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[The following story is a Pokemon fanfiction. It involves one normal-sized woman shrinking several people to 5 cm tall; noncon; sex and masturbation; kidnapping and manipulation; vore; boobplay; crush.]

Pedestrians on the illuminated walkways would look back and shudder after passing her. She was a blotch of shadow moving under the street lights, a mist of a nervous person that hovered in how she walked so reservedly. They saw an unusual woman wearing a dreary gown that was out of place in the capital city Lumiose, a mess of purple hair tailing behind her, and a covered basket tucked under an arm. If ever eye contact was made, they would have stared into eyes swirling with otherworldly ideas, chilled by the impression she made onto them.

Yet, she was a local of the area, in fact on her way back home to her apartment. She was a Hex Maniac, and a bit of a merchant; to make ends-meet, she traveled around town selling bottles of moomoo milk, a delicious treat for humans and pokemon alike. Sales were not always high due to her unapproachable aura, but that never discouraged her. Some folks recognized her for her hard work, but the many faces of the populous city largely casted Hex as a weird personality, an awkward character that many avoided.

Hex earned some of those routine glances even from her fellow neighbors at the apartment complex. She could hear their thoughts, so she seemed to believe: Ugly wench, she assumed a woman thought of her; She probably smells like death; Why is she creeping around at night?

Hex was accustomed to her own painful thinking. She had been teased and bullied well into her growing-up, which in turn made her isolated and shy as an adult. Unpopular, introverted, and burdened with occultic interests, Hex decided for herself that it was impossible for her to make friends, let alone advance any further into a life of intimacy. She foresaw a pathetic life of loneliness, herself falling into an ugly despair as everyone else distanced themselves away from her.

But she was never one to be discouraged, and those same occultic interests that made her alien to normal people promised many types of answers to many types of problems. Hex held herself steady and forward as she made it to her gloomy apartment, eager to close the door and the world behind her.

“Finally… J-Just my luck, getting stopped at every i-intersection…” Hex sighed, complaining under her breath as she crept into her home. Now that the portal to reality was sealed and double-locked, she could slouch and groan as freely as she pleased. The basket she had under her arm slunk down to her wrist with a swing; her attitude changed, her lips trembling into a grin. “It was a good day… f-for sales… A really good day…”

Hex giggled, petting the plaid cloth that covered the basket as though it were one of her pokemon. She counted the outlines of moomoo milk bottles, ensuring she had not lost any somehow -- all ten were accounted for, and so her shaky smile returned. She slipped out of her loafers and trotted on bare feet into her bedroom, closing that door shut for an extra barrier of protection.

Patience was never one of Hex’s strengths, and even less after a day as successful as this. She took the basket to her bed, placing it gently onto the mattress while hovering above it with anticipation. That first introduction, that first impression, mattered so much to her -- it was the most primal feeling to enjoy from those she had taken.

The cloth was whisked away. Displayed in the basket were ten empty bottles of moomoo milk, and within each one was a tiny human being, each of them nude and bewildered. Little dots for eyes were quick to angle up towards the looming Hex, their visions already adjusted to the dimness of her bedroom, yet still they blinked in disbelief. Hex shivered where she stood hanging above them, her swirling eyes keen to even the smallest itch of a reaction from any of her captives.

There had been a stretch of uneasy silence before one woman shrieked in horror. Two other women were triggered into the same shrill screams, and two men began barking in protest. Hex heard only the muffled output of these diminished voices within their glass cages, but even these pitiful decibels of sound drummed at her ears pleasingly. Her smile crept wider, and there was a frightening calm that seemed to cleanse her nerves -- it was a marginal difference, but even the slightest air of confidence changed her demeanor.

“H-He-Hello… H-Hello, e-everyone…” Hex greeted them all. Like a wind, her voice chilled her captives into submission, though none of their anger or confusion was dismissed. She waved at them with a jagged gesture, “W-Welcome to my home… I-I know that you’re all very confused… b-but, basically, tonight… you all get to be my f-friends…”

Hex bit her lip, studying the little people and their outraged responses. Someone punched at the glass of their jar, while another collapsed to their knees in despair. So quickly she had spelled fear over her collection, producing a delightfully guilty feeling that Hex mentally hugged. Pushed by these emotions, Hex greedily reached into the basket and removed two of the bottles, one in each hand, that she could bring close to her vision and observe.

“Eheheh… I-I bet you’re wondering h-how small you are…” Hex said, staring into the two bottles as if they were potions being appraised. Entertained by one captive woman’s imbalance, Hex chose to toy with her, swirling the bottle and the occupant within it. A bubble of a laugh escaped Hex as she watched the person run and trip in a circle, completely at the mercy of her whims. “Mmm… Y-You’re so light… I’ll tell you, th-that right now… you’re all only five centimeters tall…! Th-That’s so tiny… You’ve all become bug-sized…”

Hex could feel the weight of fear be plunged into the two people she held, as it did across the others still left in the basket. She saw them shivering with hopelessness, much like her own legs quivered with excitement. It was fun enough just explaining matters to her victims, as if she were introducing new friends into her world of the occult.

“Y-You remember me, r-right? Th-The girl… that sold you m-moomoo milk…” Hex studied closely for their responses, always curious if she was that remarkable or not. “Well… I lied about what I sold to you. I-It was actually cursed… I-I brewed it myself! Err… what it does, it… drinking it w-will make you shrink. And it puts you into this bottle, too… th-the bottle, I had to curse that as well… So, th-that’s how you ended up here. I followed you all around today… waiting for it to happen, t-to pick you up… but… ah, I-I’m unable to wait anymore…! A-All of you, y-you look so cute a-and scared! L-Let’s get you out of those b-bottles, hah~”

In a hurry, Hex began popping the decorative lids off the bottles, placing aside any that she opened onto the rest of her messy bed sheets. Some captives were allowed to exit their prisons on their own accord, or even choose to stay cornered where they were; others were poured out like a material, dropped onto a field of a bed without regard to their health. Wherever they ended up, all acted the same, first glancing at one another before casting a worried and long stare up at the massive woman overhead.

All but one of her captives were released onto the bed. She held onto one of the two jars she had initially retrieved, this one holding a man that cowered in the furthest corner from her beaming eyes. Hex noted how red he was, with his arms crossed over his lap in a meager attempt to cover himself, but one small tilt of the bottle was enough for him to lose that posture and be revealed. Hex’s giggle rang into the glass as she opened its lid, peering directly within.

“Haah… Y-You’re kinda… cute…” Hex confessed. She was unaware that her heavy, open-mouthed breathing was filling the container with winds of her mouth’s odor, choking the tiny captive inside. The bottle was then being repositioned, its lid arcing down so that the glass walls became a slick surface angled towards her. The man resisted slipping down as best as he could, but terrified as he was, he hardly had the strength to keep crawling backwards.

Hex scanned the others for a moment, quickly counting their heads while making sure she had their full captivation. Indeed, struck with as much worry as they were, none of her victims looked anywhere else. “I-I actually have a problem,” she began, “b-because I took six males… b-but only four females…” The dehumanizing language did not go unnoticed by the group, but the implication in her words was far more distressing. “Th-This is actually… m-my largest batch yet of new f-friends… so, I su-suppose I should begin with a male, then…”

After explaining as much, Hex licked her lips -- an incidental action on her part that forewarned her captive of exactly what fate he should be afraid of. Right away, a second wind of adrenaline urged him to climb back up the inclined bottle, rushing away from the steepness aimed down at the mysterious woman’s face. Her laughter rattled him, but it was a small shake of the container that ultimately defeated the man’s grip, casting him into a slide down the glass.

The man screamed, as what he feared manifested before him. That wide smile awaiting him opened into a maw of exposed teeth and a slimy tongue. It was already too late, but still in mid-air did the man flail in a craze, trying to cease his plummet into the mouth. The fall itself was the softest part of the experience, landing directly on the wet tongue which curled around his struggling form. Washed in saliva, he was rolled around, desperately battling a foe several times his size -- just the tongue of this one odd woman -- but every effort failed. The tongue controlled him, battering his body into fatigue, and then decidedly pushing him to the back of the throat.

The nine onlookers were appalled, concerned not only by the victim’s pathetic way of dying, but by the unapologetic expression Hex maintained while devouring a human soul. Not an itch of regret could be seen in her dark-circled eyes, not as she giggled and blushed and shivered with tickles of ecstasy. Her fingers curled back and forth in excitement as she savored the little person’s flavor, the struggle they put up as they were effortlessly downed into her throat. Mid-swallow, she appeared to want to laugh, holding her neck with the touch of two fingers where the small bump of a person descended. A blink later, and there was no trace of the man at all; nothing more than the bottle he arrived in.

“Eh-heheh… S-So much life in that one…” Hex cackled, that gentle touch lowering towards her stomach in a swirl. Her eyes drifted up to the others, her stare alone motivating several into sprawling out across the bed, as though they could get away from her. “They’re… starting to panic,” she noted aloud to them, entertained by their desperation. Her vision hooked onto one person in particular; “Mm? Wh-Why aren’t you moving…? D-Did you faint…?”

Bending down, Hex took a closer look at this tiny woman that was stiff and unmoving. Two others hovered near her, but scattered when Hex’s loom came close. Yet the one woman remained frozen, her only motion a jittery shake of her head -- traumatic denial.

“Ahh…So, you think this was… a trick?” Hex guessed. Her words rattled the woman, but still she would not budge. “I-It wasn’t. N-Not at all… I really did eat him. E-Even now, in my stomach… Ah!” Hex breathed; her hand lunged at the woman, snatching her up just before she could dash away. She kicked and spiralled in the pinch of a finger, terrified she was next in Hex’s meal.

She was carried to Hex’s stomach, but not swallowed; she was being shown the reality Hex had conjured for them all, dispelling any disbelief that this was an illusion. Hex had rolled up her skirt by the front, high enough to expose her especially pale stomach -- and everything else below. If she was at all bothered to be flashing her gray panties to her shrunken collection, then it was an arousing sensation that she intentionally tried for, and aroused she most openly was. A stain of wetness dotted the cloth, a fresh heat that stemmed from her one-sided torture of these random travelers. That warmth was continuing to rise as she then pressed the unfortunate woman firmly into her flat belly, forcing the writhing person to listen to the sounds coming from within.

“D-Do you hear them…? A-Are they going crazy?” Hex asked, unable to hear what cacophony the woman was made to listen to. “There’s a person in there, j-just like you… L-Like food, they’re being digested… A-All that gurgling, i-it must be loud to you, but… my stomach is just, d-doing what it does…! H-He’s becoming… nutrients… for this w-weak, miserable body…”

After stretching out that moment for as long as it pleased her, Hex unpeeled the woman from her belly. Just as gracelessly was she dropped aside, discarded like a used item; after flipping onto her feet, the woman charged away from Hex, screaming for help while climbing over wrinkles of bed sheets. As the same with all the others, she too would discover that there was nowhere to escape to, nowhere their captor couldn’t reach with one stretch of her arm.

While surveying and savoring this widespread hopelessness, Hex came upon a new interesting subject. A male, youthful and fit, and very likely a competent trainer -- before he was cursed into this belittled condition. What made him notable was his awestruck position, fallen to his hands and legs as he gawked from his corner of the bed. Hex’s body blatantly reddened, as it was displayed by still having her skirt rolled up so high. It was exactly that, in fact, for why this man’s gaze was so directed onto her, a hint of emotion that Hex found delicious to detect.

“Ah-- Hah, hrm, y-you’re… staring so much,” Hex babbled, failing to find even simple words as steam rushed to her head. Her nervousness etched itself in the wiry, unstable smile her lips had formed. “Hah, a-are you… interested…? D-Do you, um, like my… underwear…?”

The man flinched to life, taken back by what words stormed his unsuspecting morale. He hobbled backwards in a crawl, shaking his head without much life; what answer was the right one? What could he say or do to extend his life here? Survival was all that really mattered, but there was no denying to himself that his attention had been addicted to the tower-sized legs and where they met, that obvious sign of arousal that was unabashed about what it meant.

But whether or not he was conscious of his lust, Hex was certain of her own. She shakily reached forward with a finger, an approach that worked the man up into a stand, only to be pushed down by his chest. He grabbed the finger by the purple-painted nail, trying to drive it away from him, but Hex’s digit was determined to stroke his bare chest, applying only a tender pressure that kept him pinned. Indeed, it was not Hex’s intention to crush or injure the man, but to comfort him, at least in what ways Hex imagined -- her cold fingertip dragged down his center, swirling softly at his crotch. She uncovered it instantly, no matter his efforts to hide his erection; her lips curled with delight, a shiver shared from her arm into the very rod she pressed under her touch.

“Y-You’re…! Th-That’s, hah…!” Hex spoke incoherently, breaths and swallows interrupting whatever lust-filled thought she tried to vocalize. Despite the man’s squeaky protests, Hex was addicted to fondling his erection, doing so absentmindedly while trying to speak. “Y-You know, n-no one really l-likes me, not in… real life… E-Everyone says I’m ugly, and creepy… Hahh, y-you’re so t-turned on, though…! D-Do you think I’m c-cute…? A-Am I… sexy…?”

Regardless of his true opinions, the man was hypnotized by Hex’s touch. The attention had made him painfully stiff, his mind raced in fits of anger, but his arousal was being addressed all the same, a touch that he was beginning to crave as it continued. Rather than try to push the finger away by its sharp nail, he found himself guiding it, holding it steady as it circled over his dick. He was confused, flustered, and terrified -- Hex, all the while, was oozing with anticipation, her expression begging for a proud result.

“... Then,” Hex suddenly said, “I-I’ll use you… I-I’ll put you somewhere nice, s-since you’re c-cute, too…”

Abandoning the man right at the precipice of his climax, Hex’s touch contorted into a coil that lifted him off the bed. He shouted in refusal, but Hex managed him like any other toy, helping herself to bring the frantic man towards the same panties he had been marveling before. The front was pulled open, unleashing an odor that rose up to greet where he hung over the pocket. After being given this moment to steam over his fate, Hex released him, dropping him into the underwear head-first. The immediate contact made Hex tremble into a gasp, but once the elastic was closed and her legs squeezed together, she gradually found a lovely balance between electric arousal and the obsessive focus needed to play with the rest of her collection.

“Chk… F-Feels so g-good…” Hex exhaled, her dancing fingers signalling the joy she embraced for having a prisoner in her panties. She shuddered forward in a hunch, staring past her breasts to the point where that little person was struggling, very well suffocating in the humid atmosphere built up inside her underwear. “Y-Yeah… Th-That must be amazing, right…? A g-giant cunt, all for you…! Eheh… Y-You must be really grateful…”

The sketchy smile constantly warbled in motion turned to the others, of which so many had fallen slow with despair. There was still some effort had by a few to try and climb down the cliff-like mattress, but when Hex suddenly planted her hands down into the bed, a wave of doubt washed away those dreams, causing them to trip and fall where they stood. Hex breathed over the remaining eight, leaned forward with an energy gathering in her eyes.

“... D-Do you guys… like boobs?” It was a spontaneous question to be asked, and her audience was far too meek to reply. After a stammer, she continued, “E-Everyone I know… really likes boobs… Actually, uh, m-my boobs are pretty b-big… b-but, no one usually notices… or cares…”

Despite the context being teased, there was a lackluster reaction from the group. Hex’s question spurred more confusion than it did curiosity. Still did Hex appreciate having all of their attention, a feeling that was inspiring the wilder side of her personality.

Without being prompted to do so, Hex decided to disrobe, bundling up her dress over her head hurriedly. Her hair was fluffed over her face as the gown was undone and tossed into a pile onto the center of the bed, but Hex fixed herself quickly, eager for any reactions. Left in just her sweater, Hex squirmed in a chill, more hesitant but still eager to remove the remaining garment. Just as frantically did she roll the sweater up and over herself, her bosom pulled up and released into a bounce that tantalized those that watched her. When her face was unveiled, it was painted with a fresh coat of embarrassment, affected by the shame inherent with flashing her near-nude body.

Hex was keenly aware, however, that this was just the beginning of her games, the start of a slope downwards into madness. With her sweater and dress tossed aside, she was meant to feel vulnerable, but she only felt more empowered to inflict her desires onto those captivated by her performance. She embraced the astonished expressions angled at her bra, certain that they were impressed; it was no lie that her bust was especially outward, two globes that were much heavier than the rest of her build.

But when her captives were still unresponsive, Hex’s mood began to diminish. Demandingly, she dropped her torso onto the bedside, positioning herself so that her breasts were front and forward. The impact of her laying on the mattress caused the plain to cave towards her weight, forcing a select few nearby to tumble in her direction -- just as she had planned. Three heads curled up from having stumbled to comprehend the mass before them, that of Hex’s breasts presented for their benefit.

“Th-They’re big, r-right?” Hex wondered, hungry for validation. A drip of drool was leaking over her lip as she loomed over her targets of interest. “G-Go ahead. Do what you want~” She hummed and groped her chest, her fingers digging into the plush flesh like welcoming pillows. “You’re so tiny, I wouldn’t care wh-what you did to them…! Go on, j-just… jump in!”

Yet Hex could not encourage them like she wanted. She shimmied so that her breasts shivered into motion, she cornered her prey by walling them towards her chest with her hand, but the three were ever wary of diving into the plethora of flesh. Hex’s attitude was continuing to shift, and her swirling eyes appropriately slowed into a serious glare.

“D-Do it,” she pushed in a colder, sterner tone. She leaned forward, her breasts pressed under her as she beamed onto the three; “Fuck my tits or I’ll eat you next.”

The spine-chilling command left no room for misinterpretation. Her captives, horrified by the unreal threat, had no choice but to comply. One rushed forward in a grunt, a man that was more than willing to embrace this terrible fantasy than become another mouthful for this beast of a woman to swallow. He dove into her cleavage, nearly rebounding right off of it as the fat recoiled. His naked body helped itself into fitting between the gigantic boobs, warped into a fever of trying to please a goddess-like being.

Hex was instantly pleased with this offering, and the other two took notice. Shortly after did they too approach her chest; less enthusiastic, but just as afraid of what disobedience would incite. Two women made up the pair, one for each boob; without being ordered, they designated themselves to a breast each, approaching with their own rhythms of caution. One feared Hex’s wrath enough that she committed herself to entering the cup, squeezing her way into the garment and cuddling up against the nipple within. The other climbed up the bra and pressed both arms deep into the fat, kneading the breast with all of her weight while also keeping herself balanced. Any shiver of motion from Hex was bound to disrupt their flow, but with their lives on the line, not one of these shrunken few dared make an error.

Hex’s glare relaxed, and her mouth opened wider in a steamy trance. “G-Good… D-Do your best…” Her hands coiled into fists, bunching up folds of her sheets as she appreciated the labor dedicated to her. She felt the man squirming between her boobs, flooding him with that very flesh when she pushed her breasts together; the dedicated efforts of the two women tickled her into pleasure, but it was their humiliating positions serving her that interested Hex the most. She thought of what these few would think of her under normal, uncursed circumstances, how they were so much more attractive and popular than her -- but here they were, slaves to her boobs, throwing themselves onto her the moment she whimmed it.

What was ongoing across her body was nearly enough to keep Hex content. In times before, her cursed games would involve four people at most, a decent enough number to concoct a bizarre, unbalanced orgy. But five others were still scattered over the bed, hoping they might find a secret escape or run free when she turned away. Fully heated into her crazed cravings, Hex fathomed purposes for them all, and so she carefully stood up with her boobs hugged tightly against her as a means to keep her companions from falling. Her smile sharpened like a dagger as she crawled up onto a corner, dominating the bed and those atop it in an instant.

On that side which Hex stradled onto, a trio had been looking for somewhere to hide, or a way to reach the floor. Hex’s entrance ceased those concepts, but she would apply herself as a literal wall to prevent any further hopes from developing. Indeed, her legs stretched directly to her sides, her crotch planted steadily in the middle so that her lower body was a barrier. Her thighs were as tall as houses, and her height cast a sweeping shadow over where the three stood; Hex’s shameless spread was an insurmountable gate.

“Hey, hey~ Wh-What could be more important than m-me…?” Hex asked, riddled with twitches as her on-body entertainment went uninterrupted. “I should be the m-most important thing to you right now… I-I’m your entire world right now! Heh-heh… i-if you’re having trouble understanding, p-perhaps I should make you a part of me…”

Hex leaned forward, her sinister smile creeping close to the three she had cornered off. They shrieked in horror and dashed away in different directions, their shrill voices earning a giggle from Hex as she continued to lower down to their level. Her shadow caught up to their escapes quickly, and shortly later, the heat resonating from her body was upon them like a change in weather. The pale sky of skin was falling, and there was no avoiding its collapse.

“Ahhh, hahh… eh-heh-heh…” Hex bubbled with weird noises as she lounged out across her bed, the familiar scent imbued into the sheets granting an extra level of comfort. She was at home, a queen in her kingdom, or better said, a goddess in her domain. She was melting with relaxation, her aroused form oozing over a herd of people that she had hand-picked from Lumiose to become her servants. She felt each of their struggles wherever they were pinned against her, their panicked responses to their world shifting and turn interwoven with genuine attempts of subsiding her insane lust. Hex bathed in that dynamic where she laid out, rubbing her body into the bedsheets, knowing her movements back and forth were like earthquakes to her misfortunate captives.

In her haze, Hex eventually found others still roaming free up by her pillows, and decided it was time to bring them into the fun. Her hands grabbed at them much lazier than she had with any others, one such victim tangled between fingers that she clung to while being transported. Another was taken by her other hand, and together the pair were brought to Hex’s face, appraised, and then moved to her shoulders. They were thrust into a thick curtain of hair that pulled at their legs and arms, an otherworldly environment of overwhelming purple that was full of Hex’s warmth and scent.

Hex chuckled as she propped herself onto her elbows, creating a downwards slope out of her back that the two were faced with. “I-I have a job for you two~” she said, her eyes pushed to the far corner of her vision -- though her little friends were too obscured to watch. “Eheh… C-Can you work together, a-and… undo my bra…? Th-There’s the clasp, down my back… If you can do it, I’ll… let you fuck my ass…~ Aheh… I-Isn’t that a great prize…?”

By this point, none of Hex’s collection of friends listened to Hex as one would hear out a fellow person. Her words were significant, spoken at a tremendous scale with a tone that chilled them to their bones. Deciphering her desires through her speech was a painful venture, a reminder of how obtuse and arcane this woman and her habits were. Hex was so outcast and weird that even in the role of a goddess, she acted clumsy and revealed her immature understanding of the world. To “fuck her ass” as promised was, to Hex, a worthwhile reward, but it was not what inspired the two to descend down her back; it was the threat of what else would happen if they were to refuse. The sound of Hex’s gulp rang in their skulls as they used strands of hair as ropes to proceed downward.

Hex giggled as minuscule feet trotted down on either side of her spin. Each step was just a light droplet of a feeling, but the sensation was particularly teasing to Hex’s tastes. She shivered in anticipation, as though the bodies trekking her back were lithe fingers playfully taking their time to reach her bra strap. These minor trembles of her’s translated to those shrunken people as the rumblings of a volcano, an appropriate metaphor to match the unbridled heat ever brewing beneath the mountain-sized woman they scaled.

Then, finally at the bra strap, the two carefully came together where the clasp was tightly connected. They looked to each other and down at the latch, perplexed on where to begin. Their delay seemingly pushed at Hex’s patience, as a wobble of her body shook them into starting the ordeal. It was a simple procedure for any ordinary person, but it was posed like a difficult trap for the two sent to unclasp the garment. Hex understood this too well; she had forced other victims to do the same, always amused by the effort it took, the dedication it required to actually undo her bra. Though she put on airs of impatience, Hex was happy to wait, her time well-occupied by the others still busy with her behemoth body.

It was a frustrating, near-futile effort to pull the clasp apart far enough for it to come undone, but after affirming their footholds and twisting their backs into the action, the pair were successful. The two straps separated, and like a dam being broken, Hex’s breasts were no longer bound, free to bounce forward with their impressive weight. A sigh of relief exitted Hex, but the toiling was not concluded for those that helped her; while the woman lay collapsed over the stretch of Hex’s back, the man had been whisked away with the bra clasp, hanging to it still as it slid across her skin. Making matters worse, Hex was pushing herself up after having her bust unleashed, and in doing so did the incline of her back steepen.

The exact curvature of Hex’s pose was intentional, as defined by her expecting grin. Just as she had hoped, the woman clinging to her back was tilted into a tumble, rolling down the length of her back without anything to catch herself -- not until she was at the underwear, landing on the edge of fabric that finally stopped her fall. Hex was eager to rush her friend into her panties, and so with her head craned far back to observe, she lowered her hand behind herself and pushed the woman inside. She was slid directly into the crevice of her asscheeks, the mounds of flesh burying her until only a kicking leg was left exposed.

As for the man that had helped unlatch the clasp, he was tossed over himself in a painful curl, abandoned on the sheet in Hex’s shadow. The fall had knocked the breath out of him, but as his vision returned from a fade, he realized just how dangerous of a position he was in; heralded above him was a gigantic ass, risen upwards while Hex shoved the woman into her crack. He was hidden beneath her, and so his wide waves for help went unnoticed; all of him went unnoticed, as in the next moment, Hex’s ass crashed on top of him. It was an uncaring descent, unaware that a person would have fallen there -- the tiny pop of a broken body was lost, muffled by the sound of the mattress contorting under Hex’s weight.

“Co-Congratula-lations…! J-Just as promised, y-you can have my whole ass~” Hex laughed as she crawled into the middle of her bed. Her rear jostled side to side, intentionally trying to toss around the two prisoners in her underwear. With the right shake, she could specifically trigger one of the pair to wriggle desperately in resistance, her arousal absorbing their struggles endlessly.

Only two souls remained without yet a use. Hex honed in on them, two ladies that she was grateful had survived up until now. The two huddled together, shivering in each other’s embrace as they hid out in the open, wishing this demon would overlook them once again. Being all that was left to toy with, however, they knew their time had come, and Hex was at her tipping point, openly panting from the heat built up inside her.

“Y-You two… I remember you especially,” Hex whispered, her voice starting to crack. She held herself shakily, as though her colossal form could collapse into ruins over her two victims. She licked her lips, “You’re both… s-so pretty… M-Much prettier than me…

“Kiss each other,” she ordered. Her nose pointed at them when they instead flinched into stillness; “M-Make-out! I-I wanna see you two r-really go at each other… okay?”

The command struck the two women like a brick. Their stares remained locked into Hex’s spirals before they weakly looked to one another. A nudge from one to the other hinted at their discomfort, but it was ultimately out of their hands on what they could do to survive. Not wanting to keep their captor waiting, their nude bodies fumbled together, awkward strokes and pets shared before their lips hesitantly joined. It was just a peck, followed by another; their expressions were shallow and lifeless, each of their movements performed with the weakest of wills.

“What is this…? What are you two even doing…?” Hex asked, drawn close enough to the pair that her breathing was billowing through their hair -- and in a huff, the two were pushed onto their backs, shambling away in fear. “This isn’t what I wanted… It doesn’t look like you’re trying at all.” She tilted her head, still expecting a show to enjoy, but neither of her friends shivered back into the scene.

“C-Come on… Kiss each other,” Hex insisted. Her tone motivated the two to grope each other again and twist their limbs into each other protectively, but their kissing was as half-hearted as before. Hex sighed, keeping her arousal at bay at the cost of her patience; “What a waste… Should I kiss you instead? Should I teach you how to kiss…?”

The uncertainty of the threat paralyzed the women, and thus were they defenseless when Hex’s mouth lunged at them. The two screamed as the abyss of a throat opened before them, a serpentine tongue wildling out and slathering them both under a blanket of saliva. When the tongue withdrew, however, one of them had gone missing -- the tongue, twisted over the body, had plucked one out of the pair to claim. Her body was restrained by the limber muscle, its wetness weighing down her pathetic struggle as she continued to cry.

The other woman, more fortunate than her partner, rushed to provide help. Hex was toying with them, drawing her snack into her mouth slowly. She felt the desperation of two women working together at the tip of her tongue, one pulling at the other to try and pry her free. They were strangers, but even they felt connected as victims of this shared torment, and so was the unchosen willing to fight so hard.

But it was in vain. Hex allowed the struggle to persist for only as long as it entertained her. When the moment felt most cruel, Hex’s tongue rolled up behind her lips, sealing away the screaming woman inside. The remaining person stumbled towards the mouth, crying out for another chance, but it was already decided. Hex’s head lifted slightly, emphasizing her neck for the lone onlooker. There was a distinct swallow, followed by a bulge in her throat, barely visible at all, slipping down the passage. The woman could only watch as her fellow victim was eaten, doomed to an inescapable stomach.

“Mmm-hm-hm…! A-Ahg, sh-she kept kicking… a-all the way down…!” Hex laughed, her voice soured by a slight choke. Her eyes opened in a dreamy swirl, a red blush glowing under the gray of her bags. The remaining woman was frantic with grief, her hands curling where the other person used to be. Hex breathed over her in a giggle, “Ehehe… Y-Your friend was eaten up… d-devoured… If you two had been more passionate, m-maybe she could have lived… But, i-in my world, the stronger passions absorb the weaker passions… Hah… So, d-do you want to be my friend…? Or do you… want to join her…?”

The words crept over the woman’s shoulders and down her spine, creating a harsh chill over her saliva-slicked skin. Hex’s face had neared close, the sounds of her breathing a constant pressure over where she stood. Staring into an expecting pair of purple eyes, the woman dwelled on this crossroads of fate, the decisions she was left to make in order to live like a toy, or die even more shamefully. The memories of a normal life in Kalos, the relationships formed there in Lumiose, were beginning to fade from her head, submerged in a tangle of messy hair that dominated her being.

Hex’s rear, raised into the air in her prone position, swayed side to side energetically. Keeping this last woman cornered and trembling with fear was as sweet as sugar to her, imbuing her with a dark confidence that could never exist outside her curses. Her smile cracked as it lurked further up to the woman, her tongue spilling loose past her lips and her nostrils flaring at the little scent. “Mm… You smell... d-delicious…! Should I--?”

The woman collapsed forward, her weight smacking into Hex’s bottom lip. The sudden touch surprised Hex into a shiver, but the warm pinch of a feeling centered her attention. Out of desperation, or perhaps fully absorbed into Hex’s torment, the shrunken woman forfeited her pride and fell into Hex’s lips for as mighty of a kiss as she could share. Dots of kisses were scattered around the soft skin, picking up trace amounts of Hex’s spit in a rhythm that the woman was entranced with. She massaged the lips and brushed her naked body into them, begging for the gesture to be returned.

Hex was startled by the affection, but after a coy giggle of superiority, she rewarded the woman’s decline in sanity with a tender, careful kiss that covered her body. It put the woman into a solidified state, but Hex’s giggle thawed her back to life, returning to the giant lips with more offerings. Hex laid still, allowing the worship to proceed -- her toys hidden across her body were working effectively in sync with this obsessive kissing, whether those participants realized it or not.

The faces of those she cursed flashed in Hex’s mind as she rose up onto her arms and knees, towering above the plain of a bedspread. She felt the exhausted twitches of those stuck to her breasts, glued there by her sweat; she was tickled still by the man enwrapped by her pubic hairs, and the woman suffocating in her ass. Her body was a battlefield, appropriately decorated with weary souls. Their despair fed into her amusement, and with a lazy grin, she rolled hard into a seated position with her back against a wall and a hand shoved into her panties.

Hex’s masturbation was as uncanny and awkward as it ever was when she was alone, but to the spectators cursed to witness such an event, it was a momentous occasion -- an eruption of what had been boiling within Hex all this time. Since she began that day cursing her first victim, she had been plagued with arousal, eager to become that demon that ruled over others. She was loud in her performance, the wet rhythm of her fingers drumming rapidly, her groans growing in volume as her body shivered with tenseness.

But before she could unleash that explosive energy, her wicked stare aimed onto those crawling over her skin. She pulled out from her underwear the motionless form of a man, the very one that had been designated to her crotch this entire time; drenched in Hex’s fluids with pubic hairs still knotted around his limbs, Hex saw him as an expended toy. She brushed him clean with strokes of her fingers, and then, after confirming a shiver of life, she sunk the body into her mouth. He was eaten, placed onto her tongue like a delicacy, and swallowed just the same before he could even cough in resistance.

The fullness adding up in Hex’s body was what drove her to continue in a craze. She masturbated furiously while reaching down and plucking victims at random, casting them off wherever they clung to her body and sentencing them to her mouth. She swallowed some in an instant, while others were beaten by her tongue before finally being devoured. For each victim claimed, there was a moan to accompany their plummet, an additional shiver to Hex’s quaking body as she felt her stomach become full with living people.

There was just one left. The woman whose mind had been warped by Hex’s vile treatment. Hex kept her specifically, knowing she would remain obedient, and curious too as to how she would succumb to the despair of being the sole survivor. When it was clear by all counts that she was the final friend, Hex hovered above her with an open maw, her tongue dripping with saliva as it hung over the woman’s head. A droplet of drool struck her, but still did she awe upwards into the throat, her body weak and unwilling to try anymore. She sat on her knees, her spirit defeated, her mind thinking of those that were eaten before her.

“... Huhuhu… You’re very stiff…” Hex said between her steamy breaths. Her pace had slowed, but she maintained her erotic motion, even as she became covered in her own sweat. “Hah… D-Do you want to live? Do you… w-want to be my friend…?”

Hex lowered her head to the woman, the shift in weight on the bed causing her balance to falter. She scuttled close to Hex, once again met with those giant lips and with Hex’s words echoing in her mind. “Friendship” in this context was an arcane term that had been twisted in definition, yet despite how it burned the woman, she embraced her miserable lifeline. She hugged Hex’s lips, forgoing any remaining sense of dignity -- she would submit herself, be it as a pet or an exposable toy, if it meant not being digested by this creep of a person, this devilish witch whose selfishness and lust knew no bounds.

Hex shuddered forward, her cheek rushing into the woman as her body collapsed shamelessly into the bed. With a bounce, Hex’s body jittered with pleasure, even as the tiny person pressed to her face writhed and kicked. She giggled against her little pleas, herself rushing to a climax that had her gasping for air, a display that should have counteracted her impossibly divine scale. Instead, it only made her torture all the more insulting, that someone as odd and awkward as her could become a goddess reigning over victims of her choosing.

Lumiose was a bustling metropolis, its electric lifestyle present in the countless people that swarmed its streets. It was a city known for its lights, but in its corners of darkness existed creepy rumors and shady figures. No one suspected that it was between the cafes and buildings that something so horrible could happen -- that a singular, lonely woman could steal away ten people at a time and transform their lives into a game of torture and sex.

Flashes of the previous night distracted Hex as she strolled up the daylit lanes of traffic, nearly costing her a customer she overlooked. As that bottle of moomoo milk was sold off, Hex licked her lips, already anticipating the onset of dusk and the entertainment that would occupy her.


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