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[The following story is a reward for a patron. Thank you so much for your support~

The following story is a Pokemon fanfiction. It features Lusamine continuously growing, beginning at a city-wide size and eventually outgrowing the planet; masturbation; crush; destruction w/ ass, feet, hands; blowing; implied vore / inhaled; hair; implied abduction; implied shrink / microscale.]

Paranoia plagued the dense gathering of people as they packed themselves tightly inside. The steel dome echoed back the anxiety of the crowds, a nervous noise of murmuring as persistent as the ocean. A constant, rhythmless thunder conducted tremors across the ground – even in their shelter, they were evidently unsafe. The sports stadium, including its breadth of bleachers and its multipurpose field, was once generously spacious for the refugees it took in, but that limit was quickly surpassed when additional floods of people forced themselves through. No one expected the dome to protect them from the terror outside, only to hide themselves quietly away, bound to the hope that they would be overlooked by that blonde behemoth.

A commotion was heard, starting from outside and then sweeping inward. A chain reaction of screams triggering screams, responding to an unknown threat, until–

Kck-krung!! Kree-eeeeen…

Daylight beamed in from a break at the dome’s rim, announced with an ear-shattering shock of noise and followed by a horrible, nauseating rip of metal. The material of the dome bent as if not resisting the force at all, crumpling so easily that it seemed to melt. It was being opened – the titan, the mobs all feared, but to what extent she had imposed herself upon them was yet to be fully comprehended. Indeed, what the panicking civilians expected to see outside the stadium walls was the black-dressed woman standing or squatting above them, her arms hoisted up as she pried open the dome over her head.

In reality, Lusamine’s attack on the shelter was effortless beyond their worries. Her scale was gradually understood to the limits of their perspectives, realized first by those that fled from the stadium, and then everyone at once, gawking up at the green eye that had become their sky. Lusamine giggled, having broken open the dome with only the strength of a fingernail; the sheen of a recent manicure taunted the shelter of people, the titan’s vanity weaponized against them. Madness snapped among the clustered crowds, uncertain whether to stay bunkered in the stadium, or to risk fleeing out into the streets that were just as dominated by her inescapable loom.

A great wind of a voice stormed the shelter, despite Lusamine speaking with a motherly sensitivity. “Ah-hah~ I knew this little city was too quiet for a reason – all of you were trying to hide! Mm, what an adorable attempt~ but it seems I’ve found you nonetheless, fufu~” As she spoke down on the rioting stadium, her finger idly tapped down on one of the walls, drumming up quakes that eventually caused a jumbo-screen display to fall amidst the crowds. “You tried to escape me, but all you’ve done is collect yourselves into one convenient place. That kind of incompetence is why I don’t mind destroying this planet, fufu~ So worthless… I wonder if you all would have any value as calories? Hm, or are you too miserable for even that purpose…?

Contrary to the rush of excitement occurring just under her fingertip, Lusamine appeared relaxed with how she lounged across the countryside. She laid flat on her chest, her stretch of body encompassing a multitude of neighborhoods and towns, the distances of highways connecting them, and every geological feature to note in between – a land and its life, all disappeared into the fabric of her clothes. Opposite of her point of interest were her feet, one kicked over the other, seated victoriously over the city she had started her day in; she had them bare and exposed, deciding to deepen her comfort by removing her strict high-heels. Such high-class fashion statements were set aside in the suburbs outside the city, cratered together like two proud obelisks that overlooked the dread-stricken community. The titan had rested herself into a valley created by her own mass, yet it was hardly a moment of relief, her hugeness still an oppressive presence to all those who marveled her mountainside body.

Lusamine lowered her face towards the stadium, stopping short of it so that she could savor the sight. Moving in such a way had included her uniquely-styled hair to careen into the city, the thick threads sticking firmly to their shape as they tore up the many streets; her chest cradled forward from how it was arced, bending into and crumbling the few highrises that had been otherwise mercied by her lacking bosom. Destruction popped around her as she merely angled herself into position, licking her lip as she tilted down further with the intent of licking up the stadium’s inhabitants.

The pink monster of pure muscle oozed from the steamy cavern of a mouth. Her hunger bellowed onto the shelter, casting the crowds into stampeding over one another towards the clogged exits. They willingly threw themselves down bleachers if it meant a faster getaway, especially as the tongue debuted along one side of the stadium, glopping down onto a broad selection of seats. The muscle expanded as it pressed into the structure, widening and subtly shaping into a scoop as it was dragged through the rows. All was bulldozed by the tongue, caught up into mounds of flipped-over seats and pavement, transformed into crumbs that were piling up into the grasp of sticky saliva. Any refugees tripped through the seats were the first to be abducted, heartlessly hoisted by the encroaching wall no differently than anything else the titan intended to devour.

A flick of the tongue was punishingly too fast for anyone to avoid. The moment she whimmed it, Lusamine licked away the stadium and all those that had used it as a shelter; suddenly, it stood no more, replaced with only sparse remains of its foundation and a wasteland pooled with saliva. The countless screams that had merged together as one uproar of horror was silenced, overtaken by the cacophony of active demolition, until that, too, reached an end. The tongue lifted away, spilling over with excess ground and material and human life, as if itself were a gluttonous beast trying to take too much back into its cave. Her lips were then sealed softly as her bite of a treat was rolled into her mouth, twisted and moistened into becoming a messy glob no longer recognizable as the shelter it once was. Metal and concrete turned to dust between her molars, steel beams snapped in half like twigs; interwoven in the mayhem were hundreds of people, a number that was dropping dramatically as they were drowned, cobbled, and ultimately eaten. Her throat was an inevitable destination, and after three fulfilling swallows, her mouth was emptied – aside from whatever stragglers were overlooked, abandoned in the cliffs of gums or mired in cesspools of spit.

Mmh… You couldn’t even amount to much flavor,” Lusamine sighed, her hungry expression tamed to a mild smile. As she entertained herself by surveying the results of her lick, she took notice of the crowds that had dodged being devoured, those escapees from the stadium as well as other stragglers of the victimized city. They were in awe of something, either the wet stamp of land her taste of the shelter had created, or the titan herself, her one-eyed stare beaming down at them from the clouds. “All of you are equally at fault for disappointing me. Before this planet is destroyed, I’ll make it slightly more perfect by removing you all from it~

The severed population scrambled away from the titan, but no soul in the city was safe from the sequence to follow. A deep rumbling swept the surrounding area; the landscape was contorting to Lusamine’s increasing size, the crust of the earth bending to her body as though it were a bedspread cushioning to her slender figure. Her expansion conquered city blocks without her needing to lift a finger, her bigness alone capable of commanding space for itself. Nothing could resist her growth, belittling the efforts of those who tried to run away, to the point of bringing many to a stupified halt. Nothing in her shadow felt safe, and it was spreading fast and far – having doubled her scale, she had become tremendous, striking fear even as she lounged flat along the earth.

Cozying into this new size, Lusamine reasserted her attention onto the city. Having become so small in front of her, it could have been dismissed with as little as a breath, and nearly was when she exhaled upon them. She was beyond hearing their cries of horror, hearing instead only the vacancy of the sky and the crunching of the ground reshaped by her mass. Her lone eye searched for anything else of entertainment value, but there was less and less she could comprehend after her growth; a passing concern, as she already felt the pull of exploring elsewhere around the country, before that, too, shrunk away from her.

Farewell~” the titan hummed forebodingly, the victims of her torment too tiny to immediately grasp the means of their destruction. Amidst the lawless spree of panic, they felt hard tremors pounding the world, only so many in a position to see the source: her hand, settling onto its side, curved around the city’s border. Beginning from a river, her palm and fingers razed the landscape in the shape of an unforgiving wall. Her grasp swallowed everything without bias; forests, parks, neighborhoods, and then offices, hotels, highways. No matter the material, it all cobbled together into a knotted world of sparsely recognizable locales, a tornado swirled by the clench of her fist – picked up and squeeze, the uncountable loads of land and life sifted through the wrinkles of her grip, some amount of humanity still straining to exist even in that apocalyptic whim. All at once, the handful of earth was released, and like dust did it travel through the air for hundreds of meters, a hailstorm of rubble that rained down upon the wasteland now carved in the city’s stead.

Lusamine inspected her hand and the unique grittiness that persisted. Stained into her palm were remains of the city, some amount of life still enduring in the softness of her skin. There was no mercy for those stragglers, as they were silently sentenced to her stomach. She gently licked one finger at a time, taking the time to swallow each individual strand of crumb-like civilization before proceeding. It was a dry taste, as unfavorable as the shelter before, but it was the erotic flavor that she truly appreciated, the spectacle that her sultry behavior was to the millions watching her.

Eager to continue, Lusamine allowed her body to steadily grow, synchronized with the slow burn of her arousal. From laying forward on her chest, she decided to to roll over onto her back, a twist of movement that would inarguably cost tens of thousands of lives. Of course, it made as much difference to her as it did to roll over a pillow in her bed, and so her body collapsed over numerous communities as a consequence. The black of her clothes crashed across the countryside like a tsunami, relentless until it was paused by a mountain, long reaching but dull headed. It broke her speed only because of its distinct bulkiness against her butt, how the slopes and ridges accepted a cheek’s roundness; Lusamine giggled, deciding it was worthwhile to use.

The upscale neighborhoods and their affluent population were challenged by the encroaching of the titan’s impossible ass, its shape defined by the strictness of her pants. Its arrival to that point had caused mudslides to bring down houses, funneling them down to where her hips cratered at the mountain’s base. Then, the wall of black continued to crash forward, its position adjusted around the shape of the land; the titan purposed the mountain into the middle of her ass, cherishing how the feature was ground away underneath her. The peaks crumbled and collapsed, breaking apart like a mound of sand, until lesser ranges of hills were redesigned in the outline of her waist.

As a final part of repositioning, Lusamine curled forward, taking claim to levels of the atmosphere she had not yet stood at – having grown so much, she was at her tallest height yet, despite only sitting down. She surveyed the setting, paused by her loneliness amidst slow-moving surroundings, the stillness in the air reflected by the long-reaching quiet. When she giggled to herself, she expected an echo, but it traveled far without sounding back to her, unlike the buzzing effect it had on the province’s population.

Constantly growing larger, Lusamine’s feet eventually edged into a beach, and then into the water, her toes bulldozing the inland along with them. A bay had been discovered, the coasts lined with port cities that went beneath her gaze; she was more curious about the ships and boats between them. Stretching one leg out above the gulf, she wondered what their perspectives were like, daunted upon by a giant foot taken to the sky overhead, its wide waves of movement casting away fog and clouds so that it was clearly presented for all seafarers to witness. On an impulse, Lusamine dropped that foot into the round of water, enjoying the little splash she created, tickled to know that she had summoned catastrophes on that whim. Geyers shot upwards as high as mountains, waves as tall as skyscrapers spreading far off into the beaches; speck-sized ships were swirled deep onto the ground, buried within cities that were established far from the beaches. The currents of those floods soon twisted back from where they came as Lusamine removed her foot, reeled back above land triumphant in fulfilling Lusamine’s flare for destruction.

Mhm~ Did I misstep somewhere? Expecting an apology?” Lusamine asked. She spoke shushed and sultry, but every word boomed over the heads of those between her legs, the audience that was captivated by her meteoric methods. “I wanted to wash my feet, but your water isn’t even good enough for that. Fufu, what a miserable world~ It’s a wonderful thing you have me here! I can find ways for you to be useful~ It must be my maternal instinct, to care so deeply for things that keep disappointing me.

Stricken with a shiver of excitement, Lusamine’s arousal was apparent, the heat within her empowered by having multiple cities held captive outside her crotch – a real warmth that extended into the communities closest to her, a humidity thick with her odor. The fat of her legs, bound tight by her pants, were insurmountable barriers, as though the diminutive lots of lives had any chance of outrunning her reach at all. Comforted by her inescapable scale, Lusamine took the time to undress out of her slacks. Every shake of her weight offered more thoughts of pleasure, that kilometers of land quivered as she stripped out of her pants, as though the territory itself was a nervous lover. In huffs of breaths, she unveiled the bareness of her legs, casting the slacks aside into another nation. In the aftermath of the earthquakes made thus far, the population observed a new color to the walls that encircled them: the paleness of her thighs and calves curled delightfully inward, and the alluring red of her panties, displayed as a divine triangle facelessly glaring down upon tens of thousands.

Lusamine stroked the length of her legs, her hands traveling down the pair faster than bullet trains could cross the same distance. Shifting her weight in such a way pitted more of the earth towards her; while her attention was squared onto the number of cities immediately in front of her, she was oblivious to everything else around her similarly suffering. Behind her was a forested neighborhood sunken towards the crevice of her ass, houses and highways alike swallowed into the broken ground and smothered when the rear pushed unforgivingly towards them. The stream of destruction tickled her like carpet fibers, the cityscape and the terrain too tiny to draw her attention away from her targets – the towns she could turn into playthings.

An experimental touch devastated a city when a manicured nail dug underneath them, ripping entire blocks apart from underground, until the fingertip was lifted into the air, taking with it anything that remained steady. An urban neighborhood was ruined and relocated, apartment buildings collapsing on top of each other, combustions breaking out into tragic fires that billowed in the high-altitude winds. They were taken kilometers away at a mind-numbing speed, their destination left unexplained – without comment, the titan launched the piece of the city into her crotch. The fabric of her underwear was unyielding to the buildings that crashed into it, the infinite threads catching the heaps of people that dropped away from the destruction. Wetness from her arousal created a swamp-like environment that kept the debris embedded like a stain, spread messily across the steep mound of a woman’s crotch. Defined by the panties was the shape of her clitoris, a hill-sized bulge that property was driven and swirled into; they were fed to her perversion, and only the first of many helpings.

Hahh~ It’s falling apart~ so quickly~” Lusamine moaned as a shiver raced up her spine. The selection of a city was no more, but her fingers danced wide around where they had been smothered into her underwear, massaging herself steadily. “I’m going to need so much more than that~ Fufu, are you ready to be put to work? Come, come close~ Clinging to me is your only option…!

Overtaken by a sexual hunger, Lusamine unbit her lip and grabbed a handful of the earth. She giggled, watching the amount of land sift between her digits, keen to see how the rice-sized buildings were disturbed in their foundations. For only that moment did she appreciate the severed community before diverting it all onto her cunt, her palm tilting towards her lap and allowing the sample of the country to drizzle explosively onto her arousal. Her hips quaked with a pulse of pleasure, and so another handful was fed, earning a chime of her satisfaction – but it was far from enough to complete her. Another handful of humanity was stolen from the surface and applied to her sex, piled into the underwear as they were pinched open like a consuming maw in its own right; those that survived being spilled from high into the air and over the landscape of a pussy were no match for her hand when it delved in after them, parting the lips so that crumbles of the world would cascade and cover the area. It was impossible for Lusamine to keep track of every corner of terror her masturbation conducted, but the race to imagine all those perspectives – the mad counting of however many lives were sacrificed to her sexuality – only compelled her to harvest more of the province for her horrible appetite.

Eventually, the terrain had been scraped vacant – a wasteland of the unearthed and ruined, the scape molded to the carvings of grasping fingers where cities once stood. It appeared as though a war had been waged, a null zone of despair that existed between her legs. Panting in the midst of her masturbation, Lusamine glimpsed at what remained, her smirk finally deflated by the disappointment of having so little left; the grid of architecture had few bits of civilization between the sites she had already combed into use, insignificant to her but substantial bastions for the province’s survivors. From these precarious shelters were worried refugees, helpless to make any appeal to her before her dismissal was upon them – the naked legs closed, sealing tight the intensity of her arousal and crushing together that last fraction of the province in the hug of her thighs.

A divine sigh sang across the countryside, a tone that could have been lovely in its lowness, but only contributed to the terror of noise, that nonstop rumbling of the land responding to the titan’s twitches of ecstasy. The breath was truly a warning to those behind her, the tens of thousands that spanned a distance from the province’s border, to the farmlands and forests that defined her seat. A wall of blonde hair cradled towards those miles of society, collapsing loudly like a flood of destruction that allowed no survivors. The weight of her body laid back completely flattened everything beneath her, the final crunches of what existed there heard by her as a crisp, satisfying crinkle.

Lusamine bathed in her own afterglow, the pumping of her rushing heart reverberating throughout the country. She giggled when her heels were tickled by water, having continued to expand her size until she was within reach of the bay again. The city there earned one last glance from their cruel goddess before crumbling into dust, instantly destroyed when she idly shifted her foot upon them. They were forgettable, as were all patches of civilization that happened to surround Lusamine, treated with only as much respect as a bedspread as she twisted from her back and onto her front. She rocked comfortably into a new position, spelling waves of tragedies as a result; a devastated world now looked upon a different shape of a mountain range, a slender curve of a feminine body, with an emphasized ass that towered mockingly above a capital city. Her perfectly styled hair was weaved with disasters as she spun onto her chest, dragging up scraps of civilization within swamp-like knots of sweat-touched strands. Countless lives drained away in the tremors of her growth, literally shrugged aside as Lusamine blissfully enjoyed her melty state of pleasure.

“Mmm… I do hope all of you are appreciating your planet as much as I am~” Lusamine whispered, but her comment translated to a long roar of a voice, deafening to those nearest to her lips, and a quaking bass for miles onward. “Fufu, I must admit, your little world looks especially charming from this angle! I can almost forget the ugliness that’s rooted deep down~”

A coy expression loomed above a metropolis, bedazzled with an assortment of lights and nightlife activity. A dense population endured the back-and-forth breezes of her breaths as they rioted hopelessly. Lusamine’s lone eye narrowed with glee, deciding that the world deserved a kiss exactly there. She was as ginger as she could make herself, yet her puckered lips were wider than the city itself, plummeting upon them like a meteor. Debris coated her lips until her tongue licked everything clean, except for whatever survived in the unnoticeable crevices of her smile.

The world’s population was on edge, constantly on watch of where the titan continued. Any hope she would tire out and sleep, offering precious hours for humanity to bunker down and prepare, was dashed when she began moving – crawling across the unfortunate country, too lazy from her masturbation to lift herself any higher. Her dignity was dwindling still, as observed by her messy way of disrobing completely from her clothes, the sparse set of which was draped across neighboring territories. The titan was from then on naked, immediately outgrowing all the clothes she no longer wore. Her confidence was unbroken, her shame amounting only to a red blush that was more taunting than it was vulnerable; she was the world’s authority, allowed to be nude and proud as she explored a country that was perpetually shrinking beneath her.

Lusamine’s scale had surpassed the borders of what any country could claim contained her. Rivers began and ended in the length of her all-fours posture, biomes visibly changed like gradients in her shade, and few features of humanity’s architectural feats were visible at a glance. Passenger planes strained to divert their flights from the crisis that she was, but the most mundane of movements happened to be the most unpredictable to avoid. Entire armies devoted their offenses to targeting her weakest points – bombardments against her breasts, airstrikes atop her ass – but no weaponry was effective then, nor would it ever be as their threat grew even larger. A divided world was at last locked in agreement, that their combined forces were useless against the titan.

An entire province, as well as additional miles encircling it, was disturbed from their suspended anxiety. They had thought wrong to believe they were at least far enough from Lusamine’s interests to possibly take shelter and pray for another day; on a whim, they – and all of their land – were chosen to entertain her. There were no words, only a haunting giggle that chimed over the sounds of breaking earth. She had taken the province into her ownership, held high in the atmosphere, level with her wicked grin. Their society had been uprooted with as much ease as scooping sand into her palms; Lusamine withheld a laugh at their misery, attempting to keep the landscape steady so that she could spy on the apocalypse. Indeed, her lone eye earned a chorus of screams, conducted by an emerald pupil keen to their sorrows, attracted to the tumbling buildings and the fissured fields.

They heard a horrible sound, accented by the most ominous feeling that washed over the population. High-speed winds were heard as a distant vacuum: an extensive inhale, strong enough to rip the loosest of the land away from the handheld province. Communities along the crumbling borders were pulled into the air, whipped away towards the titan’s nostrils, though very little would actually reach her mountain-sized nose. It was merely a prelude to a monumental event, that subsequent exhale that the province had no hope against.

“Fuuuu…~” Lusamine blew out her lips, unleashing a clean stream of her breath that turned the mound of earth into a cloud of dust. After just a brief giggle at the effect, her attention was already being cast elsewhere.

But the storm she created was an entire world of its own, a cluster of reality flipped into a nonsense nightmare. Though the titan saw simply a fog of dust and dirt, it truly was the land she had been holding, scattered wide and far through the atmosphere. The initial impact of her breath was incomparable to the heaviest tropical storms, more akin to multiple superweapons striking the province than any force of nature – surely unrecognizable as merely a woman’s blow of air, but that truly was what annihilated civilization. The stream of exhale was a twisted weave of tornados, commanded by the titan to cast the province and its population away into the atmosphere. From one corner of the land to the opposite, the ground and virtually all that inhabited it were dissolved from her palms; tangled forests, cozy suburbs, and industrial cities alike were ripped apart, effectively evaporating into the form of a dark cloud. Whatever bits of life were able to withstand the bomb-like gales were remorselessly abandoned at a random altitude, surrounded by the haze of what was originally their homeland now scattered like a mist in the sky.

A long shadow claimed the full length of a nation. Eclipsing the sun was a godly silhouette: a thin body type surrounded by a glow of golden hair. Tremors of her rising to her feet swept the landscape all around her, but those targeted in her shade were inflicted as well with the brunt of her giggle, a rain storm of deep, giant chimes that tormented millions with its yet-familiar maternal charm. She was upon them, like so many times before, but as she paused to survey what was left of the continent she had paraded through, humanity slowly understood that she was truly her biggest size yet – those nearest to her felt a thickness in the air, as if gravity itself was being warped towards her massiveness.

Lusamine lifted a foot to continue, but stopped mid-step to examine the aftermath of where it had been planted. Her fingers curled with excitement upon seeing the ashened wasteland, a print bordered by mountains of earth pushed outward from its presence. Where her foot lingered mid-air, debris of that destruction trickled onto the cities beneath her, always accumulating a higher death toll wherever she existed.

She laughed at the concept, filled with a giddiness that had her skip ahead the next several paces. As tall and free as she was, a youthful energy took over Lusamine, delighted anew to feel the earth shatter underfoot and to imagine the consequences of her playfulness. Soon did she reach the opposite shore of the country, a trail of smoldering stamps behind her – between those craters was a population mesmerized with her naked body flying overhead, the wind under her feet spiraling viciously onto those gawking at her magnificence.

Miraculously, the nation held captive by the titan’s occupation was granted a hopeful scene, when the gigantic woman continued her trajectory and into the ocean. It appeared that she might be leaving them, albeit with a farewell of tsunamis caused by her footsteps, but it only spelled worry for all other corners of the earth. Indeed, her fun was far from over, and set to fulfill her promise, she willed herself to grow larger – spikes of increase that jumped her height miles at a time. The depths of the ocean were disturbed by impossibly-sized pillars of legs, her knees – eventually, just her ankles – stirring the waters into mad vortexes within vortexes. Navies were whipped suddenly into storms and toppled by fantastical waves, instantly defeated before her feet could reach them to stomp them herself.

“I’ve arrived~” Lusamine sang onto the next continent that her strides through the sea had taken her to. “Did you think yourselves fortunate to have been on this side of the planet? Of course I wouldn’t ignore all of you~ Even if you’re the size of microbes, I’ll still be thinking of you~”

A debut footfall onto the beach of the continent awakened all to the severity of her size. It had been placed with a deliberate sternness, testing the strength of the land before continuing, but it was no challenge at all for her foot to melt through the ground. An entire province fell victim to that whim, everything destroyed around the specifiness of her toes as though it were clay. Smearing that step backwards, Lusamine revealed the depths of that stomp, having strewn the bright color of exposed magma back into the ocean. Though the heat was devastating, she found the temperature relaxing, similar to dipping her toes into warm water.

“Hmm? Is your world really so weak now?” Lusamine laughed haughtily, hoisting a hand to try and hide her apparent amusement. “How very disappointing. Your civilization is an embarrassment if it can’t support even one of my feet.” She posed that very foot onto its heel, hammered into the middle of a mountain range so that her sole was displayed in an alluring stretch. “This is the foot you failed to hold up. Own up to your errors and apologize~”

Humanity’s only ability to respond was through military desperation. Every strike weapon the countries had prepared was unleashed – streams of missiles, varying widely in strength, drilled into the miles of wrinkled skin endlessly. Despite the widespread rage of explosions, the titan was unflinching to their attack, casually continuing to curl her toes and sway her foot teasingly. She was at least aware of their wartime efforts, but considered the bombardment something like a weak, directionless massage.

Lusamine’s weight shifted, and thus too did the balance of the world. “I very well could stomp out this continent, one step at a time,” she said aloud, discussing with herself the fate of millions. “But does such a miserable stain on the planet deserve that much work? Fufu~ I can think of a more relaxing way to eradicate these ugly countries.”

The sky of skin that was the titan’s sole was moved away from the mountains, launching back where it had come rushing from. Its removal was more foreboding than relieving, a sign that the titan was preparing something much more monumental. True to their fears, a deeper, more expansive shadow stretched across the landscapes within the next minutes; the destroyer was turning a half-rotation, replanting her feet with volcanic effects into two different ends of a coastline. The continent was faced with the immaculate cliff of her nude back, her legs agap into the shape of a massive arch – a passageway to the other side that awaited them. The slightest bend of her knees brought her moon-like rear a full mile closer to the surface, pointed vaguely where it would inevitably impact.

Lusamine herself had only a broad idea of where her ass would plummet, incapable of grasping the full extent of consequences she would unleash – but the thought did make her giggle and burn red, anxiously sneering over her shoulder where her seat awaited. Visibly tickled, her hands pressed onto her thighs as she gradually crouched deeper into the atmosphere. The only hesitation occurred when a faint moisture greeted her canyon, a chill feeling that shivered her sensitive place, that which was the clouds being thwarted by her immense arrival. After that one tingle, Lusamine inhaled through a messy, half-bitten grin, allowing humanity a last precious moment before her commitment, but more importantly, the final ounce of suspense she could withstand.

Her seat was too tremendous to be defined as only an instant, not at all by civilization’s germ-like perspective. In the span of her one breath, as the ass closed down onto the continent, the winds were ablaze by the absolute rush of energy generated by her descent. Temperatures skyrocketed and tornados reigned in the disastrous center destined to be her landing site, thousands of miles that encompassed several countries, all equally expected to become nothing. The ceiling of skin dropped like a flood, the fleshy sound of its coverage across the land overwhelming the roaring chaos, a cacophony only possibly rivaled by the crackling of the earth’s crust. Fissures made all new divides in the geography, maws from the ground with a thirst for lakes and a hunger for crumb-like societies, constantly branching and splitting as if the planet was glass under strain. Likewise did a shockwave travel circularly outward from the titan’s crash, an unreal image that could be seen from space, but was endured by humanity as a catastrophe incomparable to anything in nature’s history; typhoons and earthquakes occurred simultaneously, absolutely overwhelming any means of defense. Power grids worldwide were disrupted by the chaos, pitting the populations into darkness and stripping them of precious electricity. The planet itself was warped and erupted, its roundness made obtuse when her weight struck its face and drove miles deep into bedrock. Those on other ends of the world were suddenly made victims of her laziness as their corners of the globe popped from the pressure that shifted, cast into terror as the landscapes cultivated by generations of life were utterly reshaped, blown apart from under their cities and agriculture. While the titan sighed and relaxed effortlessly on top of the very limits of the world, all that had lived on its vastness were challenged to coexist with her choice, imposed upon by the biggest scale she had ever commanded.

Lusamine was acutely aware of having breached that record, bubbled into amazement by experiences she had never quite enjoyed. Gravity was temptingly resistable, allowing her movements to feel lighter and freer, which she delighted in by curling her legs through countries in a breeze of movement. Rolling her head back in ecstasy, she fondly remembered growing to what was half her current height, a jolt of transformation done to belittle a speck-sized individual in her palm – a pet she still kept in the confines of a petri dish. Such warming thoughts inevitably drew out her arousal like an open floodgate, an impulse she happily immersed herself into without a shiver of doubt. She unfolded completely onto the world, uncaring if she splashed into the shallowed seas, unphased by the glowing burn of wildfires and lava leaks; her relaxation smothered all excitement behind and beneath her, only to expel subsequent rings of consequences for laying out as she did, magnifying the chaos that was ongoing around her. Lusamine closed her eyes and listened, satisfied with the constant crackle of destruction and the low groaning of the planet’s deteriorating structure.

The shape of the surface soon became a point of discomfort, however, as Lusamine’s growth perpetuated and extended the length of her lounge. Neighboring continents were burdened with the overflow of her body, some dwarfed by a wall of pale skin, while others found themselves trapped in the corners of her body – the crevices of her armpits and crotch contained rattled dots of broken societies, the scattered survivors chased by the maw-like shape of these lowly features of her figure. They awaited to be crunched out of existence, a fate Lusamine did not dwell on as she rocked into position to masturbate, heaving with excitement as her hand plunged between her thighs.

But after a few touches that dripped viscous wetness down unto mountain ranges, Lusamine decided on other means to strike her peak, inspired by the sand-like texture of the earth melting under her increasing mass. The world was an hourglass trickling through its dwindling moments; though she could only make guesses of her impact, the truth was that the CEO had severed the global population to a weak fraction of what it once was, cut down to size just like the planet itself had. Any movement she began alerted the remaining castaway cities and provinces immediately of her shift, but they were without counter to her whims, helpless against her decision to roll over onto her front. It did not matter to her where her massiveness was placed, except for just one concern: the exact zone that would bed her cunt, that which drooled hungrily with arousal while she sought a suitable location.

Searching eagerly underneath herself, her emerald eye flashed with affirmation. Lusamine laughed, “What adorable little islands~ Since you’ve reminded me of home, I want to make sure you get put somewhere special…” Her maternal tone spoke down on an archipelago system located far into the ocean, unaware that it had earlier been a full continent in its own right, now submerged by the redistribution of the planet’s water so that only its highest peaks and miles were exposed. It had of course been where survivors were gathered, the few that could possibly respond to the apocalyptic happenings and were quick enough to make it to higher elevations. Yet regardless of their trials, death loomed above, manifested in the distinct form of a bush of blonde hair. A pitch black shade blanketed the drowned landscapes as a humidity befell its population, a prelude to the jungle they were about to be captured in.

Lusamine grew herself bigger in bursts of suspense, panting wildly onto a snowcap crown of the earth while holding her posture. Before she had realized it, her own size was superior to the planet’s, proportion to her like an oblong mass that her arms embraced like a rotund lover. It was further misshapened by her intimate squeeze; no hardness of the earth’s crust could withstand her massiveness, bending to her desires with as much resistance as a pillow. More landscapes were devastated by eruptions, more tidal waves washed away the cultivated squares of civilization, but Lusamine’s thighs were a shelter around her little islands, which dwindled tinier and tinier, until she could let them shrink away under her no longer.

Threads of pubic hair crashed upon the archipelago hundreds at a time, each strand thicker than the widest spanning freeways. It was a meteor storm of firm curls, dusted with leftovers of civilization she had previously torn apart for the sake of her pleasure. A new environment swallowed the homes they knew, entire cities and towns ripped from the ground and knotted within the titan’s bush. The winds were dominated by the odor of her arousal, a suffocating aroma that breathed over them more greatly when her lips struck the surrounding seas. Exposed stretches of pink collided with mountains and proved victorious, regardless of how sensitive and precious such areas were meant to be; the most she sensed of such destruction were the enjoyable pops of their ruin, the remnants of communities crushed into a powder that would live on as dust clinging to her pubic region.

Lusamine roared with a moan that ventured deep into the vastness of space. With a single contortion of her hips, she inferred the erasure of those archipelagos; dots on a map that would be replaced with the ooze of her arousal, if any more maps were ever to be created. A steamy exhale melted through her tundra of a pillow, her arms clenched with fissure-forming strength, yet all these exhibitions of power were just the shivering reactions of her orgasm, the world-ending, monumental event that all had been sacrificed for. In celebration of reaching that peak, Lusamine freed herself of those final strings of restraint, allowing herself to twitch with growth surges. The shattered planet shrank in her possession, continuing to collapse in her full-body grasp, the cracking of the earth in harmony with her winded laughter.

“Mm… Is that all, then…? Is anything left…?”

The world had ended. Its semblance to a planet was no more; what was earth was now a crumbled pebble in the solar system, on track to deteriorate into celestial dust. The outward eruptions from underground pressure had blown chunks of the land into the atmosphere, swirling about as asteroids of debris. An x-like shape was etched into the world, its shape taken after its destroyer and her apocalyptic embrace. Black smog conquered swathes of countries where wildfires were ablaze, blue oceans flooded deep past coastal borders, and red streaks of magma bled from the endlessly branching fissures. Everywhere on earth was an inhospitable hellscape, and at the edges of the titan’s body, wherever the world still connected with her skin or by bridges of hair, were the final traces of humanity desperately risking the voyage to transfer their existence onto her superior surface.

Lusamine thought exactly of that expedition – humanity making the best of their near-extinction by surviving on her body. They had their chance, she thought in a sigh, one breath that disappeared a cloud of debris away from her. How filthy to think of them trying to live on me…~ Those little islands might have a chance down there, actually… Can they be that resilient? I wonder if that’s possible~ “Fufu…~”

And so, it was quiet. Lusamine lay adrift by the jagged rock of a planet as if it were a bedside partner, bathed by the rays of a distant sun as she cherished a divine afterglow. Arms and legs curled around the remaining core of the earth, lured by space’s silence into considering a nap – a reward fit for a goddess after an hour-long session of global devastation.

But the immense responsibility of a CEO loomed. Foooom– a rumble of noise, a thunder that made space shudder and disturbed Lusamine’s celestial peace. Foooom, foooom, foooom. Lusamine groaned and peeled herself from the planet, itching to find cover for her body. Foooom– Lusamine growled, “What is it?! This better be important…!”

Lusamine, radiant with the earth’s orbit of debris, glared into the void of space where the thunder beckoned her from. She looked to the limits of her domain, the reach where within she had god-like manipulation of that pocket dimension – it was a defined barrier, a glass orb that encircled a radius tens of thousands of miles out from the earth, or rather, where it once was. Beyond that barrier was, presently, a pair of pupils multiple leagues larger than that lonely planet; Lusamine’s playground was, in the grand perspective, a grain-sized rock afloat in a glass ball, the mechanism which isolated the pocket dimension and permitted her to rule over it. Its existence was placed upon her wide work desk like a decoration, situated between a stack of files and a framed photo of her family. Indeed, her fantastical escape from reality was never far from work itself, and thus had an Aether Employee arrived, tapping on the glass for her boss’s attention.

“Um, P-President Lusamine…? I-I’m so sorry to, err… interrupt?” the Employee said skeptically into the device. She stood bent forward onto the desk, her curiosity breathing onto the glass she hovered above. The CEO’s pet project was infamous among the central ring of Aether staff, that while many exacts were unknown, it was certainly a sinkhole of Lusamine’s leisure time. More and more was their beloved boss disappearing into her quarters, to later be caught in some similarly perverse position. The Employee had hesitated outside the apocalypse happening inside, but was compelled to check on her; “It’s just that… your 3 o’clock meeting starts in ten minutes, a-and it’s a fifteen minute flight to Akala Island–”

“3 o’clock? Already?” Lusamine scoffed, swatting aside a fog of earth as she turned over. Once again, she had severely lost track of time. “That’s no good… Prepare the helicopter for take-off in ten, and arrange a call with those investors. I’ll explain it to them, somehow…”

Within those minutes, Lusamine completely translated between realities. Left behind was a world no more and her title of the titan, and ahead of her was the second half of a busy day as CEO. Returning to her usual white attire, she exited her office in a proud strut, her head held confidently above an array of employees waiting for her direction. With so much to calculate and consider for the meeting ahead, the truth that she had unleashed an earth-ending crusade of masturbation was then only a pleasant memory as she stepped into the high-heels of her role. If any evidence of her cruelty could be found, it only existed as scattered specks; she giggled in dreamy wonder of where the most resilient survivors might reside, tickled by the thought as she ran fingers through her hair.

An entire world had ended in an afternoon break, but Lusamine was far from being out of toys. In the moments her mind was allowed to fantasize, she designed fantastical plans for all the pocket dimensions she had access to – all the worlds that would be burdened by her day-to-day stress.


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