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There she is!! Or should I say, "there I am?" Hmm. I guess the relationship I like to have with Cursey is that I acknowledge her as a character first, and a persona second. While Cursey is definitely some dream goals, I also like keeping a distance from her, so to speak; I don't want people thinking too strictly about where the fiction begins and where it ends, so I want to make it clear that Cursey is a character that might represent some of my personality, but not all of it...

I wonder if that even matters to the readers? lol

I know I have a long list of other uploads without notes that I should get to first... but this is a special case! This being Cursey's debut, I of course have a lot to talk about~ Did you find her eccentric? Endearing? I hope so! My goal was to make a creepy girl that still feels approachable, if eerie and mysterious. A bit of an enigma, where you should be wondering, "What else is happening here...?" I'd like Cursey to be caught up in people's minds and make them guess at what else she could do, or what other situations she could end up in~

Developing Cursey has been a ton of fun! I've been working with her papa, a dear friend named Switch, for about a year now getting a good reference sheet together. Bless Switch's heart because I've had to make a lot of annoyingly minor adjustments -- otherwise, Switch knew exactly what to make for me! But beyond Cursey's appearance was also her personality that needed to be developed. This was something I struggled with a lot whenever it came to me thinking up story ideas involving her. Cursey's theming as a writer, and her ability to travel in and out of stories, has a lot of........... potential......... to be annoying. I was extremely worried I'd end up making some snarmy, know-it-all character; a TV Troper that constantly lampshades story elements. At the same time, I didn't want to entirely miss the creative material of following those themes, so it was a careful trait to balance out; I wanted her to feel oddly powerful and wise about events, but in a way that was cute and charming. God forbid I ended up making a witchy-variant of Deadpool or something.

The result of those considerations is that Cursey is a bit... eccentric! That's the word I hope you might use for her. I think her deadpan nature helps simmer any overt meta-awareness; she gets bored of story elements, but doesn't harp on them or speak. Rather, I focused her "writing personality" as being shown through her understanding of writing, so I emphasized her awareness of things like a character having no dialogue, or needing to edit a character's personality and motivations. It's less like she's aware that she's in a story and more that she's aware she's in a book, specifically.

... This ended up making her a little OP, huh? She basically has god powers-- I had to tag the story as "god-like" for god's sake! Hah, this was something else I worried about a bit, but not nearly as much. Of course, I beware making Mary-Sues or other perfect characters, but in size fiction, it kind of comes with the territory. Besides, while Cursey might seem all-powerful in this particular story, there are plenty of others that will show her more down on her luck~ Things don't always go the way she wants to write them. As far as this story goes though, things go according to plan~

Now, about the story itself a bit more! This kind of role is definitely a trademark dynamic for Cursey; overlooking an entire world at her fingertips, picking things apart and rearranging them, taking what she wants. At the same time, she isn't always pining to be huge, as shown in the ending where she puts herself -- or a character of herself, anyway -- into a submissive role. This was my compromise when it came to reflecting where I believe Cursey fits best in size scenarios, which is at an "average" height -- "average" here meaning the middle of whatever sizes are at play~ So if there's giants and tinies running around, she'd be normal size, but if it was normals and giants, she'd fit somewhere in the middle. The art commission from Kkasi, of course, had already places in the role of a giant, so I worked with how it came out~ Maybe in another story soon, we'll see Cursey more in the middle where I picture her.

Now funnily enough, I dont think its wrong to say that Cursey isn't even the main focus of size content in this story. The perspective in this mostly rests on the princess character and exploring her interactions at different sizes. This is also intentional! As Cursey is generally more interested in watching scenarios play out rather than being involved directly~ She likes to tamper with things! This makes Cursey a nice outlet for putting other characters into size situations and dragging them into the fun, which is likely how many more stories with her will go.

The content itself is a bit weird in this story hah. I had to strike a balance between explaining Cursey and the way she works vs sexy size stuff. My method was to basically let the size stuff speak for itself, describe the bigs and smalls but not get too stuck on those details. I wanted to make sure Cursey was understood and that readers got a sense of her world, so I was willing to go light with descriptions that could have otherwise gone on for paragraphs more. I still tried to be a bit sexy~ like stuffing the princess in Cursey's boobs, and some of her handy interactions with the princess. But I was also pretty quick with those moments, figuring they'd be sexy enough to keep readers interested while they also read about Cursey's library and her magic.

In a lot of ways, I took inspiration for this story from one of the Halloween Tales shorts a couple years back. One of those was about a ghost girl that could control a haunted house, and a lot of those moments felt very topsy-turvy, intentionally trying to confuse the reader by jumping around or writing out illusions. I wanted some of that mysterious feeling to follow Cursey too~ hence the design and details of the library. Its a location that should make readers feel something strange, with situations that are equally weird. Did it work? lol I hope so~ The library is an important location and it represents Cursey quite a bit, so thats something I'll have to go into more detail later. I ought to think of a real name for it... something like "The Labyrinthian Library"? With Cursey, I love motifs of "never-ending" or getting "lost in immersion," as well as any sense of feeling captivated; it's why birdcages are a reoccurring theme for her as well, a tiny prison designed to keep the prisoner exposed and watchable... Well, I think I'm just rambling at this point.

Wow, I could really keep going on and on about Cursey here... but that should motivate me to want to write more about her! I'd love to go into more of her lore and flesh out her personality, so expect another Cursey story at some point for sure! And until then, let me know what you thought of her and her debut story~ Admittedly, this is kind of a weird concept for a story in general, but I think it's very Cursey-ish and I had a fun time just putting these thoughts onto paper.

Expect another story upload to come soon!! Sorry for the delays this month, just got a bit caught up in the editing process for a few stories, and I didn't want to upload anything that I wasn't confident in. Thank you all for the support and patience~



It was so good!! Weirdly specific thing but always enjoy size stuff where a map is turned into the actual landscape it's supposed to represent, probably because I imagine that sort of thing a lot myself when looking at maps and having all that world to toy with, so definitely a fan of that whole section here with Cursey and the princess, and generally just a really good read as always, even if your stories aren't like 100% Sexy Content or whatever all the time, the way you write the size and potentially other dynamics affecting even the simplest of interactions is always really good and I kinda love that more than just whatever Sexy Content. And yeah Cursey seems really neat!! Getting a little OP kinda comes with the territory here like you said, so I don't think that's really a problem at all, and definitely never felt too much just oh this is all meta weirdness, just sorta more unusual sort of power on top of the size itself, and yeah not even something she uses for being the biggest all the time anyway! Looking forward to more of whatever you do with her and whatever other stories she messes with!