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[The following story is a Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire fanfiction, featuring a micro-sized Shelly around normal-sized Courtney and Team Magma Grunts. It features themes of shrinking/micro/vehicular shrinking; unaware; nudity/showering; watersports; handheld; crush; feet/boots/stomping/in-shoe; ass/sitting; sweat/odor.]

The pitch black was pierced by a slash of light, a moving glow that illuminated a labyrinth path never before explored. It traversed through countless tunnels strung together in a tight circuit, complex pathways that would split off into any direction, all submerged underwater. Harsh currents opposed the vehicle, but it remained steadfast, powerful enough to move against the flow, and driven by an unrelenting pilot. She smirked while navigating the maze of circular passages, confident in the directions of her digital map – that which guided her through the drainage system of a top secret beachside facility.

A notification on the HUD earned Shelly’s delight. “Getting close~” she chimed to herself, reasserting her grip on the steering controls and leaning forward with focus. She giggled, “Oh, Team Magma~ You really are managed by fools, to have built such an elaborate base in Team Aqua’s domain…! Here in the water, it’s our rules!” Beyond just being eager to resurface after an hour of traveling through pipes, Shelly was proud to be serving her organization, committed to her mission: to infiltrate Team Magma’s headquarters and steal their intel on the legendary orbs.

It was a mission that, if successful, would immediately turn the tides of the conflict – quote Aqua Leader Archie – but it hinged on a highly uncertain plan. It spelled skepticism onto all of Team Aqua that the mission would utilize experimental shrinking technology, the likes of which their leader had lifted from a recent criminal expedition. Named the N-Zero by its creators, it was a prototype all-terrain vehicle, capable of navigating anything from swirling depths to steep cliffs; the scientists behind its development intended it for photographic purposes, but Archie saw greater potential. When his plan was proposed, to have an individual use the N-Zero to sneak in and out of Team Magma’s headquarters, the only underling brave enough to volunteer was Admin Shelly.

She, too, foresaw how critical such an operation would be in fulfilling Team Aqua’s grand agenda, and that meant willing herself through the unique risks of the scheme. The problems included the aspect of returning: as advanced as the shrinking tech was, it could only shift between sizes in a specifically-designed loading bay. Such perilous odds were scoffed at by Shelly, who suggested that it made no difference to her. She intended on executing the operation to completion, only able to return to her normal size on the condition she returned at all.

And so did the day of the mission arrive after weeks of preparation. A Team Aqua-owned boat took position in a blindspot to the enemy headquarters, distant enough to remain undetected. Inside, the N-Zero was hoisted above a pool of water, its pilot readied inside the cockpit – yet to be shrunken, the vehicle still as wide as three cars side-by-side. Shelly ran the final system checks, dotting through screens of information; she had become accustomed to the small space of the N-Zero, surrounded in a glass enclosure that allowed her full rotational view of outside. Such would be necessary for multidimensional navigation, as she would be using wide-yet-thin propellers to speed through the water, and spider-like legs to climb and crawl nearly any surface, even upside-down. Present at the loading bay was Admin Matt operating the machinery, and Leader Archie, overseeing the departure and offering inspiration with his presence.

The hum and glow of technology – zap! In a flash of light, the N-Zero appeared to vanish, but could be found still hooked to the loading bay – miraculously changed into its shrunken form, the ATV was smaller than a pocket’s button, and its pilot even tinier inside. Shelly gasped, just as surprised by the sudden shift in scale as she was in her trial runs, but similarly did she apply herself to the mission, smiling straight down into the water below. As the hook unleashed her, and the N-Zero dropped like a pebble into the pool, Shelly giggled slyly, “Team Magma won’t know what hit ‘em~”

Upon diving into the water, the N-Zero took immediately to its submarine functions, activating the twin propellers that allowed it to dart swiftly and nimbly through the sea. The route to the facility’s drainage exhaust was followed exactly and without distraction, even as she drove through a school of Goldeen each the size of a yacht to her. Before long, the darkness of the depths required her to beam a small glow of light to see ahead of herself, and soon after did she arrive at her destination. A digital map of the pipes was loaded, information discreetly stolen earlier in preparation – yet another advantage Shelly had over the enemy.

An hour of tedium followed as the shrunken Shelly made sense of the dizzying designs, until finally she was in reach of a surface point. Alternating between the propellers and the insect-like legs, the N-Zero weaved through closed sections of air and yet more submerged stretches. Finally, a faint light ahead ended the darkness – “That’s it! There’s my exit…!”

The glow lured Shelly out from the copper pipes, which widened far from her as she approached the end of her journey through the drains. The N-Zero resurfaced, bobbing afloat in the middle of a pool the size of a lake, but surrounded on all sides with a blindingly white barrier. Shelly squinted under this exposure of light, burned worse by confusion; “Is this… the lab…?” That was where she expected to begin her proper invasion of the base, specifically a tub for managing chemicals, but where she found herself was shaped more like a bowl.

Shelly twitched, then glared at her map, scanning all the twists and turns, deciphering her location – “S-Seriously?!” she shouted, carelessly loud in her privacy. “Th-This map… must not be completely right… so, d-did I really end up… in…?!” She lifted out of her seat, as little as the space could let her, desperate to see past the lip of her entrapment. Despair dropped her back into the seat – she truly was stuck in a toilet of Team Magma’s headquarters.

Dread, then resolve. Shelly pressed on without comment, biting hard on her lip to resist needless rambling. There was no point to complain, too deep to turn back out of embarrassment – the plan was still in motion, and though set back with her error, Shelly was still committed. From whatever toilet would be where Team Magma’s ruin would begin, and so she began to scale the porcelain slope in front of her–

Footsteps. Shelly braked where she was, shivered by tremors that unsettled the water behind her. The sound of a stall door opening, and the cold sweep of a shadow’s arrival; the halo of ceiling lights above was overtaken by a mountain of red, the crimson uniform that Shelly despised, peaked with a flat expression that blinked once in its passing downwards glance. Towering overhead and then turning away was a woman – a low-ranking Grunt for Team Magma, but much lowlier than her was the N-Zero and its pilot, specks that went unseen in their approach to the rim.

Paralyzed with helplessness, Shelly could only stare dumbstruck at the scene unfolding above her. The Grunt, absolutely unaware of any observers beneath her, pulled down her uniform shorts and revealed the pale roundness of her ass. She sighed with mild relief as her weight dropped down, taking a seat and unknowingly challenging the reliability of a cutting-edge ATV. Shelly squealed under the shuddering of her world, the light she had been grateful for then eclipsed by a most-obnoxious feature. The N-Zero held its position sternly, but inside its glass bubble, embarrassment was filling fast..

The Grunt shifted slightly, leaning forward idly, her arms relaxed onto her knees. A moan was whispered, unheard beneath the noise of her stream striking the water. Blissfully comfortable, her bathroom break bombarded behind an unknown victim; Shelly screamed in horror as a waterfall of piss raged near the N-Zero, a hose-like attack that speckled the glass with stray splashes. The unintentional obstacle tested the ATV’s grip through what felt like an endless amount of urine, until finally the rush of fluid eased into a trickle – yet no calmer was Shelly inside, sickened and revolted by the dots of yellow scanning down her all-directional view.

Ever anxious, Shelly wished to proceed more expeditiously than ever, but could not risk her movement being noticed. Statue-like, she held her breath and waited – the Grunt shifted more, eventually wiping herself twice-over, discarding clumps of tissue the size of houses into that foul lake. Itched by how little time her breaks from work could last, the Grunt hurried off and flushed – the last of the N-Zero’s trials, and a torrent it could not totally resist. Shelly shrieked when she was suddenly ripped from the porcelain and swirled into a current that threatened to swallow that hour of drainage delving. It was by her expertise as the N-Zero’s pilot that she was able to relatch to a wall, narrowly dodging that grotesque reality.

The condition Shelly was left in, however, was nevertheless belittling beyond comparison. The Magma Grunt huffed as she left the stall and returned to her shift without ever realizing she had relieved herself on a Team Aqua Admin. Shelly was a proud person, especially regarding her rank within the organization, and so it was proportionally a divine insult to have suffered the way she had, enduring a storm of urine unleashed upon her by some irrelevant underling. Lingering with her as a harsh reminder would be the smell of her situation, the distinct odor partially seeping through the N-Zero’s advanced air filtration system and plaguing her with pitiful coughs.

Yet, despite the heaviness of that humiliation, Shelly continued, compelled not only by duty, but now also a scorned fury, to bring about Team Magma’s demise. “...If this isn’t the lab,” she groaned, her glare dead-forward, “then…this must be a locker room…” She calculated her situation silent of what had occurred, moved on to the matter of her whereabouts in the base. Narrowing it down appropriately to the women’s locker room, she could at least navigate from there around the facility – assuming, bitterly, that the map had no other mistakes.

Shortly after surpassing the toilet’s lip, Shelly was respirited. Like having topped a peak, she stared down the horizon – the shabby scenery of a bathroom stall – and planned out her next movements with a sense of success. Ignoring some details, the truth remained that she had successfully infiltrated Team Magma’s headquarters and stealthed past her first guard. Encouraged by that minuscule victory, she raced down the toilet and out into the locker room – miles of tiled floor, bordered by high walls of lockers, and encircling an open floor of a community shower space.

It was by misfortunate design of the locker room layout that posed a hurdle in Shelly’s progress. The shape of the area restricted her possible paths to an exit to two options: either to circle far and around the square of showers on a voyage across the floor, or to cut through those showers and more directly out of the room. It was a choice to make under pressure, as making use of the utilities were a number of other Magma Grunts routinely thundering about their stomping grounds. Ranked as low as they were, the women all appeared identical, obeying the strict uniform of their organization as to even include fashioning their hair the same as one another, but Shelly observed them like a family of gods from the corner she hesitated around. Surely she could best them in a battle, if pokemon were a factor, but in her shrunken circumstance, she was outnumbered by skyscraper-sized enemies.

Irked and impatient, Shelly directed the N-Zero into the shower floor, choosing to hurry away from the lumbering underlings as fast as possible. It was a toss-up to guess how dangerous her chances were as she took into account the twin Grunts showering together under separate heads. The tiled plain ahead appeared like an active warzone, with mass droplets of water constantly bombing the ground, accented by the movement of wet feet as the women washed themselves. By hugging the wall of the shower, Shelly figured she would sneak by unimpeded and unnoticed, the N-Zero skittering quickly across the flooded terrain.

Leaned forward in focus, Shelly was blindsided by a wave of water that rocked hard into the N-Zero. The spider-like legs were swept off the tile floor in an instant, swirling her into its current as she wrestled for control. Turned upside-down and spun about, she was only able to rebalance herself after having been dragged closer to the drains – a dangerous spot in the center of the shower space. Shelly whipped left to right in the cockpit, suddenly having to reassess the positions of the towering Magma Grunts– “There’s one of ‘em,” she spat with regards to a huge pair of feet behind her, “s-so where’s–?!”

A shadow blotched her vision, and in the next instant– whaum! Pitch black took over as the N-Zero rocked and whined under a tremendous, unrelenting pressure. Shelly screeched and covered her head, so overwhelmed by the thunderous strike of a footfall that she doubted the N-Zero’s stability; it was hardly a relief to discover that, rather than be stomped flat in a shower, she was instead embedded within the wet grip of a Grunt’s sole. She learned as much had happened when she was rocketed up into the air, given a drop-down view of the floor below before she was unceremoniously rushed back down– whaum! Another footstep crushed the diminutive vehicle hard, entirely the fault of a lowly henchwoman turning around under the running water.

“Ugh…It never gets warm enough…” one Grunt griped, her soap-covered chest leaned under the shower to rinse. Her coworker beside her nodded in agreement, remarking as well, “You’d think Team Magma could afford some hotter water.” “Maybe that’s a Team Aqua perk.” “Heh, we joined the wrong team then…” Unbeknownst to either Grunt was that a Team Aqua administrator was tormented beneath them as they gossiped, begging to be freed from the swampy foot that pinned her down.

The moment finally came: the Grunt stood on the front of her feet as she rinsed her hair, her soles lifted high enough for the N-Zero to peel itself off. Shelly sprung into motion, urgently wanting to avoid another meteoric punishment; she narrowly avoided a cruel joke when the ball of the Grunt’s heel came careening back down, hammering into the same puddle the N-Zero was drudged in. The subsequent splash, barely ankle-high to the Grunt that spurred it, was a wave that popped the vehicle up and away, tossing about a screaming Shelly as it bounced along the shower floor.

Once the N-Zero was upright, Shelly fixed her hair out from her vision, groaned, and piloted onward. Moving past her ordeals, she drove out from the showers and onto a dry floor; despite the exhausting and perilous adventure, Shelly had only just made it across the room, with still a distance to trek. As she dashed across, she contemplated several steps ahead and how she would navigate the headquarters; she was not too distracted this time, however, to not notice the hazard fast approaching her. Bound to intercept her path was an incoming of two more Grunts, fully dressed and headed out for another shift.

Traumatized by what mere Grunts were capable of while she was shrunken so small, Shelly diverted her route to a nearby bench – the only structure she could hide under. She made haste to get there, but the women she feared would trample her stopped sooner than she expected. They halted together, but Shelly’s angle from the floor could only comprehend the pair as four monolithic legs, fortified in red work boots. She heard them address someone, a person that must have been out of view; a person not to either side, but situated directly above Shelly, seated atop the bench. Shelly swallowed fearfully as she marveled up at the shifting shadow through the bench’s few gaps, realizing then that her hiding spot was between two bare feet.

“What? A-Another Grunt?” Shelly asked aloud; she never before believed a Grunt would make her stutter, but she was actually incorrect about who sat overhead. Only after that first guess did she deduce who it had to be, the only woman in Team Magma’s ranks that deserved the honors of a salute, even in the facility’s showers. “No…An admin…” Shelly growled, sneaking forward from the shadow of the bench to peer upwards, “Her…! Courtney…”

She demanded respect while saying nothing at all. Though two Grunts stammered up to her, Courtney sat unresponsive, only turning her head up at the pair with an analytical stare. She was eerily unphased by the admiration, as stoic as she was known for even when caught nude in front of her underlings; she had only a team-colored towel bundled in her arms as coverage, her uniform piled behind her on the floor. Met with that unsocial reaction, the Grunts awkwardly continued to their lockers, leaving Courtney to finish as she had been doing.

Dried and dressed-up in her admin attire, Courtney quietly exited the locker room and its constant drone of noise. She moved through the headquarter’s corridors with a purposeful strut, dedicated to returning to her duties, but oblivious to the fact that she was being watched – not merely followed, but discreetly tagged, unknowingly transporting a spy across the base. The shrunken Shelly had seen an opportunity and took upon it fast: she dug the N-Zero into Courtney’s hill of clothes, clinging to whatever fold of fabric she first found. The scheme worked as intended when the Magma admin put on her uniform without suspicion that a spy was following her – attached to the back hem of her skirt, bobbing back and forth with every stride.

Much of Shelly’s gloom and anger had evaporated into enthusiasm, now that she was on the fast track to completing her mission. “A troubled start,” she admitted with a sense of humor, “but Courtney here is going to take me straight to Team Magma’s secrets! What a fool~ heh…” That humor wore thin when she looked up at that alleged fool, from the lowly angle of under her ass – a view Shelly was stuck staring into, otherwise unable to comprehend the gigantic surroundings as they passed by. It was a graceless mode of travel, but she remained optimistic, knowing it would all be worth it in the end. “No more getting sidetracked,” Shelly swore – and hoped.

An automatic door closed shut behind Courtney, snapping Shelly alert with the noise. The shrunken spy looked all around, determining that the room was an office – and the jackpot Shelly had sought was found there, a laptop computer atop a wide desk. The problem was getting up there so that she could steal its data, a dilemma she was swiftly figuring out. What she had failed to account for, however, was where Courtney was headed: a seat in her office chair, blind to the passenger she had carried along with her. A sudden descent was Shelly’s only warning, a rush of wind before–

Thmmmp… Darkness took over, and a distinct humidity penetrated the N-Zero’s shell. The dull noise had been Courtney’s butt claiming her seat and becoming situated in the leather that had long-since formed around its round shape; she took moments of shifting and sliding to get comfortable, motions that dragged and rolled the N-Zero underneath her. Shelly shouted for the pressure to cease, only given brief glimpses of light as Courtney occasionally sat up and sat back down, repeatedly reapplying her immense weight on the unnoticed machine. Though she was safe inside the cockpit, all the same did Shelly feel the crushing power, constantly reminded that if she were outside the N-Zero, she would just be a stain on a Team Magma uniform.

Meanwhile, Courtney relaxed into her routine, clacking away at the keyboard of her laptop as she delved into work. Minutes went by where she sat idle in her chair before Shelly finally breached the outside – it was a slow crawl navigating Courtney’s underside, rustling through the unforgiving crevice, but she gradually made progress to escape, clawing her way out. The N-Zero struggled, but eventually slipped free from being pinned, staggered within the pocket of space between Courtney and the chair. Like standing between two towering walls, Shelly braced herself for the height she would have to best, then began her ascent up the fabric of Courtney’s clothes, towards that distant peak of purple hair.

The effort truly was akin to scaling a mountainside, but there was little to celebrate upon reaching the cliff of Courtney’s shoulder. Shelly made the perch in an exhausted state, weary from traveling sharply uphill inside the N-Zero, yet relieved to make the achievement. Her prize was ahead of her, though still out of reach: the laptop screen flashed with numbers and graphics, teasing her with its stock of information waiting to be stolen. The next puzzle to be solved was figuring out a way to the laptop itself, but that answer was thrust upon her in a whirlwind of speed – the red-outfitted mountain spun without warning, twirling in the office chair to be lifted out.

In a gasp of risk-calculation, Shelly took the opportunity and jumped the N-Zero forward. With the extra height and boosted speed, she was flung into the open air, a long moment of uncertainty as the all-terrain vehicle was without any terrain; its spider legs kicked at nothing, the whole vehicle flipping around once before– bam! Shelly was choked by her support belts as the button-sized machine struck and bounced across a hard surface, whipping around uncontrollably. Like a car crash that kept repeating, Shelly could only keep herself curled tight until the motion ceased and the N-Zero was still – but the world outside still rumbled with power, from where the giant Courtney went to sort papers into a filing cabinet.

After blinking back to consciousness, Shelly hurriedly flipped the N-Zero rightside-up and steadied herself to proceed. She had to act fast, but luckily, fate had thrown her right where she wanted. It was awe-worthy to have the laptop standing in front of her, its importance reflected by its enormous, building-like proportions. Regardless of its size, all Shelly required from the computer was its data – to be hacked into her possession. The N-Zero came equipped for the job, triggered to release two cables that latched onto a small port on the laptop’s side. With a press of a button, the hack commenced, and all Shelly had to do was wait – a nerve-wracking task when a giant-sized admin was wandering around in the vague distance of the office.

But as the first wave of files were copied and viewable, Shelly’s attention switched to the information appearing on screen, devilishly delighted with her first few glances of enemy information. “Oooh, what do we have here?” she chuckled, pulling up a report from Team Magma excavators of the whereabouts of a legendary pokemon. Included were photographs and diagrams depicting the power source for controlling such a creature: the mythic red orb, not unlike the blue orb Team Aqua themselves had taken. “Looks like Team Magma is hot on our trail,” she deduced, “but knowing this will change the game. Maxie and his crew are in for a rude awakening~”

That confidence instantly drained under a powerful clap of noise and the snap-movement of a shadow. Shelly was shuddered by the suddenness, gasping tightly as though there had been a gunshot – but the reality was much more grim, looming above the laptop that had just been shut closed. While distracted with the hacked information, Shelly had been ambushed by Courtney’s return to the desk. Though seemingly caught, the Team Magma admin had actually overlooked the bug-sized vehicle and its pilot, and thus proceeded to retrieve the laptop, lifting it off the desk. Shelly was too late when she finally flinched into action, trying to disconnect the cables – but was instead pulled hard into the air, dangling from the port she had been leaching from. With each swing of motion, Shelly shrieked for no one to hear, strained to stabilize herself in a perilous position.

The worst of her situation, however, only then dawned once the movement ceased. Panting furiously, Shelly looked in every direction, wordlessly making sense of what was happening – a jostle pressed her back into panic, as the N-Zero was twisted, then taken. Two tremendous fingers had pinched the vehicle, swamping it on all-sides with red-gloved tips; with just a slight pull away, the cables connecting to the port were torn apart, interrupting the hack that would have made all of Shelly’s ordeals worthwhile. An error screen glowed on the N-Zero’s UI, but just past it was a far more terrifying visual: a huge, unblinking eye that dilated with intrigue as it robotically scanned the tiny machine – and the pilot at its helm.

Courtney beamed closely at what she had found, emotionlessly determining its purpose. Her voice was stoic like a computer’s; “Analyzing foreign device… Calculating possibilities…” A tilt of her head was as expressive as she got. “...A wiretap? But… so small…”

Shelly held her breath, despite the fact that she was literally in the enemy’s hands – her fingers, turned and craned around, observed like a suspicious object. She squeaked with mild protests, desperate to loosen herself free and escape, but no amount of gyrating the controls could squirm the N-Zero out of Courtney’s curiosity. Before long, she was mentally begging to be discovered rather than endure any longer, but that attitude disappeared into regret when she felt the piercing effect of a giant-sized stare. It froze Shelly mid-fidget as she looked out the cockpit and into the purple pool of an interested iris. The atmosphere turned cold and quiet, as though all hope had been drained.

“...Team Aqua. Confirmed.” Courtney’s deduction was stated callously, neither perplexed nor invigorated for having caught a shrunken spy. She had identified the Team Aqua uniform immediately, but by narrowing her glare even nearer, she distinguished the characteristics of the pilot inside. “...Admin Shelly?” That point was worth a pique in her tone, most surprised to learn that it was not a mere Grunt in the cockpit, but a valued leader of the enemy. “Unanticipated… Recalculating…”

Shelly stewed in her bubble of glass, helpless to however the N-Zero was spun under that obnoxious eye. She heard Courtney’s rumbling commentary well, expecting as much of a response from the infamously stoic admin; upon being captured, she assumed what would occur next, dreading the future of being held as a prisoner. “Grr…Try your worst, Magma-scum!” Shelly shouted up at her captor, waving a fist in refusal. “You’ll get nothin’ out of me, you know! My loyalty is unyielding! I-If you know what’s best for your team, y-you’ll consider trading me back to Team Aqua, o-or else it’ll be full-out war– whoaa! Hey!

Darkness consumed Shelly, dismissed into a closed fist – her protesting had been ignored from the start, but Courtney silenced her aside when she was addressed from the door to her office. Two Magma Grunts stood at salute, the same duo that had bumped into Courtney prior. “Ma’am! Our mission debrief is about to begin!” one informed her. “Will you be attending?”

Courtney kept her fist low at her side as she turned to face the Grunts. “...No,” she replied, a shocking answer for the underlings sent to retrieve her. “Leader Maxie…will understand…Tell him to…forward me the details…”

Shelly heard as much in her enclosure, and was about as startled as the Grunts. The pair hesitantly took off to inform Maxie as much, but Shelly was stuck with Courtney, a fate she feared would be worse than being presented to the Team Magma Leader. She gasped when she was lifted up and revealed, exposed to the steep image of Courtney and her unfeeling glare.

Yet nothing was said from the admin, and it was unclear how many thoughts she had behind her flat expression. Shelly shivered in her seat; “Wh-What? What’s with that look?” she scoffed. “Does your brain freeze-up like a computer, too?”

Courtney still spoke of nothing, but when she grinned ever so slightly, it was enough to haunt Shelly. Suddenly, her palm flipped around – discarding the N-Zero from her grasp, letting it drop like a marble. Cast into a freefall, Shelly screamed and held tightly to her belts, her voice interrupted by the harsh hit of the vehicle striking the desk. Once again, she was bouncing around uncontrollably, gradually rolling to a stop. Dizzied but desperate, Shelly worked quickly to unflip the N-Zero and make for an escape, but just after getting steadied– thwomp! The N-Zero was slammed from above, pressed too tightly for its mechanical legs to function – pinned in place by the point of a single finger.

“Ahaha~ So…small…!” Courtney giggled like electric sparks, amused with how plainly she could overpower the N-Zero. She had taken a seat at her desk where the entertainment unfolded; she tapped her finger several times, watching as the vehicle bounced up and down, but always returned to its pinned place. “Approximate size of vehicle…one centimeter. Approximate size of pilot…even smaller~!”

Shelly was already in a daze by the rough bouncing, but she groaned with unease when Courtney then began swirling the N-Zero under her finger. The ATV was crudely rolled around in circles, passed from one finger to another like it were the ball in a game; the poor treatment peaked with a precise flick, causing the N-Zero to rapidly spin while another digit kept it held in place. While Shelly was thrown around at extreme speeds and swelled into sickness, Courtney laughed unabashedly, abruptly ending the spinning when she wanted to. Her eyes went level with the desk then, to inspect her prisoner and judge her condition.

“Your plan…was to spy on us…” Courtney mused, though Shelly’s senses were still in a vortex. “A machine to shrink yourself down…and infiltrate our base…Aha~ A very…ridiculous plan…Has Team Aqua…run out of options…?” Her face lifted away, back to where she felt tall and superior. “You… will tell me everything…~ You expected to steal…Team Magma’s information…but in the end…it’s you that will be giving us data…! Precious, precious data~!”

Shelly had recovered enough to understand Courtney’s threat. She hissed, “Fat chance! I’ll never crack!” Of course, that confidence amounted to little under the shadow of her giant-scale rival; she had only one true defense, reliable as it were. “Try all you want, but the N-Zero is an invincible vehicle in its shrunken form! You’re never going to get me out – don’t even bother~”

A fist then rose into the air to take up on that challenge, posed as emotionless as Courtney herself. Lifted high above the little N-Zero, Shelly realized the smallness of her life; cast with doubt, she made a last-second effort to pilot the vehicle aside. Yet it was to no avail when Courtney unleashed her attack– wham! A tremor pulsed the desk, rattling the pens and cabinets. That hammer-like pound was more akin to a meteorite striking the N-Zero dead-on, a relentless punch that was sure to crack open something so small – to Courtney’s surprise, however, was that the N-Zero survived, all together in one piece. Though safe and secure, the force was yet enough to strike Shelly unconscious, overwhelmed by the sheer power that would have relatively wiped out all of Team Aqua’s operations.

“Ahaha~ Was that…not enough…?” Courtney giggled, finding humor where she failed to break open the N-Zero. That chime of amusement was what rang Shelly awake, returning her to her abysmal situation; she was then hurled into the air, picked up yet again by two fingers. Held in front of Courtney’s vision, all Shelly could do was stutter and tremble. “Assessing defenses…Fortifications: top-level… Total immunity to bludgeoning attacks… but, what about…?”

It chilled Shelly’s soul to hear Courtney theorize without completing her thought; left to guess what ordeal was next, the answer came soon afterwards. Lowered away from her eye, she was brought in line with Courtney’s mouth – a thin grin of lips that first licked themselves wet before peeling open. A steam of breath fogged the N-Zero’s windows, disguising Shelly’s sense of distance, so that it was another shock when the fog cleared and revealed the cavernous mouth she was sentenced to. Shelly screamed and twisted in her seat, decrying Courtney as a maniac – a freak that was going to eat her; she saw vividly how the tongue inside lived and curled, seemingly bending its shape to accept the N-Zero as a small treat–

Crrrr-rrree-aaaak! Shelly was shaken and her ears pierced by a startling noise. She looked straight up, then directly down: on either side of the N-Zero were the sharp edges of wall-like teeth, pushing and grinding at the vehicle to break in. It was a terrifying noise that spelled the worst for Shelly, a sound that suggested the N-Zero had actual limits – and that Courtney would soon cut through them. After the incisors failed to make a dent, the vehicle was subsequently taken by the tongue and rolled towards the molars, where another biting attempt was tried– Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! Courtney tried to crack that shell open, but with all her effort, the N-Zero proved resilient.

The same could not be said of its pilot, cowering under her arms under the threat of being crushed by those teeth. Although too little to be heard, Shelly incessantly pleaded for the trials to end, bargaining any and all things she could offer in exchange for her safety. That spilled into stray shrieks when the N-Zero was rolled yet again, flipped around towards the light outside. Courtney then pinched the vehicle and removed it from her mouth, eyeing over the marble that was then glossed with a saliva coat; a thumb stroke aside that wetness, revealing the picture of Shelly’s distress.

“This vehicle has…many remarkable qualities…” Courtney said to herself. She idly dragged the N-Zero down and up her chest, using the front of her uniform to dry off her spit; Shelly was flung about in the cockpit, all too aware that she was being brushed against her captor’s boobs like a trophy being polished. “Perhaps…you are safe inside there…but…how safe…are you truly?” Courtney’s smile returned, oozing with devilish intent. Despite Shelly’s speck-like size, Courtney could still infer her horrified state, keenly noticing how shambled the enemy admin had become. It was too easy to squeeze and shake the N-Zero in her grasp, adding to Shelly’s torment on a whim; “Opening your vehicle…is unnecessary. You are trapped…Trapped in your own secret weapon…~”

Courtney seated herself in her chair, rolling back so that she could kick one leg up onto the desk. She placed the N-Zero on her lap while she proceeded to remove that one uniform boot, followed by the black sock underneath; initially too dizzy to interpret what was happening, Shelly soon realized her fate when she turned and saw the barefoot being prepared, a show that sprung disgust from the shrunken woman as its aroma gradually wafted through the N-Zero’s air filters. The toes danced and spread apart after having been hugged tightly within that boot for hours, allowing the sweat of her labor to dissipate between those digits – details Shelly was then brought closer towards, every graphical aspect of the foot pinching her senses as it eventually became the hillscape around her.

“There~ aha…A perfect fit…!” Courtney prided herself on Shelly’s placement: wedged between her two biggest toes, locked into a pocket of skin. If the position was too loose, then the sweat made-up for it, acting as an adhesive that stuck the N-Zero firmly against the plush flesh. Shelly gawked at the walls of her prison, soured by the unstoppable smell that continued to invade her cockpit; she blew into a rage after only so few seconds, an explosion of anger that Courtney barely detected. She countered that emotion by swaying her foot side to side, playfully wearing out her captive’s stamina. “Ah, i-it tickles…when you rattle around…Please, aha…~ keep struggling…! Otherwise, I might…forget where you are…”

After enjoying the image long enough and having winded her prisoner into a slump of submission, Courtney determined it was ready to return to her work. She wished to have more time to toy with Shelly – she imagined all the information she could drain from her mind, all of Team Aqua’s secrets and strategies – but she had other responsibilities which she could never let herself ignore. The sock was draped back over the foot, concealing the N-Zero as a bump in the fabric; after slipping into her boot, it was hidden completely. Courtney affirmed its placement by tapping her toes against the floor, squirming the two relevant digits to feel that the marble was there – that her captured spy was tucked into place, ready to endure the rest of the work day.

“I can’t wait…to get back to you~” Courtney sang to her boot, beaming at the tip where Shelly certainly was. She stood up and took her first few steps as excited skips, an expression of joy that was incredibly rare to witness from her; she did so all the way up to her office door, pondering that tiny perspective and how grueling it must be. Yet it only made her smile wider to hold her boot pointed down, her toes squished intensely tight as she waited to exit; it was a perfect day to be stationed by the lava-powered generators, where her feet were sure to work-up a sweat over the next several hours.


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