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This is a little somethin'-somethin' I've been working on over the month~ I hope you guys enjoy it! It covers some content I don't often get to explore, so you might be surprised by what you find! Nothing too different from my usual stuff, but there is a giant fart -- very daring of me, isn't it? Worldwide death and destruction for sexual pleasure, that's fine, but farting? Unacceptable.

WTDK has a lot of tidbits of ideas that I've wanted to explore for awhile, but couldn't really come up with the right story -- until now! Giant couples are a deep favorite of mine, it's actually kinda amazing I don't write more stories involving them. It's one of the easiest contexts to make me write giant male content, actually~ I really had an itch for giant couples, and involving an unaware setting. I thought of it while cuddling my own girlfriend one night. Yes, you heard that right -- Cursey actually got aroused by one of their own ideas! It's miraculous. Usually never happens anymore, not as directly as this. Usually what I imagine in the bedroom is too scattered for me to make sense into a fulfilling story...

Anyway, once I thought up the scenario, the next step was making it interesting. The first draft I did is majorly different from the final product. I started off with the same superpower premise, but the protagonist was an unnamed dude that simply spied on random people -- not his own roommates. It was also going to be pretty much exclusively about him getting wedged between a couple spooning, since that was the big scene I had imagined. But this turned out to be boring, the protagonist was this creep that you couldn't relate to very well.

So... I changed it by making the protagonist creepier. And it worked! It also helped that I delved more into the protagonist's POV by giving her a name and personality -- oh, and a change of gender. Archer ended up becoming a cute character, at least in my eyes~ The dynamic also changed so that she was roommates with the couple in question. This made the story a lot more exciting, because now I can explore this whole dynamic about how Archer lives this ordinary life around people she secretly treats as gods. I hoped I put in a lot of perspective in this regard, by making references to their daily lives, the little interactions they have that Archer would dwell on. It makes for a more immersive tale, like a voyeur that has to maintain a normal relationship with the people she spies on. It's the fact that she chooses to be this speck on their bedsheets, rather than it be something she's plunged into, that makes the dynamic soooo sexy. To me, anyway~

This story is also unique for being in first-person, isn't it? I don't normally do stories like this. I'm trying to recall what the last one was... I think it was with Shoebill? That Shoebill story I did like a year ago? That was more of a reader's POV though -- WTDK uses first-person to get into the mind of the protagonist, to really feel how Archer utilizes her power and what she gets out of it. In most of my stories, there's usually too much going on that I can't commit to just one perspective, but in this case, limiting my perspectives helped narrow my attention, and focus on what made the story work. Like, things like Neil and Leigh moving around would normally take up so much time to describe, but when your POV is crumbs on the floor, making sense of colossal movements isn't necessary. I think it adds to this feeling of helplessness, that Archer can't possibly stop the giant world from moving, so she just reacts, uncertain what the giants are actually doing, just taking guesses.

For being the giants of this story, Leigh and Neil sure aren't, uh, exciting. Hah, that'd be the point, I suppose. I wanted a couple that was just painfully normal for their age. No gimmicks or quirks, just a guy and a girl that got together in college. I actually chose the name "Neil" because I was specifically trying to give him -- ahem -- the lamest, unsexiest name ever. (I'm so sorry to all my Neil-named patrons.) My intent was to really drill in how plain these "gods" really are, and how Archer submits herself to such normal people without them knowing. Neither of them are outwardly sexy, and even less so when Archer gets to see all these private parts to their lives, but that's part of the fun~

I hope you guys like this, and let me know what you thought~ I really liked how this one came out! It's not all the time that I get to break away from my routine projects and get to write something purely out from my own mind -- usually because that creativity just isn't there, haha~ In fact, I'd really like to make this into a series! Something casual that I can add onto whenever the right ideas hit me~ It's also why I emphasize that WTDK is a working title. I'm not a huge fan of it, but I couldn't think of anything less dumb-sounding. Some of my choices were "Speck," "Voyeur," "The Roommates," etc. "What They Don't Know" is a little on the nose, but I'll take it for now, it's kinda catchy. Anyone got any better ideas?

That's all I have for this one. Again, hope you guys enjoyed it~ I'll be posting this publicly in a week! Thanks for all the support, everyone~


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