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The world of humans, and the world of monsters. Separate dimensions, but close enough to influence the other. Monsters know of humans and their order and culture, but humans know only legends of the other, tales that gave only glimpses as to what monsters were truly like. They were meant to be apart, but when humans most believed those chilling stories, it was possible for doorways to open, miraculously and spontaneously. When monsters seeped into the human world, and when humans went missing in the shadows, it could only mean that it was Halloween.

Grroooghhhaaaa!!” A dry, deathly drone.

“Aiieyy!!” A sharp scream, short-- “Damn it, Devin! Stop, bro!”

The zombie laughed, despite being pushed square in the gut by the vampire. He held his oversized plastic head as he chortled, a mask of green skin, sunken eyes, and a bandaged brow. When his laughing could not cease, the vampire pushed him again with an audible grunt. “Chill, Cammy! It’s just some holiday cheer!” Devin said, guarding his stomach from another blow.

“You’re not even being scary!” Cammy argued, returning to her walk forward in a huff. “Just jumping up at people isn’t scary, Halloween or not.”

“Hah, and you’re the expert on scary, right?” Devin teased, following close behind her. He jokingly pulled up on Cammy’s long black cape, only to have it ripped from his grasp when she tugged it away. “Cool costume, but you’re not very spooky as a butler.”

“I’m dressed as Dracula,” Cammy specified, stretching out her arms to show off her late-1800s attire and her slicked black hair. “The old school vampire. And, pfft, what? Am I supposed to be frightened by you?” She pointed over Devin’s costume, or lack thereof; besides the mask, all that he wore was normal, from his university t-shirt to his blue jeans. “I’m more frightened of your girlfriend. For different reasons.”

“Wow! What’s wrong with my costume?!” Another woman’s voice jumped into the conversation, a few trees back the way the two had come. Sneaking out from behind the oak was a blonde woman donning a simple headpiece of cat ears and with black streaks for whiskers on each cheek. “I’m just a black cat-- what did I do wrong?”

“A tailless black cat,” Cammy said, turning to continue the way she was headed. “And the whiskers? Don’t even get me started, Felicia.”

Devin lifted his mask above his face, enough so that he could see his girlfriend clearly. “Felicia, you coming too? Or were you just trying to scare me?”

“Uhh, heh. Maybe both?” Felicia joined Devin’s side, playfully hitting his hips with her own. After a passing kiss, Felicia giggled and pulled the mask back over his face. “I still think you’re scary, babe!”

Cammy rolled her eyes while she was a distance ahead of the couple. “Okay, if you’re coming, then come.” She waved at them impatiently, still going deeper into the woods. “I was trying to get away from the noise, so maybe tone it down a little?”

Not wanting to be separated from their ride home, Felicia and Devin jogged up to where Cammy led them through the night. They were friends from the same dorm that had gone together to a Halloween party being held out in the woods. It was an out-of-the-way location where college kids could celebrate as hard as they liked, but the rowdiness of such a party had been severely underestimated. Where Cammy had hoped she would have a chance to show off her love for classical vampires via her intricate Dracula costume, she instead arrived at the usual frat boy festivities, an environment not close to her liking. Rather than dawdle at a party she had no interest in, she chose to branch out on her own, off towards the river she knew was at the other end of the woods.

Ssss-pop. A bottle was opened, its cap heard dropping onto fallen leaves at their feet. Cammy glanced behind herself, catching Devin with his mask lifted again, a beer bottle snuck in from under the zombie neck “Dev, haven’t you drank enough? You really needed to cop some?”

“It’s just the one, Mom,” Devin chuckled. Ssss-pop. Behind him, Felicia had dug in his backpack and retrieved her own beer. Devin looked back to Cammy, “One for each of us, I mean.”

Cammy shrugged, continuing her march forward diligently. She had traveled through the woods before and knew her location well. They were not far from the river bank as they had just reached the old junkyard, a jagged lot of land that had been an uncontrolled dump-spot for old cars, appliances, and stray garbage. Ironically, it was refreshing to have made it that far, free from the looming canopy of barren branches with a clear view of the moon overhead.

“Are we in a dump?” Felicia bubbled, having never been that far into the woods before. She tugged on Devin’s sleeve, “Devin, why did Cammy take us to a dump…?”

Cammy snickered, “I thought your costume would fit right in.”

“Wow! That was so mean!” Felicia giggled. “You’re just jealous that your costume isn’t sexy…”

“Sexy vampires are so overdone,” Cammy said. “But I guess less so than sexy cat girls.”

“So! Mean!”

“Hey, she’s just playin’,” Devin interrupted, wrapping an arm over his girlfriend’s shoulders. “You’re a sexy as hell cat girl, babe. Wanna take a photo?”

“Oooh, sure! This would be a good spot for a spooky pic…” Considering the aesthetics of the junkyard, Felicia stepped forward in search of an adequate location for a photo. Past the rusted-over trucks and beyond a pile of broken wood planks was a steep hill, the ledge of which stretched wide through the field. “Up there! Oh my god, with the moon in the background! That’s going to look so~ amazing!”

Before Devin even had sights on this ledge, Felicia was bounding ahead, drunkenly skipping over discarded bumpers and other mounds of debris. Devin followed after her, more staggered by the obstacles than her. None of this went without Cammy’s disapproval, but she was powerless to corral the tipsy couple -- rather than argue, she would let them be on their own, regardless if they kept up with her.

At the peak of the hill, however, Felicia’s trail of giggles ended. She was stunned, a pace backwards nearly causing her to fall down the hill. Ahead of where she stood half-ready to pose for a picture, she looked down at something on the other side.

Partway up, Devin realized that Felicia’s energy had disappeared. “Hey? What’s going?” he asked, still chuckling between breaths. He joined her side and asked again, “Babe? What’s up?”

Felicia stuttered, but her answer was just a point downwards. Devin wrestled with his mask until he could trace the finger’s direction, down into a pit that the hillside had hidden. He gasped immediately as the shape of what was so startling was eerily recognizable. Though mostly veiled as a silhouette, what he and Felicia saw was unmistakable: a woman laying on her back, garbed in a dark and tattered robe, and scaled to an outstanding size. Easily a hundred feet tall by either’s estimate, it was a true giant of a person, unmoving and undisturbed.

“Is this… i-is this for real?” Felicia asked, choking on a nervous laugh. “D-Did someone make this…?”

“Yoo~” Devin trekked forward a pace, wary to not slip down the loose dirt. “I think it might be a real… person.”

Felicia tilted her head and clutched her beer with both hands. “... Should we wake her up?”

“Uhh,” Devin exhaled, “I dunno…”

Still at the bottom of the hill, Cammy sat against a bent fence post, her arms crossed impatiently. She checked the time off her phone and groaned, “Guys… Are you done up there?” She looked up, noticing Felicia and Devin lingering at the ledge without movement -- until she saw Felicia dip out of sight. Cammy scoffed, “Just take the picture and let’s go!”

Despite the call to return, Devin followed after Felicia, both clumsily sliding down the slope towards their discovery. Felicia was alive with newfound amusement, moving more quickly than Devin and his skepticism, but both were nonetheless curious of the mysterious giant. They were amazed by every huge detail, but whereas Felicia had the pep to climb up an arm at the side of the giant, Devin was halted with questions, deciding first to touch the especially pale stretch of skin.

“Damn, she’s cold!” Devin exclaimed, pulling his hand back in fright. “Fuck, Felicia… I think she’s dead.”

“Oh my god, you might be right…” Felicia said, seemingly unbothered by this conclusion, since she still scaled the giant’s side up to her ribs. “I don’t even feel a heartbeat…Yeah,” Felicia giggled, hands on her hips, “this has to be fake!”

“Fake? Man… I dunno--”

“Come up here, come on!” Felicia begged, holding a hand out low to urge Devin upwards. “Come check this out with me, baby!”

Not one to spoil anyone’s fun, Devin tagged along, slowly melting through his hesitations as he climbed up the giant’s gothic dress. Though mostly convinced that this was some sort of abandoned prop or machine, they were surprised with how soft the surface of such a thing was, the stomach in particular sinking their footsteps like real flesh would. Once past that uncanny sensation, however, Felicia felt drawn towards another part of the still giant’s body.

“Look. At her. Boobs.” Felicia pointed at the bosom, each breast rounding taller than they could stand. Devin chuckled, but the drunker Felicia was bent over her knees with laughter, “Look! They’re fucking huge!”

“Hah, y-yeah,” Devin bashfully agreed. The rack was certainly captivating with how it was displayed; a steeply low collar gave way to the bare skin of her breasts, nearly as exposed as her naked shoulders. A corset was worn underneath, the frilled edges of which were just barely peeking out from the dress that ended in tears at the thighs, where intricate leggings then covered the rest of the slender legs.

While Devin surveyed this grand body in a trance, Felicia threw herself into her own fun. She hollered excitedly, earning back Devin’s attention. With a whipping turn, he caught his girlfriend leaping into the breasts, still enraptured by their existence. He reached a distant hand out to stop her, but she was enthralled with how her body was lodged in the bouncy cleavage, spewing over with laughter as the flesh gave in to her weight.

“Felicia, seriously!” Devin hissed, a wobbled step forward making him trip to a knee -- his foot had been unexpectedly snagged by the belly button. As a result, he dropped his beer, which rolled down the giant’s side in a spilling tumble. “Felicia, a-are you sure…?”

“This is so much fun!” Felicia rang, clambering up the hills of skin so that she could stand atop both on her knees. She turned back towards Devin and lifted her arms up in a weakly-balanced cheer. “Whoa, whoa… Ahahah! Devin, take the picture, take the picture!”

Baffling as it were to see someone -- let alone his partner -- posing like a cheerleader between a pair of giant breasts, Devin still cooperated, fumbling his phone into its camera mode so he could snap the desired shots. He still wished Felicia would come down, but if nothing else, he wanted decent evidence that this happened. Beneath his mask, he formed a dumb grin, thinking of how everyone at the party would react to something so otherworldly -- and enticing.

After having checked her phone for the seventh time as a distraction, Cammy’s patience had run up. She kicked the fence post with the back of her heel as she stepped towards the hill Devin and Felicia had vanished behind. “What is going on?” she called out, navigating around the remains of a totaled tractor. “Devin! Felicia! What’s even back there-- hoh?”

Cammy stopped when she heard a rumble from further ahead, the sound of dirt being shoved aside like something big was being unburied. She then assumed it was another antic from the couple, but as a second quake shivered the soil, it was followed by two gasped screams. The call Cammy was about to make was stuck in her throat, but without any other delay, she hurried past the littered obstacles and began clambering up the slope.

Before fully crossing over the ledge, Cammy was astonished with what was coming into view, nearly scared enough to fall back the way she climbed. It made no sense to her, but the image was unquestionably that of a woman rising out of a pit, her astounding size stunning Cammy into silence. The giant woman had lifted her upper body a notch up from the ground, yet her risen height still stretched taller than the hills around her. Cammy was overwhelmed, barely able to note the deathly color of her skin, the crimson hair that poured over her shoulders, and the matching eyes whose ruby color was transfixed at a person sprawled over her bosom -- “Felicia!” Cammy gasped.

The cat-costumed girl clawed at the fabric of the giant’s dress as it craned upward, pulling and grabbing at the plush skin to keep herself from tumbling down. She made stuttered calls for help, but even in this panic, she bubbled with drunken giggles spurred by the thrill of movement. However, when her eyes met with those of the massive face bearing overhead, all humor ceased, and Felicia fell quiet under the spell cast by this creature’s fang-tipped smirk.

“... Mortals?” the giant muttered, her whisper unignorable by those witnessing her. Her eyes flicked to Devin, who had scrambled backwards to her lap when she first felt her shifting. More alerting to her was Felicia gripping her chest, the relatively doll-sized woman earning more of her attention. She carried a heavy hand to where Felicia kicked, held just shy under her. “Peculiar… I must have awakened in the human realm…”

“H-Human… realm…?” Felicia swallowed on what she repeated, her focus split between how this titan could talk and how her hand was offered to her. A flush of awkwardness encouraged her to drop both feet onto the flattened palm, like stepping onto an elevator of skin. “A-Are you… real? L-Like, are you alive--? Wh-What are you…?!”

The giant snickered with a light and graceful expression. “So blissfully unknowing,” she quietly commented before lifting her chin proudly. “I am a countess of the night; a vampire, you might say. Ellia.”

The giggled reply came with a gravity that put Felicia onto her knees, prepared for the hand to move slightly higher. Cast into shivers, Felicia nervously chuckled along with Ellia, struggling to understand what was explained. “A v-vampire…? Like… Cammy…?” she wondered through her dizziness. “L-Like, the bloodsucking kind…?”

Ellia narrowed her gaze, her grin sparked sharper from the tickle that was Felicia’s innocence. “In some cases, yes,” she answered. “But… with mortals as little as you… there’s little need to drink.

Too quickly for Felicia’s slowed reflexes did the hand under her coil into a tight fist. She coughed and spasmed into a terrified shriek, unable to loosen her arms out of Ellia’s grasp. Even in her drunken state, she could read clearly into her fate, made evident by the vampire licking her lips clean and revealing the dangerous set of teeth behind them. The deepness of the throat called to her; she was going to be eaten.

As fast as she had been restrained, the costumed woman was pushed into Ellia’s mouth. Felicia screamed into the tongue as it greeted her with haste, coating her in saliva even before the lips closed behind her. She kicked and punched blindly in the darkness, but always failed to surmount the tongue for long. “Devin! Devin!” she yelled, never having readied herself for such a bleak future -- what more could she beg for than her boyfriend’s help?

But Devin found himself powerless in this terrible situation. He yelled back at Felicia, hoping this would be revealed as some kind of prank, but he knew his partner’s cries to be frighteningly sincere. Yet, he could offer nothing to help her, all too aware that he had no control over a towering vampire -- a monster he still found incomprehensible. Rather than fight a losing battle, he thought to find help elsewhere, wherever that might be, but his escape backwards was foiled when Ellia lifted her knees to create a wall for him to stumble into.

“Hmhmhm~” Ellia hummed delightfully, pleased by both the taste in her mouth and the anxiety on her lap. Her eyes were locked on Devin’s quaking stance, unmoving as she dragged Felicia out from between her lips, her lithe fingers pinched around her ankles. The cat-dressed woman was dangled out of the mouth, persistently screaming, and with a strand of spit connecting her to her captor. “What did you two hope to accomplish?” Ellia gently asked, overflowing with an unbreakable confidence. “Were you hoping to serve me as slaves? Or were you intending to be my meal from the beginning?” While Felicia swayed and shouted upside-down, Ellia licked her from top to bottom, greedy for that flavor.

Devin then collapsed, his backpack slipping off his shoulders as he bowed beggingly before the vampire. He tore off his mask and flung it aside, “Please stop! Please stop! I-I-- Me, take me instead…!”

“Hoh… How cute…” Ellia humored, twisting her morsel between her pinch of fingers. As if mulling over the thought, she delayed her answer, deciding to reveal her choice by extending her tongue over Felicia in a wet curl. She giggled, “You should not worry, monsieur. You will be joining your mademoiselle in due time.”

Felicia hopelessly reached for her boyfriend as she was carried closer to the mouth, shaking her head stubbornly in refusal. All the same was she taken again by the tongue and sealed in the mouth, her pleas overridden by another hum of enjoyment. Devin was astonished, his head heavy with horrors while still wishing for a way to save his girlfriend -- when he hesitated to flee, Ellia’s other hand took after him, sweeping him into his own shackles of fingers.

Devin was then forced to watch Ellia’s cheeks stretch from the brawl happening inside her mouth. He could see where Felicia struggled and pushed against the walls of her mouth; she was toyed with, her resistance rewarded with mocking giggles that drowned her continued crying. Devin could only shake his head as it happened, but Ellia wished for him to be more involved. She forced him against her throat without warning, tipping her head backwards so that the woman on her tongue was urged into her throat. Felicia sunk to where she was guided, savagely clawing at the pink flesh to no avail; it was a torturously slow swallow, prolonged for Devin’s experience. He could hear her, succumbing upside-down to the throat; he wept as he felt her movement on the other side, his body practically pressed against hers, but only for that dim moment as she passed downwards into the stomach.

The very stomach he had been standing upon, and the very stomach he was promised to end up in. His stamina was depleted by Ellia’s exhale, herself energized by the fresh consumption of mortal blood. With Devin still pushed against her throat, she giggled into a statement, “Quite delicious… and, is that alcohol I taste? Mmm~ What a delectable treat to awaken to…” As she spoke with her seductive tone, Ellia dragged Devin’s body in a line down her middle, tracing the direction Felicia had fallen -- between her breasts, and arriving at her belly. Devin shook his head in denial, but he knew what he heard bawling from within, the sound of his beloved wailing within the groaning of a giant stomach.

This playfulness from Ellia was brief, as her hunger for blood was perpetual. She lifted Devin into her sigh, washing him with a breath that forewarned the unveiling of her tongue outside her mouth. Chilled air rose around Devin, from his wheeling feet up to his frazzled mop of hair. He was maneuvered into a delicate pinch on either side, brought to a hover above the awaiting tongue. The pink-colored serpent was fat, wet, heartless -- and as he then discovered, unnervingly cold. It wrapped around his legs first, subduing them and then snaking up the rest of his writhing body. Screams for help did nothing to slow his devouring; in a simple tug, the tongue received him into Ellia’s mouth, where he would endure a saliva-soaked pummeling as the vampire toyed with her meal.

Just before swallowing, Ellia’s eyes befell the last of the trio, catching a glimpse of the remaining woman. When their eyes met for just a flash, Cammy instantly spurred to the defensive. She flipped around in a rush and stumbled down the sloped terrain, panicked by the nightmare she had just witnessed. Both of her friends, in just a matter of minutes, had been eaten, and surely she was next if she did not run away.

This is so not happening, Cammy told herself. This is wrong-- all wrong, i-it has to be a trick! This can’t actually-- “Ergh! No!!” Cammy was thrown backwards, tripped onto her butt just after sprinting off from the hill’s base. She jumped to stand up, but was tripped again -- the cape of her Dracula costume had caught onto a broken pipe, painfully pulling her back by the neck with every attempt made to rush onward. She frantically tugged at the cape, more than willing to ruin her vampire attire, but the true vampire between them had risen to her full height, like a full moon claiming the night sky.

A legging-clad foot thundered as it leaped over the hillside and crashed down where an abandoned car was surrounded by overgrown grass. The machine was utterly gone, a sight that paralyzed Cammy for an entire second. The vampire stood over her completely, a foot flanking her on either side; directly above was Ellia’s skirt, rippling in the wind with occasional showings of her gothic underwear. As if the situation were not humiliating enough to be caught between a woman’s feet like she were some toy on the ground, the giant looming over her had to be a vampire, realized in an image Cammy had famously disagreed with -- sexy, sultry, and misplaced from her proper period, Ellia was the antithesis to the cold and classic design of vampires that Cammy favored.

A bout of anger allowed Cammy to tear the cape off the pipe, but the moment she was in a run, she was blindsided by a net-like hand. She twisted madly in Ellia’s possession, squirming for an escape that was simply disallowed by her captor. The world spun around her sickeningly as she was brought up to the vampire’s satisfied expression, teasingly held in the air by the back of her costume. Cammy did not beg nor cry, only able to heave in hectic breaths as she studied the welcoming lips and their foreboding fangs.

Cammy was brought nearer to the face, a motion that made her squeak and cower behind her arms. Rather than be plopped into the mouth, she was instead sniffed -- a gust pulled at her from below, her essence inhaled by the huge nostrils above her. She yelped as it happened, having reached a point where she was wishing to be eaten as swiftly as possible and for the experience to all be over.

When she was sniffed a second time, it undid part of Cammy’s black wig, making it a mess atop her head. It was the least of her concerns, but it had her wonder why she had yet to be eaten. As much as she could, she leaned away from the mouth that had taken her two friends, though it was Ellia’s ruby eyes that she was centered in front of. The blinking orbs studied her, but all the same did Cammy kick and whine, a token to Ellia’s entertainment.

“You do not smell like your companions,” Ellia noted, her smile edged with interest. “Mm, no… You must not have been drinking…”

Cammy was hyperventilating, a symptom made no better by the strangling of her own costume around her body. The piercing red eyes aimed at her compelled her to speak up, “N-N-No! I-I didn’t drink!”

Ellia’s eyes closed. “Ah. How disappointing,” she said. “The warmth of alcohol… I can only enjoy that feeling from the blood of others. A pity; I’ve longed for that spiraling freedom, but two morsels will never do. C’est la vi.”

Any answer of Cammy’s would have resulted in the same fate; Ellia, regardless of how drunk her victim may or may not be, would still eat her like any other mortal. She raised the vampire-dressed woman above her open mouth, dangling her above that pit of a throat. Cammy rioted, desperately grabbing up at the vampire’s chilling fingers in an effort to escape. Try as she might, there was no stopping herself from being lowered into the gluttonous cavern.

Then, in a fluster for any other consequence, Cammy yelled to Ellia, “There’s more drunks! I-I can get you more drunks!

In a flinch, her descent ceased. Nevertheless, Cammy kept her eyes closed shut, unaware of the mercy being granted until she no longer felt the hollow breaths washing up over her legs. When she next looked forward, she had returned to facing Ellia’s cold gaze. She quivered in the way she was still held, but the fingers gradually crept around her body, forming a grasp around her that was more forgiving.

Ellia hummed, “A devilish proposal, hmh~ That rush in your bloodstream… I can tell that you speak the truth. To spare yourself, you’ll truly sacrifice others. Hmhmm~ the drama of mortals…”

Cammy winced, punched by the guilt of what she was agreeing to. She thought to stop herself then, before anyone else could get hurt -- but poisoning her conscience were memories of Devin and Felicia, the horrid scenes of them being swallowed one after the other. She remembered the fear that overcame her moments before, when just the threat of Ellia’s vampiric tongue had her ill with disgust and hopelessness.

“Y-Yes,” Cammy stammered, her voice frail with regret. Tears dotted each eye, dropping into a stream, “Pl-Please, d-don’t eat me…! I-I’ll take you t-to where they all are… I promise! Please, I-I--”

“Hmh, shh~ I have no doubt you will serve me well, little mortal,” Ellia sang, a lullaby tone meant to wane the despair riddling Cammy. It was a sudden shift in personality and intent, the monstrous appetite seemingly satiated and replaced with a calming, maternal vibe. “Dressed as you all were, I can only imagine there must be a festival of sorts nearby. As per our agreement, you may guide me to where these drunks are located.”

Cammy had been saved, but she did not feel victorious in the slightest. Lifeless and disturbed, she was shocked back to life when Ellia’s hand carried her to the collar of her dress. Without discussion, Cammy was placed into the cleavage, left to hug a pinch of the plush flesh as Ellia immediately began moving forward into the woods. Without a beating heart, the only rhythm Cammy could follow was that of the vampire’s tremendous footfalls as they tore through the leafless branches, an inevitable countdown to when Ellia would cast her gluttonous terror onto a cast of unsuspecting party-goers.



Ellia’s not so high maintenance if she liked the taste of cheap frat party booze. There's some layers to this vampire, she's not just hoity-toity. I hope she gets her fill before returning back to her realm. But her knickers weren’t Cammy’s ideal, what a shame. I'd probably do what Felicia did too though. However I'd put more effort into my "Darkstalkers" costume.