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Just some quick notes on this one, since it's a pretty straightforward story~ Straightforward, but pretty different for my usual thing! I was excited to take on a request that ventured out my norms, and I'm satisfied with the results. I think there's room for improvements, some parts feel clunkier than others, but that's what happens when I don't have my usual crutches to carry me in stories with more sizey content.

The matter of size is probably the part that stands out the most. Either that, or, you know, the pokemon thing. With a size ratio like this, interactions are a lot more mundane, but only by comparison to the sort of stuff I'm used to pumping out. Lilligant here is only about 15-20 feet tall, but that height has its own fun and interesting aspects~ It helped, too, that the patron behind this story had a very particular Lilligant, using a reference for a character that gave her, just, a huuuuge plant ass. (Even now the story is saved as "Lilligant Plant Ass" in my files.) So I didn't have too much trouble figuring out what kind of content to focus on. Full-body sitting is, umph, good.

There's also the pokemon part, haha, I guess I should talk about that. I've never done an "anthro"/gajiinka story before~ but it was a lot of fun trying my hand at it! I've been wanting to extend myself into those types of "monsters" and designs, it was fun coming up with this character and thinking of how they'd engage with the protagonist. I hope to do some more size stuff with unique characters! I'm sure I'll probably revisit pokemon for that kind of idea again someday, there's just so many good designs begging to be humanized a bit and made into monster girls.

That's all I've got time to say tonight~ Thanks for all the support everyone! I just want to say it here before I go onto Twitter: I'm currently not open for commissions or taking on any extra projects~ I'll have those opportunities opened again in January! I just want to spend the rest of the year catching up on projects I've let dawdle, as well as give myself some time off to relax. Without getting in too deep, I'm def reaching a point of fearing artistic burn out with how much writing I've ended up scheduling for myself. As such, the next couple months might be a little slow on content, maybe just a couple days behind~ Thank you all for your patience and support, it really does mean a lot through times like this! And special thanks to the patron that requested Captive, it was a blast!


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