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[The following story is a reward for a patron. Thank you so much for your support!

The following story is an original work, featuring a ~200 foot-tall woman and several normal-sized women. The story contains nudity/undressing; body exploration; handheld; mouthplay/vore teasing; people as clothing; breasts/milk; ass/butt crush; alcohol; captivity; gentle-forcefulness; light mind-breaking/worship; masturbation/insertion.]

Shelby had arrived with her hands full of ritual items, her movements loose and relaxed, no more clothed than earlier. Among those which she brought to her bedroom was a tall bottle of wine; Vivian guessed correctly at its contents, hinted by the aroma that followed the goddess as strong as a vineyard. Evidently she had been drinking, and intended on drinking more. Vivian watched skeptically, confirming what she witnessed with the reactions from the other women: among the four faces was varied fascination, ranging from Ant’s composed intrigue to Lizeth’s unabashed enthusiasm. Ebony arranged herself near to Vivian to provide comfort through closeness, but even she was enwrapped by Shelby’s energy, her swaying and bobbing, fluid and free. Vivian shuddered into her robes as that tipsiness turned towards them and approached, slinking up to the Sanctuary like a conniving snake.

“There you all are~ All five of you now~” Shelby sang, slowly rising higher and higher above her collection. Her hands appeared on the flanks of the hover saucer, grasping the entire foundation that the Sanctuary was steady on; the resulting tilt caused the women to stagger about, but Vivian was the least prepared, tripping over into Ebony’s arms for support. Shelby glancingly noticed, but thought nothing of it as she manually leveled the Sanctuary to a lower height – it sank gradually until it was equal to her crotch, a bush of dark hair pointed emotionlessly at them. Shelby’s hips shifted from left to right with anticipation, as though she had the Sanctuary shrinking smaller in her possession.

Vivian was frozen with fear underneath Shelby, but the others were compelled by her presence into performing worship. The women dropped to their knees once the goddess was a specific distance away, bending themselves as Christin had bowed to her before; they arched their backsides high and pressed their torsos to the ground, yet forced their heads upwards to stare up at their deity. Ebony, Lizeth, and even Ant bowed without command, submitting themselves to the goddess – but Vivian shivered and itched in the middle of their line-up, glancing down at their lowly performance as the lone one standing out.

“... Vivi!” Christin hissed from the grass. Vivian blinked at her; “Like us! Like this!” Christin urged, breaking from her pose as little as possible to annunciate.

Vivian still hesitated to degrade herself so willingly, nervously pulling tighter on her robes – the others were unashamed to have their uniforms slide down their curved shapes, but Vivian was crimson all over from just the thought of being so revealed. Of course, it was not them that would judge her, but the goddess, her weight still shifting side to side. Vivian dared to look up and view that shadowed expression: a playful smile, alive with heavy breathing, beaming down at her – waiting for a response.

Her pride evaporated. Vivian sank to her knees, looking to her neighbors for comparison, then propped herself into the same bow as them. Her legs shook visibly to support the awkward angle, struggling to keep the hem of her robes from slipping up her back. She held her breath in suspense, feeling the goddess’s judgment, drained by the worries that she would disappoint her.

“Hmhmh~ That’s so cute… Learning quickly~” Shelby whispered, biting her lower lip between breaths. She took advantage of Vivian’s position and surprised her with a ticklish touch on her back, from an angle that the little woman could not see. A shiver and squeak was prodded from Vivian, surprising even Shelby; “Jumpy~!” she giggled. “Shush, dear~ Heh, save the energy for when we really get started.

“Very good, girls,” the goddess turned her voice to the others, yet even her reassurement was not enough to unbend their bowing. Shelby sighed pleasantly, “You may rise! Let me see those precious faces, ladies. Look pretty for me~” Like dancing to a song, Christin and the others lifted their heads and revealed their individual smiles, glistening with their personalities. Each also perked themselves forwardly, accentuating their chests with the silk robes emphasizing their shapes with tantalizing lightness – a show that they had spun for Shelby more than once. Shelby chuckled as her interest loomed steeper above the five; with a circle of her finger, she willed the women to pivot slowly and pose with other angles of their bodies. All obeyed the silent command, except for Vivian, slow to stand up and too skeptic to perform, instead observing the others, transfixed on how puppet-like they acted.

Her hesitation did not happen unnoticed: “Aren’t you going to look pretty for me?” Shelby asked, pricking Vivian with the question. She crossed her arms under her chest and pouted playfully; without another word, she pressed her latest captive to twirl, a half-hearted mimicry of what the other women did. Desperate to appease the goddess, she allowed her robe to slip low on her shoulders while raising the dress up to her waist. It was clumsy and insincere, but the nervous performance still charmed Shelby into a smile. “I suppose you’re still starstruck, huh~? You are in front of a goddess, after all~”

While Vivian was still turning around, she was unexpectedly grabbed by a pinch of fingers on her front and back. A gasp went muffled into the swirls of prints as she was plucked into air, decided by Shelby to be lifted away from the others. Vivian stuttered without a voice – but her sister piped into a plea, “Vivi!” Christin reached for her, but then flinched into herself, stunned by her own reaction, that she would argue with the goddess.

The disobedience was looked over, as Shelby continued amused. “Vivi, was it? Vivi~” she cooed, breathing over the tiny woman that she lifted close to her lips. Vivian dared not squirm when brought up so high, choosing to cling tensely to a finger with both arms and legs – literally embracing the goddess’s grasp as she was waved in front of her vision. “That name is adorable~ A little nickname from your sister~ I’ll just use that for you from now on,” Shelby laughed, squeezing the little body gently with her fingertips. “Itty-bitty Vivi~ And her sister, Chrissy-Chrissy~ hehehe…!”

The other hand was not idle for long, for after curling through pubic hairs enticingly, it next retrieved the rest of the collection, each pair of fingers claiming one of the four women. With that much ease, Shelby had a literal handful of women writhing in her possession, twisting for balance yet still dedicating love to her; Ant was strong and could hold herself steady to lick well at the base of the fingers, while Ebony and Lizeth acted limply in the goddess’s hand, letting themselves be handled as their feet kicked at open air. Christin was especially careful and concentrated, maneuvering only as needed to keep an eye on her sister and project prayers for her safe voyage – an adventure that was about to unfold upon the goddess’s bed.

Vivian made herself dizzy in trying to keep up with the huge movements happening all at once, flashing her astonishment back and forth between the environment of the bedroom and the excitement that radiated from Shelby. She heard the gasps and squeals of the other women happening beneath her, but only in a glance did she witness them be dropped out of the goddess’s hand and onto a plain of a bedspread. Posed crookedly in watching them, Vivian was then adjusted to be turned around, fixed by the fingers to return facing the goddess and her breathy anticipation. She felt vibrations run through the gigantic body, the effects of climbing into bed – Vivian winced in sympathy for the others, realizing it must have been mayhem for them to avoid the goddess’s knees driving into the ground around them as her massiveness bridged above.

But the collection was accustomed to these rituals and were wise to spread apart when Shelby walked among them. They knew how the landscape shifted wherever her weight pressed down, and so they stumbled and bounced with a certain grace and talent; they waited for the goddess to reach the center of the bed before venturing any closer than they fell towards her, tactically choosing points along her legs and feet to adore. On her toes and soles and calves, they made their presence known to the giant woman, very aware that doing too little could put them in harm’s way, and so they expressed obsessively their love for her, moaning in song-like tones as they welcomed another night of celebration.

That worship tickled Shelby, but nothing broke her interest from Vivian – except a drink of wine from the bedside counter, a dose to loosen herself into the position of godhood. She brought Vivian to her chest, blanketing her hand around her so she was pressed tenderly above her cleavage; she made her listen as the wine was swallowed, the liquid rush of sound lifted by the rhythm of a heavy heartbeat. It was a hypnotic ambience, interrupted when Shelby bubbled with a laugh and lifted Vivian under her gaze again. There in her palm, Vivian did not squirm or shy away like before, instead brought to a still under the impression made upon her – a state of mind that Shelby was familiar with.

“I feel like dancing,” Shelby decided for them all. “Isn’t it fabulous that you can all dance with me at the same time? Another benefit of you being born so little…~”

Vivian was left unsure what the event would entail, but the others below prepared accordingly, shifting their positions to be between the goddess’s legs – a place dangerously beneath her, all four trusting that the ass above them would not fall upon them, at least without warning. Shelby watched them in the corner of her vision before providing them the means with which they would dance with her: a pair of black lingerie, customized with features purposed for tiny people. It was a personal creation that she took pride and entertainment in, underwear designed with slots where her playthings could be strung in strategic locations. Shelby trembled with arousal after unpinching the fabrics in front of her women; “Now then,” she hummed, her ass swaying side to side, “how should I divide you all up tonight~? What do you think, Vivi? Where should they go~?”

The world spun for Vivian as the goddess rotated on the mattress, turning her significance about and reclining into a hill of pillows behind her. A new vista was made for the tiny woman to watch from, a view that was Shelby’s legs spread wide into walls that enclosed her four worshippers alongside a bra and panties. Compelled to eventually answer the goddess’s musings, Vivian quickly had herself understand the special design of the underwear, a realization she slowly grew disturbed with while wondering where each of the women should be strapped. Those very victims waited on that decision, their curiosities pointed either to one of the fishnet placements they would be woven into, or towards the mountain-like goddess and the lips of her mound, her dripping wetness made openly apparent. While the little women were held in suspense, Shelby idly reached aside, turning the dial of a device – and so a low volume of music was willed, resuming a playlist of pop songs that would keep her energy high and alert.

Vivian worried the goddess might become impatient, but it was in fact Lizeth to complain first, restlessly pacing between the two garments. “Please, don’t keep me waiting…!” she sighed, fingers dancing through the center of her robe like a trickle of water. “Why does the new girl get to choose for us? Vivi, Vivi~ Don’t make me beg! Let me serve her breast, please!” Lizeth’s sincerity was staggering to observe, yet consistent with her personality; already did she bow in one of the bra cups where she wished to be, honoring the aroma of past experiences. “This is where I belong~ Oh, if only you knew, Vivi~”

Whore,” Shelby scoffed – with only just enough amusement to not frighten her collection. Her eyes rolled and returned onto Vivian. “Is that where you’d like her to be? Does Liz deserve to have my nipple thrown into her all night long?” She licked her lips with delight, and similarly did her free hand explore the tit Lizeth would serve, tasting the fun of having her pinned there. “Don’t keep me waiting, Vivi…”

“Er, y-yes,” Vivian whimpered, her voice shriller than she ever sounded before. She was grateful to have a choice to not make, too lost in the oddness of the goddess’s realm to safely make up her mind about anything. At least Lizeth was happy, squeaking cheerfully as she willingly tied herself into the netting of a cup, but Vivian still had three others to place. Ant and Ebony appeared equally enthusiastic about the situation, but Christin stood in the back, cold and peculiar in a way that concerned her sister.

Shelby took notice of that hesitation, sensing the connection between Vivian and Christin. Her mind spun drunkenly with ideas; “I know where I want Chrissy, actually,” she stated. Her fingers combed into her bush and outlined her lips, “I want Chrissy here– the most important spot. I just know she has a lot of spirit tonight~ and, hah, if I’m wrong, I’ll just see what her sister can do.”

Christin thawed from her stillness by the heat of that threat. Ebony and Ant were quietly relieved, no stranger to the difficulties of being slotted to the underwear’s front. It was the most enduring of tasks, where the goddess’s mood would most be affected; a place of flooding wetness and exhausting humidity. Yet Christin knew it was a compromise, a challenge to protect her sister from being assigned such a demanding chore – a motivator to make her serve her goddess excellently.

Vivian knew no better what the goddess’s decision meant, only dreading that it was for the purpose of punishing them for a wrong she did not know. Pale with worry, the next moments were blank as she only focused on her sister, stepping into the crotch of the panties. Vivian was unsure when she said so, but at some point, she must have designated Ant to be at the ass, and for Ebony to join Lizeth in the other cup, for when she was jostled out of her trance, that was where they were. Appropriately did Shelby move her importance into position, curling her legs back under her and lifting her heaviness high above her special lingerie. Vivian looked down below with her, peering over an edge of fingertips, stuttering weakly to change fate – only to be whirled back under the attention of the goddess, leveled with her smile.

“Slide in,” Shelby whispered through just a slither between her lips, “and hold on tight~”

The suggestion was a test of trust, Vivian immediately inferred, yet knowing that made the task no less daunting to consider. Unblinkingly, she looked past the pink cushions of lips and into the mouth behind them, where the bitter scent of wine exhaled from. Without another word, the goddess’s mouth widened, revealing more of the glistening red inside; Vivian saw lengths of saliva, the gates of teeth, and the tongue that lurked along the bottom. Her breath was genuinely stolen from her when Shelby then inhaled, urging her closer with a wind that pulled. When Vivian remained still and unsure, the mouth came to her, lips curling over her head as she was angled inwards; she spasmed timidly, but she was soon sealed by a soft bite of lips that locked around her hips. Outside, her bare legs twitched and kicked, while within, she was too stiff to breathe, paralyzed by the tongue that touched and traced her upper body.

It fell out of Vivian’s concerns how she was not alone in being put to use by the goddess. Down Shelby’s body, the others of the collection performed their parts, pressed tightly wherever they had been assigned. They worshiped her diligently, submitting themselves to an orgy that was arranged for just the one woman’s benefit, licking her precious locations and caressing the very flesh that was overwhelming them. Each servant had their own methods; Lizeth buzzed with constant movement and writhing against the hardening nipple, compared to Ebony’s slow and delicate approach of hugging the pink lump and kissing its head intimately, but those strapped inside the panties had other challenges. Indeed, they had more to endure than just the forcefulness of Shelby’s tits, trapped in confines that left them with less air to breathe and more often had pressure applied from all directions. Any shift of Shelby’s body had magnitudes of effect on her collection, a detail she delighted herself in knowing, every struggle she felt enticing her to swing and bounce to the music – though the women were far thrust into the sexual energy, Shelby herself was only just beginning.

Soon after did a scream pop from inside Shelby’s mouth. It was a gasp of reality, reacting to a pour of saliva that drenched Vivian’s head; it had woken her to the conditions she was in, that she had willingly let herself be sucked on like a piece of food in a woman’s mouth. The horror of being eaten alive struck her into a new bout of resistance, shouting into the walls of Shelby’s mouth to be released. Another washing of saliva made her squeal and kick rapidly, a surge of energy that made Shelby laugh awkwardly with closed lips – she nearly let Vivian slip, but had a finger ready to catch her by the ass and usher her back inside, even deeper than she was before.

Then, with a deliberate lick, the tongue overpowered Vivian completely and dragged up her chest, gripping her breasts as it intended to pull the silk robe off of her. Vivian fought for it, twisting the fabric in her fists and tugging back, only to discover how pathetically weak she was compared to Shelby’s tongue; any inch she made on the robe was quickly won back by the moist muscle as soon as it wanted. The battle was over before long, and Vivian was stripped bare, defenseless against the tingling stickiness of fresh saliva.

In the midst of begging, Vivian was suddenly brought back into blinding brightness, relieved from the humidity but then exposed to the cooler air outside. She coughed up the spit she had been forced to swallow and streaked her wet hair behind herself, desperate to understand swiftly what the goddess’s intentions were. Her vision blinked into clarity as she glimpsed at the expression pointed at, piecing together the features that made for a pleasant smile and studious gaze. Though she had been shouting just seconds ago, Vivian fell silent once out of the mouth, her voice slashed down by those huge eyes and the low grumble of a giggle.

Not very gracefully did Shelby then pluck the silk robe out from her mouth, peeling it off her tongue in a pinch between two fingers. It dripped with drool, hanging weakly in that grasp – a reflection of Vivian, who was held faintly and was also covered in spit. Shelby saw the similarities herself, deciding then to tease her captive by rolling the robe into a wet wad and dismissing it into her cleavage. Both hands could then fondle Vivian freely, her tiny body effortlessly wrestled by prodding fingertips that rolled her over to be observed; Vivian strained to keep herself upright, but it was easier to let loose and be moved by Shelby’s will, an acceptance that she was ultimately a toy being played with, undeserving of balance or comfort.

“... Very sweet,” Shelby giggled, her tone tickled by the collection’s worshiping of her. She maneuvered Vivian so that her two little breasts were emphasized by a thumb pushing up from beneath them; unable to shy away, Vivian held the thumbnail with both her hands, vainly trying to suggest it aside. Shelby did not budge; “And a little sour, too~ Mm, the newest ones are so precious like this~ So spirited~ Hehe, are you frightened…? Or did you like what you saw…?”

Vivian was given no time to answer before Shelby rocked herself backwards, cradling into the plushness of her bed and reclining into the pillows. The motion affected everyone, spurring a chorus of yelps and whines that were too tiny to hear under the goddess’s rumbling amusement or her deep sigh of relaxation. She laid this way to present herself like a landscape for Vivian to view, and she danced feathery fingers down the trails of her body, drawing her captive’s attention around the slopes of her breasts, the valley between them, and the field of her flat stomach. Beyond that reach were the pillars of her legs, sliding up and down the sheets with flares of excitement, expressing a volatile power brewing alongside her arousal; Vivian shuddered in Shelby’s grasp, worrying for the others, but especially so for her sister.

Christin happened to also occupy Shelby’s thoughts, what with her placement being so particular and important. “She’s the best at this,” the goddess chuckled, laying Vivian down on her collarbone, pinned flat by her palm. Her thighs squeezed together, emphasizing the subject she spoke about; “Totally knows her place~ She has a better work ethic than half the jerks I work with…” Her legs unclenched and spread apart flat on the bed with a bounce. While one hand reached aside to grab her wine for a drink, the other kept Vivian restrained, petting her with the pad of one finger. Shelby enjoyed a lazy drink; “Hey~ Weren’t we gonna dance?” she chimed brightly, “I really wanna dance~”

It was never Vivian’s choice to make, as the goddess then curled back up and hopped to her feet with an enthusiasm that was punishingly fast for all her other captives. Ant and Christin were compressed tight in their pockets of flesh, while Ebony and Liz were shaken around by the shifting softness of huge breasts. The wind was knocked out of the four, but aptly returned to their efforts once Shelby was standing on her feet, her arms and legs twisting in stretches of anticipation; Vivian was carried along with these motions, handled like an idle object in the goddess’s possession, unsure what to expect by the prospect of dancing with a someone so towering.

But Shelby was instantly into the groove of the music, taken into the rhythm of fast-paced pop music and the suggestive lyrics. A cheery whistle escaped her as she allowed her hips to move with the melody, popping side-to-side while her arms lifted up over her head like smoke from a candle. Vivian roared into a scream as this occurred, elevated high into the air, clinging to Shelby’s fingers much like she clung to the faith that she would not be dropped. Shelby heard that plight and amusedly brought Vivian back down; she pitifully prodded the panicked woman, without her body breaking from the rhythm of the song. She glanced plentifully into the bedroom mirror as she moved around, appreciating her own sexy picture and the superiority she wielded over so many.

It still had not been resolved how Vivian could dance with Shelby, but the goddess had a method in mind, and thus applied her newest plaything to her body, stamping her first between her breasts as she pivoted and stepped to the beat. Walls of bouncing flesh threatened to swallow Vivian in the embrace of cleavage, but the shell of fingers wrapped around her kept the skin at a distance, preventing her from being overwhelmed – just as well, however, did a finger push against her head, forcing her face to be dug into the giant body. She was slid up and down between the huge boobs, and during that grind, she was able to catch quick glimpses of the other women nearby, finding their familiar faces deeply invested into the nipples they had been designated to. Ebony looked back at Vivian, shedding concern for her and her newness to the collection, but Lizeth never looked up from her position, happily suckling the nipple with such insistence that droplets of milk had leaked over her; Shelby caressed that tit with one hand, squeezing it with more power than Lizeth had exhausted throughout the night. Vivian winced regarding that strange sight, but was soon afterwards being lowered again, squealing in suspense as Shelby continued to shake and spin.

Being dragged from one landmark-like body feature to the next was effectively the dance Vivian had been promised, and so she found herself facing the stomach of the goddess, a wall of smooth skin and refined muscles. It moved according to the music, like waves in a lake, and it was then pushed upon Vivian for her to worship. She had been brought level with Shelby’s belly button before being squished into it, her writhing resistance instantly generating a surge of laughter that erupted high above – a moan that everyone surely heard down her body, just as they sensed her shivering of delight. Spilling with giggles, Shelby danced with her belly as the center, sneaking a drink of wine as she did, unaware and unconcerned how Vivian heard those gallons of fluid wash inside her stomach.

The festivities then leaked out into the main cabin of the starglider as Shelby dizzily wandered out from her bedroom. She was perpetually amused how wherever she went, the fun always followed, her collection obediently slaving away to entertain her, regardless of the challenge. Both hands caressed her sides and shoulders in circular motions, which included Vivian being dragged through those places, her body limp with defeat. Shelby sensed as much after so many strokes of her own body, realizing that her dance partner had no more dance in her – she was spineless, weakly flinching rather than the sincere struggle the goddess wanted.

“Running out of juice? Tch…” Shelby cooed, holding her pinched plaything in front of her eyes. Vivian hung over the tip of the thumb, naked and fatigued, oppressed by the alcoholic air that breezed over her; even after a small shake, she showed the barest signs of life. Shelby’s head tilted with disappointment; “C’mon… The party’s just starting… Already giving up?”

Vivian tried to reply, but Shelby impatiently continued above her, “You need to be really strong to stay a part of my collection. Don’t get sloppy on me now…” Her warning was emphasized by the impact of her back being placed against a pole, a stop that jostled all of her unsuspecting worshippers. Vivian was rolled around once between the two finger pads; “Did you meet Ant? You should be more like Ant, heh… She’s strong, never gives up… no matter what embarrassing shit I make her do.” She hiccupped with laughter, her attention drawn to where that very woman was, strapped tightly to the back of the thong. Shelby licked her lips, enjoying that lingering hint of wine before deciding to aim Vivian behind her, angled straight down her cliff-like back. “Can you see her? Can you see that little runt?” she scoffed, wiggling her ass for effect – a choice that subtly nestled Ant deeper between the rotund cheeks, ironically making her disappear and harder to spot. “Mm, I definitely feel her~ God, she’s good…~ Take notes!”

Lowered closer to that action, Vivian was made alert by the grunts and groans she heard, noises of pain that were muffled between those hills of flesh. It was all she was allowed to observe, held upside-down as though she would be dropped in next with Ant; that once-knight could only be found after Shelby extended the elastic of her thong back, unpinching the warrior from her lowly prison. Vivian winced at the hollowed pride to be witnessed: Ant was heaving for fresh air, drenched in the sweat of her captor, her whole body bruised and reddened from the effects of the goddess’s dancing around. Yet she persevered, if miserably so; she kept her head high and her posture tense, quickly catching her breath for another session. When she glanced up and finally noticed Vivian above her, she was pleasantly surprised, smiling while still panting – not at all how the newcomer expected her to respond, not after the suffering she surely endured.

Vivian’s assumption was actually half-right, as Ant’s optimism immediately vanished when she felt the elastic wanting to tighten, preparing herself to be submerged back into that foul crevice. Ant thus disappeared, but not from Vivian’s mind; keenly sympathetic for her, Vivian shivered and gasped when the thong was pulled up deep into the crack, then followed by a hard slam into the cabin’s pole, a force akin to a terrible shipwreck, and surely Ant experienced that much trauma. No one, not even a slave to a goddess, would want to be treated with such cruelty, but Vivian was brought even closer to Ant, made to see the details of where that warrior existed as a writhing toy pressed painfully against an anus – an entrance that could consume a human whole, but was satisfied enough by the massaging sensation of Ant’s squirming. The goddess grinded her firmly into place, rubbing up and down the pole, occasionally pushed into a moan, whereas Ant bellowed with groans each time she was pulsed into the pole.

“So, so, so~ What did we learn, little one…?” Shelby sang as she drew Vivian back into the air, curling her into a fist and repositioning her into the center of an opened palm; the slight tilt in her hand made an incline that forced Vivian to cling on. “Yeah, you seem woken up a bit~ I think it’s time for an obedience test. Mmm, ready to take over for someone?”

“N-N–” Vivian peeled herself forward from where she had laid flat in Shelby’s palm, reaching up to motion her reply. She stopped herself short of declining, scared of the consequences for resisting her; unable to answer honestly, she was silently swept into the scheme the goddess had devised. Shelby left the pole and then planted into a cushioned seat – another undeserved punishment for Ant – where she could spread her legs and recline lazily into a messy posture. It took moments for Vivian to comprehend her graceless pose, only able to see fractions of the goddess at a time as she was hoisted about, her destination yet undetermined.

But there was one particular place that Vivian looked to, the straining of her neck an indication that Shelby swiftly took notice of. The newest of the collection gawked down at the goddess’s crotch, where the fishnet front of the thong had been stretched around her cunt, tight enough to distinguish the silhouette of its prisoner. There was Christin, situated in the flowery lips and swamped in arousal, but nonetheless committed to worshiping that bed of sexuality. She calculated her stamina wisely and spent it on important intervals; her special location granted her a rhythmic understanding of the goddess’s vibe, an advantage she applied by expressing increased dedication when it was most effective, while reserving her energy during quieter points. Yet despite that strategy, Christin appeared browbeaten by the session, her breathing staggered as she sputtered above the oozing wetness – not at all unusual for how Shelby’s rituals often played out, pushing her playthings to their limits for the sake of getting off.

That sight, however, was very startling for Vivian, a vision of her sister that she would have never imagined. She prayed that it might be over for her soon – over for all of them – and perhaps that prayer was heard; Shelby’s face crept close to where she held Vivian and whispered, “Wanna check up on her?”

Vivian swallowed, shaking her head and gradually fretting back to liveliness, wishing to crawl away when she was, instead, taken directly to the goddess’s lap. She was dropped above there, landing face-first into a ground of abs and tumbling to an edge of elastic. Stopped short of that border, Vivian was in front of a lawn of overgrown hairs that were shoulder-high, a garden that poked through the grid of a fishnet material; across just a few steps of distance was the rumbling form of her sister, pinned by the fabric with her head bullied beneath the pink clitoris. Vivian felt compelled to approach, as if she could dig Christin out, but Shelby would do that herself; her hand slithered under the elastic without any issue, uncannily locating the woman within and unbinding her from the thong. Vivian reeled away, giving space for where the hand then reappeared with Christin claimed in its fingers.

Each sister had only moments to exchange empty stares, both too exhausted and worried to express anything more. By the time Christin tried reaching out for Vivian, Shelby was taking her away in a closed fist, whisked from her sister – just as swiftly did her other hand sweep into Vivian, overtaking her as she tried chasing after the flyaway fist. The newcomer fought to escape as she was forced into pubic hairs, but Shelby’s whim was undeniable as her cage of fingers locked Vivian into position – replacing where Christin once was. She was struck by the steamy atmosphere she was slid into, immediately marked by a layer of liquid discharges that made every movement heavier and slower, but even under those conditions did she fear for her sister and the fate ahead of her.

Shelby’s fist opened at an angle, revealing Christin shuddered on her back, her hands clasped together to beg. The goddess heard squeaky distresses, but smiled insultingly back. “Chrissy-Chrissy~ Your little sister has been such a treat!” Shelby began smugly. “It was a good thing I brought her up here~ I think you two bring out the best in each other.” Christin’s pleas continued to go ignored as she was lifted higher, right up to the goddess’s nose; a sharp inhale of air through those nostrils threatened to pull the tiny woman up into them, but the breath was short and she was soon pressed back into the palm by the exhale. Shelby sighed, satisfied with the smell of her own sex – as long as it was stained onto her plaything. Her hips rocked forward as she sank deeper into the couch; “You both must motivate each other so much, huh? That’s so cute… So adorable…~”

Vivian groaned, trudging inches out from the grasp that kept her bound to Shelby’s cunt, but was far from slipping free. She was at least able to part a bush of hairs out of her sight, creating a thin view up the goddess’s mountainous body – just in time, unfortunately, to witness her broadly licking her own palm, that which had taken Christin. Vivian fell pale that she just watched her sister’s demise, but that was not the case; Shelby’s faraway eyes met with hers, sparkling with sadistic pleasure as her tongue unrolled from her lips to show off the robed woman plastered atop it. Christin twisted in a coil of viscous spit, but was soon after sealed away again, visibly tossed from one cheek to another. Vivian shook her head madly, but any effort to escape was still met with a punishing amount of pressure – and a chime of Shelby’s amusement.

“Mh-mh… Don’t get too distracted~” Shelby warned with her usual teasing tone. A finger then cranked under Vivian’s hips and between her legs, prompting her to stiffen so that she would listen well. Shelby spoke, but only when she had Christin tucked somewhere safe under her tongue; “Get me off,” she flatly commanded, “or else I’ll separate you and your sister forever.” Vivian snapped into teary-eyed sickness, but a laugh blurted from Shelby in contrast, “Ha! Seriously, do it!! Don’t you love your sister? Chrissy-Chrissy is gonna get eaten if you don’t get to work, Vivi~”

Vivian’s face went cold, sinking under the weight of depression and into a fold of skin. She would have remained still forever, but a probe from that leg-locked finger urged her to act. Gasping in panic, Vivian flung herself shiveringly into worshiping motions: swirling her arms in wide circles, writhing her chest against the living ground, but the world rumbled minimally in response. She muttered apologies, far too small for Shelby to hear, as she tried more desperately to earn her approval. Unabashed and long licks went along the ridges of the goddess’s labia, and her legs squirmed where it was wettest – yet Shelby appeared unmoving, other than how she sloshed Christin around in her mouth in idle play.

“Unh… C’mon, don’t disappoint me…” Shelby sighed, caressing her breast impatiently – a consequence Ebony endured for happening to be assigned there. “Show some gratitude~ Ufh or should I swallow both of you…? Is that what it’s gonna take?”

“No! N-No, please!” Vivian begged with her tiny voice, but the goddess’s mind had seemingly already been settled. Fingers forced themselves under and around her body, repositioning her lower down the crotch – submerged into her entrance, threatened to be pushed inside entirely. Vivian shrieked as her footing failed her, her attempts of dashing free foiled by the flooding arousal; any distance she could make was instantly undone by a fingertip selfishly pushing her back down, farther than she was before. She clutched hairs and lips, allowing her some chance at swimming out of the trap, but she was in fact dragging herself where Shelby desired her: her pronounced clitoris, swollen and bright like a beacon. Inevitably, Vivian’s efforts took her to that bulge bigger than her head, grasping it in her arms to be pulled for support – a touch that sent an electric signal up Shelby’s spine, finally rewarding her with what she wanted, and what Vivian was tasked to achieve.

Exactly~ That’a girl~” Shelby cooed, melting to the edge of her cushioned seat where her wetness had reached. Vivian was pinched in an ideal position in her pussy, but she was still much too tiny to feed all of the goddess; her slender fingers danced within her just behind her Vivian, widening her entrance with each slick and entrapping her toy slightly more. Shelby bit her lip and seethed with pleasure when Vivian hugged her clit with all her might, truly resisting the fate of being drowned in someone’s cunt; “That’s good~ A fast learner, heh, just like your sister…~ How great that now I get two of you to fuck with~! So now if something happens to one of you…~

Vivian wailed, exhaling her tornado of emotions, exhausting herself until she could only be draped around the clitoris’s base. Despite collapsing without stamina, the incredible engine of Shelby’s masturbation persisted, the tremors promising to soon swallow her into those drowned depths. Slowly, she succumbed and sank into the pink crevice, rocked back and forth in motions that lodged her steadily deeper with each thrust of those fingers. As her head neared being taken under, Vivian flickered with feelings – deaf to the gushing sounds, blind to the encroaching flesh, she thought only of her regrets, reprimanding herself for having wished to join the goddess’s realm. She called herself foolish for wanting to be chosen, selfish for wanting to reunite with her sister – it was a dark hope indeed that Vivian prayed again to Shelby, the heartless human that conducted such an atrocity, that she would be sacrificed then, relieved from a future of being part of some woman’s morbid collection. Darkness and numbness embraced Vivian as she dwindled out of consciousness, whispering one last apology to Christin.

A familiar scent wafted into her senses before anything else, an aroma that sparked her thoughts, but let her body stay settled. She was unsure where she was, but was comfortable there, hesitant to disturb herself – she wanted to curl and turn over, but was satisfied enough to lay on that bed, depleted and heavy.

“Vivi… Mm…? Vivi…”

Her dreams began to swirl with memories, and from there, her peace fell apart. Her eyes twitched while closed and her arms shuddered instinctively; like braving a raging river, she thought there was reason to struggle. From an abyss in her mind, she stuttered aloud her sister’s name, “Christin–!”

Vivian opened her eyes in a hurry, met with dim surroundings that her vision made blurred and unclear. She bolted up, but only so far, tethered by fatigue. A presence sat beside her, she sensed as much, but her anxiety ran wild wondering where she was. A deep, worried inhale answered her as that aroma filled her spirit; Incense, Vivian realized, then feeling the silk on her skin, and the robes… The Sanctuary…?

“Vivi…! Shh… You should lay still…” A soothing voice greeted her; of course it was Christin tending to her, her cozy radiance illuminated by candlelight. Vivian stared at her in a daze as she was coaxed back into a bed of blankets. Christin hummed, “You’ve only just begun to recover. You need plenty of rest.”

“Ch-Christin… Wh-What happened…?” Vivian babbled, refusing to lay her head completely down – though the insistence of incense was gradually persuading her. “The goddess… Ant, a-and…”

“Everyone is fine,” Christin giggled, albeit dryly. “The celebration is complete… You have been asleep for a while. As you perhaps might already tell, the goddess was pleased with the ritual – that gives us more reason to celebrate~ but, after you’ve rested, yes?” She stroked Vivian’s head, tenderly combing back hairs that had shaken loose; she touched her temples, massaging where she knew stress would be. “For now, take deep breaths, Vivi…”

Vivian wished to relax so easily and drift back into that peace, but she saw through her sister’s glow; she saw how she was still wet from being rolled in saliva, draped under a sheet and huddled close to a candle. She searched the corners of the Sanctuary and discovered more signs of suffering: Lizeth was lacking her usual spirit, collapsed in a corner of pillows, while Ebony weakly tended to a naked Ant nearby, massaging her strained back muscles with what flickering strength she had left to share. Though the ritual had been completed, the ordeal for the goddess’s collection lingered, long after she was sexually satisfied and drunkenly asleep.

“Deep breaths… Clear your head, Vivi… Breathe…”

The scenes around her only brought distraught, and so Vivian closed her eyes, nuzzling her head back into the bliss of her bed. She breathed as she was told, allowing the incense to tranquilize her rush of worries, to calm her storm of stresses. From where her face was buried, an impossible smile sprouted – an expression grown out of delusion, convinced that she had succeeded at a sacred duty. Truly, a holy power had granted what her heart most desired: ascended alongside her sister, they were reunited, purposed together to serve the very will that had always bonded them – privileged to serve a goddess.

Vivian’s memories swirled as she slumbered; the sacrifice, the initiation, the celebration… Reliving those moments in a dream quietly let her forget that the goddess ever had a mortal name.


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