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[This is a reward for an anonymous patron. Thank you so much for the support!

The following story is an original creation. It involves one shrunken female character interacting with one normal-sized female character; approx. doll-sized; nudity, sex, and masturbation; breasts; dubcon; overprotectiveness; shrunken out of clothes; some gentle interactions; abduction.]

The autumn air was crisp and fresh as it breezed gently through the miles of hiking trails. The change in season was seen in nature itself, how the colors shifted in the trees and how the wildlife simmered through the days. The temperature was dropping as the evening neared, but the coolness of the winds was no pressure against two experienced hikers. Deep into the mountain paths was Riley and Holly, sharing giggle-filled conversations and appreciating the beauty of the outdoors. The pair was more than acquainted with the camping lifestyle, but their routine was bound to be far different than before.

What brought them out into the sprawling park was to celebrate their college graduation months prior. It became a biannual tradition to go camping ever since the two were in high school, when Riley first asked Holly to tag along with her usual crew. They knew each other through volleyball; Riley was an excellent athlete on the varsity, while Holly was a school photographer that chronicled all of her games. The two developed a lasting friendship, strong enough to last this long -- they were the only people left from that original crew that could make it out to hike, and it was a reality that weighed on Riley in particular. Time was getting ahead of them, things were changing, and Riley was afraid that one day, she might not have any more time with Holly -- she would never be able to declare her emotions for her.

“No, no, no…!” Holly whined and jogged ahead, dropping to her knees at a heap of stones. “It fell…! Oh, please tell me it’s-- It’s okay! It’s still turned on!” Her tone flipped from frantic to grateful, but her chuckling was nervous. A black digital camera was lifted into her hands and turned over, discovered to still be recording like she had wanted. “But the footage… It’s got to be messed up…”

Riley marched up the stones that Holly was able to skip across. She could not be as nimble as her shorter companion, not while carrying a backpack so stacked with supplies. Lingering behind as she did at least allowed her discreet glances at Holly as she was bent forward over the camera, oblivious to her uplifted rear. Once atop the slope, Riley swung the weight off her shoulders and onto the ground, kneeling beside the tripod that had toppled over. “You think it was the wind?” she asked, already getting to work on dismantling the stand. “Or maybe a ghost~

Holly giggled more cooly than before, gradually calming back down. “It shouldn’t be funny,” she huffed, “this equipment is expensive. But also so, so worth it.” She crossed her legs where she had crouched down, situating herself to review the footage. It was a camera specific for capturing time-lapses, one of several that Holly had strategically dotted around the woods yesterday. Now, she and Riley were retracing their steps, traveling back around to grab the cameras.

“Expensive, and heavy,” Riley joked, glancing back at the equipment roped up to her backpack before clamping the tripod into one small piece -- another weight to be loaded onto her shoulders, but there was no discouragement. “This is the last one, right?”

“... Yeah, yeah,” Holly nodded. Her nose was deep into the playback as it fast-forwarded through hours of footage. She winced when the perspective suddenly fell to its side, resulting in hours of dirt and grass being recorded. “Crap, that sucks. Did you set the legs down sturdy enough? There’s so much gone to waste here…”

Riley frowned, having thought she had set the camera up exactly like Holly had explained. “Sorry, Holly. I must have done something wrong.” Sincere as her apology was, there was a passing thrill to hearing Holly’s tone sharpen like it had -- as if they were a couple getting into a small spat.

Holly sighed as she stood back up. She passed the camera onto Riley, who then pocketed it away into the backpack. “I suppose I can forgive you,” she droned with exaggeration, a finger twirled in a curly lock of blonde hair. She sneered playfully at Riley, “--if, you set up the campfire tonight.”

Riley grinned. “I almost always do, don’t I?”

“Well then. I’ll have to think of some other way to forgive you-- errh...”

“Hah, well, let me know when you think of... something…?” Riley raised her head after hearing Holly’s groan. When she looked at her friend, she had her arms wrapped around her stomach, and her gait was unsteady. Riley stopped short of lifting the backpack when she heard a second whine; “Are you sure you’re okay, Holly? You’ve been making noises like that since this morning...”

“Hrgg… I-I’m alright,” Holly said, waving back at Riley. “It’s my stomach… Maybe something I ate…?”

Riley frowned, but knelt down to pick up their supplies and catch up to where Holly was. She was just in time, as a misstep down the rocky path nearly had Holly trip, but she was caught before stumbling over, falling instead into the arms of Riley. Holly would spend the rest of the walk to their camp leaning into Riley’s side, but she knew Riley would not oppose -- she knew Riley well, and she knew Riley was thrilled to be in this circumstance. It was no secret to her that Riley had a crush on her, and she controlled that fact to a variety of benefits for herself. Despite not feeling the same towards her friend, Holly lived out this relationship guilt-free.

But when fallen ill with an usual sickness, there was little Holly could have Riley do. Her stomach churned and her muscles ached, but Riley was no doctor. Yet Riley still did the most she could, lighting the campfire just as the sun was setting and putting over the flame a pot of soup to be heated. She had hoped the warm, simple meal could tide over an unsettled stomach, but the scent that wafted to Holly was unappetizing to her condition. Holly sat atop a stump with her nose dug into her knees, trying to ignore all that ailed her, but nothing seemed to work.

“... I think I should step aside…” Holly said suddenly, her tone reserved. She stood up from her seat and grabbed a smaller bag of bathroom essentials, but one arm remained cast across her gut. “I-I’ll be back in a minute…”

Riley looked away from the soup, but continued to stir. “Sure, I’ll be here,” she said, offering a sympathetic smile. “This isn’t like our berry incident from that one camping trip, is it?”

“Hah… Certainly not,” Holly weakly chuckled as she waded through tall grass. She hoped attending to business would clear these swirling feelings, but at least she could get some distance and not feel so embarrassed in front of Riley.

Time passed, and the soup finished heating. Riley prepared herself a dish, then set aside an amount for Holly when she returned -- she should have by then, Riley thought, but waited a minute longer. The sun had completely set, and clouds gathered above the woods. Riley tried to trust that Holly could handle herself, but her worry grew with each passing second.

Unwilling to wait any longer, Riley sighed and picked out a flashlight to bring with her after Holly. “Better safe than sorry,” she hummed as she tread through the grass; fair wisdom for the hikers that they were. Nothing serious had ever rattled their camping ventures before, but if something was to happen to Holly, Riley wanted to be her hero.

Yet Riley still expected to come upon nothing out of the ordinary. She even grinned while aiming her flashlight, thinking of how Holly was going to be spooked by her arrival, and then criticize her for coddling her. Riley was already preparing an apology for that when she noticed something odd in her light -- different from the natural growth was a flash of fabric, a jacket caught up in bushes. Riley stepped forward, but shivered back when she heard a little cry, a high-pitched noise like an injured animal.

Riley swallowed. “Holly…?” Her fingers curled nervously when there was not a reply, and still not a sign of Holly’s presence. Riley did conclude, however, that the discarded jacket was that of her friend’s. She maneuvered around the bush to get a better look. “Holly…? Where are you…-- h-huh?!”

She fretted a step away, surprised by what she saw after turning past the bush. It was not just Holly’s coat that lay abandoned, but an entire set of clothes -- everything Holly had been wearing just moments ago, piled up atop a layer of dead leaves. Even her boots and socks lay in the mess, as though the photographer had outright vanished. Naturally, Riley was baffled, and frantically looked elsewhere in the woods for Holly’s whereabouts.

Then, she heard that squeak again, sharp enough to make her shake. “H-Hello?!” Riley whipped around, stomping through the tall grass, until her attention was pulled back down to the mound of clothes. Realizing they could not be left behind like this, Riley knelt down and sifted through the clothing, hoping to uncover a clue -- but she found more than she could have possibly expected.

Riley pinched the collar to the abandoned shirt and raised it off the ground, but a rustling from within startled her into stillness. She lurched away from the shirt, holding it out as far as she could stretch, but another bump of movement had her drop it with a quick gasp. Something fell through the bottom when she did -- Holly’s bra, still hooked together, but more notable was the frantic kicks of life clinging to one strap. Riley blinked, comprehending the tiny human as something more; “Holly?!

The lengthy blonde hair and its many curls made it unmistakable that it was, indeed, Holly in some shrunken form, only inches tall. Riley pulled the bra up by a strap, earning a chirp of surprise from the woman that had been trying to hide underneath it. Holly clung to the inside of a cup as they were raised together, eventually brought up to the beaming face of a giant. Though it was her dear friend Riley that stared at her diminished state, no less did Holly feel overwhelmed, stunned by how drastically different the world had become.

Together, the two women stammered at one another, unable to put into words their own surprise. Riley carefully laid out the bra in her palms, rotating the shrunken Holly into the center -- it was unreal for Riley to be holding an entire person so effortlessly, in just the cusp of her hands. Yet as featherweight as Holly was in this smaller shape, Riley felt too heavy to budge, not until some of this made sense to her.

“Holly, wh-what the hell?!” Riley looked around nervously; did something happen to her friend? And could it still happen to her? “Wh-Who did this to you…?! Wh-What do we do?!”

Holly flinched when Riley’s voice tackled her. She gestured at Riley to try and calm her, but that attempt was too little to make a difference. She wanted to at least answer Riley’s questions, but she shared the same confusion. “I-It just happened!” she squealed. “I don’t know why, i-it just… E-Everything got huge…!”

Riley bit her lip, her trembling surely felt by the tiny woman in her possession. Realizing there was only uncertainty and mystery in her surroundings, she made the decision to return to camp post-haste. Holly yelped as her and her bra were tucked against Riley’s body as she reached down and picked up all the littered clothing. Juggling all of that and her flashlight, Riley stomped back in the direction she came, her rattled gaze a reflection of her stunted sense of reasoning.

A breeze was picking up against Riley’s path, but she pushed forward back into the clearing that was their camp. The fire was a welcoming glow amidst the weird peril the two found themselves caught up in. Its warmth would have to be enjoyed later; Riley wanted first to make sure that Holly was healthy, and that any of this was even real. She darted into their tent and dropped the bundle of clothing into the middle, except for the bra Holly was curled up into. Though awkward to do, Riley held onto the underwear, her face burning with redness as she allowed Holly the chance to adjust.

But adjusting to this bizarre circumstance was nearly impossible, like adapting to a totally alien world. Though the tent was meant to be a shelter from the uncertainty outside, Holly shuddered away from it all, cowering deep into Riley’s palms as the only reliable place to feel safe. She shivered and wrapped her delicate fingers tight around a log-sized digit; Riley had to contain her own excitement from bubbling up as she held her dear friend, as overjoyed as she was confused by the situation at hand.

Ultimately, Holly’s well-being was prioritized firstly. Distracting as the nudity may have been, Riley closed her eyes and focused; “A-Are you okay, Holly? Everything, uh… feels right, right?”

Holly hesitated to reply, having to manually examine herself in order to answer. “Nothing’s broken, I guess,” she stuttered, wiping the sweat from her hairline. “I still feel really dizzy. N-None of this makes sense, does it…?”

Riley slowly shook her head, which brought dawn to a natural conclusion. “What do we tell the campgrounds clinic…? We-- I-I think it’s best we go to them, shouldn’t we?” She chuckled nervously, but Holly was humorless and static, forcing Riley to wipe her expression flat. “Uh, m-maybe they can help…”

“Are you kidding me? What could they help with?!” Holly spun onto her back, flipping around just like her tone. “L-Look at me, Riley! I look like a freak…! I-I don’t want to be seen like this…! For god’s sake-- I’m naked…!” Holly highlighted that detail by uncoiling her arms and revealing her bare body; it was meant to shock Riley, but it instead warmed her thoughts like a hazy steam. All the same did Holly huff and toss herself back into the bed-like hands. “I hate this…! What are we going to do…?!”

Riley swallowed on her instinctive answer; she wanted to push for Holly to accept the clinic’s aid, regardless of how fantastical her condition was. At the same time, however, Riley felt compelled not to, an itch to keep Holly to herself -- where she would be safe. “I think… that we should go to the clinic. Tomorrow. F-First thing in the morning.”

“Riley…” Holly sighed, and her will to argue was suppressed. She could not find the confidence to do so, not while Riley loomed over her. “... Fine. Tomorrow…”

An apologetic smile spread between Riley’s flushed cheeks, and a nod confirmed the agreement. Though it was technically a compromise, Riley was content to keep Holly to herself for the night. She lowered her friend carefully to the tent floor, allowing her to step off on her own terms. While Holly was overwhelmed by the scale of everything, Riley was eager to compare her to the otherwise normal-sized surroundings, tickled by all the things that were so much bigger than her.

“In the meantime,” Riley suggested, “do you feel like eating anything…? The soup might be cold by now, but I can get you some trail mix, or…”

“Soup will be fine,” Holly replied timidly, “th-thanks…” Riley nodded again and exited the tent without taking her eyes off her friend. She was quick to fetch the serving she had set aside for Holly prior to her shrinking, and returned inside the tent with a spoon in hand. Awkwardness struck Holly as her huge friend sat back down in front of her, but she welcomed the kindness -- she knew Riley could be relied on to treat her sweetly.

Riley positioned herself with her legs crossed in front of Holly, uncertain how to best continue. While not wanting to belittle Holly any more than she already was, some hurdles had to be crossed; “Since you’re, uh, so small and all… maybe it’s better if I fed you…?”

Holly did not hide her displeasure as she rolled her eyes, but a shrug admitted defeat. “I-I guess,” she sighed and held her forehead. When she next looked up, the head of the spoon was hovering in front of her, expecting her to sip its brothy contents. She glanced at Riley, who had to swiftly dismiss her smile. “Ugh. I feel so stupid.”

“I-It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Riley assured her, keeping the spoon steady as she waited. “It’s just me here, after all.” She bit her lip after that thought was stated; it was not only safe, but exhilarating for Riley to have this privacy, which she only then began to appreciate. No other friends to interfere, no family to pull them apart.

Holly begrudgingly leaned forward and put her mouth to the spoon, using both hands to gently angle the soup towards her. It was a messy gulp that was almost too big, but it was a fulfilling swallow that had her gasping in delight. The soup was actually still warm, and so its heat was a treasure in the dropping temperature. She soon went forward to indulge in another drink, much to Riley’s own excitement -- strange as it was to be feeding a tiny person, it was also particularly intimate, swelling forth a feeling of accountability.

After only a couple rounds, Holly stepped away when offered another serving. “Thanks… It tasted really good.”

Riley’s grin grew, then vanished when she noticed Holly shudder. “Are you cold?” she worriedly asked. She set aside the remaining soup and inched closer to her friend. She was giddy, realizing that perhaps she was being too forward, but was too caught up in her momentum; “I can help, m-my hands are still warm from the soup. Feel!”

Two hands rushed forward around Holly’s flanks, ushering a squeak from her as she suddenly found herself enwrapped. She initially feared the touch of two hands covering her exposed frame, but Riley was tender and keen to Holly’s concerns. Those fears of Holly’s dissolved rapidly as she embraced the warmth resonating from the grasp, even nuzzling into the fingers to draw out more of that passing heat.

Oh, this feels great, actually…” Holly admitted in a giggle. She more openly hugged Riley, something to return the affection. “I-It feels like a snuggly blanket! I really needed this…”

Ironically, Riley felt frozen stiff as her hands were lovingly accepted. Her fingers curled in subtle twitches, shaping themselves around Holly’s curves, but with the hesitation of not completely holding her. Though the desire burned to grab up Holly again like the toy she was the scale of, Riley withheld herself -- This is Holly, she told herself, a means to affirm her friend’s humanity, but a mantra that filled Riley with more lofty and ambitious ideas. This is Holly… all to myself…

Holly happened to inspire more of those thoughts in Riley when she cradled herself into her right hand, bending the digits behind her into the form of a seat. She reclined into the throne of fingers, adapting to the obtuse shape until she was comfortable. The nudging of her body against Riley’s hand had sunken Holly’s friend into a dumbstruck state, which made it easier to settle into her newly-decided seat. Holly giggled, “I can always count on you, Riley. I was terrified of what could have happened if you never showed up…”

Riley stuttered, “O-Of course. Of course! I won’t let anything happen to you, Holly, believe me.” Her hands shifted delicately so that they could better support the doll-sized body, but one curious finger was there only to feel Holly’s back, stroking her spine in a small swirl. Riley scoffed, “You’re so fragile, Holly. Anything could happen to you like this…”

Holly was slow to agree, preoccupied with contorting her balance appropriately with how Riley’s hands positioned around her. The massaging of her back was originally well-received, but as the pattern went on, Holly began to hunch away from the touch -- nevertheless did Riley continue like she had. Where Holly intended to speak, she was instead spellbound by the attention, especially so when she looked up at Riley’s beaming expression hard-focused onto her.

“... It’s a good thing you were with me!” Riley laughed. “I don’t think I could trust anyone else to be in my position… I’ve got so much experience looking after you, you know? Heh…”

It was a comment intended to reassure Holly of her safety, but the words weighed on her shoulders as if they had dropped overtop of her. True enough, Riley had always been the one looking out for her, at least since they became friends. Riley was protective of her, to some extent even possessive, and Holly yet dwelled on her predicament -- literally situated in Riley’s grasp, held by her, touched by her, looked over by her.

Holly cracked an uneasy smile, trying to lighten her own spirits. For a while, she had been choked to say anything further, but all the same did Riley habitually pet her back or fluff up her curls of hair. Gentle efforts to sway those touches aside always failed, as Riley would soon return to what she was doing. Alluring her friend’s attention was something ritualistic for Holly when she was normal-sized, but as the night crept forward, that attention was growing beyond her control.

“You’re shivering,” Riley stated. Holly had not noticed until it was mentioned. “Are you still cold? Do you-- I’ll warm you some more! W-We don’t want you catching a cold…”

Before Holly could comprehend what was said, it had been decided. Riley picked her up off the tent floor, both hands cradling her body as she trembled instinctively. The first complaint Holly vocalized was immediately muffled; she was pushed into Riley’s torso, brought into an embrace she could not wriggle free from. Any effort to nudge herself free was absorbed into the softness of Riley’s jacket, but she found the position to be surprisingly comfortable, once accepted. The warmth of Riley’s center was divine, dispelling the chills that riddled Holly’s naked body.

Yet as relaxing as the heat was, the tightness of being hugged was gravely concerning. Holly needed to twist and move, not necessarily to get away from Riley, but to have ownership of herself. Held in this way, she truly felt like an object being watched over, a dependent that lived at the whims of another person. These worries boiled inside Holly, but Riley’s actions suffocated her ability to complain -- how could she, regarding the care her best friend was giving her?

And so without anything to slow her, Riley’s desires gradually took the helm of her decision making. She giggled while squeezing her friend harder into her chest, sliding her upward until her head was just barely pressed into the underside of her breasts. A rocking motion kept Riley’s wants mostly at bay, but her fingers, being there already around Holly’s body, curled with interest, sensitive to every squish of her flesh, the length of her limbs, and the curves of her shape. As intimate as their friendship had been over the years, anything such as this was certainly forbidden -- making it all the more worthwhile for Riley to appreciate what she had.

Riley’s heart drummed as her sensibilities were suspended. After an affirming swallow, Riley carried Holly higher up her body, reclining from a posture that had been gradually melting above her friend. She pressed Holly against her again, not in a binding embrace, but with the push of one hand that encompassed her backside to keep Holly held at her breasts. Holly’s befuddled expression looked up from the pillowy mounds, her squirming brushing along Riley’s coat ineffectively. Resistance as meek as that only tickled Riley, spinning her into a laugh that had her rolling backwards onto the sleeping bag behind her.

“R-Riley! Be careful!” Holly spat, more affected by Riley’s fall than Riley seemed to realize. Having finally found her voice, the rest of her thoughts spilled forward, “Oh my god! Wh-What are you doing?! Is this a joke?!”

“No~” Riley answered in an unconvincing giggle. She shook her head, “No, no… D-Don’t glare at me like that. It makes you look so cute…”

Holly scoffed. “Cute? Excuse me, Riley, b-but this isn’t really a cute situation…!”

Riley giggled louder. “You’re still so feisty, l-like you usually are… I’m sorry, but you are adorable right now…!”

“Ugh! Riley…”

“Look at yourself! I-I wish you could see from my perspective…” Her smirk shifted awkwardly, torn between appeasing Holly and appeasing her own calling. “You’re laid out over my boobs, y-you know… Isn’t that funny…?”

Holly grunted in a failed attempt to push herself out of Riley’s grasp against her. “Not really that funny…!”

The struggle continued like a competition, but it was no contest for Riley. Holly huffed and complained, but eventually puttered out into a frustrated exhale, collapsing in defeat. Riley’s head perked forward at this sudden stillness, her lip bitten in suspense as to how Holly might continue, but the little woman on her chest was tuckered out. She flailed an arm weakly as a forfeiting gesture, which extended Riley’s smile that much wider.

“Hehe… I s-suppose I got carried away,” Riley admitted, gently taking her hand off of Holly’s body. She expected Holly to flinch upward, but she remained laid out like she had been. “It’s just-- what a weird situation, r-right? It feels unreal…”

Holly disagreed, but would not vocalize how painfully real the circumstance was to her. She crawled up to her knees and surveyed the new angle of her surroundings, only a moment later remembering to hide her chest with an arm. It did little good in dissuading Riley’s stare, which beamed over Holly like headlights on a deer.

“L-Like a dream,” Riley went on, chuckling through Holly’s silence. “But… this would still be a wild dream, wouldn’t it? Everything just… happening, and coming together like this. Like some sort of… once-in-a-lifetime chance.”

Holly shuddered, choosing her words wisely to keep the calm. “Yeah… I was lucky, like you said. You being there--”

“I think-- I think I’m the lucky one,” Riley said, her lips cold after such a thought slipped by them. In the pause that followed, both women caught their breath. “I get to have you, all to myself, after all… I’ve asked for this to happen, b-but I never thought-- not like this, but…”

Holly swallowed, the want to tread backwards ended by the fact that she had no where to fret to. “B-But, what?”

“... But I’ll take it,” Riley giggled, lifting herself forward in an incline that had Holly tumble backwards. Tactically, Riley’s hands were there to accept her fall, and instantly did her thumbs latch around Holly’s elbows. “I’ve waited… waited a long time for something like this…”

“R-Riley, you’re…!” Holly gasped, afraid of the words she wanted to describe her friend. She tried to wriggle her arms free, but she was soon relying on Riley’s grasp as her body was held up in the open air. The frigidness of the air forced her to quiver in failed efforts to hide her exposed body, her feet kicking at nothing in attempts to keep them coiled close to her. “Set me down, Riley! Th-This isn’t like you!”

“Eheh… You just never realized,” Riley went on. She lowered Holly like had been asked, placing her onto the tent floor between the two sleeping bags. Riley remained posed there, looming above Holly on all-fours like an animal wanting to pounce. “Holly… Honestly, I’ve been obsessed with you. Since school, at least. You’re so… pretty, always the most dazzling person in the room. And so confident, like… a princess. A princess I wasn’t allowed to approach, n-not how I’ve wanted.” Riley froze, a window for Holly to speak if she were not so stunned. “From behind you… there’s always been so much I’ve thought to say to you, but just couldn’t. Never the right time, the right place...

“For a long time, I’ve just been waiting for that perfect moment,” Riley continued, her tone spoken with new hope. “No interruptions or distractions -- a situation where, maybe, you’d have to accept my feelings. I thought that maybe this hike by ourselves would be the one where it happens, wh-when I finally tell you… b-but I never imagined it like this. This… is almost too perfect. It’s uncanny.”

Holly hesitated, torn between the truths and lies she had strewn about carelessly over years of their relationship. She stuttered, no longer concerned about concealing her body as new priorities took over. “I… I-I kinda… knew…” she admitted in a shiver. She stopped and started over, “Can we talk about this later? When I’m--”

Not tiny? No, no… I-I can’t wait that long,” Riley said, adding to that a soft, “sorry.” Her face was reddening, and so to vent her warmth, she unzipped her jacket, low enough to tease the roundness of her chest. Cascades of her hair fell around Holly underneath her. “Besides, I don’t think you truly know how deep this… this love of mine goes…”

Riley’s eyes flicked upward. A hand stretched forward, causing Holly to guard herself, but the hand was not for her. It went to the mound of clothes behind her, that which she had been wearing and shrunk into. Pinches of fingers tossed aside the shirt and socks until the prize Riley was after had been reeled out; the pair of neon pink panties.

Holly hopped at the underwear as it was dangled over her head. “Riley! You’re embarrassing me!”

That was the point, Riley knew. It was an emotion, a sense of being that Riley rarely saw out of Holly -- embarrassment, humiliation. Of all the years spent together, it felt like a missing piece, and Riley wished to savor what she could. Multiple times before had she been alone with a shirt or coat left behind by Holly, moments of secrecy where she held that warmth close to her, cherishing the scent of someone she could not have. It had never been her underwear, an exciting new development for Riley to enjoy, while simultaneously a crushing event for the diminutive observer.

Riley whiffed the panties, keeping them inches from her nose, before deciding to hug her face into the fabric. Holly was stunned by how deeply Riley dove into the underwear, inhaling whatever odor still clung to it. Worse yet was the maniacal giggle that followed, seeping through the panties with the imprint of a smile vaguely visible. Holly held herself, awestruck with what she was witnessing -- an obsession over her, amplified to extreme heights.

Riley revealed her face a moment later, letting the underwear slide past her hazy grin. Her eyes opened with an electrified awareness; “... No more waiting,” she declared, and tossed the panties over Holly as though it were a net to catch her with. “Let’s make the most of this.”

Holly wrestled with the pounds of fabric suddenly thrown over her, punching blindly to figure a way out of it. Eventually she escaped through a leg hole, but the awkwardness of being entangled in her own panties had poisoned her sufficiently with shame. It would not end there, for as soon as she was freed, a wall of flesh was collapsing over her. She gasped and fell backwards, washed over by a barreling pair of breasts and the heavy laughter of her friend.

“Ahha~ Try to wiggle out~!” Riley dared, having laid out over top of Holly to pin her under her chest. She winced pleasantly to those very attempts, feeling the tiny force that was Holly pushing fruitlessly at her bosom. “You can’t, can you? A-Am I too much?” She shivered with delight, swaying her risen rear side to side. It was this motion that uncovered Holly, though only just her face, peeking out from Riley’s cleavage. “Ooh, look at you! Ah, l-look at your tiny little b-boobs…! You are so cute, Holly!”

“Okay, e-enough!” Holly protested, writhing still between the breasts. With one freed arm, she pushed unabashedly into the pillowy skin to no avail. “Okay, y-you’ve had fun! Let’s call it a night already!”

Riley giggled, staying exactly where she was. Her lips curled, preparing the next word and the joy it would bring her: “No.”

“No?! Ugh! Riley!” Holly slapped at the skin, but it only made her captor chortle. “This is not fun for me…!”

“No,” Riley stated again. Her grin curved regardless of how she bit it. “For once, you get to listen to me. That’s only fair after years and years of doing stuff for you~” This change in her tone, gradual as it was, put a whimper into Holly’s begging that picked at Riley’s sympathy. “Aw, don’t worry so much… I’m not going to make you do anything bad. I just-- it’s all just fun. Let yourself have fun, Holly~”

Holly persisted towards her escape, refusing to respond to Riley’s words. She managed to unsqueeze herself from the pinning breasts, but only because Riley was allowing her to do so. When finally freed, she slipped in her crawl to make distance, and rolled onto her back to prepare for Riley’s next movement. There was a pause, where Holly’s heart raced beneath a looming, waiting smile. Holly swallowed, she fixed her hair, and unexpectedly, she was kissed. Her friend’s lips were rushed into her, and for just a blink, she was overtaken by the affection, pushed flat into the tent ground before Riley removed herself, now hanging even closer to her obsession.

“R-Riley…” Holly whined, still recoiling from the sudden kiss. She shakily wiped down her face and chest, the slightest amounts of saliva sticking to her skin. Confusion kept her in an overwhelmed state, shivering in suspense. “C-Can’t we talk this over? L-Later?”

“No~” Riley giggled, delighted again to have that option. She leaned in again, hesitating only so she could enjoy Holly’s flinch away from her. Another kiss stamped over Holly’s body, her arms and legs flailing about in shock. A warm and low-toned hum breathed over Holly, having amused the giant over top of her with her pitiful resistance. Holly squeaked when she could, but it provoked another kiss, harder than the two before it -- the beginning of a series of kisses that followed Holly wherever she crawled backwards to.

That where happened to be Riley’s hand, planted behind Holly’s path to intercept her. Holly instinctively climbed up the rack of fingers for support in her effort to get away from the constant kisses, but she was pulling herself into a trap to be caught. Riley snatched her in a fist and picked her off the ground, bringing her close so that the tip of her nose was pushing into Holly’s core.

“Come on…” Riley insisted, her smile too low to be seen by her friend. “Kiss me. Kiss me back~”

Holly groaned, keeping her hands firmly pushed into the arc of the nose in front of her. She closed her eyes and rolled them, and in a huff, she lurched forward and kissed what she could. Immediately she sniffled, “A-Are we done…?”

Riley giggled; hours ago, a gesture that small would have completed her life, but knowing that this was just the beginning, her desires grew out of control. “Of course not,” she answered. “Another kiss. Come on~”

Holly rolled her eyes and kissed the nose again, a pathetic expression angled up into the huge eyes watching her. Those eyes said it all, that one more kiss was not enough, and so Holly desperately lined the arc with dot-like kisses. She hoped each one would be the last, that this treatment might finally come to an end, but there was always another kiss to give.

If nothing else, Holly’s submission had successfully ended those teasing remarks, that which were uncharacteristic of the Riley she knew. Riley had fallen silent, but her thoughts were screams of joy, her head filled with steam as she grew hotter to the situation. Her lips parted, exhaling some of that warmth between Holly’s legs -- an incidental motion that became intentional, with Holly drawn upward so that Riley could breathe into her crotch and thighs. The air touched these sensitive locations with an engulfing grace; Holly was being drowned in Riley’s excess, a plot by her friend to have her succumb deeper still.

But deep into who she was, Holly knew this was not what she wanted -- controlled, manipulated, exploited -- the very woman she relied on to protect her was now posed against her will. Despite continuing her kissing, Holly softly sobbed, puttering out weak pleas that went unheard.

Riley’s eyes opened after having been closed in contemplation. Holly slowed herself, hoping that this was a positive sign of breaking through to the Riley she trusted. However, that next moment saw her plummeting, dragged away from the peak of a face and forced into a lower location in a hurry. Holly’s voice was renewed with yelps for mercy, though even she was uncertain what was happening.

But as she was dragged down, her guesses narrowed, and it became clear what purpose she would serve next. She shook her head madly, she grabbed at the coat to try and stop the descent, but down below her was a pocket pulled open for her -- the front of Riley’s pants, opened wide enough to reveal a small patch of a bush.

“For god’s sake, Riley-- stop!!” Holly screamed. The shrill sound of her voice was a spike of pleasure for Riley, who found extra satisfaction in hearing Holly become muffled as she was pushed into place.

“Holly… Th-This is how bad it’s been…!” Riley remarked with a sharply bitten lip. “I’ve needed you this badly…! E-Even if it’s like this…” She stiffened slightly, itched by the writhing efforts Holly made inside her entrapment. It was not meant to be totally comfortable; Riley accepted as much, knowing the burden was entirely on Holly. She kept a hand pushed against her from the outside of her pants, pinning that desperation strategically where it aroused her most.

Holly was cast into a confusing darkness. She piped for Riley, but was slowly understanding how weak she was in this situation. Realizing as much that she was being treated as a toy, Holly forced herself into control of her movements, deciding to no longer give Riley what she was squeezing out of her. She sat there, whimpering into the dark pubic hairs, afraid that any movement could tickle Riley into acting out again.

It did not matter -- Riley was immersed into the experience, and she involved Holly regardless of her stillness. Her thighs clamped tight with excitement as her wetness poured over her beloved friend, and her hand worked in steady motions to keep control of where Holly slid in the underwear. By taking charge, Riley had thrust herself into an erotic moan, her breathing staggered as she felt Holly wrestling with her cunt. Desperate attempts to pull herself out only befell more pressure onto Holly as her struggling was directly tied to what drove Riley to such levels of perversion.

“D-Don’t worry, Holly… J-Just…” Words spilled from Riley as her breathing became heavier. Her voice was as lost as her thoughts, interrupted with sporadic giggles, but she centered herself enough to vocalize one idea: “Just… relax… It’s me, y-you know… I’m still Riley, y-your friend…”

Holly whimpered back as her best reply. Soreness coated every inch of her body as she was pushed again and again into the unforgiving crevice, the struggle made worse as yet more of Riley’s juices flooded around her. As her giant captor shifted her position, so too did Holly’s prison twist and rotate -- Riley was on her knees, her face pressed into her friend’s sleeping bag while her rear was raised and propped up by two quivering legs. Where Holly was unable to see the melting expression of that who constricted her, Riley dreamed that she could witness Holly’s surprise from within her own pants, putting her perspective down to her level whenever she blinked.

The suspense had reached a tipping point -- a suspense built up not over the course of the past hour, but from the past years of their relationship. Both minds were occupied with that fact, that for so long their lives had been connected, leading up to this moment, an unreal situation that denounced the illusions between them. Riley’s heart had opened to its fullest, taking advantage of Holly’s belittled position, and Holly herself was struck with a brutal realization. She deserved this, so she figured; after teasing Riley all this time, tugging at her leash knowing she would remain obedient, this was the karma that had been awaiting her. As her face was forcefully massaged against the bulge of a clit, she painfully accepted this reality.

And with that acceptance soon followed an embracement. Perhaps it was desperation gnawing at her sanity, or it was the overwhelming amount of pheremones she had been plunged into; in any case did Holly feel her body become less resistant, and subsequently, more willing. Her own arousal had been unearthed, and so in her humiliating spot, she changed the goal of her struggles. Escape was impossible, and so she leaned on that dynamic, touching herself to the thought -- the truth -- that she had become a toy, a most precious prize for the one person in the world that was completely obsessed with her.

An echo enlightened Holly, deep as she was in her arousal; she recalled what Riley had said, that she trusted only herself with a shrunken Holly. Before, it had sent a chill down her spine, but now those same words rewarded her with warmth and an ease of mind. That feeling of trust, Holly realized, was mutual -- she gripped the folds of Riley’s labia as if clawing to the moment, trying to hold time back from moving beyond this circumstance.

Suddenly, the wall of flesh was collapsing over Holly, and she was nearly knocked out by an unexpected fall. Riley’s hips had dropped, the arc of her back reversing so that her crotch dug into the ground. Riley gasped and gasped, her arms nearly caving in under her weight as she shivered hard into a climax. Her smile broke into a slight grimace as the experience filled her satisfyingly, an overwhelming sensation of success; after so long of waiting and playing Holly’s games, Riley had finally won what she had strived for.

Yet even after such an explosive conclusion was Riley itching for something more. She savored the orgasmic bliss in a flash before flipping onto her back, blindly reaching into her pants while an unburdened stare was pointing at the tent overhead. Her fingers coiled back when first finding Holly, limp and of little motion in her underwear, but insisted on wrapping around the little form to pull her free.

“Ohh… Holly, Holly…~” Riley hummed, her voice cracked from breathing so intensely. With Holly held in her fist, she drew her friend up onto her chest, using her bust as pillows to place her. Holly had no balance or strength to stand with, and so she lay spread out over one hump of a boob, panting from exhaustion. For a sobering moment, Riley felt the sting of concern, and nearly tasted the bitterness of regret. “I-I hope you’re not too shaken up,” she whispered. “Oh, H-Holly… Oh?”

Riley then noticed that Holly was not entirely lifeless, and was in fact involved within a steady motion. Beneath Holly’s waist was her own hand, prodding at her vagina with what bubbles of effort she could conjur. She had kept her ashamed expression angled away from her friend, but guilt urged Holly to face Riley forwardly, her timid glare speaking volumes in place of an actual voice.

“Ah, so… this is how you feel, then…” Riley continued in a nervous chuckle. Though this was not so terrible of a result, she held herself responsible nonetheless, effectively blaming herself for hypnotizing her shrunken friend. It amazed her, seeing Holly in such a state of arousal, almost enough to turn her on all over again. Instead, that energy would be put to use another way, as teased by the return of her grin. “Here, Holly… I know what I can do… Flip over…”

Holly’s voice remained absent, but she listened well to Riley’s suggestion. Overcoming her hesitations, Holly rotated onto her back, allowing her front to be exposed to Riley and her hovering fingers. Instantly did Holly find her sides tickled by those very tips, but the touch was welcomed, allowed to explore her body however they saw fit. There was an agenda, she soon realized, as the fingers blanketed her strategically. They warmed Holly against the cold she was now exposed to, and their presence stabilized her shambling form. Her hand, which had been buried between her thighs shyly, was pulled away -- an easy fight for even one finger to win -- and so her crotch was made open, a target to be prioritized.

“Oh god,” Holly finally squeaked as a swirl of a touch centered itself onto her groin. She coughed from astonishment, the digit drilling into her with a gentle pressure -- it was all she needed, an additional jump to the sheer arousal she was encumbered by. Within seconds, she enjoyed the most electrifying orgasm of her life, unleashing high-pitched moans that made the soft hills beneath her sway with glee. The sensation was supreme, beyond anything she had experienced -- Riley was quiet and content, having exhausted nothing of herself to apply her fingers where they were, yet all the same did she bring her beloved friend to that beautiful conclusion.

Riley craned her head forward, moving as minimally as possible to avoid disrupting her friend. She was unable to tame her giggling, however, which jittered Holly where she was atop her breasts. “Look at you~” Riley cooed, tenderly prodding the little stomach. “Did you enjoy yourself, after all that…? You had put up quite a fight until now~”

Holly hid her face behind a palm, disgraced. As her high began to fade, she reflected on what she had succumbed to, and the exploitation she had survived. At her peak, she had felt freed of everything, but she was now settled back onto earth, anxious of what was to come. Using Riley’s finger, she pulled herself forward into a seated posture, her back turned to her friend as she contemplated.

“Pouting?” Riley wondered, tilting her head curiously. Her tease made Holly scoff and shake her head. “Hehe~ Well… That was easier than I expected--”

R-Riley…!” Holly complained, pushing down on the plush surface below her as if to nudge her friend. “Please…! Ugh…”

Please, what?” Riley hummed. She rose forward an inch, enough to create an incline that made Holly cling tighter to her chest. “Please… do that again? Is that what you’d like?” Her grin bubbled wider. “You can trust me to take care of you… anything that you need~”

Holly shook her head, “N-No, Riley, I-I think I’m--” She gasped, picked up suddenly by a swipe of a hand. She kicked and flailed with diminished stamina as Riley sat up and lurked above her.

“Another round… O-One more…” Riley said, almost beggingly -- but she knew, and so did Holly, that it was ultimately her decision. “I didn’t get to see your face… when it happened…” She swallowed, a last bout of hesitation before her lips pushed forward with the pink of tongue revealed. Holly froze in the instant before it licked her, sliding up from her abdomen to her neck, leaving behind that distinct trail of saliva. Before she could respond in shock, Holly was licked again, the tongue slipping between Riley’s fingers and working into her defenseless crotch.

“Riley, Riley, R-Riley!” Holly chanted, her tone different with each iteration. Quakes riddled her body almost as much as her giant captor shivered with amusement and interest. Her guard gradually whittled away, eventually laying her loose in Riley’s grasp, allowed to be eaten out by the largest, most caring tongue she could whimsy.

Another round, Riley had promised, and promised again. Another round, followed by another.

The two had missed their chance to see the sunrise, a ritual they made consistent on their hiking trips. That morning, both women had slept in, too heavy from their late night activities. When Riley awoke first, as usual, she habitually reached to begin packing up, only to realize -- to her great excitement -- that last night was no wild dream, even by her own standards. Holly laid in a nest made of Riley’s coat, snuggled around a clean sock as a blanket.

It was almost too precious of a scene to disturb, but Riley was eager to take down the camp and return home -- as was Holly, waking up in a jump of excitement. Exhausted as she was, a new wind of energy lifted her, inspired to see a doctor that could, possibly, remedy her bizarre condition. It was all she could squeak about as Riley kept her stashed in a chest pocket on the hike back.

Riley had urged Holly into crouching down and hiding, not wanting to draw attention as they neared the beginning of the trail down at the mountain’s base. Within the warm darkness, Holly shuddered with worry as she anticipated the face of some other giant. She would have to trust someone else to care for her, trust being in the hands of someone that was not Riley.

Holly perked up when she heard a noise -- unexpectedly, it was the sound of a car door, opening and then closing as her world suddenly rocked in a direction she could not predict. Confused as she was, she tempted opening the pocket and peering outside, but before she could, it opened from outside. Light seeped in, but Holly glared past it, seeing only Riley looking over her. There was nothing said; Holly’s lips moved for words, but there was then the sound of a car starting -- Riley’s car.

“What are you-- Where’s the doctor?!” Holly hissed, pulling herself up from hiding. Indeed, this was nowhere near the camp infirmary, and so Holly was left to guess -- “Riley… You can’t--”

“Sorry, Holly, I’m--” Riley began, then stopped with a long sigh. In that exhale had blown out those last few doubts, and she settled a confident smile down onto her beloved, dearly beloved obsession. Holly blinked back, her face pale with the realization before it could be said. “I’m keeping you this way… Remember? I’m the only one… that I can trust to watch over you like this. No doctors, no scientists… I’ll be your-- your everything. Anything you’ll need me to be. Anything you’ll want me to be. Remember last night… and think of every night, from now on, getting to be like that… Don’t worry, Holly, sh-shush… Holly… You’re safe. Safer than you’ve ever been with me before.”



Oooh, this was a really cute one!!


This was reeeaaallly good, great job!!