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Hello everyone! I hope we’ve all been having a spooky-enough October. Wow, the year has just really sailed right by… Lately when I upload something new, I tend to look back at when I first started that particular project, and I’m always amazed to realize half a year or more has gone by for some of these stories! I mean, it makes sense, since so many of these stories are made 2k words at a time, but dang, it really adds up quick, huh?

Speaking of the amount of words I’m writing every month… let’s talk business! This post is about the upcoming changes to the Curse Crazy Patreon~ I mentioned some thoughts back in July, and the following is what I’ve decided to go forward with! Thank you all for your support and patience~ I’m so grateful for anyone of any tier deciding to support me!

Beginning from this November, the Cursed- and Spellbound-tier rewards will be changed! Jinxed- and Hexed-tier patrons, I love you so much! I don’t have any plans to alter the benefits of these two tiers, though Hexed-tier patrons should be excited to read a different update that will be explained at the bottom!

Cursed-tier patrons: The price for this tier will be raised from $15 -> $30. The number of words rewarded each month will be lowered from 2,000 words -> 1,500 words. Thus, the price per word for this tier has risen from $0.00.7 (seven-tenths of a cent) -> $0.02 (two cents). These reward words will be banked and written at my earliest convenience; I do not guarantee when I will write these words. As before, these commissions must be permitted to be uploaded to the patreon at my discretion.

Spellbound-tier patrons: The price for this tier will be raised from $25 -> $40. The number of words rewarded each month will be lowered from 2,000 words -> 1,500 words. Thus, the price per word for this tier has risen from $0.01.3 (one and three-tenths of a cent) -> $0.02.6 (two and six-tenths of a cent). These reward words are considered express priority, and will always be written in that month’s timeframe, generally before I work on any other patron reward. As before, these commissions may optionally be kept as private, as per the patron.

For perspective: My standard commission rates begin at $25 per 1,000 words, which is a price per word of $0.02.5 (two and one-half cents). I also charge an additional amount for express delivery on commissions that want to be finished in a short timeframe. Thus, both patron tiers are receiving a slight discount from my standard commission rate, in addition to the other privileges of those tiers.

I hope that’s all clear for everyone to understand! Basically, these commission tiers will be charged more, and less words will be rewarded. Why have I done the math this way? I know it sounds like a bummer to pay more to get less, but I hope the value per word can be understood as only marginally increasing. Before, I was basically getting a penny per word – with these updated prices, it’s more like two pennies per word, which is closer to what a professional writer would expect to get paid per word hahaaa. Of course, I could have just risen the prices by themselves, but I also chose to cut down on the words rewarded per month. This was for two reasons: first, I didn’t want to make these tiers feel too inaccessible by demanding too much per month, and second, I simply don’t have that much time to write that many words per month. I feel this compromise is the best path forward, as it not only rewards me more fairly for my art and the product I make for people, but also allows me more time – more time that will be used to write on my personal projects, rather than always doing commissions! And I think all my readers, regardless of tier, would appreciate some of that~

(These prices are also higher than I originally predicted in my July update post. All I can say is that I prefer this math better than the math I did before~)

Next! Another update! It’s been known for awhile now that I’ve unfortunately been unable to keep up with running polls for my Hexed+ patrons to partake in. I do have some ideas on how to include polling power in future projects, but for now, I wanted to at least provide something for these patrons to participate with. It’s taken too long lol, but I finally got around to creating a submission box! Patrons of this tier will get access to a Google Form where they’re free to submit any opinions about what I should write next. The answers are free-form, so you can write anything you’d like; you can offer recommendations for size interactions and dynamics, suggest a character or pairing to explore, explain a whole premise for a saga, or just say “feet” and I’ll know what to consider focusing on~ I can’t guarantee when I’ll get around to writing anything from the submission box, but seeing ideas will always help inspire my creativity, and I hope patrons will feel more involved by being able to say to me, “hey, I like this kind of content!” or “I’d like to see something like this!” In the future, I’d like to ask for more specific types of submissions or run exact polls for ideas, but for now, this will mostly be an open-ended place to deposit thoughts. (Though, I do politely ask that patrons limit themselves to just one submission per month!)

Come November, I’ll send out the link to my Hexed-tier+ patrons to the new submission box. In the meantime, I’ll be reaching out to my Cursed- and Spellbound-tier patrons very soon to begin discussions about the future of their patronage. I’ve already made arrangements with a few of you, but I would like to make sure all details are finalized and that everyone knows what to expect. Similarly to how I updated the tiers previously, continuing patrons will have to “migrate” to the new tier slots, which I will open one at a time for patrons that intend to continue their pledge into November and onward. Afterwards, any leftover slots can be filled by anyone wanting to pick-up a commission tier.

If you are a current commission tier patron and you intend on not renewing your pledge, then we might need to discuss the continuation of your ongoing commission. For any project that was pledge-based and already outlined, I am willing to extend our previous rate for 5,000 words more from where it is currently, written as an off-patreon commission. If there is still more to the commission after that, my standard rate will then be applied going forward.

I think that covers everything! It’s been one hell of a year, and I’m looking forward to the next years to come~ As always, I’m grateful for everyone’s support, whether it’s as a reader or a patron, thank you so much! I’m open to answer any questions, feel free to DM me here if you have anything to ask about these changes. Take it easy, everyone!


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