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Five is my favorite roman numeral because it's specifically very hard to fuck up. Eat shit, four.

Here it is! I've put you guys through a good two months of waiting, but it's here~ The next installment to Discovery's exciting saga! And wow does it get exciting this addition. All the build up and tension finally reaches a volcanic head... I really hope all the reading up until now has been worth it! I know it's a bit of a feature that Discovery's interactions are usually light and distant, but this chapter (chapter? it's a novella at this point...) really gets to business and unloads all that hype.

Obviously... this chunker is fucking long. It took me awhile to get all this done, as you might imagine~ As usual with this type of project, work began immediately after the previous installment went up. I already had clear ideas of what to have happen, if anything this was the most planned addition of Discovery. The hurdles I ran into this time were less about the structure, and more about the events themselves. The ongoing tightrope act had been a balance between the sexy size stuff and the non-sexy size stuff, but this addition really stressed that challenge. The core of this addition, of course, is the sexy climax -- Sierra and Duval finally have space to themselves, able to speak and act their emotions. Yet, there was still that showcase... that needed to happen...

I had admittedly higher hopes for the showcase. In my very original skeleton of events, I actually intended on the showcase to be an entire chapter, all to itself basically. I'd have Ericka show off and explain every floor, have more interactions between backstage crew and audience investors, and generally fill it with more content. There was going to be a drama regarding Chase and some others... but as you've read, the showcase isn't that extensive of a scene. It wraps up pretty quick and without a lot of detail~ Why is that, Cursey~

Yeah, I had to cut out a lot, haha. It was getting way too lengthy and way too distracted. I ended up coming to the conclusion that almost none of this feeds into the core of the story, of Sierra and Duval's relationship. It could have made for some sillier interactions to pad things out, but I already had so much planned ahead for the sex scene itself. I kept trying to envision the whole, and it just wasn't a pretty look. The showcase just comes off as a distraction, and frankly, I don't think too many people click into Discovery hoping to see more seat belts and procedures. In a way, I'd say that breaking free from the showcase's significance helped me understand Duval and Sierra better, acknowledging the event itself as obtrusive to what's really wanted.

My rework of the showcase put more focus on Sierra's mentality and how sickened she is by some of her choices. I tapped into a feeling that I think most size enthusiasts wrestle with, which is the uncomfortable realities of being a shrunken person in a normal world. It sounds wonderful and dreamy when you're obsessed with it like us, but the real world wouldn't be a friendly place for tiny people~ It'd be awkward and full of moments that you definitely never fantasized about. I took that feeling and used it to blur the showcase and hurry through it, focusing on what matters in these scenes so it can support the more interesting parts after it.

And the sex! Lots of it here, eh. I think this makes up for how teasing and close the previous interactions have been leading up to this, ahaha~ Very steamy! I think so, anyway. I was talking to my girlfriend about this, but I usually don't read my own writing about sex as very... sexy. Especially in size situations, I end up latching onto the more grotesque or subdued details, and just describe things as straightforwardly as I would for, like, a fight scene or something haha. At least with Sierra and Duval, there's so much emotion to expand upon and bring to light, I never felt too bored writing or reading this installment because there was always something developing. Every interaction and position fills some kind of narrative purpose beyond just, "this sexy thing happens, and then this sexy thing happens."

I tried to avoid just making Duval stupid-drunk and more like... tactically-drunk. If that makes sense. I worried about the implication here, that Duval only admits feelings for Sierra when drunk, and I worried how that might compromise the narrative integrity about their relationship. Duval sincerely loves Sierra, so I didn't want that to get lost in the alcohol. Having her be drunk on purpose, because she knows she'd be able to get away with saying or doing whatever, brought a different atmosphere to the story, I think. And it makes for an intriguing thread for Sierra to hang on; does she worry Duval was just drunk and not genuine, or does she just buy into the fantasy she got to live without questioning it? Hmm... Things to consider as part six gets written!

Which, to that, I will happily say that there is, of course, a part six being written. Story isn't over yet! To be honest, I don't know how many parts Discovery will have by its end. I don't think there's ultimately that much left for me to cover with these two while still having an entertaining and fulfilling arc. If you put a gun up to me and told me to make a prediction, I'd honestly say that there's maybe just two installments left... I do have some bigger plot points to cover though, so that's a low ball estimate for sure. Ha, if Discovery does come to an end though and people want more, I'd be open to exploring alternative stories involving the characters~ I love Sierra and Duval a lot!

That's about it for these upload notes I think! Are these fun for you guys? These are also long and tedious like my writing... I don't get it... But I hope you guys enjoyed the progress in this installment! It might be one of my favorites yet, but please tell me your thoughts in the comments~ I know this is a little early for an upload this week, but I couldn't make you guys wait any longer. This installment will go public in about a week, so make the most of the exclusivity and brag about it to strangers! You guys have given me so much support, I know I say thanks a lot, but it really does mean so much to me that it's hard to even wrap my head around~ Thanks again! Look forward to more stories coming soon!


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