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[The following short was written with the permission of a patron's monthly reward. Thank you so much for the support!

The following story is a Pokemon fanfiction, featuring a giga-sized Sneasler with a tiny city. It features themes of destruction/rampage/violence/crushing; feet/paws, stomping; claws, tails, fur; vore; abduction; masturbation.]

Humanity lived in fear of pokemon, those creatures with supernatural abilities, unpredictable natures – and their tremendous, impossible sizes. Civilization persisted in the shadows of these behemoths, mankind relying on its diminutive scale to pass under their notice. Technology advanced quickly for the sake of survival, and sprawling metropolises were designed with profound efficiency, yet no prosperity guaranteed safety – at any point could the sky turn black from an eclipse cast by any individual monster happening upon them.

And that moment had arrived, with only tremors as a warning. Alarms sprung all over the city as the steady rhythm of footfalls was recorded. Everyday routines were suddenly stopped as a population of millions became alert of something massive approaching. News spread in a craze among restless crowds, their hearts sinking as the quakes grew in power, their gazes scanning the horizons in worried turns. Dread fell upon them like a storm as the confirmations came in: the pokemon to discover their civilization was the mountain-climbing Sneasler.

Long legs carried the pokemon in strides that flew across distances of a city, imposing an unstoppable speed upon humanity while merely meandering – a curious creature by nature, especially interested in the unusual location it had found. She reflected on her path to that point, looking back down the inclines and cliffs that she had trekked up to the peaks that humans had seemingly made a nest atop. Smugly, the predator scoffed at the civilization, amused by how humanity must have believed itself to be safe in that haven high above the Hisuian plains; instantly had her arrival terrorized the outskirts of their domain, accidentally ending an era of peace. Upon lifting a paw up from the ground, Sneasler shined fascination onto that crater of destruction, delighted by her superiority and inspired to push that intimidation further.

The idle footsteps of her approach paled in comparison to the power of a deliberate attack – a stomp that struck a block of buildings flat, followed by a sweeping slide of that paw bulldozing through the rest of the district. The smolders of ruin rose into the sky like dust disturbed, delivering to Sneasler the scent of her domination. Her keen senses were tickled by crumbling buildings and crying crowds, as well as the distinct silences of where civilization ceased to exist. The claws of her toes curled excitedly, rending clusters of buildings between them and scrambling its lingering of survivors; never before had Sneasler had such an easy hunt laid out before her.

She sought the heart of the metropolis, where the most life would gather for her convenience. Along the way, she cherished the consequences of every step she took, snickering as she picked out targets for her paws to obliterate. She followed a highway of grain-sized vehicles as if they were a trail pointing her to the central districts; she passed over a highway with it between her feet, granting a miserable view to the stalled drivers as they harked up at her towering legs, amazed by the forest of fur that arched into the sky. They had not been spared, but disregarded.

Sneasler stood over plazas and complexes, distinguishing a wide circle of the city’s tallest structures – yet nothing humanity had built in its era of peace rose higher than her ankles. From the rooftops of observatories and skyscrapers, the highest view for a civilian could only look level with her claws, those that held between them the remnants of buildings they had slashed through and the stragglers that were caught in tufts of toe fur. For as short as they were to her, Sneasler saw herself as too tall to study her prey closely enough; she took a squat outside that circle, spreading her paws apart and having her derriere hang despairingly above an unfortunate district. Her heaviness was felt by all beneath her, imposed upon by a sky of gray-blue fur that was her underside region. Knelt low this way, Sneasler was still entirely in control and entertained by that dynamic – her long claws veiled her smile, but her weaselly laughter still rumbled the land below, letting all know what purpose their pain served.

Attention buzzed over those very claws as they then descended towards the city, leaving Sneasler’s smile to commit the mischief she imagined. Singling one claw out from the others, she gently lowered the tip above a brightly-lit business hotel, sensing the life swarming around inside. Staff and guests alike were thrown into a fluster, crowding the halls and exits in an effort to flee. Sneasler witnessed as much, chuckling to herself the miserable leak of humans, before deciding to lay waste to the structure – by letting her claw drop, the weight of itself was plenty for tearing the tower down the middle, breaking floor after floor until the claw impaled through its base.

Following that demolition, Sneasler then dragged that claw through the streets surrounding the hotel. Effortlessly, she scratched fissures into the cityscape, destroying any buildings in her path beyond recognition while the rest sank into the cracks left behind. Sneasler had not only the destruction itself to amuse her, but also the toxic effect of her claw; lingering in the ruins was the poison her species was famous for, inflicting a sickness on the few survivors digging themselves out of the wreckage. The land was thus deeply tainted, forever marked as belonging to Sneasler, no matter how civilization might rebuild itself.

As if to commemorate having claimed the city, Sneasler continued with another assault of her claws, bending forward onto her knees so that she could rend another selection. Her laugh was unabashed, a harsh vocalization that bombarded civilians from directly above; she laughed hardest when she would collect mounds of civilization in scoops of her claws, keen to observe how everything sifted through her grasp. A particular interest was taken into the crumbs of humanity that became caught in the fur of her paw, a crowd’s worth of people clinging to the huge hairs, succumbing into the forest that spread all over her massiveness. It was almost pity that she chose to lick between her digits and claim most of them with her tongue, ending their torment more swiftly – but those left behind were swamped in the aftermath of saliva, completely forgotten about as Sneasler’s appetite urged her elsewhere.

After crawling into the metropolis’s center, Sneasler laid herself down on her side, lowering herself that much more so she could appreciate the chaos. Her laziness resulted in a sacrifice of thousands as her slender body made space for itself, rows of offices and condos flattened by a mass of fur and muscle. The world would only begin to settle after Sneasler was comfortable; with one leg arched and an arm holding up her head, she was posed insultingly relaxed above the population, visibly smug that she was still just as immovable as she was standing. She shifted slightly in her bed of urban ruins, tickled by all the places that now touched her. She was fond of the apartments immediately beneath her gaze, its residents inclined towards the fluff of her armpit and shoulder, but she was aware, too, how even the plume of her ear made its own mess strewn behind her back, its ribbon-like quality still impressively heavy for rooftops to hold up. Even after laying low, features of Sneasler loomed high above landmarks, such as a bridge that ran parallel with her mountainous ass, and a park that faced the pink wall of a paw’s sole. Sneasler scanned herself and sighed pleasantly, admiring all those places where she felt supreme.

Multiple districts heard the roar of her stomach that signaled the next sequence of disasters. Once content with her bed, Sneasler’s free arm reached outward like a storm cloud, her fanged smile deciding on what first to sample. The movement of trains within a terminal caught her predator’s eye, and so she curled her claws through the tracks, expertly raking and uprooting her prey. Strings of shuttles were stolen from the ground, as well as extra swathes of property that crumbled on its approach to Sneasler’s mouth. The passengers within were flipped all around as they traveled nearly a mile in the air, bound for the beast that was too huge for any window to see completely; only glimpses of the behemoth pokemon could be comprehended, beholding a vista of fur surrounding a pyramid-sized crest – a view of Sneasler’s bosom, breathing in anticipation of a meal. Before long, all the passengers could see was the opening of a cavernous mouth, where within were teeth as tall as houses and a tongue wide as a lake. They were stalled above that hellish domain while Sneasler sniffed their fear, teasing her hunger one last time before letting the trains slip down her claws. Her tongue rolled the cars with ease and her teeth snapped segments apart, allowing saliva to seep inside and flood out the victims. After so few bites, everything was decisively swallowed, and already was Sneasler’s claw taking aim to eat more.

The pokemon feasted while the sun continued to set. She plucked out buildings like grapes off a vine, and chose entire streets to be spooned to her mouth. If any location looked unappetizing, they earned a destructive dismissal before another place was picked. The very stomach the city was being fed to then collapsed over a neighborhood as Sneasler rotated onto her front, expanding her reach to areas she had not yet eaten from. So diminutive as the population was, it required uncountable lives to satisfy her, and her intent to become full seemed unwavering to the crowds fleeing in front of her.

But humanity was eventually able to make the achievement of distracting Sneasler’s hunger, a feat that only happened after prolonged military assaults. Early after the pokemon had arrived, the city’s defenses sprung into counterattacks, attempting to ward the creature away with missiles and bombs that could devastate human enemies, but was entirely ignorable for something so tremendous. Indeed, Sneasler had not noticed the explosions muffled by her fur, fluff that proved mightier than anything humanity had designed. Yet generals persisted, emboldened to attack wildly after she laid down. Organized strikes boomed against her paws, her legs, her flanks, but their most effective point of attack was her crotch, where a swell of explosions was rewarded with Sneasler shuddering and suspending her feast mid-bite. Between her thighs was a heavily armed unit of tanks occupying a market street, its soldiers believing they had found a weakness to the massive creature – when in truth, they had doomed themselves by awakening another hunger within the pokemon.

Almost instantly was Sneasler infatuated with what was happening in the crevice of her legs, perking up in a chill that stiffened her fur and lifted her ears. Her smile broke into concern as she glared over her shoulder to where she felt bubbly impacts of warmth – the fires of warfare, which intensified as the army directed all possible efforts at that point. That heat rapidly rose to Sneasler’s head; intercourse was a rare event for the solitary species, and individuals had few ways to meaningfully masturbate. The military strikes meant to discourage her from feeding on their city had instead provoked Sneasler to play with them differently, her legs spreading slightly open to expose her most sensitive targets. It was an opportunity the pokemon would not pass over, caught up in a rush of arousal that overrode any other priority.

The military commenced their most dedicated shelling of Sneasler, inspired to strike the pink flesh revealed to them. Rows of tanks drummed with attacks pointed at her cunt, and jets flew over her ass to unload banks of bombs. Though she had provided them huge areas to hit, many explosions were duly dampened by wet swirls of fur, struggling to do more than itch the pokemon’s pubic region. The few missiles that had been aimed well did exactly as Sneasler hoped, igniting jumps of reactions from her that spelled earthquakes back into the city. She perked her ass back and upwards, encouraging more military efforts to entertain her – on the opposite end, she panted with haste, drooling over an unfortunate neighborhood that gawked at her blatant eagerness as though it were a volcano ready to erupt. Her shaken expression winced to the rhythm of warfare, but her weaselly smirk never slipped; even when that smile sank into the homes and businesses below like they were pillows, it was clearly not submission, but her own will to make playthings out of the military.

Sneasler rocked in anticipation, generating shockwaves that lulled the entire city into the rhythm of her arousal. The atmosphere buzzed with the vibrations of her huge purring, a sound that droned over the panic swelling beneath her melty expression. Breaths became gasps and twitches turned into flinching; as her reactions grew more intense, so too did the mayhem that unfolded under and around her, civilization collapsing as a consequence of the one pokemon masturbating with their army. There was then a spark in her eyes, a flash of energy that had all her claws sinking and twisting into rows of buildings, bolstering her posture as an explosive conclusion rolled dramatically closer.

But as the resistance against Sneasler waged on, the moment fell into suspense – the combined might of multiple platoons was not enough to satisfy the giant. Thus, denied what she most desired, Sneasler rode an impulse and thrust her backside behind her, grinding her crotch directly into the artillery positions. Her movement had an explosive effect as her pussy plowed through anything in its way, piling up the debris and any victims caught within. Last-minute attacks were launched in vain as the pubic wall rushed down their ranks, consuming all into the emissions of her sex. More significant than their demise was Sneasler’s exhale of relief, a moan that shivered with arrogance as a result of the impact, the vocalization of her precious orgasm – a moment that would ring embarrassingly throughout the city’s history, but would be a lofty memory for Sneasler to revisit.

As the sun neared the end of its arc, so too was the hour of ruin coming to a close. Paranoia would plague the metropolis as long as the pokemon lingered, but after rising from her intimate session with the army, Sneasler had no extra urges to follow. She grinned slyly over the countless buildings and houses that remained, her feather-tail flicking with excitement as her legs shifted against each other; though no citizen would guess it, truly had Sneasler developed an adoration for humanity. She dreamily reflected on her encounter, having learned the vast population was not only a fun and easy source of food, but also a means of pleasure. The tip of her claw drew at her lip as she felt inspired with new ways to exploit the civilization, but she would merely entertain the ideas as she left the city, headed back to where she first found it.

Though spared for now, the civilization would soon be visited by Sneasler again, now that she had discovered a fascinating purpose for humanity to serve. In the meantime, the massive pokemon would later find entangled survivors to entertain herself with, remnants of humanity that existed in a forested world of fur…


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