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A drizzle of rain pattered upon the empty mile of road. In the most shallow parts, pools formed that reflected the paleness of the full moon. Far from any city and woven around the unruly slopes of the geography was a lonely street, always watched over by the black peak of a desolate manor. The acres of land the estate was situated upon had been completely abandoned, and it would be as equally untouched if it were not for the one soul that made use of its private pathways.

But the jet blue car that ordinarily blazed past the manor so routinely was dead-stopped. Under only the illumination of the moon, the driver had pulled over into a ditch -- hardly by choice, but the circumstance could have been far more grave. She recalled the scene that had happened minutes ago, still making sense of it all. Her car had been acting normally when, suddenly, the engine seemingly blew. Steam rose from under the hood and into the front window, blinding her from a slick pool of rainwater that caused her to veer off the road.

“Poor trick-or-treaters…” Brandi sighed to herself, looking up at the rain as its intensity grew. She glanced back at the car situation she was attempting to forget, but managed to chuckle, “Poorer me. What luck…” Without an umbrella, Brandi took partial refuge in the passenger side door, glaring at her phone’s lack of service. It was useless to try and get a signal out as far as she was, thus culling her options even further. She had known the risks of taking the unused roads of the manor, a shortcut to get between towns much faster and without paying a toll; it was only appropriate it would be Halloween night when misfortune struck.

Inevitably, Brandi’s hopes were magnetically drawn to the mythic manor. She gazed up the levels of hills to see its pointed roof above a barrier of trees, like a crown donned by the land. As a real estate agent, she had heard the stories of its construction and abandonment, a legend involving a dead daughter and the deed owner who never formally forfeited the land afterwards. The daughter lived and died there in her short life, so the tale went, going on to suggest that her spirit still inhabited those old walls.

A fun legend to think about on Halloween, Brandi thought, but she hoped it was completely wrong. It would have to be if she wanted any semblance of assistance to get her through the night. Such a huge property supposedly had to be occupied and tended to by someone, someone that would ideally lend a helping hand or at least allow a phone call. Of course, the horrors of what could otherwise happen did not go over Brandi’s head. She was a wise woman who did not allow her optimism to turn into carelessness, and she hardened herself further as she began the trek up towards the manor.

By the time Brandi had reached just the gate of the manor, her professional sky blue attire was dripping wet and her brown hair had losts it style, devolving into a wet disarray that she kept pulled out of her eyes. This first obstacle surrounding the manor was a stone fence that was crumbling without maintenance, its black gate left ajar as though the ivy crawling up its bars was welcoming Brandi inside. Regardless of what invited her in, she was glad enough to see the doors ahead of her, and so she hurried up to the expansive patio. It was her only hesitation, her fist raised in front of the door, waiting to knock; behind her, somewhere in the rain, she had imagined a voice, a giggle, but she would not let that distant chime distract her from what she needed to do.

Four heavy knocks hit the door. A beat later, Brandi leaned towards the entrance and called into it, “Hello? Can someone-- err, i-is anyone home? … Anyone at all?” She bit her lip while a cold wind blew through the patio. She listened carefully for a response, even just some footsteps to assure her, but after an eternal few seconds of waiting, there had been no feedback to work with. Glimpsing at the fogged windows, the worn wood, and the weed-infested lawn, all evidence concluded that the manor really was an abandoned estate.

Brandi turned back to the way she came, sighing in defeat. She was readying herself to brace the mist again when she heard a creaking come from behind her, a whine from rusted hinges. Nervously, she looked back at the two doors, unable to ignore that one had been opened. Only a few inches of a gap, but she could see the pitch black inside, its emptiness like a gesture that called to her.

In silence, Brandi approached the door again. She felt compelled to, despite genuinely wishing to leave. With a quaking arm, she knocked again, twice this time and as heavy as before. “Hello-- oh? Uh?” After her knock, both doors began to open, creeping apart with the same creaking as before. The full body of the darkness ahead beckoned to Brandi as though it needed to be explored, but when she trembled with doubt--

Iieehh!” Brandi squealed as she was pushed to her knees, rammed from behind. “Ouch-- Hey!” Flustered and furious, Brandi whipped around and scuttled backwards, an arm lifted to defend herself -- but there was nothing to defend herself from. Where the doors remained ajar was just the fog from outside leaking into the foyer. In the paralyzed moment where Brandi gawked at nothing, she heard that ring from before, and before her very eyes, the doors closed shut.

Brandi babbled in distress, jumping to her feet and into a dash at the entrance. She grabbed the handle and pulled, but it only rattled uselessly, the wood doors refusing to budge like they just had earlier done on a whim. “Come on…! What the hell…?!” After every attempt, it still refused to open, and in the minute Brandi struggled in vain, the temperature seemed to plummet. When she finally stepped away from the entrance, she was fixed into shivering, stumbling towards the center of the room with her arms hugged around her.

“... Okay! Prank’s over!” Brandi yelled. She forced out a laugh, “You got me! Halloween, I get it! Hah, okay! But I need help -- seriously, I-I’m not playing around anymore!” She swirled where she stood, peering through the shadows to make out a rough outline of the foyer. Two tall staircases semi-spiralled to a second floor, and a balcony overlooked both floors from just above that. Each story was wide apart, and the many hallways that branched from the main chamber made for an environment that echoed back her shouts.

Brandi groaned when it was only her own voice that replied. “M-My car’s dead! My phone-- shit, my phone!” Thinking of it, she pulled out her phone and despaired over its depleting battery. It would have to last her, being the only source of light she had. “M-My phone is dying,” she announced to her audience of none, “c-can I just borrow a phone to call my sister? … Hello?!”

The flashlight of her phone was flipped on and used to better navigate the foyer, illuminating antique furniture and decorations whose shadows twisted tall behind them. Despite seeing more clearly, Brandi was more befuddled than before, gradually continuing towards the base of a staircase. Several steps inward, she gasped -- the light was cast behind her, searching for whatever had touched her. Something did, she knew it for certain, a long touch that crept down her spine from outside her blazer. She washed a hand over where she was supposedly stroked, remembered of that force that pushed her into the manor. She thought little of it back then, but the push had been focused on her rear, which she then comforted with a tender massage. It was all strikingly uncomfortable, intentional or not -- yet she continued into the manor, pulled towards its heart.

That chime was heard again, bringing Brandi to lift up her chin in alertness. She spun to find the source, yet there was still nothing, only the clarity that this was, in fact, some sort of giggling that was following her. The distinctly feminine tone of the voice left Brandi quivering, but she was electrified into a flinch when she felt yet another unwanted touch. It was along her shoulder, another stroke, but rather than being just a caress of her body, this touch pulled on her blazer, tugging it roughly to the side.

“Urk! Wh-What-- Hey!!” Brandi smacked at the air to defend herself, ripping herself away from whatever had her in its clutches. She tripped into the bottom stair and fell hard on her rear onto one of the next steps, but the pulling at her clothes had garnered all of her worry. Unsure if she could stand, she remained prone, and it happened again. The other shoulder, grabbed in much the same way, except its tug was far more demanding. It ripped the blazer from where it was sewn, with such quickness that it caused two buttons to pop off from her chest. “What the hell?! Wh-What--!”

Again, Brandi flailed at nothingness, the beam of her flashlight wildly projected across the foyer as she swung blindly at this unseeable presence. She was pushed by a force against her chest, the unexpected blow causing her whipping arm to release her phone from her grip. The device flung forward and slid across the floor, illuminating upwards -- and, ahead of where it stopped, the light revealed a figure. A silhouette of white, at least at first, whose sudden appearance brought a halting chill to Brandi’s panicking. Her body stiffened where it was on the stairs, left agasp at the mystical image before her.

It was a woman, youthful and spritely, a head or even more shorter than Brandi. She appeared pale, but in truth, a vague whiteness surrounded her, similar to the mist waiting outside. Platinum hair was perfectly trimmed so that her bangs arced just over her eyes, encircling an expression of serene content. Whoever this could be presented herself as politely stoic otherwise, with her hands crossed in front of her frilled sundress as she patiently stared at the tripped woman.

Brandi twitched up a step of the stairs, puzzled with what she saw and how it related to this invisible attacker. When she looked at this strange woman, the presence that had been assailing her had ceased; no tugging at her clothes, no shoving, but an eerie emptiness instead dominated the atmosphere. Brandi wondered what to say, or if this figure revealed by the light would say something worse. In a shiver, she finally spoke up, “Who are you?! T-Tell me who you are!”

The strange girl narrowed her gaze, her round cheeks warmed seemingly by the recognition from Brandi. She lowered her head in her reply, “... Holiday…”

“Holi-- Holiday?” Brandi’s worry manifested into a chuckle. Her heart was beating again, attempting to make sense of everything that transpired. She closed her legs and held her top together in a fist, little fixes to how gracelessly she was sprawled out. “H-Holiday, d-do… do you live here? I-Is this your home?”

“... Is that… your body…?” Holiday’s hand, dainty and light, ascended into a point straight at Brandi. Her grin sharpened, “Is that body… Brandi…? Eh-heh...”

Brandi’s skin crawled, and so did she up another step of the stairs. More unnerving than Holiday’s cryptic response was that haunting giggle. The sound itched at Brandi the moment Holiday was amused, knowing too well that this was the very chime that had been following her. Her breathing grew hectic, and in an outburst, she stood up with the flight’s railing for support, snarling at the short woman, “Enough! No more playing! J-J-Just-- What are you after?! Wh-Who told you my name?! Just t-tell me!”

Holiday hid her smile behind her fingers, as if disguising a rude gesture from Brandi. Even this movement of her arm was slow with an uncanny elegance. “Tonight… all I want… is to play…” Her head was raised again, blatantly displaying her callous satisfaction. “I want… to play with you… Brandi…”

“Hell no,” the real estate agent scoffed -- this prank had gone on for too long. Her grip on the railing tightened with frustration, “Look… I-I love a good joke, and a good scare-- This? This is-- How do you even do this?!” She laughed panickedly, her composure slipping. In a deep breath, much of her focus was restored, and she shakily exhaled into a conclusion. “I’m leaving. If you can’t help me, I’m--”

When Brandi tried walking forward, she was familiarly pushed down by an unseen wave. Her head rocked hard into a stairstep, enough to blur her vision as she recoiled from the knockback. She whimpered, vaguely reaching out against whatever attacked her -- but her sights cleared, revealing Holiday ahead of her, posed with a hand stretched forward. Brandi quivered with an assumption, which was then proven terribly correct; Holiday’s fingers curled inward, and so too did a grabbing feeling surround Brandi from all sides, a tightness forming around her neck, under her arms, and along her hip. She was grasped, realizing then she had been fighting off the curious fingers of this unknown person.

“St-Stop! Let go of me!” Brandi squirmed, smacking at where she envisioned the fingers to be clawing around her, but never contacting anything. Her swings at the empty air and her shouts of desperation made for a scene that entertained Holiday, who exacerbated the situation by maneuvering a finger down Brandi’s torso. The icy touch conjured a shriek from the woman, her spasms for freedom unable to dissuade the invisible force from digging into her bosom. “Y-You freak! Quit it, stop!” More buttons popped loose until the blazer was fully ripped open, unveiling the white bra underneath.

“Such… a mature body…” Holiday commented in a dreamy wonder. “It’s… soft… You’re so fun to play with, Brandi…”

Brandi growled, persistently refusing to be held down but failing to break free. It was by Holiday’s whim alone that she was finally released, permitted to run away -- just like Holiday desired. The instant she was no longer held down, Brandi scrambled up the stairs with both arms and legs, tripping twice as she hurried up to the second floor of the foyer.

The flustered agent breathed in spits, only glancing back at the bottom when she had reached the top, and discovered that the eerie aura that surrounded Holiday had expanded like a steam filling the room. Where that whiteness touched the unlit lanterns, dim fires were summoned, casting a weak illumination where the fallen phone’s flashlight could not. This fiery fanfare culminated when the haze reached a lavish chandelier, its wide collection of candles all sparking to life and bringing forth the most light into the open chamber.

When the chandelier did so, Brandi was imposed upon with another frightening image, the scale of which had her shuddering her weight into the balcony railing. The young woman remained stationed at the bottom floor, unmoving -- but above her, looming around her with a height that reached the ceiling, was another manifestation of her. This Holiday was a giant, the size of which could only be contained in the foyer while she was hunched on her knees. More than just this different scale were other changes, most notably with her haunting expression. That blade-like smile of amusement survived, but overgrown and frazzled hair curtained both eyes, which were also burdened by dark bags beneath them. Her sundress, once fresh and straight, was torn and sullied as if decades had worn through it. Yet, despite how these traits suggested a mysterious aging, Holiday herself maintained the same youthfulness as before, as though time could not totally transform her.

Brandi’s knees gave in, dropping her behind the bars of the railing. Overwhelmed by the giant vision, she fell pale and hopeless, left gawking up at the unseen eyes of the titan Holiday. Her eyes closed forcefully as she pushed her forehead against the wood, “I-It’s a d-dream… Just a dream…”

Holiday leaned in, her smile weighing more heavily overtop of Brandi. Her fingers crept over the railing as she peered over the foyer’s second level, emphasizing her immense size. “This is no dream…” she clarified peacefully. “You… belong to me… You are now… a plaything to me, Brandi…”

“What are you?! Wh-Why?!”

“Eh-heh… Your confusion… is so charming…” Holiday lowered her lean further, placing her gigantic expression only arms reach away from her captive. A shiver-inducing sigh washed over Brandi’s shambled form. “I am a spirit… The ghost of this manor… I am the essence of what haunts this place… Long ago, a young woman fell ill in this home… Her energy, and those legends of this manor… shaped me into what you see…”

Through the frizzed parts of Holiday’s bangs, her gray eyes were found staring obsessively at Brandi, still as stone. She continued, “That person’s unfulfilled wants… to live life, as the woman she had just become… It creates my hunger, my cravings… On nights like this, my influence expands far… I played with you then, as you passed my manor, like so many times before… I led you here. I brought you here. Into my trap… eh-heh-heh…”

Brandi crawled away from the edge, the explanation having made her dizzy. An impossible being was boldly claiming to be stealing her, like some sort of prize to be taken. It perplexed her nonetheless, leaving her with no words to counter the reality unfolding around her. What snapped her into motion was the movement of Holiday’s right hand, the fingers uncoiling from the railing and hovering in her direction. Brandi rolled aside, dodging the hand’s grasp and bolting down a shadowy hallway.

Tailing behind her was that haunting giggle, always at Brandi’s heels like a flood of water rushing behind her. She looked back, fearful she was being chased, but when she looked forward again, there was Holiday standing before her. No longer was she giant, but in that petite form like before, as ragged as she was moments ago. Surrounding her was a void of nothing, at least until she smiled and allowed the lanterns nearby to be magically lit. Brandi gasped as the setting of a parlor came to exist, a riddled ceiling leaking with various trickles of rainwater.

“I won’t stay! I-I won’t!” Brandi affirmed in a yell, her arms coiled tightly in front of her exposed chest. She paid no mind to the loose strands of hair that fell over her scowl. “Y-You can’t keep me here…! Someone will realize I’m gone, th-they’ll find me…!”

Holiday coyly grinned at the taller woman, deciding to perch herself calmly in the lounge chair behind her. “Where… do you believe here is…?” she pondered, dotting her lip with a delicate finger. “You… are with me now… You are in me… and I… I control everything here, eh-heh…”

Brandi grunted; it was pointless to argue. She would prove her ability to leave by doing just that, but when she turned back to the parlor’s door, it was farther away -- much farther, and going farther still. Happening then was that Brandi was shrinking, diminishing in size as the room relatively expanded all out from her. She fell over onto the tiled floor in surprise, spinning about in search of any plausible exits.

In such a pursuit, Brandi saw that behind her had suddenly appeared Holiday, seated on the sofa like she had been. It was as if Brandi herself had been dragged closer to the woman, her pitiful size putting her beneath two bare feet that playfully kicked in a little rhythm. Brandi screamed and stood up, but was pushed down in that next second. Holiday had dropped a foot over her shrunken body, wide and long enough to encompass all of the woman’s back. As Brandi struggled to lift the weight off her, Holiday giggled with increasing hilarity, tickled by how this person writhed beneath her pale-white sole.

“No! No, l-let go!” Brandi begged, squirming her way out from under the footstep. Holiday’s laughter was maddening, but in that rage was the strength to loosen herself free. Brandi dashed a step, but only that far; Holiday kicked her down again, this time rolling Brandi onto her back so that her foot could massage the woman’s front. Toes the size of Brandi’s skull wrestled around her, choking her at times while at other moments exploring the curves of her body. Brandi resisted the entire time, but only served to tucker herself out, leaving her prone to any desire Holiday had. Holiday’s toes thus mangled the blazer off of Brandi, a feat performed while the tiny woman squeaked in protest; the article was torn away, exposing Brandi’s upper body to the coldness of Holiday’s skin.

Delighted with this result, Holiday pressed her heel harder onto Brandi. A slight grinding focused the pressure between Brandi’s legs, forcing her to kick and spasm uncomfortably. In her efforts to rid the foot off of her, she reached up and hugged whatever width of it that she could, one arm slipping between two toes while the other clenched at the skin. Her wails went into the plush flesh of the foot, muffling the tiny cries that made a pleasant melody for Holiday to enjoy -- an enjoyment she escalated by gently turning a palm around her breast.

“Your fear… is… addicting…” Holiday remarked, her grin parted as to vent the emotions building up inside her. “Eh-heh… Frightened so easily… How else will you react, I wonder…?”

Without warning, Holiday’s foot was relieved from Brandi, who laid limp on the floor once the weight was off of her. The drive to run was not enough to overcome her exhaustion, but it would not have mattered, as Holiday yearned for more. She chose to hop off the sofa, her bare feet hitting the floor hard with two powerful stomps on either side of Brandi. The shrunken woman was shaken into a jump of fright, practically bounced up onto her legs. She turned her view upward, gawking at the giant overhead, her vision uncannily drawn to the bloomers exposed by Holiday’s sundress. The embarrassing position would have kept Brandi halted still, but when Holiday giggled and raised a foot directly above her, she dashed into a sprint -- just in time to avoid the footfall.

Brandi screamed in bursts as she ran forward, chased after by a series of footsteps. Her frantic hurriedness was juxtaposed by Holiday’s carefree waltz, her arms stretched far to either side as she exaggeratedly balanced every subsequent pace. Her missing was intentional, always falling short of crushing Brandi and allowing her to scurry ahead with her life. Compounding Brandi’s distress was that she understood herself to still be shrinking, evident by the amplifying magnitude of Holiday’s footsteps, and the ever-growing distance between her and that parlor entrance.

But this fun had its limits, and Holiday had more in mind than playing cat and mouse. Brandi had diminished to the size of a penny when she was tripped by the last explosive footfall. She turned to study the meteoric-like foot, comprehending its unbelievable size while the toes curled excitedly in front of her. Like before, Holiday raised a foot high over the fallen woman, but on this occasion, she waved farewell, just before her sole plummeted without hesitation.

Brandi bundled her body into itself, too choked to scream. She imagined her own death, blanketed by an icy coat that felt like a grave. But she was alive like she had been, opening her eyes to a different scene. She was no longer beneath Holiday’s foot, but instead enwrapped by her hand. A pair of giant lips greeted her first, pulled close as to exhale over her body. Frantically, Brandi searched for an understanding, but all she could uncover was that she was somehow back in the foyer, faced with a gigantic Holiday that sat with her knees up to her chest.

“Eh-heh-heh… Nowhere… to go…” Holiday teased, massaging the broadside of her thumb against the tiny woman’s head. Finding her captive irresistible, her mouth gracelessly stayed open, expunging drool from one corner. Brandi’s heart raced like an animal, a rapid pulse that Holiday was sensitive enough to feel through her digits.

“H-Holiday, please…! I-I can barely breathe, pl-please…” Brandi gave her final effort at reasoning with the ghost, a last attempt that was answered with a half-body lick. Holiday’s tongue stretched from its cavernous mouth and traveled up Brandi’s body, pulling up on her breasts and tangling her hair in one saliva-spreading stroke. Brandi was stunned into silence as it occurred, but once the stickiness of the tongue released her, she immediately screeched in disgust. Two fists thwacked the meaty fingers of the fist that held her, but all this earned her was another tasting, her anger drowned in a bubble of spit.

“Keep struggling… Keep struggling like this…!” Holiday encouraged in a fit of giggles. “Eh-heh! It’s so cute… so cute to feel you squirming…! Ahhn…” Holiday winced, overcome with her desires. Behind her drooping bangs was a flicker of life in the grayness of her eyes, a tickle felt in her being that immortals such as herself rarely experienced. Manifesting intensely from the spirit was the energy for arousal, a power that developed keenly with all of Brandi’s torment.

Unable to restrain herself any longer, Holiday plunged her and her captive into the depths of her desires. Brandi squealed as she was suddenly propelled into the ghost’s bosom, her hands clawing desperately at the fabric of the sundress. Proportionally, her own chest would be notably larger than Holiday’s, but with the ghost having taken such a huge form, it was an impossible comparison, with one breast alone a big enough globe to conquer all that Brandi was. The cleavage made proof of this by swallowing her whole, the low-running neck stretched further as to allow the rioting woman within. All of Brandi’s flailing made for a perfectly fun feeling of resistance, tripping Holiday into a bout of laughter that rumbled the manor’s walls.

Unexpectedly, Holiday shifted her posture, and so Brandi was tossed into a new position to be tortured. Flung upside down, the woman just barely understood that she was being forced against Holiday’s crotch. She spasmed outside the bloomers, the cloth doing little to hide the distinct wetness and shape of the ghost’s cunt. Brandi’s head was shoved into the crevice, propped in a way that her struggle to breathe would have to pass against her clit -- Brandi was unaware that every attempt to inhale anything but the scent of the huge crotch was directly feeding Holiday’s pleasure, and so she continued with desperation, leading the ghost into a howl-like moan.

“Brandi…! What an amazing toy… y-you’ve proven to be…! Uuhng!” A clench of Holiday’s thighs cruelly compacted the woman between them, pressing her harder into the bloomers. Even Brandi in her fluster for freedom had accepted that her strife served Holiday more than it did herself, for every grasp and pull at the fatty skin surrounding her was too weak to rescue her from such treatment. Her only refuge was ironically Holiday’s mood; after entertaining her crotch enough, Holiday traded Brandi again to be strangled against her tits, while her free hand continued from where her toy once had been.

Holiday’s masturbation with Brandi went forward without interruption. Brandi’s screams turned more scarce as time went on, her throat too dry in this struggle to keep despairing like she had. Her body was roped in all means and ways, forced to explore Holiday’s body in whatever direction the ghost decided. She was licked and kissed, poked and prodded; in the chaotic scene, Brandi’s skirt was stripped away, and her panties only clung to her knees. Undressed like a doll, she was further humiliated when placed onto the floor, held down by Holiday’s hand until the phantom’s ass was hanging overhead. Refusal erupted from Brandi, but her voice could not stop the butt from rushing down on top of her, its deceptive softness muffling the woman’s entire existence. The real estate agent was literally unable to move beneath a weight so heavy, yet even this paralysis fed into Holiday’s arousal, spurring her into a shaky climax that rumbled all through the manor’s foundation. As Holiday roared with pleasure, her rear grinded up and down Brandi’s still body, impressioning the real estate agent like a pillow cushion needing to be fluffed.

That ghostly exhale of an orgasm rang through the foyer like a wind, and Holiday’s infamous giggles were like bells ringing in that very breeze. That eerie and unusual ambience was what greeted Brandi in her prone state, her half-nude body left abandoned in a chamber of darkness. The weight had been lifted off of her, and she opened her weary eyes to see nothing -- nothing, just like she had at the beginning. Nothing, no one, but the evidence of Holiday having toyed with her existed nonetheless. She was coated in saliva, a moisture that was as real as her full-body fatigue.

But in the darkness all around her, there truly was no presence. The flame of the candles and the chandelier had all dispersed, and the antique furniture was all the size it was meant to be. Doubtfully, Brandi craned up, covered in aches but enduring them as to find resolve. Her breathing was strained, but she managed to call out, “H-Holiday…?! Wh-Where… Where did you…?”

There was no answer, not even a giggle. Seemingly, even the weather outside had calmed into silence, no longer drumming against the roof. Brandi was alone in the manor, and she cherished it. She had survived, regardless if she understood what she had survived.

Brandi crept to the front doors, the cold compelling her to hug her exposed body as her bare feet trekked across the bottom floor. She was in disarray, with only enough energy to walk, but she would escape using whatever it took. Her weight fell into the doors as to shove them open, and the outside greeted her -- with a satisfied smile that scarred the sky.

Eh-heh-heh… heh-heh…

Brandi was awestruck, her frail form shivering where it stood at the patio. The manor’s yard stretched outward to the stonework gate, and ended there. From that point, it was a wall of pale skin, a split between two globes of flesh -- humongous breasts, casually overlapping the top of the gate. Appropriately, the incredible chest led up to a proportionally giant expression, hanging above the property at a size that redefined Brandi’s own sense of significance. Holiday hovered above her-- above the entirety of the manor, which she laid out in front of as though it were--

A dollhouse…” Holiday giggled. “And you… are the doll… Welcome to your new home, Brandi…!

Brandi’s gaze scoped out this absurd reality in stunned silence. This was not the world she knew, but a plane of some other existence. Darkness spiralled in the sky, threads of ectoplasmic life energy weaved like celestial objects, and cryptic towers levitated above the land without logic. It was a dream realm, where monsters ran rampant, some appearing in glimpses far behind the gigantic ghost. No longer was Brandi home on earth, but instead was she in the dimension of monsters, a specific corner in which Holiday reigned like a god to her.

I’m so happy to have caught you…” Brandi said, her voice rumbling like a low thunder. “After midnight… at the end of Halloween… where else would a mortal go? Eh-heh… How rare for a human to end up here… unable to ever return… You must be frightened, eh-heh-heh… so delightfully frightened…~ For years and years, we get to play together, Brandi…! I want to play again right now…!



You write these types of characters so well! Well, Brandi's boned. This is a good Public Service Announcement - remember to charge your phones, everyone.